CDZ Who set the medical field up when it comes to it's outrageous cost ??


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
1st.. We have us as human beings (correct), therefore being created by God (correct), and being gifted by God (correct), with our abilities to learn, create, build, and care for the beings and things in which we have control over.. Therefore these things were again given unto us by God (correct), so why do we fail him now ??

2nd.. we have the earth in which is full of natural resources, and is surrounded by the air in which we breath, the water in which we drink, the cycles in which we live by daily, and all things in which God had given us to thrive and survive as human beings upon it, so you tell me how after all that God had granted unto us here, that we can't seem to produce a pill, treatment or medical procedure that saves human lives after all that God had done for us for free, (for a reasonable price to us as human beings) ??

We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation. I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ??

Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ?? How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

It is evil what has been created or by what is going on now in my honest opinion. The greed of man has compromised our principles and our values in which we are to hold sacred in concerns of our fellow human beings. What will God think of us when comes to visit with us, and to sit with us, and to listen to us, otherwise if we have not our brother's and sister's very lives in our best interest, just as he would have us in his best interest ??? We must fix these things, and fix them fast.
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We have different levels of talents and gifts bestowed upon us, and in this we take our God given talents to produce and create the things in which we use to save lives, create, and physically build with, and to worship with.

Man taking credit for that which God has granted unto us as his creation, and then placing such things into an evil set up as would be perverted by evil men (who follow after the darkness instead of the light), will lead to chaos, anarchy, and confusion in men's lives.
Think about these things when itemize your next medical statement or worse the loss of a loved one due to the hospital giving up on them, and all because of the cost verses saving the life of a human being in a phony system that has inflated the cost of Healthcare for profit to unimaginable levels now.

People know when all that has been done has been done for their loved ones, but people also know when all that could be done wasn't being done as well. God will not have us as ignorant, and in this no evil set up or system will endure against us. Even though we see these things that are going on today, it is that we are giving witness to these things in which are going on today.
1st.. We have us as human beings (correct), therefore being created by God (correct), and being gifted by God (correct), with our abilities to learn, create, build, and care for the beings and things in which we have control over.. Therefore these things were again given unto us by God (correct), so why do we fail him now ??

2nd.. we have the earth in which is full of natural resources, and is surrounded by the air in which we breath, the water in which we drink, the cycles in which we live by daily, and all things in which God had given us to thrive and survive as human beings upon it, so you tell me how after all that God had granted unto us here, that we can't seem to produce a pill, treatment or medical procedure that saves human lives after all that God had done for us for free, (for a reasonable price to us as human beings) ??

We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation. I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ??

Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ?? How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

It is evil what has been created or by what is going on now in my honest opinion. The greed of man has compromised our principles and our values in which we are to hold sacred in concerns of our fellow human beings. What will God think of us when comes to visit with us, and to sit with us, and to listen to us, otherwise if we have not our brother's and sister's very lives in our best interest, just as he would have us in his best interest ??? We must fix these things, and fix them fast.

To get a medical device or drug approved, you will spend tens of millions, sometimes hundreds of millions developing it. Then you get to go thru the gauntlet of getting it approved. Drugs you are looking at 10 years of testing and spending hundreds of millions in the process.

So who wants to invest half a billion dollars in the slim chance it will pay off in 10 years and more likely go down the toilet? The only way you do that is by offering a potential huge reward at the end.

And no, I am not saying there should be no approval process. But there is huge room to streamline and reduce costs while still proving its safety.

THEN once approved you get sued by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Tom says it made his nose hair grow faster so he wants 10 million dollars. Dick says my back still hurts even after taking your medicine, so he wants 30 million. Harry says his dog ate your pill he dropped on the floor and the dog died, so he wants 5 million.

Again, I'm not saying there should be no litigation, but it has to be kept reasonable.

THAT is why healthcare costs are so high.
1st.. We have us as human beings (correct), therefore being created by God (correct), and being gifted by God (correct), with our abilities to learn, create, build, and care for the beings and things in which we have control over.. Therefore these things were again given unto us by God (correct), so why do we fail him now ??

2nd.. we have the earth in which is full of natural resources, and is surrounded by the air in which we breath, the water in which we drink, the cycles in which we live by daily, and all things in which God had given us to thrive and survive as human beings upon it, so you tell me how after all that God had granted unto us here, that we can't seem to produce a pill, treatment or medical procedure that saves human lives after all that God had done for us for free, (for a reasonable price to us as human beings) ??

We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation. I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ??

Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ?? How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

It is evil what has been created or by what is going on now in my honest opinion. The greed of man has compromised our principles and our values in which we are to hold sacred in concerns of our fellow human beings. What will God think of us when comes to visit with us, and to sit with us, and to listen to us, otherwise if we have not our brother's and sister's very lives in our best interest, just as he would have us in his best interest ??? We must fix these things, and fix them fast.

/----- If we even mention tort reform the libs become unhinged and jump to the defense of the trial lawyers.

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1st.. We have us as human beings (correct), therefore being created by God (correct), and being gifted by God (correct), with our abilities to learn, create, build, and care for the beings and things in which we have control over.. Therefore these things were again given unto us by God (correct), so why do we fail him now ??

2nd.. we have the earth in which is full of natural resources, and is surrounded by the air in which we breath, the water in which we drink, the cycles in which we live by daily, and all things in which God had given us to thrive and survive as human beings upon it, so you tell me how after all that God had granted unto us here, that we can't seem to produce a pill, treatment or medical procedure that saves human lives after all that God had done for us for free, (for a reasonable price to us as human beings) ??

We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation. I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ??

Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ?? How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

It is evil what has been created or by what is going on now in my honest opinion. The greed of man has compromised our principles and our values in which we are to hold sacred in concerns of our fellow human beings. What will God think of us when comes to visit with us, and to sit with us, and to listen to us, otherwise if we have not our brother's and sister's very lives in our best interest, just as he would have us in his best interest ??? We must fix these things, and fix them fast.

To get a medical device or drug approved, you will spend tens of millions, sometimes hundreds of millions developing it. Then you get to go thru the gauntlet of getting it approved. Drugs you are looking at 10 years of testing and spending hundreds of millions in the process.

So who wants to invest half a billion dollars in the slim chance it will pay off in 10 years and more likely go down the toilet? The only way you do that is by offering a potential huge reward at the end.

And no, I am not saying there should be no approval process. But there is huge room to streamline and reduce costs while still proving its safety.

THEN once approved you get sued by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Tom says it made his nose hair grow faster so he wants 10 million dollars. Dick says my back still hurts even after taking your medicine, so he wants 30 million. Harry says his dog ate your pill he dropped on the floor and the dog died, so he wants 5 million.

Again, I'm not saying there should be no litigation, but it has to be kept reasonable.

THAT is why healthcare costs are so high.
. Ok, so what is the solutions to it all ????? So far the Republicans can't figure it out, but why ?
1st.. We have us as human beings (correct), therefore being created by God (correct), and being gifted by God (correct), with our abilities to learn, create, build, and care for the beings and things in which we have control over.. Therefore these things were again given unto us by God (correct), so why do we fail him now ??

2nd.. we have the earth in which is full of natural resources, and is surrounded by the air in which we breath, the water in which we drink, the cycles in which we live by daily, and all things in which God had given us to thrive and survive as human beings upon it, so you tell me how after all that God had granted unto us here, that we can't seem to produce a pill, treatment or medical procedure that saves human lives after all that God had done for us for free, (for a reasonable price to us as human beings) ??

We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation. I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ??

Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ?? How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

It is evil what has been created or by what is going on now in my honest opinion. The greed of man has compromised our principles and our values in which we are to hold sacred in concerns of our fellow human beings. What will God think of us when comes to visit with us, and to sit with us, and to listen to us, otherwise if we have not our brother's and sister's very lives in our best interest, just as he would have us in his best interest ??? We must fix these things, and fix them fast.

To get a medical device or drug approved, you will spend tens of millions, sometimes hundreds of millions developing it. Then you get to go thru the gauntlet of getting it approved. Drugs you are looking at 10 years of testing and spending hundreds of millions in the process.

So who wants to invest half a billion dollars in the slim chance it will pay off in 10 years and more likely go down the toilet? The only way you do that is by offering a potential huge reward at the end.

And no, I am not saying there should be no approval process. But there is huge room to streamline and reduce costs while still proving its safety.

THEN once approved you get sued by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Tom says it made his nose hair grow faster so he wants 10 million dollars. Dick says my back still hurts even after taking your medicine, so he wants 30 million. Harry says his dog ate your pill he dropped on the floor and the dog died, so he wants 5 million.

Again, I'm not saying there should be no litigation, but it has to be kept reasonable.

THAT is why healthcare costs are so high.
. Ok, so what is the solutions to it all ????? So far the Republicans can't figure it out, but why ?
I told you. Approval process and litigation need to be reformed.
1st.. We have us as human beings (correct), therefore being created by God (correct), and being gifted by God (correct), with our abilities to learn, create, build, and care for the beings and things in which we have control over.. Therefore these things were again given unto us by God (correct), so why do we fail him now ??

2nd.. we have the earth in which is full of natural resources, and is surrounded by the air in which we breath, the water in which we drink, the cycles in which we live by daily, and all things in which God had given us to thrive and survive as human beings upon it, so you tell me how after all that God had granted unto us here, that we can't seem to produce a pill, treatment or medical procedure that saves human lives after all that God had done for us for free, (for a reasonable price to us as human beings) ??

We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation. I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ??

Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ?? How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

It is evil what has been created or by what is going on now in my honest opinion. The greed of man has compromised our principles and our values in which we are to hold sacred in concerns of our fellow human beings. What will God think of us when comes to visit with us, and to sit with us, and to listen to us, otherwise if we have not our brother's and sister's very lives in our best interest, just as he would have us in his best interest ??? We must fix these things, and fix them fast.

/----- If we even mention tort reform the libs become unhinged and jump to the defense of the trial lawyers.

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. Who are the real culprits in it all ??? Name them by group, and then let's work to stop them doing these things.
1st.. We have us as human beings (correct), therefore being created by God (correct), and being gifted by God (correct), with our abilities to learn, create, build, and care for the beings and things in which we have control over.. Therefore these things were again given unto us by God (correct), so why do we fail him now ??

2nd.. we have the earth in which is full of natural resources, and is surrounded by the air in which we breath, the water in which we drink, the cycles in which we live by daily, and all things in which God had given us to thrive and survive as human beings upon it, so you tell me how after all that God had granted unto us here, that we can't seem to produce a pill, treatment or medical procedure that saves human lives after all that God had done for us for free, (for a reasonable price to us as human beings) ??

We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation. I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ??

Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ?? How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

It is evil what has been created or by what is going on now in my honest opinion. The greed of man has compromised our principles and our values in which we are to hold sacred in concerns of our fellow human beings. What will God think of us when comes to visit with us, and to sit with us, and to listen to us, otherwise if we have not our brother's and sister's very lives in our best interest, just as he would have us in his best interest ??? We must fix these things, and fix them fast.

To get a medical device or drug approved, you will spend tens of millions, sometimes hundreds of millions developing it. Then you get to go thru the gauntlet of getting it approved. Drugs you are looking at 10 years of testing and spending hundreds of millions in the process.

So who wants to invest half a billion dollars in the slim chance it will pay off in 10 years and more likely go down the toilet? The only way you do that is by offering a potential huge reward at the end.

And no, I am not saying there should be no approval process. But there is huge room to streamline and reduce costs while still proving its safety.

THEN once approved you get sued by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Tom says it made his nose hair grow faster so he wants 10 million dollars. Dick says my back still hurts even after taking your medicine, so he wants 30 million. Harry says his dog ate your pill he dropped on the floor and the dog died, so he wants 5 million.

Again, I'm not saying there should be no litigation, but it has to be kept reasonable.

THAT is why healthcare costs are so high.
. Ok, so what is the solutions to it all ????? So far the Republicans can't figure it out, but why ?
I told you. Approval process and litigation need to be reformed.
. Ok, so who is stopping this reform, and why ??
1st.. We have us as human beings (correct), therefore being created by God (correct), and being gifted by God (correct), with our abilities to learn, create, build, and care for the beings and things in which we have control over.. Therefore these things were again given unto us by God (correct), so why do we fail him now ??

2nd.. we have the earth in which is full of natural resources, and is surrounded by the air in which we breath, the water in which we drink, the cycles in which we live by daily, and all things in which God had given us to thrive and survive as human beings upon it, so you tell me how after all that God had granted unto us here, that we can't seem to produce a pill, treatment or medical procedure that saves human lives after all that God had done for us for free, (for a reasonable price to us as human beings) ??

We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation. I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ??

Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ?? How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

It is evil what has been created or by what is going on now in my honest opinion. The greed of man has compromised our principles and our values in which we are to hold sacred in concerns of our fellow human beings. What will God think of us when comes to visit with us, and to sit with us, and to listen to us, otherwise if we have not our brother's and sister's very lives in our best interest, just as he would have us in his best interest ??? We must fix these things, and fix them fast.

To get a medical device or drug approved, you will spend tens of millions, sometimes hundreds of millions developing it. Then you get to go thru the gauntlet of getting it approved. Drugs you are looking at 10 years of testing and spending hundreds of millions in the process.

So who wants to invest half a billion dollars in the slim chance it will pay off in 10 years and more likely go down the toilet? The only way you do that is by offering a potential huge reward at the end.

And no, I am not saying there should be no approval process. But there is huge room to streamline and reduce costs while still proving its safety.

THEN once approved you get sued by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Tom says it made his nose hair grow faster so he wants 10 million dollars. Dick says my back still hurts even after taking your medicine, so he wants 30 million. Harry says his dog ate your pill he dropped on the floor and the dog died, so he wants 5 million.

Again, I'm not saying there should be no litigation, but it has to be kept reasonable.

THAT is why healthcare costs are so high.
. Ok, so what is the solutions to it all ????? So far the Republicans can't figure it out, but why ?
I told you. Approval process and litigation need to be reformed.
. Ok, so who is stopping this reform, and why ??
The DC elite. It's a good ol boys club in DC. Mob rule. That's why they hate Trump, he is an outsider.
Tax-free health insurance benefits. If everyone had more skin in the game, health care costs would plummet.
Rhetorically and argumentationally speaking, your OP might be cogent and its idea more acceptable to a wider audience were you to have applied the same audience considerations that Aquinas did when he chose to write Summa Contra Gentiles along with Summa Theologica.

We have us as human beings (correct)

therefore being created by God (correct)

being gifted by God (correct)
these things were again given unto us by God (correct)
We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation.

This assertion, for instance, would cause few to grouse were it not to include "We as a Godly people." One's merely being ethical alone is sufficient basis for accepting the claim. One need not be a theist to concur, but atheists may well take exception because the statement presupposes one is a theist.​

I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ?? Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ??

The worth of anything is given by the measure of resources parties to its exchange are willing to give up and accept in return. Each would-be party to such an exchange has their own reasons for being willing to give/receive given quantities of resources; thus we see that worth is not universally defined.

Economists use the terms "elasticity" and "inelasticity," and the measures of them, to describe what laymen call worth. Looking at any supply or demand curve, one immediately sees that worth is a quality that varies by individual.

How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

What? Do you by chance mean "industry within an economy?" If so, just how do you conceive that an industry "crosses paths" with an economy?

An example of an economy within an economy is the economy of Iowa which is an economy within the Midwestern U.S. economy, which, in turn, is an economy within the U.S. economy, which is part of the North American economy, which is part of the global economy. An industry exists within, not independently of, some or all of those economies.
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Rhetorically and argumentationally speaking, your OP might be cogent and its idea more acceptable to a wider audience were you to have applied the same audience considerations that Aquinas did when he chose to write Summa Contra Gentiles along with Summa Theologica.

We have us as human beings (correct)

therefore being created by God (correct)

being gifted by God (correct)
these things were again given unto us by God (correct)
We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation.

This assertion, for instance, would cause few to grouse were it not to include "We as a Godly people." One's merely being ethical alone is sufficient basis for accepting the claim. One need not be a theist to concur, but atheists may well take exception because the statement presupposes one is a theist.​

I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ?? Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ??

The worth of anything is given by the measure of resources parties to its exchange are willing to give up and accept in return. Each would-be party to such an exchange has their own reasons for being willing to give/receive given quantities of resources; thus we see that worth is not universally defined.

Economists use the terms "elasticity" and "inelasticity," and the measures of them, to describe what laymen call worth. Looking at any supply or demand curve, one immediately sees that worth is a quality that varies by individual.

How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

What? Do you by chance mean "industry within an economy?" If so, just how do you conceive that an industry "crosses paths" with an economy?

An example of an economy within an economy is the economy of Iowa which is an economy within the Midwestern U.S. economy, which, in turn, is an economy within the U.S. economy, which is part of the North American economy, which is part of the global economy. An industry exists within, not independently of, some or all of those economies.
. By chance I mean that there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved, yet some deal in goods and services, and the other deals in human suffering, death and the caring for human beings. Now why is it that the healthcare economy is out of control in as far as the cost for it's services, products, and it's quality of care now ??? Who exactly is behind the problem ??? Get to the bottom of this problem, and maybe we could get our healthcare back in line again.
Rhetorically and argumentationally speaking, your OP might be cogent and its idea more acceptable to a wider audience were you to have applied the same audience considerations that Aquinas did when he chose to write Summa Contra Gentiles along with Summa Theologica.

We have us as human beings (correct)

therefore being created by God (correct)

being gifted by God (correct)
these things were again given unto us by God (correct)
We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation.

This assertion, for instance, would cause few to grouse were it not to include "We as a Godly people." One's merely being ethical alone is sufficient basis for accepting the claim. One need not be a theist to concur, but atheists may well take exception because the statement presupposes one is a theist.​

I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ?? Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ??

The worth of anything is given by the measure of resources parties to its exchange are willing to give up and accept in return. Each would-be party to such an exchange has their own reasons for being willing to give/receive given quantities of resources; thus we see that worth is not universally defined.

Economists use the terms "elasticity" and "inelasticity," and the measures of them, to describe what laymen call worth. Looking at any supply or demand curve, one immediately sees that worth is a quality that varies by individual.

How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

What? Do you by chance mean "industry within an economy?" If so, just how do you conceive that an industry "crosses paths" with an economy?

An example of an economy within an economy is the economy of Iowa which is an economy within the Midwestern U.S. economy, which, in turn, is an economy within the U.S. economy, which is part of the North American economy, which is part of the global economy. An industry exists within, not independently of, some or all of those economies.
. By chance I mean that there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved, yet some deal in goods and services, and the other deals in human suffering, death and the caring for human beings. Now why is it that the healthcare economy is out of control in as far as the cost for it's services, products, and it's quality of care now ??? Who exactly is behind the problem ??? Get to the bottom of this problem, and maybe we could get our healthcare back in line again.
there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved

FWIW, the above describes an industry, not an economy.

I'm not, at this juncture, fussing with you over the terminology. I merely wanted to understand what you had in mind. I now do. TY.
Rhetorically and argumentationally speaking, your OP might be cogent and its idea more acceptable to a wider audience were you to have applied the same audience considerations that Aquinas did when he chose to write Summa Contra Gentiles along with Summa Theologica.

We have us as human beings (correct)

therefore being created by God (correct)

being gifted by God (correct)
these things were again given unto us by God (correct)
We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation.

This assertion, for instance, would cause few to grouse were it not to include "We as a Godly people." One's merely being ethical alone is sufficient basis for accepting the claim. One need not be a theist to concur, but atheists may well take exception because the statement presupposes one is a theist.​

I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ?? Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ??

The worth of anything is given by the measure of resources parties to its exchange are willing to give up and accept in return. Each would-be party to such an exchange has their own reasons for being willing to give/receive given quantities of resources; thus we see that worth is not universally defined.

Economists use the terms "elasticity" and "inelasticity," and the measures of them, to describe what laymen call worth. Looking at any supply or demand curve, one immediately sees that worth is a quality that varies by individual.

How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

What? Do you by chance mean "industry within an economy?" If so, just how do you conceive that an industry "crosses paths" with an economy?

An example of an economy within an economy is the economy of Iowa which is an economy within the Midwestern U.S. economy, which, in turn, is an economy within the U.S. economy, which is part of the North American economy, which is part of the global economy. An industry exists within, not independently of, some or all of those economies.
. By chance I mean that there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved, yet some deal in goods and services, and the other deals in human suffering, death and the caring for human beings. Now why is it that the healthcare economy is out of control in as far as the cost for it's services, products, and it's quality of care now ??? Who exactly is behind the problem ??? Get to the bottom of this problem, and maybe we could get our healthcare back in line again.
Now why is it that the healthcare economy is out of control in as far as the cost for it's services, products, and it's quality of care now ??? Who exactly is behind the problem ???

Economically speaking, the answer to your question(s) is that healthcare -- and as a consequence health insurance -- exhibits the pricing you note because healthcare is a highly inelastically demanded good/service. [1] (It isn't perfectly inelastic, but it's close to it.) Healthcare, is inelastically demanded because there aren't many alternatives:
  • Obtain healthcare and be healed or made better than one would be without it.
  • Don't obtain healthcare and endure, with no attenuation, one's infirmity and its consequences.

  • In the realm of economics, "elastic" and "inelastic" are not opposites in the way they are in the common vernacular. In economics, though their meanings pertain to the same things -- demand and worth -- they mean different things. Yes, there is a reason why that is as it is, but my, your and anyone else's knowing why isn't going to change anything. Just take it that the two don't mean the same thing.

    For folks who insist on thinking of them as meaning the same thing, starting from a slope of zero, when the slope of the demand curve becomes greater than 45 degree angle, the curve is from that point onward preponderantly inelastic. Less than 45 degrees, it's preponderantly elastic. (All demand curves plotted in a Cartesian plane, generally speaking, "point" downward and to the right.)

    An entire demand curve may be elastic or inelastic, or a curve may both over distinct ranges on the curve. One can visualize the difference by graphing the the following demand curves:
    • y=x^2
    • y = 6x^2
    • y = (1/10)x^2
Rhetorically and argumentationally speaking, your OP might be cogent and its idea more acceptable to a wider audience were you to have applied the same audience considerations that Aquinas did when he chose to write Summa Contra Gentiles along with Summa Theologica.

We have us as human beings (correct)

therefore being created by God (correct)

being gifted by God (correct)
these things were again given unto us by God (correct)
We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation.

This assertion, for instance, would cause few to grouse were it not to include "We as a Godly people." One's merely being ethical alone is sufficient basis for accepting the claim. One need not be a theist to concur, but atheists may well take exception because the statement presupposes one is a theist.​

I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ?? Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ??

The worth of anything is given by the measure of resources parties to its exchange are willing to give up and accept in return. Each would-be party to such an exchange has their own reasons for being willing to give/receive given quantities of resources; thus we see that worth is not universally defined.

Economists use the terms "elasticity" and "inelasticity," and the measures of them, to describe what laymen call worth. Looking at any supply or demand curve, one immediately sees that worth is a quality that varies by individual.

How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

What? Do you by chance mean "industry within an economy?" If so, just how do you conceive that an industry "crosses paths" with an economy?

An example of an economy within an economy is the economy of Iowa which is an economy within the Midwestern U.S. economy, which, in turn, is an economy within the U.S. economy, which is part of the North American economy, which is part of the global economy. An industry exists within, not independently of, some or all of those economies.
. By chance I mean that there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved, yet some deal in goods and services, and the other deals in human suffering, death and the caring for human beings. Now why is it that the healthcare economy is out of control in as far as the cost for it's services, products, and it's quality of care now ??? Who exactly is behind the problem ??? Get to the bottom of this problem, and maybe we could get our healthcare back in line again.
there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved

FWIW, the above describes an industry, not an economy.

I'm not, at this juncture, fussing with you over the terminology. I merely wanted to understand what you had in mind. I now do. TY.
. Yes industries, but with their own economies surrounding them. Take the racing industry for example, where as it has an economy that feeds alot of families along with satellite companies that are built up around that industry. If a downward trend begins to shift, then the industry may start suffering badly, so quickly new energy, concepts, safety standards, promotional ideas go into action in order to try to head off or stop the bleeding. While the specific industry thrives, then all boats began to rise or fall yet all depending on the strategies involved. Separate industries who have their own economies, and have their own securities working great for them will leave the competition in the dirt, and
up to their eyeballs in over regulation is what has happened lately..

Rhetorically and argumentationally speaking, your OP might be cogent and its idea more acceptable to a wider audience were you to have applied the same audience considerations that Aquinas did when he chose to write Summa Contra Gentiles along with Summa Theologica.

We have us as human beings (correct)

therefore being created by God (correct)

being gifted by God (correct)
these things were again given unto us by God (correct)
We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation.

This assertion, for instance, would cause few to grouse were it not to include "We as a Godly people." One's merely being ethical alone is sufficient basis for accepting the claim. One need not be a theist to concur, but atheists may well take exception because the statement presupposes one is a theist.​

I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ?? Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ??

The worth of anything is given by the measure of resources parties to its exchange are willing to give up and accept in return. Each would-be party to such an exchange has their own reasons for being willing to give/receive given quantities of resources; thus we see that worth is not universally defined.

Economists use the terms "elasticity" and "inelasticity," and the measures of them, to describe what laymen call worth. Looking at any supply or demand curve, one immediately sees that worth is a quality that varies by individual.

How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

What? Do you by chance mean "industry within an economy?" If so, just how do you conceive that an industry "crosses paths" with an economy?

An example of an economy within an economy is the economy of Iowa which is an economy within the Midwestern U.S. economy, which, in turn, is an economy within the U.S. economy, which is part of the North American economy, which is part of the global economy. An industry exists within, not independently of, some or all of those economies.
. By chance I mean that there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved, yet some deal in goods and services, and the other deals in human suffering, death and the caring for human beings. Now why is it that the healthcare economy is out of control in as far as the cost for it's services, products, and it's quality of care now ??? Who exactly is behind the problem ??? Get to the bottom of this problem, and maybe we could get our healthcare back in line again.
there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved

FWIW, the above describes an industry, not an economy.

I'm not, at this juncture, fussing with you over the terminology. I merely wanted to understand what you had in mind. I now do. TY.
. Yes industries, but with their own economies surrounding them. Take the racing industry for example, where as it has an economy that feeds alot of families along with satellite companies that are built up around that industry. If a downward trend begins to shift, then the industry may start suffering badly, so quickly new energy, concepts, safety standards, promotional ideas go into action in order to try to head off or stop the bleeding. While the specific industry thrives, then all boats began to rise or fall yet all depending on the strategies involved. Separate industries who have their own economies, and have their own securities working great for them will leave the competition in the dirt, and
up to their eyeballs in over regulation is what has happened lately..

Rhetorically and argumentationally speaking, your OP might be cogent and its idea more acceptable to a wider audience were you to have applied the same audience considerations that Aquinas did when he chose to write Summa Contra Gentiles along with Summa Theologica.

We have us as human beings (correct)

therefore being created by God (correct)

being gifted by God (correct)
these things were again given unto us by God (correct)
We as a Godly people should absolutely not be putting human beings in a position to choose death over the cost of care at the levels in which it is currently going on in hospitals all across this nation.

This assertion, for instance, would cause few to grouse were it not to include "We as a Godly people." One's merely being ethical alone is sufficient basis for accepting the claim. One need not be a theist to concur, but atheists may well take exception because the statement presupposes one is a theist.​

I mean a pill that cost thousands of dollars when the natural resources it took to create the pill or went into the pill was so miniscule that you can't even see it with the naked eye barely ?? Is the technology, education, and labor to create the chemical make up of the pill worth thousands ??

The worth of anything is given by the measure of resources parties to its exchange are willing to give up and accept in return. Each would-be party to such an exchange has their own reasons for being willing to give/receive given quantities of resources; thus we see that worth is not universally defined.

Economists use the terms "elasticity" and "inelasticity," and the measures of them, to describe what laymen call worth. Looking at any supply or demand curve, one immediately sees that worth is a quality that varies by individual.

How do we have an economy within an economy that is so much more valued than the other, that when the two cross paths it causes catosrophic consequences on a human beings life or lives ?????

What? Do you by chance mean "industry within an economy?" If so, just how do you conceive that an industry "crosses paths" with an economy?

An example of an economy within an economy is the economy of Iowa which is an economy within the Midwestern U.S. economy, which, in turn, is an economy within the U.S. economy, which is part of the North American economy, which is part of the global economy. An industry exists within, not independently of, some or all of those economies.
. By chance I mean that there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved, yet some deal in goods and services, and the other deals in human suffering, death and the caring for human beings. Now why is it that the healthcare economy is out of control in as far as the cost for it's services, products, and it's quality of care now ??? Who exactly is behind the problem ??? Get to the bottom of this problem, and maybe we could get our healthcare back in line again.
there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved

FWIW, the above describes an industry, not an economy.

I'm not, at this juncture, fussing with you over the terminology. I merely wanted to understand what you had in mind. I now do. TY.
. Yes industries, but with their own economies surrounding them. Take the racing industry for example, where as it has an economy that feeds alot of families along with satellite companies that are built up around that industry. If a downward trend begins to shift, then the industry may start suffering badly, so quickly new energy, concepts, safety standards, promotional ideas go into action in order to try to head off or stop the bleeding. While the specific industry thrives, then all boats began to rise or fall yet all depending on the strategies involved. Separate industries who have their own economies, and have their own securities working great for them will leave the competition in the dirt, and
up to their eyeballs in over regulation is what has happened lately..

. The medical industry has it's own economic value going, but what has happened is that somehow the industry has snowballed into a freight train that is mowing patients and insurance companies down, instead of keeping a healthy balance going in as far as it's cost and services go. It is my belief that people are paying with their lives when they can't pay with money anymore. And these people on here boasting about how they can pay their medical cost out of pocket are either lying or thinking that we are a bunch of fools on this forum. One might pay out of pocket for some things, but when it gets serious, then lawyers and deeds to property or assets start flying out people's names, and into other people's names quick fast and in a hurry. Then who pays ? We all do that's who.
Rhetorically and argumentationally speaking, your OP might be cogent and its idea more acceptable to a wider audience were you to have applied the same audience considerations that Aquinas did when he chose to write Summa Contra Gentiles along with Summa Theologica.




This assertion, for instance, would cause few to grouse were it not to include "We as a Godly people." One's merely being ethical alone is sufficient basis for accepting the claim. One need not be a theist to concur, but atheists may well take exception because the statement presupposes one is a theist.​

The worth of anything is given by the measure of resources parties to its exchange are willing to give up and accept in return. Each would-be party to such an exchange has their own reasons for being willing to give/receive given quantities of resources; thus we see that worth is not universally defined.

Economists use the terms "elasticity" and "inelasticity," and the measures of them, to describe what laymen call worth. Looking at any supply or demand curve, one immediately sees that worth is a quality that varies by individual.

What? Do you by chance mean "industry within an economy?" If so, just how do you conceive that an industry "crosses paths" with an economy?

An example of an economy within an economy is the economy of Iowa which is an economy within the Midwestern U.S. economy, which, in turn, is an economy within the U.S. economy, which is part of the North American economy, which is part of the global economy. An industry exists within, not independently of, some or all of those economies.
. By chance I mean that there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved, yet some deal in goods and services, and the other deals in human suffering, death and the caring for human beings. Now why is it that the healthcare economy is out of control in as far as the cost for it's services, products, and it's quality of care now ??? Who exactly is behind the problem ??? Get to the bottom of this problem, and maybe we could get our healthcare back in line again.
there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved

FWIW, the above describes an industry, not an economy.

I'm not, at this juncture, fussing with you over the terminology. I merely wanted to understand what you had in mind. I now do. TY.
. Yes industries, but with their own economies surrounding them. Take the racing industry for example, where as it has an economy that feeds alot of families along with satellite companies that are built up around that industry. If a downward trend begins to shift, then the industry may start suffering badly, so quickly new energy, concepts, safety standards, promotional ideas go into action in order to try to head off or stop the bleeding. While the specific industry thrives, then all boats began to rise or fall yet all depending on the strategies involved. Separate industries who have their own economies, and have their own securities working great for them will leave the competition in the dirt, and
up to their eyeballs in over regulation is what has happened lately..

. The medical industry has it's own economic value going, but what has happened is that somehow the industry has snowballed into a freight train that is mowing patients and insurance companies down, instead of keeping a healthy balance going in as far as it's cost and services go. It is my belief that people are paying with their lives when they can't pay with money anymore. And these people on here boasting about how they can pay their medical cost out of pocket are either lying or thinking that we are a bunch of fools on this forum. One might pay out of pocket for some things, but when it gets serious, then lawyers and deeds to property or assets start flying out people's names, and into other people's names quick fast and in a hurry. Then who pays ? We all do that's who.

The manifest outcomes/observations you've described is a consequence of market structure, which is one dimension of an economy. [1] Market structures are qualified in part by where on the continuum of government price control they lay. As a consequence of the economy in which the market structure exists, some structures one the continuum are inherently more laissez faire and others are less so (One could as easily say some are more commanded and others less so....Remember, we're talking about a continuum, so one can use either endpoint as the point of reference). Regarding the context you've raised, the other quality of market structure that is controlling is the nature of competition.

Insofar as in the U.S. the market structure for healthcare and health insurance is monopolistically competitive and, in terms of pricing, relatively more rather than less laissez faire, the problems you've identified are intrinsic. That is to say, so long as a market structure is laissez faire enough [2], the problems you've noted are unavoidable, and as we all know, intractable. Those problems can be attenuated by adjusting either the extent to which the market is laissez faire or by altering the market structure.

The majority of people and elected leaders in the U.S. have thus far eschewed notions of reducing the extent to which the healthcare and health insurance market is laissez faire, and AFAIK, nobody who matters has proposed willfully changing the market structure. The simple reality is that one cannot rationally declare a non price-controlled and non-profit controlled market competitive and ask the firms in the market not to compete to garner the most profits they can in return for the resources they used to provide the goods/services they sell to earn profit.

That's the economics of it, and economics doesn't care about emotion. It recognizes emotion's role in shaping supply and demand curves, but it doesn't whether one has or doesn't have the good/service one may desire. It cares only about the buying and selling behavior exhibited by participants in a economy. Political science, politics, insofar as the buying and selling of ideas/policies about governance is concerned, is the realm of what people like, want, don't like, etc. comes into play. [3]

  1. Within an economy, different industries can operate under different market structures. For instance, in the U.S., the market structure for most industries is that of monopolistic competition. Healthcare and health insurance operates under that market structure. Electricity and water, on the other hand, operate in a monopoly market structure. Nondifferentiable goods and services operate in the market structure called "perfect competition."
  2. "Enough" being however much it takes such that sellers (buyers too, however, the focus of your remarks is on the supply side; thus I've written "sellers"), behaving in what they believe is their own best interest, act, as we observe them doing in the U.S., as profit maximizers.
  3. As we say in my industry, "the only thing that's confounding is the people." That saying encapsulates why business operations and economics are the disciplines in which I made my career. As someone who's input is based on empiricism, I and my staff mostly don't have to care whether people like or don't like "it." I need only articulate what is and/or what most likely is based on the available information and what one can expect (the nature and extent of risk associated with various solution approaches/options) based on what is and our understanding of "it." That a solution will "suck" for someone other than my client isn't what I'm paid to address. (That's not to say I'm not aware of the "sucking" that'll befall someone else, but I'm paid to maximize, across multiple parameters, the "not sucking" for my clients.)
. By chance I mean that there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved, yet some deal in goods and services, and the other deals in human suffering, death and the caring for human beings. Now why is it that the healthcare economy is out of control in as far as the cost for it's services, products, and it's quality of care now ??? Who exactly is behind the problem ??? Get to the bottom of this problem, and maybe we could get our healthcare back in line again.
there are economies in this USA, that exist side by side within a wide range of economies that have the same goals, marketing strategies, profit expectations, progress, failures, ethics, moral delema's, resource mining, technologies, presumptions, rules, and standards involved

FWIW, the above describes an industry, not an economy.

I'm not, at this juncture, fussing with you over the terminology. I merely wanted to understand what you had in mind. I now do. TY.
. Yes industries, but with their own economies surrounding them. Take the racing industry for example, where as it has an economy that feeds alot of families along with satellite companies that are built up around that industry. If a downward trend begins to shift, then the industry may start suffering badly, so quickly new energy, concepts, safety standards, promotional ideas go into action in order to try to head off or stop the bleeding. While the specific industry thrives, then all boats began to rise or fall yet all depending on the strategies involved. Separate industries who have their own economies, and have their own securities working great for them will leave the competition in the dirt, and
up to their eyeballs in over regulation is what has happened lately..

. The medical industry has it's own economic value going, but what has happened is that somehow the industry has snowballed into a freight train that is mowing patients and insurance companies down, instead of keeping a healthy balance going in as far as it's cost and services go. It is my belief that people are paying with their lives when they can't pay with money anymore. And these people on here boasting about how they can pay their medical cost out of pocket are either lying or thinking that we are a bunch of fools on this forum. One might pay out of pocket for some things, but when it gets serious, then lawyers and deeds to property or assets start flying out people's names, and into other people's names quick fast and in a hurry. Then who pays ? We all do that's who.

The manifest outcomes/observations you've described is a consequence of market structure, which is one dimension of an economy. [1] Market structures are qualified in part by where on the continuum of government price control they lay. As a consequence of the economy in which the market structure exists, some structures one the continuum are inherently more laissez faire and others are less so (One could as easily say some are more commanded and others less so....Remember, we're talking about a continuum, so one can use either endpoint as the point of reference). Regarding the context you've raised, the other quality of market structure that is controlling is the nature of competition.

Insofar as in the U.S. the market structure for healthcare and health insurance is monopolistically competitive and, in terms of pricing, relatively more rather than less laissez faire, the problems you've identified are intrinsic. That is to say, so long as a market structure is laissez faire enough [2], the problems you've noted are unavoidable, and as we all know, intractable. Those problems can be attenuated by adjusting either the extent to which the market is laissez faire or by altering the market structure.

The majority of people and elected leaders in the U.S. have thus far eschewed notions of reducing the extent to which the healthcare and health insurance market is laissez faire, and AFAIK, nobody who matters has proposed willfully changing the market structure. The simple reality is that one cannot rationally declare a non price-controlled and non-profit controlled market competitive and ask the firms in the market not to compete to garner the most profits they can in return for the resources they used to provide the goods/services they sell to earn profit.

That's the economics of it, and economics doesn't care about emotion. It recognizes emotion's role in shaping supply and demand curves, but it doesn't whether one has or doesn't have the good/service one may desire. It cares only about the buying and selling behavior exhibited by participants in a economy. Political science, politics, insofar as the buying and selling of ideas/policies about governance is concerned, is the realm of what people like, want, don't like, etc. comes into play. [3]

  1. Within an economy, different industries can operate under different market structures. For instance, in the U.S., the market structure for most industries is that of monopolistic competition. Healthcare and health insurance operates under that market structure. Electricity and water, on the other hand, operate in a monopoly market structure. Nondifferentiable goods and services operate in the market structure called "perfect competition."
  2. "Enough" being however much it takes such that sellers (buyers too, however, the focus of your remarks is on the supply side; thus I've written "sellers"), behaving in what they believe is their own best interest, act, as we observe them doing in the U.S., as profit maximizers.
  3. As we say in my industry, "the only thing that's confounding is the people." That saying encapsulates why business operations and economics are the disciplines in which I made my career. As someone who's input is based on empiricism, I and my staff mostly don't have to care whether people like or don't like "it." I need only articulate what is and/or what most likely is based on the available information and what one can expect (the nature and extent of risk associated with various solution approaches/options) based on what is and our understanding of "it." That a solution will "suck" for someone other than my client isn't what I'm paid to address. (That's not to say I'm not aware of the "sucking" that'll befall someone else, but I'm paid to maximize, across multiple parameters, the "not sucking" for my clients.)
. The healthcare industry needs to be taken out of the for profit system, and should be placed in the non-profit status or system. It has gotten way out of hand as evidenced in the itemized statements that people are getting from their Healthcare providers and their insurance providers. To much corruption, over charging, and bad products or services being the norm in the nation anymore, and Americans deserve better than this kind of situation now.

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