Who really got Reagan elected in 1980 ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The CIA and Poppy Bush had a big role as well, but Gianni Russo says the Jewish Mob who controlled the Hollywood film industry among other things, liked Reagan, for whatever reasons, and got him elected as governor of California....then moved him into the White House.

A fascinating interview, but you can jump to 5:15 for the part about Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, Nixon and Reagan.....
The CIA and Poppy Bush had a big role as well, but Gianni Russo says the Jewish Mob who controlled the Hollywood film industry among other things, liked Reagan, for whatever reasons, and got him elected as governor of California....then moved him into the White House.

A fascinating interview, but you can jump to 5:15 for the part about Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, Nixon and Reagan.....

Why did you post this to Conspiracy Theories? Is there anything in the above video any less demonstrably true than the video or article links in 100 other threads right now in Politics?
Why did you post this to Conspiracy Theories? Is there anything in the above video any less demonstrably true than the video or article links in 100 other threads right now in Politics?
For one thing, have you listened to his interview ?
He says a few things I've never heard from anyone else. I believe him, personally. Not sure about the sleeping with Marilyn bit ....
For one thing, have you listened to his interview ?
He says a few things I've never heard from anyone else. I believe him, personally. Not sure about the sleeping with Marilyn bit ....
Of course you believe the fool.

You always post cpnpiracy their crap without the slightest SHRED of supporting evidenc e and then rely on some lame fictional video.

You are uneducated and view the world as it is on TV what a loser you are.
Ad hominem attacks on me every post soupy ?
Can't think up anything new ?
The same debunked video crap over and over with no evidence.

Tell you what fat boy I will stop the accurate descriptions of you as a fat zit faced treasonous loser if you post some real fucking evidence for once.

you have never posted any evidence and you are a proven liar many times over so put your money where your foul mouth is and I will not make you into my personal bitch any more.
The CIA and Poppy Bush had a big role as well, but Gianni Russo says the Jewish Mob who controlled the Hollywood film industry among other things, liked Reagan, for whatever reasons, and got him elected as governor of California....then moved him into the White House.

A fascinating interview, but you can jump to 5:15 for the part about Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, Nixon and Reagan.....

Jimmy Carter (the worst modern day President prior to Joe Biden) was the biggest factor in why Reagan was elected.

Joe Biden will be the reason the next President will be a republican.
Jimmy Carter (the worst modern day President prior to Joe Biden) was the biggest factor in why Reagan was elected.

Joe Biden will be the reason the next President will be a republican.

You believe the repeated gop talking points about Carter ?
Carter was the peace president, which to some makes him the worst....the economy was sabotaged by Poppy's OPEC friends, and the Iran Contra Affair ?? Reagan should have been impeached for that. (retroactively, with his VP Bush having a role in the whole thing...go look up Noriega and CIA drugs and guns trade ....
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You believe the repeated gop talking points about Carter ?
Carter was the peace president, which to some makes him the worst....the economy was sabotaged by Poppy's OPEC friends, and the Iran Contra Affair ?? Reagan should have been impeached for that.
Carter is basically a good man--he was a lousy president. He allowed 52 Americans to languish for 444 days in the hands of Iranian terrorists. His one attempt to gain their release was a gross failure in the desert. Carter got Reagan elected
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Nice try at deflection moron. The Iranians would have had the hostages for four more years if Carter had been reelected. Put your tin hat back on.
So it's like that ?
No, you just leave the shit crust covering your peepers from your head being up Uncle Sam's ass, and believe your history book, Gomer.

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