Who Turned America Into A Banana Republic?

I understand the necessity for you Liberals to attempt the slander of the finest and most competent President in the last 100 years...so as to mitigate you votes for rapists, and anti-Americans.....

....but what is the 'guilt' you imagine of Ronaldus Maximus?

While not the most corrupt, certainly his administration is near the top in corruption. But he did have a certain truthiness about him didn't he?

This was the exact query....
"...but what is the 'guilt' you imagine of Ronaldus Maximus?"

As you have been unable to answer, one must conclude that there is no such.

With Teflon scrubbers such as yourself it would be an exercise in futility.

But let me ask you this. When he was informed that his trading partner Saddam had launched a Chemical Attack on Kurdish rebels, what action did he take against the regime?

So....when you posted this about the finest and most successful President in a hundred years...

"RayGun is still Teflon. He just didn't know(remember?) what his men were doing."

...we are in agreement that it was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist?


He didn't know or didn't remember them telling him.

Care to answer what the Teflon Don did after learning his partner Saddam had just Gassed a Kurdish Village?

I fear that the following elucidation may be well beyond your comprehension, or your willingness to accept....being the Leftist toady that you are....but here are the facts:

  1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged noone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.
  2. "... reversal of NSC staff member Oliver North and National Security Adviser John Poindexter’s convictions. The Court of Appeals reversed their convictions because they successfully argued that witnesses in their trials might have been affected by publicized immunized congressional testimony, even though the prosecutors themselves had taken painstaking efforts to avoid encountering information about the hearings."
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath (convictions: Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath)

[The parallel investigation by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh secured criminal convictions of nearly a dozen senior administration officials and private citizens for acts such as perjury, conspiracy, fraud, and the destruction of evidence.

Read more: Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions]

  1. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.
  2. See Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government,” the primary inspiration for the Declaration of Independence, for the nature of the prerogative in the executive branch. He defined it as “nothing but the power of doing public good without a rule.” John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government: Chapter 11 and “ Indeed, it is appropriate that the laws themselves should in some cases give way to the executive power,…” http://www.thevrwc.org/Locke/chapter14.html
  3. Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin: “ ... circumstances do not sometimes occur, which make it a duty in officers of high trust, to assume authorities beyond the law, ...” Article 2, Section 3: Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin
So....we return to the the only logical conclusion:
Your post was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist, the usual smear tactic of the Left.

Why do you even say this dumb shit? Hillary is Bill, and lacy briefs. Relax, chicken littles. Madam President will not be the end of the nation or your little world of paranoia.
I almost want to see Hillary win in a landslide now just to show you how wrong you will be.
Well, she will win (not in a landslide) and why would she be any worse than Bush or Obama? They are all trying to keep the same house of nutty cards together a while longer. That's the job, that she's very qualified for.
She is campaigning to kick over that house of cards and leave us with nothing.

That is what "progressivism" is.
Why do you believe this total garbage? Did you just make it up? She's no Castro for God's sake, she's Bill in pretty underpants. The entire goal of this thing is to keep it together. That's why Trump has only the support of those with nothing to lose. Everyone with real skin in the game wants Clinton because they know exactly what she will do. more of the same that made them very rich.
Because that is what her nutterbutter tumblr base wants her to do. The same pieces of shit who masqueraded as Bernie supporters and violently disrupted political rallies.

Conservatives preserve the status quo. "Progressives" destroy it.

Well what I've been hearing "conservatives" say is that the status quo needs to be undone and Don will do it.

Kinda odd that.
While not the most corrupt, certainly his administration is near the top in corruption. But he did have a certain truthiness about him didn't he?

This was the exact query....
"...but what is the 'guilt' you imagine of Ronaldus Maximus?"

As you have been unable to answer, one must conclude that there is no such.

With Teflon scrubbers such as yourself it would be an exercise in futility.

But let me ask you this. When he was informed that his trading partner Saddam had launched a Chemical Attack on Kurdish rebels, what action did he take against the regime?

So....when you posted this about the finest and most successful President in a hundred years...

"RayGun is still Teflon. He just didn't know(remember?) what his men were doing."

...we are in agreement that it was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist?


He didn't know or didn't remember them telling him.

Care to answer what the Teflon Don did after learning his partner Saddam had just Gassed a Kurdish Village?

I fear that the following elucidation may be well beyond your comprehension, or your willingness to accept....being the Leftist toady that you are....but here are the facts:

  1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged noone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.
  2. "... reversal of NSC staff member Oliver North and National Security Adviser John Poindexter’s convictions. The Court of Appeals reversed their convictions because they successfully argued that witnesses in their trials might have been affected by publicized immunized congressional testimony, even though the prosecutors themselves had taken painstaking efforts to avoid encountering information about the hearings."
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath (convictions: Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath)

[The parallel investigation by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh secured criminal convictions of nearly a dozen senior administration officials and private citizens for acts such as perjury, conspiracy, fraud, and the destruction of evidence.

Read more: Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions]

  1. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.
  2. See Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government,” the primary inspiration for the Declaration of Independence, for the nature of the prerogative in the executive branch. He defined it as “nothing but the power of doing public good without a rule.” John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government: Chapter 11 and “ Indeed, it is appropriate that the laws themselves should in some cases give way to the executive power,…” http://www.thevrwc.org/Locke/chapter14.html
  3. Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin: “ ... circumstances do not sometimes occur, which make it a duty in officers of high trust, to assume authorities beyond the law, ...” Article 2, Section 3: Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin
So....we return to the the only logical conclusion:
Your post was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist, the usual smear tactic of the Left.


Your govt intervenes all over the globe attempting to control the govts of others regardless of "which" party is in power hon.
This was the exact query....
"...but what is the 'guilt' you imagine of Ronaldus Maximus?"

As you have been unable to answer, one must conclude that there is no such.

With Teflon scrubbers such as yourself it would be an exercise in futility.

But let me ask you this. When he was informed that his trading partner Saddam had launched a Chemical Attack on Kurdish rebels, what action did he take against the regime?

So....when you posted this about the finest and most successful President in a hundred years...

"RayGun is still Teflon. He just didn't know(remember?) what his men were doing."

...we are in agreement that it was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist?


He didn't know or didn't remember them telling him.

Care to answer what the Teflon Don did after learning his partner Saddam had just Gassed a Kurdish Village?

I fear that the following elucidation may be well beyond your comprehension, or your willingness to accept....being the Leftist toady that you are....but here are the facts:

  1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged noone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.
  2. "... reversal of NSC staff member Oliver North and National Security Adviser John Poindexter’s convictions. The Court of Appeals reversed their convictions because they successfully argued that witnesses in their trials might have been affected by publicized immunized congressional testimony, even though the prosecutors themselves had taken painstaking efforts to avoid encountering information about the hearings."
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath (convictions: Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath)

[The parallel investigation by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh secured criminal convictions of nearly a dozen senior administration officials and private citizens for acts such as perjury, conspiracy, fraud, and the destruction of evidence.

Read more: Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions]

  1. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.
  2. See Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government,” the primary inspiration for the Declaration of Independence, for the nature of the prerogative in the executive branch. He defined it as “nothing but the power of doing public good without a rule.” John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government: Chapter 11 and “ Indeed, it is appropriate that the laws themselves should in some cases give way to the executive power,…” http://www.thevrwc.org/Locke/chapter14.html
  3. Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin: “ ... circumstances do not sometimes occur, which make it a duty in officers of high trust, to assume authorities beyond the law, ...” Article 2, Section 3: Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin
So....we return to the the only logical conclusion:
Your post was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist, the usual smear tactic of the Left.


Your govt intervenes all over the globe attempting to control the govts of others regardless of "which" party is in power hon.

What does your post have to do with the post to which you have ostensibly linked?


I can help: there are medicines that work on A.D.D.
Speak to your doctor to see if they're right for you.
With Teflon scrubbers such as yourself it would be an exercise in futility.

But let me ask you this. When he was informed that his trading partner Saddam had launched a Chemical Attack on Kurdish rebels, what action did he take against the regime?

So....when you posted this about the finest and most successful President in a hundred years...

"RayGun is still Teflon. He just didn't know(remember?) what his men were doing."

...we are in agreement that it was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist?


He didn't know or didn't remember them telling him.

Care to answer what the Teflon Don did after learning his partner Saddam had just Gassed a Kurdish Village?

I fear that the following elucidation may be well beyond your comprehension, or your willingness to accept....being the Leftist toady that you are....but here are the facts:

  1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged noone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.
  2. "... reversal of NSC staff member Oliver North and National Security Adviser John Poindexter’s convictions. The Court of Appeals reversed their convictions because they successfully argued that witnesses in their trials might have been affected by publicized immunized congressional testimony, even though the prosecutors themselves had taken painstaking efforts to avoid encountering information about the hearings."
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath (convictions: Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath)

[The parallel investigation by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh secured criminal convictions of nearly a dozen senior administration officials and private citizens for acts such as perjury, conspiracy, fraud, and the destruction of evidence.

Read more: Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions]

  1. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.
  2. See Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government,” the primary inspiration for the Declaration of Independence, for the nature of the prerogative in the executive branch. He defined it as “nothing but the power of doing public good without a rule.” John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government: Chapter 11 and “ Indeed, it is appropriate that the laws themselves should in some cases give way to the executive power,…” http://www.thevrwc.org/Locke/chapter14.html
  3. Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin: “ ... circumstances do not sometimes occur, which make it a duty in officers of high trust, to assume authorities beyond the law, ...” Article 2, Section 3: Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin
So....we return to the the only logical conclusion:
Your post was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist, the usual smear tactic of the Left.


Your govt intervenes all over the globe attempting to control the govts of others regardless of "which" party is in power hon.

What does your post have to do with the post to which you have ostensibly linked?


I can help: there are medicines that work on A.D.D.
Speak to your doctor to see if they're right for you.

I'll leave it for other readers, but it was wise of you not to attempt to refute it, your govt intervenes all over the globe attempting to control the govts of others regardless of "which" party is in power.
So....when you posted this about the finest and most successful President in a hundred years...

"RayGun is still Teflon. He just didn't know(remember?) what his men were doing."

...we are in agreement that it was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist?


He didn't know or didn't remember them telling him.

Care to answer what the Teflon Don did after learning his partner Saddam had just Gassed a Kurdish Village?

I fear that the following elucidation may be well beyond your comprehension, or your willingness to accept....being the Leftist toady that you are....but here are the facts:

  1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged noone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.
  2. "... reversal of NSC staff member Oliver North and National Security Adviser John Poindexter’s convictions. The Court of Appeals reversed their convictions because they successfully argued that witnesses in their trials might have been affected by publicized immunized congressional testimony, even though the prosecutors themselves had taken painstaking efforts to avoid encountering information about the hearings."
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath (convictions: Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath)

[The parallel investigation by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh secured criminal convictions of nearly a dozen senior administration officials and private citizens for acts such as perjury, conspiracy, fraud, and the destruction of evidence.

Read more: Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions]

  1. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.
  2. See Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government,” the primary inspiration for the Declaration of Independence, for the nature of the prerogative in the executive branch. He defined it as “nothing but the power of doing public good without a rule.” John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government: Chapter 11 and “ Indeed, it is appropriate that the laws themselves should in some cases give way to the executive power,…” http://www.thevrwc.org/Locke/chapter14.html
  3. Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin: “ ... circumstances do not sometimes occur, which make it a duty in officers of high trust, to assume authorities beyond the law, ...” Article 2, Section 3: Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin
So....we return to the the only logical conclusion:
Your post was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist, the usual smear tactic of the Left.


Your govt intervenes all over the globe attempting to control the govts of others regardless of "which" party is in power hon.

What does your post have to do with the post to which you have ostensibly linked?


I can help: there are medicines that work on A.D.D.
Speak to your doctor to see if they're right for you.

I'll leave it for other readers, but it was wise of you not to attempt to refute it, your govt intervenes all over the globe attempting to control the govts of others regardless of "which" party is in power.

So....you had no reason to post next to the post you chose.

I understand, as I've illustrated your.....limitations.....endlessly.

Now...about the United States on the world scene:
When the United States retreats from it's prominent position....chaos ensues.

Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) has proven that premise.
He didn't know or didn't remember them telling him.

Care to answer what the Teflon Don did after learning his partner Saddam had just Gassed a Kurdish Village?

I fear that the following elucidation may be well beyond your comprehension, or your willingness to accept....being the Leftist toady that you are....but here are the facts:

  1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged noone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.
  2. "... reversal of NSC staff member Oliver North and National Security Adviser John Poindexter’s convictions. The Court of Appeals reversed their convictions because they successfully argued that witnesses in their trials might have been affected by publicized immunized congressional testimony, even though the prosecutors themselves had taken painstaking efforts to avoid encountering information about the hearings."
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath (convictions: Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath)

[The parallel investigation by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh secured criminal convictions of nearly a dozen senior administration officials and private citizens for acts such as perjury, conspiracy, fraud, and the destruction of evidence.

Read more: Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions]

  1. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.
  2. See Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government,” the primary inspiration for the Declaration of Independence, for the nature of the prerogative in the executive branch. He defined it as “nothing but the power of doing public good without a rule.” John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government: Chapter 11 and “ Indeed, it is appropriate that the laws themselves should in some cases give way to the executive power,…” http://www.thevrwc.org/Locke/chapter14.html
  3. Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin: “ ... circumstances do not sometimes occur, which make it a duty in officers of high trust, to assume authorities beyond the law, ...” Article 2, Section 3: Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin
So....we return to the the only logical conclusion:
Your post was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist, the usual smear tactic of the Left.


Your govt intervenes all over the globe attempting to control the govts of others regardless of "which" party is in power hon.

What does your post have to do with the post to which you have ostensibly linked?


I can help: there are medicines that work on A.D.D.
Speak to your doctor to see if they're right for you.

I'll leave it for other readers, but it was wise of you not to attempt to refute it, your govt intervenes all over the globe attempting to control the govts of others regardless of "which" party is in power.

So....you had no reason to post next to the post you chose.

I understand, as I've illustrated your.....limitations.....endlessly.

Now...about the United States on the world scene:
When the United States retreats from it's prominent position....chaos ensues.

Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) has proven that premise.

Empire's expensive, quit whining about it, and enjoy the chaos that brings.
This was the exact query....
"...but what is the 'guilt' you imagine of Ronaldus Maximus?"

As you have been unable to answer, one must conclude that there is no such.

With Teflon scrubbers such as yourself it would be an exercise in futility.

But let me ask you this. When he was informed that his trading partner Saddam had launched a Chemical Attack on Kurdish rebels, what action did he take against the regime?

So....when you posted this about the finest and most successful President in a hundred years...

"RayGun is still Teflon. He just didn't know(remember?) what his men were doing."

...we are in agreement that it was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist?


He didn't know or didn't remember them telling him.

Care to answer what the Teflon Don did after learning his partner Saddam had just Gassed a Kurdish Village?

I fear that the following elucidation may be well beyond your comprehension, or your willingness to accept....being the Leftist toady that you are....but here are the facts:

  1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged noone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.
  2. "... reversal of NSC staff member Oliver North and National Security Adviser John Poindexter’s convictions. The Court of Appeals reversed their convictions because they successfully argued that witnesses in their trials might have been affected by publicized immunized congressional testimony, even though the prosecutors themselves had taken painstaking efforts to avoid encountering information about the hearings."
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath (convictions: Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath)

[The parallel investigation by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh secured criminal convictions of nearly a dozen senior administration officials and private citizens for acts such as perjury, conspiracy, fraud, and the destruction of evidence.

Read more: Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions]

  1. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.
  2. See Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government,” the primary inspiration for the Declaration of Independence, for the nature of the prerogative in the executive branch. He defined it as “nothing but the power of doing public good without a rule.” John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government: Chapter 11 and “ Indeed, it is appropriate that the laws themselves should in some cases give way to the executive power,…” http://www.thevrwc.org/Locke/chapter14.html
  3. Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin: “ ... circumstances do not sometimes occur, which make it a duty in officers of high trust, to assume authorities beyond the law, ...” Article 2, Section 3: Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin
So....we return to the the only logical conclusion:
Your post was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist, the usual smear tactic of the Left.


Your govt intervenes all over the globe attempting to control the govts of others regardless of "which" party is in power hon.

Interventionism has been a bipartisan game since then end of WWII.
With Teflon scrubbers such as yourself it would be an exercise in futility.

But let me ask you this. When he was informed that his trading partner Saddam had launched a Chemical Attack on Kurdish rebels, what action did he take against the regime?

So....when you posted this about the finest and most successful President in a hundred years...

"RayGun is still Teflon. He just didn't know(remember?) what his men were doing."

...we are in agreement that it was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist?


He didn't know or didn't remember them telling him.

Care to answer what the Teflon Don did after learning his partner Saddam had just Gassed a Kurdish Village?

I fear that the following elucidation may be well beyond your comprehension, or your willingness to accept....being the Leftist toady that you are....but here are the facts:

  1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged noone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.
  2. "... reversal of NSC staff member Oliver North and National Security Adviser John Poindexter’s convictions. The Court of Appeals reversed their convictions because they successfully argued that witnesses in their trials might have been affected by publicized immunized congressional testimony, even though the prosecutors themselves had taken painstaking efforts to avoid encountering information about the hearings."
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath (convictions: Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath)

[The parallel investigation by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh secured criminal convictions of nearly a dozen senior administration officials and private citizens for acts such as perjury, conspiracy, fraud, and the destruction of evidence.

Read more: Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Questions]

  1. Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress.
  2. See Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government,” the primary inspiration for the Declaration of Independence, for the nature of the prerogative in the executive branch. He defined it as “nothing but the power of doing public good without a rule.” John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government: Chapter 11 and “ Indeed, it is appropriate that the laws themselves should in some cases give way to the executive power,…” http://www.thevrwc.org/Locke/chapter14.html
  3. Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin: “ ... circumstances do not sometimes occur, which make it a duty in officers of high trust, to assume authorities beyond the law, ...” Article 2, Section 3: Thomas Jefferson to John B. Colvin
So....we return to the the only logical conclusion:
Your post was simply the usual low-life attempt at a smear by an inveterate Leftist, the usual smear tactic of the Left.


Your govt intervenes all over the globe attempting to control the govts of others regardless of "which" party is in power hon.

Interventionism has been a bipartisan game since then end of WWII.

Non-white immigrants?

"Non-white immigrants?"


Try to focus like a laser....

...clearly this is not the thread in which you meant to post.

When I listen to Trump supporters, that's what I hear them saying.

Build that wall!

The import of the OP was the corruption inherent in the FBI treatment of Bill's wife.

Why would you feel it necessary to obfuscate?

Support for the Democrats makes one into a defender of what they have become?

I'm both surprised at you....and disappointed.

Good point.

Whenever I see a thread you've made about why something is wrong with America, I always assume your answer is because of

  1. liberals
Non-white immigrants?

"Non-white immigrants?"


Try to focus like a laser....

...clearly this is not the thread in which you meant to post.

When I listen to Trump supporters, that's what I hear them saying.

Build that wall!

The import of the OP was the corruption inherent in the FBI treatment of Bill's wife.

Why would you feel it necessary to obfuscate?

Support for the Democrats makes one into a defender of what they have become?

I'm both surprised at you....and disappointed.

Good point.

Whenever I see a thread you've made about why something is wrong with America, I always assume your answer is because of

  1. liberals

That's all she has, that is her entire existence, a sad, maniacal and pathetic Ann Coulter wannabe impression.
Nixon resigned before he was impeached. Reagan got away with selling arms, illegally, to Iran and using the money to fund a war, illegally, in Central America.

And national security is at risk all over the place. Clinton, and Powell, not following the rules on their email accounts very well is honestly not a big deal. The Snowden NSA leak makes it look like Clinton dropper her grocery list.
Nixon resigned like an exec resigns before getting fired. You need to back up your claims against Reagan, he took responsibility being the president, unlike some folks we know ...

Powells email situation was not the same thing or nearly as dangerous. He had no private server and there was no mass purging of evidence once under suspicion. You didn't get anything right.
Saying Nixon was forced out was incorrect, I corrected you. And trying to say that Reagan didn't get away with Iran-Contra is just as dumb. Go play, partisan.
You were being stupid so I corrected you. Nixon resigned so he would get tossed out. You also failed to support you allegations against Reagan, which I knew from many years experience would happen. New to the game huh?
You are a moron and we're done. Nixon wasn't forced out, he resigned (under pressure to but it was his call still). And Iran-Contra is well known to those of us who lived through it. Reagan was Teflon then.
Nixon avoided getting kicked out, he didn't want to resign and you can't twist it into a new reality. Won't work. You made wild ass claims but supported nothing. Don't blame me for your failures.
Non-white immigrants?

"Non-white immigrants?"


Try to focus like a laser....

...clearly this is not the thread in which you meant to post.

When I listen to Trump supporters, that's what I hear them saying.

Build that wall!

The import of the OP was the corruption inherent in the FBI treatment of Bill's wife.

Why would you feel it necessary to obfuscate?

Support for the Democrats makes one into a defender of what they have become?

I'm both surprised at you....and disappointed.

Good point.

Whenever I see a thread you've made about why something is wrong with America, I always assume your answer is because of

  1. liberals

A second post where you were unable to offer a cogent response.
Nixon resigned before he was impeached. Reagan got away with selling arms, illegally, to Iran and using the money to fund a war, illegally, in Central America.

And national security is at risk all over the place. Clinton, and Powell, not following the rules on their email accounts very well is honestly not a big deal. The Snowden NSA leak makes it look like Clinton dropper her grocery list.
Nixon resigned like an exec resigns before getting fired. You need to back up your claims against Reagan, he took responsibility being the president, unlike some folks we know ...

Powells email situation was not the same thing or nearly as dangerous. He had no private server and there was no mass purging of evidence once under suspicion. You didn't get anything right.
Saying Nixon was forced out was incorrect, I corrected you. And trying to say that Reagan didn't get away with Iran-Contra is just as dumb. Go play, partisan.
You were being stupid so I corrected you. Nixon resigned so he would get tossed out. You also failed to support you allegations against Reagan, which I knew from many years experience would happen. New to the game huh?
You are a moron and we're done. Nixon wasn't forced out, he resigned (under pressure to but it was his call still). And Iran-Contra is well known to those of us who lived through it. Reagan was Teflon then.
Nixon avoided getting kicked out, he didn't want to resign and you can't twist it into a new reality. Won't work. You made wild ass claims but supported nothing. Don't blame me for your failures.

You sure showed him didn't ya. Nixon went down, Reagan got fetishized.
Non-white immigrants?

"Non-white immigrants?"


Try to focus like a laser....

...clearly this is not the thread in which you meant to post.

When I listen to Trump supporters, that's what I hear them saying.

Build that wall!

The import of the OP was the corruption inherent in the FBI treatment of Bill's wife.

Why would you feel it necessary to obfuscate?

Support for the Democrats makes one into a defender of what they have become?

I'm both surprised at you....and disappointed.

Good point.

Whenever I see a thread you've made about why something is wrong with America, I always assume your answer is because of

  1. liberals

A second post where you were unable to offer a cogent response.

He explained you perfectly hon.
Non-white immigrants?

"Non-white immigrants?"


Try to focus like a laser....

...clearly this is not the thread in which you meant to post.

When I listen to Trump supporters, that's what I hear them saying.

Build that wall!

The import of the OP was the corruption inherent in the FBI treatment of Bill's wife.

Why would you feel it necessary to obfuscate?

Support for the Democrats makes one into a defender of what they have become?

I'm both surprised at you....and disappointed.

Good point.

Whenever I see a thread you've made about why something is wrong with America, I always assume your answer is because of

  1. liberals

That's all she has, that is her entire existence, a sad, maniacal and pathetic Ann Coulter wannabe impression.

I post actual substance, facts supported by links, sources and documentation...

....and you two.....just "is not, isssss nooottttttt!!! waaaaaaa wwaaaa!"

Now...what conclusion can any sentient individual draw from the comparison?

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