Who Replaces Biden before the Election?

It's time that we all realize that BOTH are terrible choices.

My OP was about Biden, not trump.
Biden is getting worse, I've seen it happen.
This is happening.

Why should our Nations Leader be Biden?
Stop it, just stop it!!

Orange man bad, Biden good.

Stay the course, Biden is your man!!

You are sounding more and more like a Russian spy. Why do you spread such fake Faux news anyway?

Get'em IM2!!!
Replacing Biden is not necessary. And it's time to stop repeating the right wing narrative about Biden and Harris. Why aren't people taking about replacing Trump, who coudn't even remember the name of the doctor who gave him his cognitve test?.
Deflector shields on maximum, STAT!!!
Younger desn't mean better, no does it guarantee they will live through a term. Harris is very qualified. You might want to check her resume instead of repeating right wing propaganda. I know you are not right wing, so I think you should do homework. We don't need exciting leaders, we need leaders who do the work. Biden and Harris have done the work.
Even democrats don't want her anywhere near the Oval Office without a visitor's pass. What percent of the vote did she get in the primaries again?
Really, so which is your preference, electrocution or sharks? That’s apparently the big issue in MAGA world!

It's plain to see that Quid Pro Joe is deteriorating rapidly and can only appear coherent, albeit like a very angry old man waving his fists around for short periods of time, after which he has to be hustled off stage and descends back into rambling incoherence.
Nope, younger doesn't mean better.
As Old doesn't mean good.

C'mon with the Harris BS.
Harris has been a ZERO.
Her track record on border security does not inspire confidence in her leadership.
He is not being replaced though he should be. He is not being replaced for the simple reason they have no viable replacement Kamala has lower aproval rating than Biden Newsomes far left policies in California wont fly outside the state.
Younger desn't mean better, no does it guarantee they will live through a term. Harris is very qualified. You might want to check her resume instead of repeating right wing propaganda. I know you are not right wing, so I think you should do homework. We don't need exciting leaders, we need leaders who do the work. Biden and Harris have done the work.

Harris is very qualified.

And so likable! DURR
It's time that we all realize that BOTH are terrible choices.

My OP was about Biden, not trump.
Biden is getting worse, I've seen it happen.
This is happening.

Why should our Nations Leader be Biden?
Most of what you have seen has been deep fake videos
Exactly Kyzr

Most of the weird videos of Biden are fake news
OMG! Democrats are trying to defend an obvious ZOMBIE for president.

Have you seen Biden walking?

Can Biden do a real press conference?

Can Biden do a rally and speak for 90 minutes without going TIA???

Trump is very capable. You may not like his style, but the country was much better under his leadership.
Exactly Kyzr
Most of the weird videos of Biden are fake news
Don't believe our lying eyes?

Behind closed doors Biden is an Elon Musk and Mike Pompeo combined? LOL.

Biden can't do anything without being led around by others. He walks like a ZOMBIE.
Don't believe our lying eyes?

Behind closed doors Biden is an Elon Musk and Mike Pompeo combined? LOL.

Biden can't do anything without being led around by others. He walks like a ZOMBIE.

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