Who saw junebug Joe in the debate, saying the USA should federalize the response to coronaV crisis?

Ethos Logos Pathos

Senior Member
Dec 16, 2019

Joe didn't learn from watching us leave this in the hands of the CDC, from Nov -Jan, when the CDC balked at the idea of followIng Germany's lead.

Luckily President Trump knows we don't need to federalize this fight. Trump intervened on the Dem's career politicians at the CDC when Trump overruled the CDC ---and has now given our great private sector scientists and biologists and universities a chance to try to figure this disease out.
LOL Biden will soon be quoting President Camacho: "Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING."

Joe didn't learn from watching us leave this in the hands of the CDC, from Nov -Jan, when the CDC balked at the idea of followIng Germany's lead.

Luckily President Trump knows we don't need to federalize this fight. Trump intervened on the Dem's career politicians at the CDC when Trump overruled the CDC ---and has now given our great private sector scientists and biologists and universities a chance to try to figure this disease out.
They have created this coronavirus scare just to prevent from having to pay for their audiences at these conventions. The Deep state must be running out of cash. And plus they want to have control of what is being said to the public. The Nazis has done it. Kept the Jews from assembling. And throughout history. That they has done that to all slaves. So that they will remain ignorant. If the public start conversing with one another. Then they will see what is going on.
And they controls the media outlets, which it will be the only way that the public can retrieve information from each other.
The Deep state controls all of our ways of communicating. And so whatever you text or type and or say into any equipment that is use for communicating. That they are watching or listening to your conversation. And will drop your conversations when they feel like it. .

As part of its new Freedom U.S.A. Communications Package, which will be funded by the federal government and provided "without additional cost" to all present and future AT&T subscribers, the communications giant will eliminate "objectionable speech and ideas" from any messages carried over its network.

"Although Pearl Jam sought to use our editing of its recent broadcast to further its left-wing political agenda," said Hal Greenwood, head of AT&T's Department of Decency in Communications, "we received thousands of phone calls and emails encouraging us to step up and protect our nation and its children from subversive and immoral speech and ideas."
AT&T to Begin Censoring Phone Calls and Text Messages

Is China censoring phone conversations?

Late Wednesday, The Guardian newspaper reported on a top-secret program ordering Verizon to share daily records of all its customers' phone calls with the US government. The FBI asked a secret US court to grant the order in April, and it covers all of Verizon's phone records through July. (You can read the actual court order here.) One source tells The Washington Post, however, that the Verizon data collection has actually been going on since 2006 , and more phone companies may be involved.

But there's much, much more. After that news broke, The Washington Post reported that in addition to the Verizon call logs, the government also runs a top-secret spy program codenamed PRISM, in which it regularly taps into millions of "audio, video, photographs, e-mails and other documents" of users from many popular internet companies' services, including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple.

The Post cites a top-secret Powerpoint presentation by the National Security Agency (NSA), the department that collects "signals intelligence" for the government, to show when it started collecting data from each of the companies, going back to 2007:
The Government’s Phone, Text, and Email Spying, Explained

And I don't believe that any of them were on stage at all. I think that they are very sick and lying up in a hospital. Getting treated for strokes and heart attacks. But they are using holograms to of pre-recordings or computerize images of them standing on stage. Which that is going to be the way of the future. They are planning on using holograms for celebrities performances and all movies. Because it is cheaper to use these holograms machines instead of paying celebrities.
They has already been using holograms to make fake UFO sightings.


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