Who Replaces Biden before the Election?

There’s nothing genuine about it. The only reason Winco wants to replace Wandering *Joe is he knows he will lose.
And at the end of the day, that’s a positive for the country. At least if they recognize there is a problem, they can run a more lucid candidate and not have to worry about the leader of the free world not being sharp and on their game
I find your use of that terrm in regards to me comedic. This isn't 1860 and todays Republican party are the defenders of the confederacy.
Yes you're an Uncle Tom for your racist good old boys of the white controlled democrat party.
Do a search. Because I'm tired of you liars pretending. The simple fact we aren't standing in long lines with masks on, is an achievement done by Biden and Harris. Maybe you stop reading RWM bs and find out.

You do a search, you made the claim..I’m just saying, list a couple of things he’s done.
Trump is not sharp. Biden is. We lose if Trump is elected.

I’ll admit trump makes a few gaffes every now and then, but if you are trying to compare trumps cognition to bidens, there’s no question that Trump is the more lucid of the two.
I’ll admit trump makes a few gaffes every now and then, but if you are trying to compare trumps cognition to bidens, there’s no question that Trump is the more lucid of the two.
Who isn't sharp is the electorate for allowing itself to be limited to these two terribly limited candidates. The passionate followers of these two confound the rest of us who see not the least charm in either, but only defects that rationally would exclude them from the most powerful position humans have ever had.
It's time that we all realize that BOTH are terrible choices.

My OP was about Biden, not trump.
Biden is getting worse, I've seen it happen.
This is happening.

Why should our Nations Leader be Biden?
In 2020 it was only Trump that was a terrible choice from Progs. Progs only talk this way when they know that the person they promote is not that good with the others feeling the same way. So, Joe goes, and Harris replaces him? She is more terrible. Joe is operating on fumes from his 50 years of grifting in D.C. Harris is not good. She needs scripts. And she has shown little in leadership with a lot of her staff quitting because she did not want to learn anything.

I'm on board with replacing Biden.
I LOVED my Father, but it hit hard in just Weeks, and I saw the Huge Decline, 15 years ago. RIP Dad.

Too much lately for me to support Biden.
I NOW support replacing BIDEN immediately.
No Debates are needed.

He isn't right, and this is NOT the Leader we need. We as in "Citizens of the USA"

Policy aside........
Biden is Gone.
Harris is Worthless.

So.......Who is the NEW (D) Nominee?

The question should be, “Who replaces Trump at the convention, if the Republicans regain their sanity???”

Tell me what Pence did as vice president and don't play your dumb ass game.
Pence was a good VP as unlike Harris did not embarrass himself at any function or duty. Anything after the 2020 on him election is different depending on point of view.

I'm on board with replacing Biden.
I LOVED my Father, but it hit hard in just Weeks, and I saw the Huge Decline, 15 years ago. RIP Dad.

Too much lately for me to support Biden.
I NOW support replacing BIDEN immediately.
No Debates are needed.

He isn't right, and this is NOT the Leader we need. We as in "Citizens of the USA"

Policy aside........
Biden is Gone.
Harris is Worthless.

So.......Who is the NEW (D) Nominee?

Donald Trump?
It's time that we all realize that BOTH are terrible choices.

My OP was about Biden, not trump.
Biden is getting worse, I've seen it happen.
This is happening.

Why should our Nations Leader be Biden?

Because Biden is a good man regardless of his age. tRump doesn't have a good bone in his entire body regardless of his age.

Notice, both got the phrase, "regardless of age". Both are declining fast. But Biden does have cognitive times while tRump doesn't have any cognitive times anymore. Better to have a ham sandwich (Biden) than a week old Egg Sandwich left out in the sun (tRump)

I'm on board with replacing Biden.
I LOVED my Father, but it hit hard in just Weeks, and I saw the Huge Decline, 15 years ago. RIP Dad.

Too much lately for me to support Biden.
I NOW support replacing BIDEN immediately.
No Debates are needed.

He isn't right, and this is NOT the Leader we need. We as in "Citizens of the USA"

Policy aside........
Biden is Gone.
Harris is Worthless.

So.......Who is the NEW (D) Nominee?


Because Biden is a good man regardless of his age. tRump doesn't have a good bone in his entire body regardless of his age.

Notice, both got the phrase, "regardless of age". Both are declining fast. But Biden does have cognitive times while tRump doesn't have any cognitive times anymore. Better to have a ham sandwich (Biden) than a week old Egg Sandwich left out in the sun (tRump)
Joe spends a minute or two in public with statements. Trump will talk for a couple of hours at rallies. The old saying a picture is a worth a thousand words has been twisted from our Democracy dictatorship in believing what we say to you over a picture. And of course, pictures are not guaranteed at times. However, Trump has had enough rallies to dispel your statement.

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