Who starts Israeli and Arab wars?

And get rich stealing the Arabs land and water in the process:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the Balfour Declaration is a total oxymoron aint it?

The Zionist first bit, written by my great great uncle Herbert Samuel, later 1st british governor general of Palestine, 1920 to 26

Followed by the contradictory bit written by another relative, Edwin Montague who was an anti-Zionist like my mums branch of the family

So could there ever have been a jewish entity living NOT at the expense of the indigenous arabs?

yesd there wouldn have been if it had not been for a certain adolf hitler

but for him the jews and arabs would be much the same ratio as they were all over the arab world....only in Palestine too

ziothievery is hitler's main legacy in the world today

tragic aint it??

So could there ever have been a jewish entity living NOT at the expense of the indigenous arabs?

Good point. The Balfour declaration did not call for a Jewish state.

The mandate did not call for a Jewish state either. Britain stated in its 1939 white paper that they could not impose a Jewish state in Palestine against the will of the Palestinians. That would have been a violation of the Palestinians legal right to self determination.

Resolution 181 did not create a Jewish state either. The plan was to get the Palestinians to agree with the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Like any other people in the world would do, they rejected the plan. When the Security Council contemplated the implementation of resolution 181 they could not. Like the British before, they could not impose a Jewish state in Palestine against the will of the people.
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, Kondor3, et al,

On the question of: Who starts Israeli and Arab wars? It was never about money or profit.

All these issue are post-Occupation issues. Yes, there are some very serious resource issues, including water distribution matters. But none of that has anything to do with big money. Believe me, Israel is not going to break-even on the settlement issue.

And get rich stealing the Arabs land and water in the process:
By Jove, I think you're getting the hang of this thing... :laugh2:

Indeed, they steal the land from the Palestinians and then lease it to the Jews.

Who is getting rich off of that scam?
This is all a little too Kornspiracy -like for me, guys... ;-)

All this class-war rhetoric is simply noise. If it was all about the money, believe me when I say, someone would have bought-up all the land already (they've had 6 decades) and paid-off the Palestinian, telling them to go away.

But it is not about the money. It is about influence and power. And its been around for a very long time. Since a time before Palestinian leaders and notables offered the territory up to HRH King Abdullah; making the remainder of the Palestinian territory under Jordanian Kingship.

There has not been a real leader of the Palestinians that has advance a single infrastructure project for the people of Palestine in the last 60 years. That include the 2009 Desalination Plant Project in Gaza, funded by hand-out money from Arab and European donors. But a project that the Palestinians do for themselves, none.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, Kondor3, et al,

On the question of: Who starts Israeli and Arab wars? It was never about money or profit.

All these issue are post-Occupation issues. Yes, there are some very serious resource issues, including water distribution matters. But none of that has anything to do with big money. Believe me, Israel is not going to break-even on the settlement issue.

Indeed, they steal the land from the Palestinians and then lease it to the Jews.

Who is getting rich off of that scam?
This is all a little too Kornspiracy -like for me, guys... ;-)

All this class-war rhetoric is simply noise. If it was all about the money, believe me when I say, someone would have bought-up all the land already (they've had 6 decades) and paid-off the Palestinian, telling them to go away.

But it is not about the money. It is about influence and power. And its been around for a very long time. Since a time before Palestinian leaders and notables offered the territory up to HRH King Abdullah; making the remainder of the Palestinian territory under Jordanian Kingship.

There has not been a real leader of the Palestinians that has advance a single infrastructure project for the people of Palestine in the last 60 years. That include the 2009 Desalination Plant Project in Gaza, funded by hand-out money from Arab and European donors. But a project that the Palestinians do for themselves, none.

Most Respectfully,

Officials in the Hamas-run ministry of agriculture said that the government does not only invest in plant wealth, but also in livestock such as chicken and eggs in order to achieve self- sufficiency within the coming two years and completely stop the economic dependence on Israel.

Ibrahim al-Qedra, director general of the Agriculture Ministry, told Xinhua that the Gaza Strip is not importing from Israel at all many different kinds of agricultural and livestock products such as onions, garlic, melons, watermelons, chicken and eggs.

"In the past, we were buying the melons, watermelons, onions, chicken and eggs from Israel, but this year the government achieved 100 percent self-sufficiency. We hope that within the coming two years, the Gaza Strip will completely depend on itself and end dependence on Israel's economy," said al-Qedra.

Achieving agricultural self-sufficiency may help Hamas declare independence - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Ashira joins Diana at her old workplace, the 1st private TV station Filistine Al Ghad (Palestine of Tomorrow) that hasnt gone on the air due to Israel not releasing their transmission gear for 7 months!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77EKO3tWXnY]27 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, Kondor3, et al,

Yes, I've heard this.

On the question of: Who starts Israeli and Arab wars? It was never about money or profit.

All these issue are post-Occupation issues. Yes, there are some very serious resource issues, including water distribution matters. But none of that has anything to do with big money. Believe me, Israel is not going to break-even on the settlement issue.

This is all a little too Kornspiracy -like for me, guys... ;-)

All this class-war rhetoric is simply noise. If it was all about the money, believe me when I say, someone would have bought-up all the land already (they've had 6 decades) and paid-off the Palestinian, telling them to go away.

But it is not about the money. It is about influence and power. And its been around for a very long time. Since a time before Palestinian leaders and notables offered the territory up to HRH King Abdullah; making the remainder of the Palestinian territory under Jordanian Kingship.

There has not been a real leader of the Palestinians that has advance a single infrastructure project for the people of Palestine in the last 60 years. That include the 2009 Desalination Plant Project in Gaza, funded by hand-out money from Arab and European donors. But a project that the Palestinians do for themselves, none.

Most Respectfully,

Officials in the Hamas-run ministry of agriculture said that the government does not only invest in plant wealth, but also in livestock such as chicken and eggs in order to achieve self- sufficiency within the coming two years and completely stop the economic dependence on Israel.

Ibrahim al-Qedra, director general of the Agriculture Ministry, told Xinhua that the Gaza Strip is not importing from Israel at all many different kinds of agricultural and livestock products such as onions, garlic, melons, watermelons, chicken and eggs.

"In the past, we were buying the melons, watermelons, onions, chicken and eggs from Israel, but this year the government achieved 100 percent self-sufficiency. We hope that within the coming two years, the Gaza Strip will completely depend on itself and end dependence on Israel's economy," said al-Qedra.

Achieving agricultural self-sufficiency may help Hamas declare independence - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Ashira joins Diana at her old workplace, the 1st private TV station Filistine Al Ghad (Palestine of Tomorrow) that hasnt gone on the air due to Israel not releasing their transmission gear for 7 months!

That is not an infrastructure improvement. I'm not sure it is an improvement of any kind.

The idea working here is: if Hamas can restrict fruit & vegetable imports from Israel, then the protectionist measure makes local farm production more profitable (drive profit of local production up based on supply & demand). But that is an artificial improvement, and not a real improvement in efficiency.

It is not truly economic self-sufficiency.

A 'resistance economy' - Too much of a good thing? Palestinians realize downsides of foreign aid boom said:
The combination of Israeli restrictions and donor neglect have triggered a “resistance economy," which skirts external restrictions, says Alaa Tartir, program director of Palestinian policy network Al-Shabaka.

But Mr. Tartir acknowledges that since Palestinian society so thoroughly relies on donations for its income, “getting rid of their money is something gradual."

Aisha Mansour is unwilling to wait.

To achieve food independence and economic protection from Israeli product dumping that undercuts the Palestinian market, people here need to return to “life that is inherently Palestinian,” in which communities rely on an each other, and their lands, to fulfill their basic needs, Ms. Mansour says.

Her baladi ("indigenous”) agriculture group Sharaka (“partnership”), which connects Ramallah with its surrounding villages, is preparing for the upcoming farmer’s markets. Volunteers transport products from economically vulnerable farms to the city, ensuring urbanites have access to pesticide-free produce, eggs, and dairy products and farmers have a market for their products.

She expresses nostalgia for the first intifada, when an economic Israeli-Palestinian disconnect encouraged Palestinian self-sufficiency and solidarity.

“People remember the need to produce the food, the open organic market,” she said. “Policies since have taken us from traditional farming and tied our prices to the global market, making it difficult for the small scale to compete

“But occupation or no occupation, in the meantime you need to plant the land, and maintain your heritage, and fight,” said Ms. Mansour.

SOURCE: Too much of a good thing? Palestinians realize downsides of foreign aid boom - CSMonitor.com

There are different ways of looking at the problem. But clearly, "self-sufficiency" means different things to different people. The Palestinian knows that his products are not currently competitive on the Regional market. The fact the market/product import bans present a closed market gives the impression of efficiencies and improvements that are not really there. It is sort-of-a North Korean style way of managing the economy.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, Kondor3, et al,

Yes, I've heard this.

On the question of: Who starts Israeli and Arab wars? It was never about money or profit.

All these issue are post-Occupation issues. Yes, there are some very serious resource issues, including water distribution matters. But none of that has anything to do with big money. Believe me, Israel is not going to break-even on the settlement issue.


All this class-war rhetoric is simply noise. If it was all about the money, believe me when I say, someone would have bought-up all the land already (they've had 6 decades) and paid-off the Palestinian, telling them to go away.

But it is not about the money. It is about influence and power. And its been around for a very long time. Since a time before Palestinian leaders and notables offered the territory up to HRH King Abdullah; making the remainder of the Palestinian territory under Jordanian Kingship.

There has not been a real leader of the Palestinians that has advance a single infrastructure project for the people of Palestine in the last 60 years. That include the 2009 Desalination Plant Project in Gaza, funded by hand-out money from Arab and European donors. But a project that the Palestinians do for themselves, none.

Most Respectfully,

Officials in the Hamas-run ministry of agriculture said that the government does not only invest in plant wealth, but also in livestock such as chicken and eggs in order to achieve self- sufficiency within the coming two years and completely stop the economic dependence on Israel.

Ibrahim al-Qedra, director general of the Agriculture Ministry, told Xinhua that the Gaza Strip is not importing from Israel at all many different kinds of agricultural and livestock products such as onions, garlic, melons, watermelons, chicken and eggs.

"In the past, we were buying the melons, watermelons, onions, chicken and eggs from Israel, but this year the government achieved 100 percent self-sufficiency. We hope that within the coming two years, the Gaza Strip will completely depend on itself and end dependence on Israel's economy," said al-Qedra.

Achieving agricultural self-sufficiency may help Hamas declare independence - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Ashira joins Diana at her old workplace, the 1st private TV station Filistine Al Ghad (Palestine of Tomorrow) that hasnt gone on the air due to Israel not releasing their transmission gear for 7 months!

That is not an infrastructure improvement. I'm not sure it is an improvement of any kind.

The idea working here is: if Hamas can restrict fruit & vegetable imports from Israel, then the protectionist measure makes local farm production more profitable (drive profit of local production up based on supply & demand). But that is an artificial improvement, and not a real improvement in efficiency.

It is not truly economic self-sufficiency.

A 'resistance economy' - Too much of a good thing? Palestinians realize downsides of foreign aid boom said:
The combination of Israeli restrictions and donor neglect have triggered a “resistance economy," which skirts external restrictions, says Alaa Tartir, program director of Palestinian policy network Al-Shabaka.

But Mr. Tartir acknowledges that since Palestinian society so thoroughly relies on donations for its income, “getting rid of their money is something gradual."

Aisha Mansour is unwilling to wait.

To achieve food independence and economic protection from Israeli product dumping that undercuts the Palestinian market, people here need to return to “life that is inherently Palestinian,” in which communities rely on an each other, and their lands, to fulfill their basic needs, Ms. Mansour says.

Her baladi ("indigenous”) agriculture group Sharaka (“partnership”), which connects Ramallah with its surrounding villages, is preparing for the upcoming farmer’s markets. Volunteers transport products from economically vulnerable farms to the city, ensuring urbanites have access to pesticide-free produce, eggs, and dairy products and farmers have a market for their products.

She expresses nostalgia for the first intifada, when an economic Israeli-Palestinian disconnect encouraged Palestinian self-sufficiency and solidarity.

“People remember the need to produce the food, the open organic market,” she said. “Policies since have taken us from traditional farming and tied our prices to the global market, making it difficult for the small scale to compete

“But occupation or no occupation, in the meantime you need to plant the land, and maintain your heritage, and fight,” said Ms. Mansour.

SOURCE: Too much of a good thing? Palestinians realize downsides of foreign aid boom - CSMonitor.com

There are different ways of looking at the problem. But clearly, "self-sufficiency" means different things to different people. The Palestinian knows that his products are not currently competitive on the Regional market. The fact the market/product import bans present a closed market gives the impression of efficiencies and improvements that are not really there. It is sort-of-a North Korean style way of managing the economy.

Most Respectfully,

Indeed the West Bank has an economy that is dependent on foreign aid. And that aid has strings attached that makes their economy depend on the whims and demands of foreigners.

Gaza does not accept aid with strings attached.

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