Who thinks Trump's Core Economic Policy will be more Massive Tax cus to the ultra wealthy??

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
The Bush and Trump tax cuts are the main reason for our out of control deficits as independent, non-partisan groups have estimated that they have added at least $10T to the deficit.

Republicans have the nerve to complain about deficits and even shut down the government, but their tax cuts and big spending bills are the reason the deficit is so large.
In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut military and other spending, and gave us the Bill Clinton balanced Budget.
GW Bush and Trump did the complete opposite of Bill Clinton and handed out trillions in tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and jacked up military and other spending massively. Bush and the GOP destroyed the balanced budget, ruined it with their policy, then Trump turned it into a $3T/yr deficit. In 2000 to start the Bush presidency we had a balanced budget, at the end of the failed Trump presidency we had $3T/yr deficits. Bush and Trump bankrupted America and their massive tax cuts to the ultra wealthy were the main reason why.

I bet Trump is going to have the same economic policy of more massive tax cuts that blow up the deficit even more. Then the republicans are going to try and blame the democrats for all the debt that the republicans create.

The Bush and Trump tax cuts are the main reason for our out of control deficits as independent, non-partisan groups have estimated that they have added at least $10T to the deficit.

Republicans have the nerve to complain about deficits and even shut down the government, but their tax cuts and big spending bills are the reason the deficit is so large.
In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut military and other spending, and gave us the Bill Clinton balanced Budget.
GW Bush and Trump did the complete opposite of Bill Clinton and handed out trillions in tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and jacked up military and other spending massively. Bush and the GOP destroyed the balanced budget, ruined it with their policy, then Trump turned it into a $3T/yr deficit. In 2000 to start the Bush presidency we had a balanced budget, at the end of the failed Trump presidency we had $3T/yr deficits. Bush and Trump bankrupted America and their massive tax cuts to the ultra wealthy were the main reason why.

I bet Trump is going to have the same economic policy of more massive tax cuts that blow up the deficit even more. Then the republicans are going to try and blame the democrats for all the debt that the republicans create.

What about Obama’s Tax cuts?

He extended the Bush Tax cuts.

I bet Trump is going to have the same economic policy of more massive tax cuts that blow up the deficit even more. Then the republicans are going to try and blame the democrats for all the debt that the republicans create
I’m glad you‘re admitting President Trump is going to win.
The Bush and Trump tax cuts are the main reason for our out of control deficits as independent, non-partisan groups have estimated that they have added at least $10T to the deficit.

Republicans have the nerve to complain about deficits and even shut down the government, but their tax cuts and big spending bills are the reason the deficit is so large.
In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut military and other spending, and gave us the Bill Clinton balanced Budget.
GW Bush and Trump did the complete opposite of Bill Clinton and handed out trillions in tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and jacked up military and other spending massively. Bush and the GOP destroyed the balanced budget, ruined it with their policy, then Trump turned it into a $3T/yr deficit. In 2000 to start the Bush presidency we had a balanced budget, at the end of the failed Trump presidency we had $3T/yr deficits. Bush and Trump bankrupted America and their massive tax cuts to the ultra wealthy were the main reason why.

I bet Trump is going to have the same economic policy of more massive tax cuts that blow up the deficit even more. Then the republicans are going to try and blame the democrats for all the debt that the republicans create.

We can’t out spend 33 trillion in debt to make the numbers work. Trumps economy was booming. This one is shit no matter how you spin it. I don’t care how much the rich have if I’ve got nothing. There’s never been a tax on the rich that give me anything. Tax cuts create jobs and business. The two things poor people need way more than taxes on the rich.
The Bush and Trump tax cuts are the main reason for our out of control deficits as independent, non-partisan groups have estimated that they have added at least $10T to the deficit.

Republicans have the nerve to complain about deficits and even shut down the government, but their tax cuts and big spending bills are the reason the deficit is so large.
In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut military and other spending, and gave us the Bill Clinton balanced Budget.
GW Bush and Trump did the complete opposite of Bill Clinton and handed out trillions in tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and jacked up military and other spending massively. Bush and the GOP destroyed the balanced budget, ruined it with their policy, then Trump turned it into a $3T/yr deficit. In 2000 to start the Bush presidency we had a balanced budget, at the end of the failed Trump presidency we had $3T/yr deficits. Bush and Trump bankrupted America and their massive tax cuts to the ultra wealthy were the main reason why.

I bet Trump is going to have the same economic policy of more massive tax cuts that blow up the deficit even more. Then the republicans are going to try and blame the democrats for all the debt that the republicans create.

I would think a "banker" knew it's the rich people who pay 90% of the tax, and nearly half of all US earners pay zero tax. I think you need to go back to banker school.
The Bush and Trump tax cuts are the main reason for our out of control deficits as independent, non-partisan groups have estimated that they have added at least $10T to the deficit.

Republicans have the nerve to complain about deficits and even shut down the government, but their tax cuts and big spending bills are the reason the deficit is so large.
In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut military and other spending, and gave us the Bill Clinton balanced Budget.
GW Bush and Trump did the complete opposite of Bill Clinton and handed out trillions in tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and jacked up military and other spending massively. Bush and the GOP destroyed the balanced budget, ruined it with their policy, then Trump turned it into a $3T/yr deficit. In 2000 to start the Bush presidency we had a balanced budget, at the end of the failed Trump presidency we had $3T/yr deficits. Bush and Trump bankrupted America and their massive tax cuts to the ultra wealthy were the main reason why.

I bet Trump is going to have the same economic policy of more massive tax cuts that blow up the deficit even more. Then the republicans are going to try and blame the democrats for all the debt that the republicans create.

you obviously do.
I love how the moron OP keeps starting these threads.

Hey Moron, explain how revenues going up after the Trump ACROSS THE BOARD tax cuts caused higher deficits.

I know this will be hard for you since you don’t even know the difference between debt and deficits, but give it the ol Short Bus try, Window Licker.
The Bush and Trump tax cuts are the main reason for our out of control deficits as independent, non-partisan groups have estimated that they have added at least $10T to the deficit.

Republicans have the nerve to complain about deficits and even shut down the government, but their tax cuts and big spending bills are the reason the deficit is so large.
In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut military and other spending, and gave us the Bill Clinton balanced Budget.
GW Bush and Trump did the complete opposite of Bill Clinton and handed out trillions in tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and jacked up military and other spending massively. Bush and the GOP destroyed the balanced budget, ruined it with their policy, then Trump turned it into a $3T/yr deficit. In 2000 to start the Bush presidency we had a balanced budget, at the end of the failed Trump presidency we had $3T/yr deficits. Bush and Trump bankrupted America and their massive tax cuts to the ultra wealthy were the main reason why.

I bet Trump is going to have the same economic policy of more massive tax cuts that blow up the deficit even more. Then the republicans are going to try and blame the democrats for all the debt that the republicans create.

Well, at least The Wanker seems to be grasping that Trump is going to win Re-election.
I’m glad you‘re admitting President Trump is going to win.
If Trump wins Trump and the lemming will call a fair election. If Trump loses, Trump and the lemmings will say the election is rigged.
Any good news on Trump, it is real news. Any bad news about Trump is fake news.
A very predictable group.
We can’t out spend 33 trillion in debt to make the numbers work. Trumps economy was booming. This one is shit no matter how you spin it. I don’t care how much the rich have if I’ve got nothing. There’s never been a tax on the rich that give me anything. Tax cuts create jobs and business. The two things poor people need way more than taxes on the rich.
Trump never had 3% gdp growth annually, that is weak. Then Trump's weak economy crashed badly at the end of 2018 when they tried to raise rates to a little 2%, and the S&P dropped 26%. Trump then needed rate cuts and QE 4 lite to boost his weak economy. On top of that Trump had mega massive debt, and he bankrupted America.

The facts prove Trump's economy was weak, making claims it was booming shows how ignorant and biased you are.
Well, at least The Wanker seems to be grasping that Trump is going to win Re-election.
I am talking about the economic policy he is going to run on in 2024.

He will announce his economic policy on the campaign trial and it will be another massive tax cut for the ultra wealthy that explodes the deficit even more. Like bush did. And Trump did in 2017, when he blew up the deficit every year of his failed presidency.
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The Bush and Trump tax cuts are the main reason for our out of control deficits as independent, non-partisan groups have estimated that they have added at least $10T to the deficit.

Republicans have the nerve to complain about deficits and even shut down the government, but their tax cuts and big spending bills are the reason the deficit is so large.
In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut military and other spending, and gave us the Bill Clinton balanced Budget.
GW Bush and Trump did the complete opposite of Bill Clinton and handed out trillions in tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and jacked up military and other spending massively. Bush and the GOP destroyed the balanced budget, ruined it with their policy, then Trump turned it into a $3T/yr deficit. In 2000 to start the Bush presidency we had a balanced budget, at the end of the failed Trump presidency we had $3T/yr deficits. Bush and Trump bankrupted America and their massive tax cuts to the ultra wealthy were the main reason why.

I bet Trump is going to have the same economic policy of more massive tax cuts that blow up the deficit even more. Then the republicans are going to try and blame the democrats for all the debt that the republicans create.

Trump won’t have the guts to cut spending
Trump never had 3% gdp growth annually, that is weak. Then Trump's weak economy crashed badly at the end of 2018 when they tried to raise rates to a little 2%, and the S&P dropped 26%. Trump then needed rate cuts and QE 4 lite to boost his weak economy. On top of that Trump had mega massive debt, and he bankrupted America.

The facts prove Trump's economy was weak, making claims it was booming shows how ignorant and biased you are.
The economic poicy he is going to run on in 2024.

He will announce his economic policy on the campaign trial and it will be another massive tax cut for the ultra wealthy that explodes the deficit even more. Like bush did. And Trump did in 2017, when he blew up the deficit every year of his failed presidency.
In your heart, Wanker. You know he’s gonna win.

Just admit it, now. Save the angst.
The Bush and Trump tax cuts are the main reason for our out of control deficits as independent, non-partisan groups have estimated that they have added at least $10T to the deficit.

Republicans have the nerve to complain about deficits and even shut down the government, but their tax cuts and big spending bills are the reason the deficit is so large.
In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut military and other spending, and gave us the Bill Clinton balanced Budget.
GW Bush and Trump did the complete opposite of Bill Clinton and handed out trillions in tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and jacked up military and other spending massively. Bush and the GOP destroyed the balanced budget, ruined it with their policy, then Trump turned it into a $3T/yr deficit. In 2000 to start the Bush presidency we had a balanced budget, at the end of the failed Trump presidency we had $3T/yr deficits. Bush and Trump bankrupted America and their massive tax cuts to the ultra wealthy were the main reason why.

I bet Trump is going to have the same economic policy of more massive tax cuts that blow up the deficit even more. Then the republicans are going to try and blame the democrats for all the debt that the republicans create.

Dunno if it can be blamed on tax cuts. Everyone has a budget and DC refuses to live within it.

As far as your question. Reps main goals when in power is to lower taxes for the rich and make it harder for blacks to vote.
Well, we can hope he cuts taxes again. That draws in business which grows our GDP, brings energy independence and the wealth gets distributed throughout communities.
He cut taxes for everybody. You saved an average of 6 grand with Trump and lost that much through Bidenomics. High employment, less welfare recipients, affordable food, gas, housing. No war, no Zelensky sucking us dry. No China in the White House, No Iran, No Obama running the show from behind a curtain.
Yes, please...

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