Who REALLY Favors Less Government Interference In Our Lives???


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
Because if you truly don't want the government to involve itself in our personal lives and decisions then..........

You oppose efforts to outlaw abortion.

You oppose efforts to outlaw gay marriage.

You oppose efforts to outlaw euthanasia.

You opposed the Bush administration's involvement in the Terri Schiavo case.

You oppose laws against prostitution.

There are more but you get the idea. Each of the above items are very personal issues that belong to the individual, not the government.

And if anyone says they disagree with the above then they are actually in favor of more government control over our personal lives, right?

If not, why not?
I oppose the government stepping in and having anything to do with those issues that you just mentioned.
Great example of circular logic there dumbass! All the things you list involve more government control, what a sorry excuse for a thread.

Jeez, I thought I started some dumbass threads, but you take the cake!
Because if you truly don't want the government to involve itself in our personal lives and decisions then..........

You oppose efforts to outlaw abortion.

You oppose efforts to outlaw gay marriage.

You oppose efforts to outlaw euthanasia.

You opposed the Bush administration's involvement in the Terri Schiavo case.

You oppose laws against prostitution.

There are more but you get the idea. Each of the above items are very personal issues that belong to the individual, not the government.

And if anyone says they disagree with the above then they are actually in favor of more government control over our personal lives, right?

If not, why not?

Great example of circular logic there dumbass! All the things you list involve more government control, what a sorry excuse for a thread.

Jeez, I thought I started some dumbass threads, but you take the cake!

Hmmmmm....let's see.

YOU say that it takes more government control to leave people alone on personal decisions than to involve itself in them? :cuckoo:

I can see why, with that logic, that you admit to starting dumbass threads. The first step to resolving an issue is admitting that you have a problem. Step one complete!!
Sounds good to me. But prostitution? :wtf:

Sure. It's a classic example. Why should the government care (or anyone for that matter) if two consenting adults make a business transaction on pleasure?
I'm with you, I want a lot less government, and Bush was a borrow-and-spend Socialist.

There is one known way to limit government - DIVIDE IT! Which we just did, so I look forward to Obama battling GOP Congressmen, if it's anything like Clinton vs. GOP, we'll be in much better shape in 6 years.
I'm with you, I want a lot less government, and Bush was a borrow-and-spend Socialist.

There is one known way to limit government - DIVIDE IT! Which we just did, so I look forward to Obama battling GOP Congressmen, if it's anything like Clinton vs. GOP, we'll be in much better shape in 6 years.

I agree. Those were Clinton's best years. :iagree:

Most people don't want less government; they just want less of the other guy's government.

There's a lot of wisdom in those words. :up:
Sounds good to me. But prostitution? :wtf:

Sure. It's a classic example. Why should the government care (or anyone for that matter) if two consenting adults make a business transaction on pleasure?

I agree. You can go to Marine World, get a massage, etc., but screwing is off limits. In fact being xrayed to go to the Bahamas is allowed, but not consensual screwing in a private room.
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I'm with you, I want a lot less government, and Bush was a borrow-and-spend Socialist.

There is one known way to limit government - DIVIDE IT! Which we just did, so I look forward to Obama battling GOP Congressmen, if it's anything like Clinton vs. GOP, we'll be in much better shape in 6 years.

I hope President Obama grows a set and stops playing professor. Yeah..he needs to put up his mitts and fight.

They may hate his guts..but if he slaps them around a bit..they might just wind up respecting him.
Most people don't want less government; they just want less of the other guy's government.

actually, if the TSA hired more good looking women, and would guarantee that some hot chick would be examining my body scan and checking me out after I came through the walk through metal detector, I'd let them grope me, strip search me, and any other related task needed to preserve national security
I'm with you, I want a lot less government, and Bush was a borrow-and-spend Socialist.

There is one known way to limit government - DIVIDE IT! Which we just did, so I look forward to Obama battling GOP Congressmen, if it's anything like Clinton vs. GOP, we'll be in much better shape in 6 years.

I hope President Obama grows a set and stops playing professor. Yeah..he needs to put up his mitts and fight.

They may hate his guts..but if he slaps them around a bit..they might just wind up respecting him.

That's kinda the way it was with Clinton.

Most people don't want less government; they just want less of the other guy's government.

actually, if the TSA hired more good looking women, and would guarantee that some hot chick would be examining my body scan and checking me out after I came through the walk through metal detector, I'd let them grope me, strip search me, and any other related task needed to preserve national security

Most people don't want less government; they just want less of the other guy's government.

actually, if the TSA hired more good looking women, and would guarantee that some hot chick would be examining my body scan and checking me out after I came through the walk through metal detector, I'd let them grope me, strip search me, and any other related task needed to preserve national security

Hmmm, yes,......the dna sample in the closet comes to mind..........LOL!!:lol:
So how much government do you actually want? I am for reducing it down to what Americans would voluntarily pay. That means shitcan the military, all programs to include the IRS, and make the legislature volunteer for the job. There are few things your state cannot do for you.
Because if you truly don't want the government to involve itself in our personal lives and decisions then..........

You oppose efforts to outlaw abortion.

You oppose efforts to outlaw gay marriage.

You oppose efforts to outlaw euthanasia.

You opposed the Bush administration's involvement in the Terri Schiavo case.

You oppose laws against prostitution.

There are more but you get the idea. Each of the above items are very personal issues that belong to the individual, not the government.

And if anyone says they disagree with the above then they are actually in favor of more government control over our personal lives, right?

If not, why not?

Because abortion, Terri Schiavo and euthanasia are murder and bare minimum for government is to protect her citizens from murder. I'm for less government but not for anarchy. And I don't think anybody cares about gay marriage except that it's used as a club to demand schools to indoctrinate innocent kids to so many perversions. THAT is big government.

What's left, legislating prostitution? meh. Congress seems to have a lock on that market on so many levels.
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Because if you truly don't want the government to involve itself in our personal lives and decisions then..........

You oppose efforts to outlaw abortion.

You oppose efforts to outlaw gay marriage.

You oppose efforts to outlaw euthanasia.

You opposed the Bush administration's involvement in the Terri Schiavo case.

You oppose laws against prostitution.

There are more but you get the idea. Each of the above items are very personal issues that belong to the individual, not the government.

And if anyone says they disagree with the above then they are actually in favor of more government control over our personal lives, right?

If not, why not?

Nice way to cherry pick for your favored issues.

What about gubmint controlling my personal life, in expropriating the fruits of my labor, to feather the nests of people who've done nothing to earn them?

How about controlling my live by telling me what recreational drugs I can ingest?

How about controlling the lives of bar and restaurant owners, in telling them which perfectly legal behaviors their patrons may or may not participate in on their premises?

How about gubmint controlling my life, insofar as coercing me to wear seat belts and motorcycle helmets are concerned?

How about gubmint controlling my life, as they confiscate my property as they see fit for commercial development?
Great example of circular logic there dumbass! All the things you list involve more government control, what a sorry excuse for a thread.

Jeez, I thought I started some dumbass threads, but you take the cake!

No, sorry.... the kind of dumbass threads is Solace. Hands down.

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