Who plans to watch the Liar in Chief tonight?

The centerpiece of Trumps ascendancy to the Presidency was securing our southern border. And his re-election depends on this.
He is not a dolt as his initial attitude towards becoming President was one of not worrying about being elected as he had a great life before becoming President, but truly loves our Country and wanted to do the right things for it. In two years his accomplishments have surpassed this.
Tonight is for major marbles and he will rise to the occasion.
he's going to do just exactly what everyone knows he is going to do: he is going to abuse his presidential power.
Bwaaaaahhhhaaaaaa. Like having the FBI spy on US citizens? IRS targeting conservative groups? Killing 10,000 Mexicans? Leaving 4 US citizens to die while jetting off to Las Vegas? Obama did all these and not one peep out of you assholes, so go fuck yourselves if he declares the border as a crisis and employs the military to do what they do best, to build a wall and defend this country.
No, not like any of that at all. And none of that is abuse of power, and you are a delusional Trump cultist.
So you wouldn't give a shit if President Trump had the IRS attack CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC and prevent them from being open because of their liberal leanings? Oh you are such a liar it is totally obvious.
What , crybaby? Go whine about that shit in another thread. Here's a Kleenex and a binky.
Oh, you poor little petulant girl. Not getting away with your Rules for Radicals? Too fucking bad, dickhead, nobody here likes you, so take your commie leftist attitude and shove it up your ass...I hope the wall gets built you fucktards go down there to try to tear it down, and I am there to shoot you traitors.
Nancy Pelosi has a reasonable plan. What do you think?

he's going to do just exactly what everyone knows he is going to do: he is going to abuse his presidential power.
Bwaaaaahhhhaaaaaa. Like having the FBI spy on US citizens? IRS targeting conservative groups? Killing 10,000 Mexicans? Leaving 4 US citizens to die while jetting off to Las Vegas? Obama did all these and not one peep out of you assholes, so go fuck yourselves if he declares the border as a crisis and employs the military to do what they do best, to build a wall and defend this country.
No, not like any of that at all. And none of that is abuse of power, and you are a delusional Trump cultist.
So you wouldn't give a shit if President Trump had the IRS attack CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC and prevent them from being open because of their liberal leanings? Oh you are such a liar it is totally obvious.
What , crybaby? Go whine about that shit in another thread. Here's a Kleenex and a binky.
Oh, you poor little petulant girl. Not getting away with your Rules for Radicals? Too fucking bad, dickhead, nobody here likes you, so take your commie leftist attitude and shove it up your ass...I hope the wall gets built you fucktards go down there to try to tear it down, and I am there to shoot you traitors.
Haha...crybabies will be crybabies.... Shut up pussy, you aren't shooting anyone.
I expect to take a large dunk about the time....probably will resemble him...
Democrats and snowflakes are petrified of what the President will say tonight when he appeals to the American people, which is why Trump-hating idiots like this clown are already calling him a liar.

They are afraid he will point out that the Democrats have chosen to stand with violent illegals, human traffickers, & cop killers instead of the American people to keep the borders open instead of closed, unsecured instead of secure, to keep illegal immigration flowing instead of stopping it so they can keep allowing illegal voting as seen in Broward county this past election, and to ensure violent illegals can continue to victimize America citizens.

They are afraid he will point out the fact that evidence shows walks and barriers eliminate 95% of illegal crossing and how Obama's own hand-picked chief of the border patrol has come forward on his own to declare walls absolutely work and there is no reason not to use them in defense of our Southern border and that all of the true experts agree on this.

They are afraid President Trump is going to talk to Gold Star families whose loved ones have been murdered by violent illegals and that he will read off the statistics the Democrats attempt to never bring up and ignore when possible.
Trump announced he would speak tonight at 9, & he will.

It's the first time he's told the truth in 3 years.
Democrat rubes and many on this board think he is going to spend a sum total of 8 minutes making a case for a wall.
Sorry, case has been made. Batten down the hatches for ACTION! (Hee-Hee-Hee).
Hes had 2 years to deal with this "crisis".

Let that sink in.

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