Who ran over Tamerlan Tsarnaev: Cops or younger brother?

Does it mater? Either way that's millions we won't have to spend. Thank god!
The tendency of government officials at all levels to lie reflexively poses a serious threat to the survival of our Constitutional democracy. By closing your eyes to a lie and accepting it as a matter of administrative convenience is to tacitly approve of it, which can only encourage worse lying in the future.

Instead, an effort should be made to detect and punish lying, thus discouraging the practice and purifying the process of government.
I don't know about conspiracy theories...but I DO know I, too, am curious on what really went down and wish LE would get their shit together and once it IS figured out...then tell us.
There are a lots of questions which may be understandable since things went downs so fast.

Assuming you are not just trying to flush out some conspiracy theorists so you can then tear them down I'll play.

Questions I have, why no apparent escape plan?

Why was the younger brother seen on campus the next day apparently nonchalant.

Why did they shoot the MIT cop as he sat in his car? Why didn't they kill the guy they car jacked?

Why would the police lie about anything? Unless they think they acted above the law?

If they had guns why isn't there being a bigger deal made out of it from the media?

If the cops ran over the older brother then that means they were in a car. If they were in a car how did the younger brother escape? How did he escape anyway? What the older brother shot or did he just blow off his hand(s) and then got run over?

Will there be an investigation into how the government blotched the investigation into the older brother?
Good questions. Answers should be sought for all of them.

To casually accept lies, even seemingly insignificant ones, is to encourage marginal performance in the future.
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Why bomb the Boston Marathon?--Is that not a bit irrational

Yet the method in which they did seemed well planned out!

A piece of advice:

When you deal with crazies, Everything they do will not make .
Who cares who ran him over? One less vermin on the face of the earth.

Maybe someone will run over his loudmouth, militant, hysterical mother next.
Damn straight there is, Benghazi, Ft. Hood.....and on and on an on.

This President has lied about everything and gotten away with murder.
I must sadly agree.

I voted for Obama because he was the remaining alternative to a right-wing President, which I believe would be a disaster for the common people. I started out believing Obama to be a 100% improvement over Bush. That percentile impression has diminished to about 30% and he still has forty-four months to go.
The mother keeps asking why the cops killed her son. Maybe it was being run over by his younger brother that killed him.

2 US Officials Go Public, There Was No Gun Battle On Boat With Dzhokar Tsarnaev | Alternative

The New York Times also said an M4 rifle had been found on the boat – another claim contradicted by the latest revelations. Officers had originally said they had exchanged gunfire with Tsarnaev for more than one hour Friday evening before they were able to subdue him. But on Wednesday, the law enforcement officials told the AP that no gun was found aboard the vessel.

But on Wednesday, the law enforcement officials told the AP that no gun was found aboard the vessel.

obviously someone is not telling the truth ... the way they shotup the boat its hard to believe they missed the target.

I can't speak for those Massachusetts cops but NYPD cops (and all federal agents) are restrained from firing their weapons unless the target is plainly identified and represents an immediate threat.
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Based upon how the media handled Benghazi, Obama could tell them that Elvis ran the guy over and it would be reported as gospel

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I'm just glad the bastard got what he deserves. I don't really like terrorist and people that want to blow me up.
Have you given any thought to the motive for the bombing? Or doesn't that matter?
It was, and that's what all the witnesses say.

No, that's not what all the witnesses say. That's the problem. Some say cops, some say brother ran over him.

Based on the gruesome morgue photos - someone obviously ran over him with a vehicle.

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