Who thinks Trump's Core Economic Policy will be more Massive Tax cus to the ultra wealthy??

Yea, right. The defecit is sky high because Biden is giving hundreds of billions of dollars to illegals & terrorists. Sure.

That must be the latest rant spoonfed to you by Daddy Warbucks Trump, you asswipe.
I've never spoken with him, liar.
Republicans don't give a flying fuck about the deficit. They never have.

What they care about is Democratic deficits.

Republican deficits are fine.

Because alternative reality.
Wise up troll. It is both partys doing this shit.
Republicans seem to not remember what Trump did back in 2017-2020.
Trump was the president who handed out all the fake money to everybody at record rates. And Trump signed off on all those bills and they all had his signature on them.
Trump was the one who said the handouts weren't big enough and said the handouts need to be bigger.
Trump was the one who exploded the deficits both before and after covid.
Trump was the one who had the FED print record money, and needed record stimulus and record QE. Trump even needed QE and rate cuts in 2019 because his economy was weak.

Stop blaming Biden for Trump policy, Trump fake money printing, and Trump fake money handouts. Trump was a major cause of all the inflation we got, because he exploded the deficits and handed out all the fake money to everybody and republicans are trying to blame Biden for what Trump did.

“I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump said in the video.

And Biden was the one who hasn't removed it from circulation yet.
Is that because Biden is senile, or is it because he's stupid?
Oh my gosh. How many times do we have to go over this. It was the left clamoring over those relief packages. It was blue cities wanting to shut everything down. If trump hadn’t sent out all that money, the left would have raised hell about it.

Please, stop trying to pin these things on him when it was what you all wanted.
Trump hands out record fake money.
Trump explodes the deficit and signs every penny
Trump begs Congres for even mor emoney, wanting even bigger deficits, and more inflation

Trump gave us this inflation, his money handouts caused it
Republicans seem to not remember what Trump did back in 2017-2020.
Trump was the president who handed out all the fake money to everybody at record rates. And Trump signed off on all those bills and they all had his signature on them.
Trump was the one who said the handouts weren't big enough and said the handouts need to be bigger.
Trump was the one who exploded the deficits both before and after covid.
Trump was the one who had the FED print record money, and needed record stimulus and record QE. Trump even needed QE and rate cuts in 2019 because his economy was weak.

Stop blaming Biden for Trump policy, Trump fake money printing, and Trump fake money handouts. Trump was a major cause of all the inflation we got, because he exploded the deficits and handed out all the fake money to everybody and republicans are trying to blame Biden for what Trump did.

“I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump said in the video.

And he caused the common cold, small pox and hay fever.
And Biden was the one who hasn't removed it from circulation yet.
Is that because Biden is senile, or is it because he's stupid?
yea we know you say this everytime.
Its all you can do
Republicans destroy America with terrible and failed policy and you give them a pass and do not hold them accountable for their total failure.
Then you attack the dems for not fixing the GOP failure fast enough.

You are too retarded to realize the problem is from failed GOP policy not the dems.
You look stupid
Republicans seem to not remember what Trump did back in 2017-2020.
Trump was the president who handed out all the fake money to everybody at record rates. And Trump signed off on all those bills and they all had his signature on them.
Trump was the one who said the handouts weren't big enough and said the handouts need to be bigger.
Trump was the one who exploded the deficits both before and after covid.
Trump was the one who had the FED print record money, and needed record stimulus and record QE. Trump even needed QE and rate cuts in 2019 because his economy was weak.

Stop blaming Biden for Trump policy, Trump fake money printing, and Trump fake money handouts. Trump was a major cause of all the inflation we got, because he exploded the deficits and handed out all the fake money to everybody and republicans are trying to blame Biden for what Trump did.

“I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump said in the video.

Hay stupid, the House is where ALL spending originates.

Nazi Piglosi was running the House during that time.

But don’t let facts slow your ass down, Moron.
Trump hands out record fake money.
Trump explodes the deficit and signs every penny
Trump begs Congres for even mor emoney, wanting even bigger deficits, and more inflation

Trump gave us this inflation, his money handouts caused it
Liar. You need prison.
Hay stupid, the House is where ALL spending originates.

Nazi Piglosi was running the House during that time.

But don’t let facts slow your ass down, Moron.
hey retard keep blaming dems for republicans destroying America.

Bush started with the bill clinton balanced budget and left office with trillion dollar deficits, the economy in ruin, and 2 failed wars that Bush started, but some how that is all the dems fault.
Trump exploded the deficit, the GOP had the Senate and approved everything and Trump begged for even more money.
Trump said the money handouts were not big enough. trump wanted to hand out even more money.

Trump owns this debt because he caused it and his money handouts caused inflation. You habe been schooled on this numerous times.

hey retard keep blaming dems for republicans destroying America.

Bush started with the bill clinton balanced budget and left office with trillion dollar deficits, the economy in ruin, and 2 failed wars that Bush started, but some how that is all the dems fault.
Trump exploded the deficit, the GOP had the Senate and approved everything and Trump begged for even more money.
Trump said the money handouts were not big enough. trump wanted to hand out even more money.

Trump owns this debt because he caused it and his money handouts caused inflation. You habe been schooled on this numerous times.

Nazi Piglosi controlled the purse strings from 2019-2021, Stupid.

Deal with it.
Nazi Piglosi controlled the purse strings from 2019-2021, Stupid.

Deal with it.
big whoop, Trump and the GOP are most to blame

You can cry about pelosi all you want, it does not change the fact that it is trump's debt and deficit.

Biden's deficit has increased this year, its all the republicans fault because they control the house. Pelosi lowered the deficit in 2022 from the massive Trump deficit of $3+T down to only $1.4T

Trump is the problem the deficit was down substantially in 2022
big whoop, Trump and the GOP are most to blame

You can cry about pelosi all you want, it does not change the fact that it is trump's debt and deficit.

Biden's deficit has increased this year, its all the republicans fault because they control the house. Pelosi lowered the deficit in 2022 from the massive Trump deficit of $3+T down to only $1.4T

Trump is the problem the deficit was down substantially in 2022
Nazi Piglosi controlled the purse strings from 2019-2021, Stupid.

Deal with it.
Republicans seem to not remember what Trump did back in 2017-2020.
Trump was the president who handed out all the fake money to everybody at record rates. And Trump signed off on all those bills and they all had his signature on them.
Trump was the one who said the handouts weren't big enough and said the handouts need to be bigger.
Trump was the one who exploded the deficits both before and after covid.
Trump was the one who had the FED print record money, and needed record stimulus and record QE. Trump even needed QE and rate cuts in 2019 because his economy was weak.

Stop blaming Biden for Trump policy, Trump fake money printing, and Trump fake money handouts. Trump was a major cause of all the inflation we got, because he exploded the deficits and handed out all the fake money to everybody and republicans are trying to blame Biden for what Trump did.

“I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump said in the video.

🤡 🌎
Nazi Piglosi controlled the purse strings from 2019-2021, Stupid.

Deal with it.
and Trump signed the debt and owns it deal with it

When you are president you own it.

I get it Trump was a terrible and failed president with failed results, a weak low growth economy, massive massive blow up in deficits and debt, but crying about doesn;t change any of those facts.

Trump failed and exploded the deficit and left office with America in riot and ruin and massive deficit form all the mega spending he signed.
hey retard keep blaming dems for republicans destroying America.

Bush started with the bill clinton balanced budget and left office with trillion dollar deficits, the economy in ruin, and 2 failed wars that Bush started, but some how that is all the dems fault.
Trump exploded the deficit, the GOP had the Senate and approved everything and Trump begged for even more money.
Trump said the money handouts were not big enough. trump wanted to hand out even more money.

Trump owns this debt because he caused it and his money handouts caused inflation. You habe been schooled on this numerous times.

You're a low IQ parrot, Banker! Bill Clinton never had a balanced budget and his spending cuts were forced on him by Newt Gingritch and a GOP controlled Congress. Bush didn't start the war in Afghanistan...Osama bin Laden did that when he killed thousands of Americans in a terrorist attack. The deficit didn't "explode" under Trump until Covid hit and that spending that did explode was approved by a Democratically controlled Congress!
America has a major debt crisis and our debt and yearly deficits are out of control, as we all know.

The problem is only set to get worse and may represent the next major GW Bush style financial crisis.
Both parties have been bad on the deficit, but one party is significantly worse in every way possible.
Reagan started the era of the massive deficit, Reagan was the first king of debt and Reagan started the era of big deficits
Bush then took it to another level as Bush started his presidency with the Bill Clinton balanced budget that the great Bill Clinton gave us, and left office with trillion dollar deficits.
Trump took it to another stratosphere when he inherited the $600B/yr deficit that Obama lowered from the massibe Bush deficits, and Trump exploded the deficit before covid hit with massive massive spending bills.
By the time covid hit the US was set to run a trllion dollar a year deficit, and then Trump exploded that to $3T/yr.

3 republican presidents. 3 mega massive deficit increases ontheir watch, with their approval of all of it. No republican can admit this. They all lie and try to blame dems, pelosi, covid, Bin laden, minorities etc. Republicans even have the nerve to shut down the government because they don't want to pay for all the massive spending programs they passed under Trump's watch.

Our debt and deficit crisis will never get fixed until republicans admit they are the party mostly responsible for exploding the deficit. The republicans are going to keep exploding the deficit with their massive spending programs because they also get to somehow lie and blame democrats for all their deficit explosion.

For this reason the deficit will be the next GW Bush style mega crisis, because republicans know they can explode the deficit, blame it on the dems, and get away with it because their easily manipulated gullible supporters do not want to hold them accountable.

America has a major debt crisis and our debt and yearly deficits are out of control, as we all know.

The problem is only set to get worse and may represent the next major GW Bush style financial crisis.
Both parties have been bad on the deficit, but one party is significantly worse in every way possible.
Reagan started the era of the massive deficit, Reagan was the first king of debt and Reagan started the era of big deficits
Bush then took it to another level as Bush started his presidency with the Bill Clinton balanced budget that the great Bill Clinton gave us, and left office with trillion dollar deficits.
Trump took it to another stratosphere when he inherited the $600B/yr deficit that Obama lowered from the massibe Bush deficits, and Trump exploded the deficit before covid hit with massive massive spending bills.
By the time covid hit the US was set to run a trllion dollar a year deficit, and then Trump exploded that to $3T/yr.

3 republican presidents. 3 mega massive deficit increases ontheir watch, with their approval of all of it. No republican can admit this. They all lie and try to blame dems, pelosi, covid, Bin laden, minorities etc. Republicans even have the nerve to shut down the government because they don't want to pay for all the massive spending programs they passed under Trump's watch.

Our debt and deficit crisis will never get fixed until republicans admit they are the party mostly responsible for exploding the deficit. The republicans are going to keep exploding the deficit with their massive spending programs because they also get to somehow lie and blame democrats for all their deficit explosion.

For this reason the deficit will be the next GW Bush style mega crisis, because republicans know they can explode the deficit, blame it on the dems, and get away with it because their easily manipulated gullible supporters do not want to hold them accountable.

Both parties are clearly to blame.

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