Who thinks Trump's Core Economic Policy will be more Massive Tax cus to the ultra wealthy??

America has a major debt crisis and our debt and yearly deficits are out of control, as we all know.

The problem is only set to get worse and may represent the next major GW Bush style financial crisis.
Both parties have been bad on the deficit, but one party is significantly worse in every way possible.
Reagan started the era of the massive deficit, Reagan was the first king of debt and Reagan started the era of big deficits
Bush then took it to another level as Bush started his presidency with the Bill Clinton balanced budget that the great Bill Clinton gave us, and left office with trillion dollar deficits.
Trump took it to another stratosphere when he inherited the $600B/yr deficit that Obama lowered from the massibe Bush deficits, and Trump exploded the deficit before covid hit with massive massive spending bills.
By the time covid hit the US was set to run a trllion dollar a year deficit, and then Trump exploded that to $3T/yr.

3 republican presidents. 3 mega massive deficit increases ontheir watch, with their approval of all of it. No republican can admit this. They all lie and try to blame dems, pelosi, covid, Bin laden, minorities etc. Republicans even have the nerve to shut down the government because they don't want to pay for all the massive spending programs they passed under Trump's watch.

Our debt and deficit crisis will never get fixed until republicans admit they are the party mostly responsible for exploding the deficit. The republicans are going to keep exploding the deficit with their massive spending programs because they also get to somehow lie and blame democrats for all their deficit explosion.

For this reason the deficit will be the next GW Bush style mega crisis, because republicans know they can explode the deficit, blame it on the dems, and get away with it because their easily manipulated gullible supporters do not want to hold them accountable.

Spending is out of control which is driving the debt crisis
America has a major debt crisis and our debt and yearly deficits are out of control, as we all know.

The problem is only set to get worse and may represent the next major GW Bush style financial crisis.
Both parties have been bad on the deficit, but one party is significantly worse in every way possible.
Reagan started the era of the massive deficit, Reagan was the first king of debt and Reagan started the era of big deficits
Bush then took it to another level as Bush started his presidency with the Bill Clinton balanced budget that the great Bill Clinton gave us, and left office with trillion dollar deficits.
Trump took it to another stratosphere when he inherited the $600B/yr deficit that Obama lowered from the massibe Bush deficits, and Trump exploded the deficit before covid hit with massive massive spending bills.
By the time covid hit the US was set to run a trllion dollar a year deficit, and then Trump exploded that to $3T/yr.

3 republican presidents. 3 mega massive deficit increases ontheir watch, with their approval of all of it. No republican can admit this. They all lie and try to blame dems, pelosi, covid, Bin laden, minorities etc. Republicans even have the nerve to shut down the government because they don't want to pay for all the massive spending programs they passed under Trump's watch.

Our debt and deficit crisis will never get fixed until republicans admit they are the party mostly responsible for exploding the deficit. The republicans are going to keep exploding the deficit with their massive spending programs because they also get to somehow lie and blame democrats for all their deficit explosion.

For this reason the deficit will be the next GW Bush style mega crisis, because republicans know they can explode the deficit, blame it on the dems, and get away with it because their easily manipulated gullible supporters do not want to hold them accountable.

Barry Hussein ran up more debt than any President in history.

Tater has a $2 TRILLION deficit this year.
yes definitely
then lets not forget that by the end of Obama's presidency Obama had lowered the deficit to $600B/yr in which Trump exploded it to $3T/yr

I think the big problem is that republicans keep exploding the deficit, then they blame democrats, and the gullible manipulated republican voters do not hold their party members accountable for their deficit explosion.

The republicans have a free pass to explode the deficit and they keep on doing it president after president.
Deficits were going up the last three Barry Hussein budgets, Dumbass.
yea we know you say this everytime.
Its all you can do
Republicans destroy America with terrible and failed policy and you give them a pass and do not hold them accountable for their total failure.
Then you attack the dems for not fixing the GOP failure fast enough.

You are too retarded to realize the problem is from failed GOP policy not the dems.
You look stupid

Biden is still senile, why would I stop saying it?

Why is Biden's deficit this year larger than $2 trillion?
Is it because his economy is so strong? DURR
hey retard keep blaming dems for republicans destroying America.

Bush started with the bill clinton balanced budget and left office with trillion dollar deficits, the economy in ruin, and 2 failed wars that Bush started, but some how that is all the dems fault.
Trump exploded the deficit, the GOP had the Senate and approved everything and Trump begged for even more money.
Trump said the money handouts were not big enough. trump wanted to hand out even more money.

Trump owns this debt because he caused it and his money handouts caused inflation. You habe been schooled on this numerous times.

Bush started with the Newt Gingrich balanced budget.
banker you once told me that both parties are bad....but the democrats are a little better....i dont agree with you.....i think they both suck pretty evenly.....this century they are getting worse and worse....because no quality people want to run for anything because of the bullshit they have to put up with to get the office....hence we get the most incompetent and inept crowd....because they dont have high standards......things aint as great as you try to make them out to be...
Well, you don't think that party man hack water is going to carry itself, do you?
big whoop, Trump and the GOP are most to blame

You can cry about pelosi all you want, it does not change the fact that it is trump's debt and deficit.

Biden's deficit has increased this year, its all the republicans fault because they control the house. Pelosi lowered the deficit in 2022 from the massive Trump deficit of $3+T down to only $1.4T

Trump is the problem the deficit was down substantially in 2022

Is the House adding to Biden's spending requests? LOL!
The Bush and Trump tax cuts are the main reason for our out of control deficits as independent, non-partisan groups have estimated that they have added at least $10T to the deficit.

Republicans have the nerve to complain about deficits and even shut down the government, but their tax cuts and big spending bills are the reason the deficit is so large.
In 1993 Bill Clinton passed the deficit reduction act that raised taxes on the wealthy, cut military and other spending, and gave us the Bill Clinton balanced Budget.
GW Bush and Trump did the complete opposite of Bill Clinton and handed out trillions in tax cuts to the ultra wealthy and jacked up military and other spending massively. Bush and the GOP destroyed the balanced budget, ruined it with their policy, then Trump turned it into a $3T/yr deficit. In 2000 to start the Bush presidency we had a balanced budget, at the end of the failed Trump presidency we had $3T/yr deficits. Bush and Trump bankrupted America and their massive tax cuts to the ultra wealthy were the main reason why.

I bet Trump is going to have the same economic policy of more massive tax cuts that blow up the deficit even more. Then the republicans are going to try and blame the democrats for all the debt that the republicans create.

/——/ Oh stop with the tax the rich broken record. Send more of your own money to Washington and see it squandered away. Cut spending.
the truth of what?....how great joe biden is?....thats getting as old as all the posters here saying how great trump is....
the truth that the republican have exploded the deficit and are substantially more to blame for these deficit problem because the facts prove this.

You can't hold your beloved GOP accountable at all and you GOP will continue to destroy America and you will continue to make excuses for them, which will allow them to destroy america even more.

You people care more about protecting your beloved GOP than America
the truth that the republican have exploded the deficit and are substantially more to blame for these deficit problem because the facts prove this.

You can't hold your beloved GOP accountable at all and you GOP will continue to destroy America and you will continue to make excuses for them, which will allow them to destroy america even more.

You people care more about protecting your beloved GOP than America
geezus....you said the same thing the last 3 times you said anything....lol.....dam banker go home and come up with something different...
geezus....you said the same thing the last 3 times you said anything....lol.....dam banker go home and come up with something different...
see again you can't do it.

Evry time i ask you to explain this and hold the GOP accountable you never do it. You are a diehard republican in every way possible

It pains you to see me post that facts on the deficit and the massive massive increases that Bush and Trump had.
the truth that the republican have exploded the deficit and are substantially more to blame for these deficit problem because the facts prove this.

You can't hold your beloved GOP accountable at all and you GOP will continue to destroy America and you will continue to make excuses for them, which will allow them to destroy america even more.

You people care more about protecting your beloved GOP than America
/---/ Just for laughs and giggles, post some proof that the GOP is substantially more responsible for over spending. And I'm not saying they are blameless...
/---/ Just for laughs and giggles, post some proof that the GOP is substantially more responsible for over spending. And I'm not saying they are blameless...
GW Bush started with a balanced budget. Then in 2001 he passed massive massive spending bills and massive trillion dollar tax cuts to the ultra wealthy, he also started the 2 failed and mis-managed mid east wars. all of that exploded the deficit and all with a fully GOP Congress
Then Trump did the same thing in 2017. He had a GOP congress and passed the same massive spending bills and exploded the deficit pre-covid, then post covid went totally crazy and signed epic spending bills begging for even more spending.

“I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump said in the video.

see again you can't do it.

Evry time i ask you to explain this and hold the GOP accountable you never do it. You are a diehard republican in every way possible

It pains you to see me post that facts on the deficit and the massive massive increases that Bush and Trump had.
banker you are a stupid ass....i have told you before i hold them responsible for a lot of the shit happening now......but see you have a problem when i say i hold your pathetic party in the same regards.....then in your far left die hard mind...somehow i am protecting the republicans...banker you are just a democratic die hard.....see those guys in the pasture across the way?....those are your cousins....the far right die hard righties...

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