Who’s afraid of Tea Party’s federal debt solutions?


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Dirty Harry and his henchmen

Can U believe it...? They locked the doors where the hearing was to be held yesterday...

"scary" (to Harry) Tea Party proposed debt solutions....

[W]e offer a bold — but, we believe, feasible — plan that:

“Cuts, caps, and balances” federal spending.

Balances the budget in four years, and keeps it balanced, without tax hikes.

Closes an historically large budget gap, equal to almost one-tenth of our economy.

Reduces federal spending by $9.7 trillion over the next 10 years, as opposed to the President’splan to
increase spending by $2.3 trillion.

Shrinks the federal government from 24 percent of GDP — a level exceed only in World War II —to about 17.5 percent, in line with the postwar norm.

Stops the growth of the debt, and begins paying it down, with a goal of eliminating it within this generation.To achieve these goals, our plan, among other things:

Repeals ObamaCare in toto.

Eliminates four Cabinet agencies — Energy, Education, Commerce, and HUD — and reduces orprivatizes many others, including EPA, TSA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.

Ends farm subsidies, student loans, and foreign aid to countries that don’t support us — luxuries we can no longer afford.

Saves Social Security and greatly improves future benefits by shifting ownership and control from government to individuals, through new SMART Accounts.

Gives Medicare seniors the right to opt into the Congressional health care plan.

Suspends pension contributions and COLAs for Members of Congress, whenever the budget is in deficit.In short, the Tea Party Budget enables us to end chronic deficits and pay down debt, while moving us back toward the kind of limited, constitutional government intended by our Founding Fathers. And it does all this without raising taxes. In fact, we make the so-called Bush tax cuts, and other expiring tax relief provisions, permanent. With these reforms, we can unburden the productive sector and get back to robust economic growth and rising living standards for all. With this plan, everyone benefits.

Michelle Malkin » Who’s afraid of Tea Party’s federal debt solutions? Dirty Harry and his henchmen
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“This is not your father’s debt proposal,” commented Dean Clancy. “This is the only existing debt reduction proposal generated over just four months using cutting edge crowd-sourcing technology, and that cuts $9.7 trillion without raising taxes. While the super-committee is struggling to write a single proposal behind closed doors, we are here today to present a bold but practical plan supported by a coalition of hundreds of thousands of grassroots activists from across the country.”

do liberals really think that shutting and locking the doors to hearings on real solutions developed by the American people is being DEMOCRATIC....?
Yeah. I can believe it.

Thats what the TP is all about. Limited, smaller Govt.

i can believe it too.....the fact that the Dims will not even allow a hearing proves that this "super committeee" is just so much crap....
Who’s afraid of Tea Party’s federal debt solutions?


How is it that you Teabaggers are the only people who HAVEN'T heard financial-experts mentioning.....


....Making The Minimum-Monthly-Payment



Why do you think you CAN'T afford to get your 2nd-car down off it's BLOCKS???


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