Who raised the most $$$$ from private equity, hedge funds in 2008?

look, anyone with a smidgen of common sense will, at the end of the day figure out this is smoke.....it will occur to people, even the indolent amercian public that obama is not speaking to or about himself as to what hes done or will do, with an alacrity.

He's just gonna do. It's up to the citizens to ensure won't be able to do any longer after January 2013.
look, anyone with a smidgen of common sense will, at the end of the day figure out this is smoke.....it will occur to people, even the indolent amercian public that obama is not speaking to or about himself as to what hes done or will do, with an alacrity.

Now...here is the real question: how long after Romney is elected will the two or three members of our community with Obama-family avis keep those pics up?

Inquiring minds want to know!
You have to wonder who the idiots are running the Obama campaign..Information like this is easy to find..

Just ask Booker, he'll tell them how stupid they are..:lol:
You have to wonder who the idiots are running the Obama campaign..Information like this is easy to find..

Just ask Booker, he'll tell them how stupid they are..:lol:

And then write a retraction a couple hours later. ;)
What part of "we need venture capitalists, just not running the country" don't y'all understand?
What part of "we need venture capitalists, just not running the country" don't y'all understand?

As Obama gladhands them and takes thier dough...and NOT expect return favours? What planet did you say you were from again?
you know who;)


Obama raised most from private equity, hedge funds in 2008 - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

All that proves is that Obama is not the anti-business radical communist that the Rightwing Propaganda Machine tries to demonize him as.

actually it proves that obama and you are hypocrites....carry on.

Why are you lying about me? Do you enjoy neg reps, or do you enjoy looking like an idiot?

or both?
What part of "we need venture capitalists, just not running the country" don't y'all understand?

The country is run by three co-equal branches.

I know that we have ascertained that you have no understanding of the Constitution, but shouldn't the alleged-law professor know that?
look, anyone with a smidgen of common sense will, at the end of the day figure out this is smoke.....it will occur to people, even the indolent amercian public that obama is not speaking to or about himself as to what hes done or will do, with an alacrity.

With all due respect, if Americans had even a smidgen of common sense, Obama would never have been elected in the first place.
I'm having a problem with the title of this thread. The one's that need to don't get it. I think is should have been: Who raised the most $$$$$ from private equity firms, like Bain Capital.
What part of "we need venture capitalists, just not running the country" don't y'all understand?

As Obama gladhands them and takes thier dough...and NOT expect return favours? What planet did you say you were from again?

He's off on Pluto somewhere.

Barry such a hypocrite. He blasts the banks as evil yet has no problem taking any donations they want to hand him.

If I were the bankers I'd donate all that money to Romney and tell Barry to take his hypocrisy and shove it up his ass.
Hey...don't be stupid...no really.
Remember in his campaign...he spoke about how he would kick out the special interests etc....


Did you read the article? He took in only $3.5M from those sources. Chump change in a presidential campaign.

So, like I said.... It's okay to take money from the same people you demonize... as long as it's 'chump change'. Right?

Except he's not demonizing them. He's pointing out that Romney is full of shit in his claim that he knows how to create jobs. Too bad you don't know the difference between venture capitalism and vulture capitalism.
What part of "we need venture capitalists, just not running the country" don't y'all understand?

As Obama gladhands them and takes thier dough...and NOT expect return favours? What planet did you say you were from again?

He's off on Pluto somewhere.

Barry such a hypocrite. He blasts the banks as evil yet has no problem taking any donations they want to hand him.

If I were the bankers I'd donate all that money to Romney and tell Barry to take his hypocrisy and shove it up his ass.

What's hypocritical? One of his promises was to provide better oversight and regulation on securities and banking, he's doing his best to keep that pledge. It's the Republicans who want banks and investment firms to do whatever the hell they want. It's also a lie that our President is calling banks evil. He's not. If he believed that, he'd have let them all collapse in 2009.
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All that proves is that Obama is not the anti-business radical communist that the Rightwing Propaganda Machine tries to demonize him as.

actually it proves that obama and you are hypocrites....carry on.

Why are you lying about me? Do you enjoy neg reps, or do you enjoy looking like an idiot?

or both?

you are defending him in this issue, which makes you a hypocrite too...see how that works? I know its complicated but keep working at it....:rolleyes:
look, anyone with a smidgen of common sense will, at the end of the day figure out this is smoke.....it will occur to people, even the indolent amercian public that obama is not speaking to or about himself as to what hes done or will do, with an alacrity.

With all due respect, if Americans had even a smidgen of common sense, Obama would never have been elected in the first place.

yea....I know...but I can dream can't I? :doubt:

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