Who wants to stop all this testing?

Who wants to stop testing because they think it’s only inflating the numbers of COVID cases?

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All who voted yes are morons

We already assume everyone has the virus (lockdown/muzzle mandates). No need to test for it unless you are sick, right?
Why are you a moron? Because you don’t understand basic things even after they are explained to you. That’s why
How many people do you know that have covid?.....

Had one family member die from it and an acquaintance now in hospital from it. Thank God she seems to be turning the corner on it.
All who voted yes are morons

We already assume everyone has the virus (lockdown/muzzle mandates). No need to test for it unless you are sick, right?
Why are you a moron? Because you don’t understand basic things even after they are explained to you. That’s why
How many people do you know that have covid?.....
6. Why are you changing the subject?
Because I can......
You can do whatever you want... but your choice to change the subject highlights your inability to argue the topic. That’s a white flag move... Just sayin
How was asking if anyone knew someone with covid changing the subject of the thread titled.....
Who wants to stop all this testing?
Are you retarded or what?....
The fact that you’re asking how your off topic question is off topic explains it all.
It's not off topic to ask about covid infections in a covid testing thread...would you like to run it by a moderator dummy?....

And why is COVID-19 talk happening in the Politics forum?
Because the entire thing is being politicized. Duh
Then tell your side to cut it the fuck out.

their protest bullshit caused this backlash.
All who voted yes are morons

I don't see any profit in reporting the results on the radio every 30 minutes. If someone's medical doctor has reviewed the patient's conditions and determines the information from a COVID test would be useful in determining their treatment plan- they should have it.

If not, they shouldn't have it.
You don’t see value in identifying positive cases so those people can isolate and stop spreading the disease?

You don't see corpses stacked like cords of firewood in the streets so . . . survey says, "no!"
You don’t remember seeing portable trailers for stacking bodies outside hospitals in NY a few months ago? Have you seen the hospital capacity in Florida and Texas right now? Wake the fuck up.
show those pics please. direct links to your cries of desperation or you are just being an idiot as usual.
All who voted yes are morons

We already assume everyone has the virus (lockdown/muzzle mandates). No need to test for it unless you are sick, right?
Why are you a moron? Because you don’t understand basic things even after they are explained to you. That’s why
Maybe you suck hyena taint when it comes to explaining things?

If everyone is considered a carrier of the virus (like they are now) the only reason to test is to assess proper treatment protocols for people who are actually symptomatic.

So, why don't you explain to me why my position is wrong, and fuck off with your insults.
Saying everybody is a carrier of the virus is something that you made up in your fantasyland. Not something that is real. Another supporting fact of your moronism
You've got piss poor reading comprehension. Dude didn't say everybody is a carrier. He said everybody is CONSIDERED a carrier. That is absolutely true. The reason for universal lockdown policies is that even asymptomatic people can spread covid, which means that everybody has to be treated as a viral threat. Another way of saying that is that everybody has to be considered as someone who might right now be viral. And yet another way of saying that is that everybody has to be, and therefore is, considered a carrier of the virus, and therefore everybody has to lock down.

So the question is valid. If everybody has to be locked down anyway, why bother testing people who aren't symptomatic? So that you can proudly tell them that it's a good thing they stayed home, and that maybe they shouldn't have travelled out just to get tested for something that clearly isn't bothering them?
Jesus, what’s wrong with you people. Being cautious and treating everybody as POSSIBLE carriers is very different than the isolation/quarantine that KNOWN CARRIERS, would undertake. When somebody tests positive they can isolate to a higher degree as we have done during the shut down and contact tracing can be performed so people they were exposed to can be tested and isolate as well.

One is a safety precaution and the other is direct treatment/action
Nothing's wrong with me, I'm just pointing out that you obviously didn't understand what you were reading. Personally, if more testing means smarter, targeted lockdowns, I'm all for it. Given the level of nuance demonstrated by a lot of these governers thus far, I ain't exactly holding my breath, though. Your hypothetical arrangement strikes me as some overly optimistic apologetics, tbh.

Also, fuck contact tracing. I'm not sure what sort of mortality rate we'd have to deal with before I'd sign off on letting the people in power make it mandatory that we carry tracking devices at all times, but <1% sure AF ain't it, Chief. Maybe you want mommy and daddy government to keep you warm and cuddly and make the bad sniffles go away, but I'm not down to give up my privacy rights to ease your panic.
It's not panic in as much control disguised as for your own good.
All who voted yes are morons

We already assume everyone has the virus (lockdown/muzzle mandates). No need to test for it unless you are sick, right?
Why are you a moron? Because you don’t understand basic things even after they are explained to you. That’s why
Maybe you suck hyena taint when it comes to explaining things?

If everyone is considered a carrier of the virus (like they are now) the only reason to test is to assess proper treatment protocols for people who are actually symptomatic.

So, why don't you explain to me why my position is wrong, and fuck off with your insults.
Saying everybody is a carrier of the virus is something that you made up in your fantasyland. Not something that is real. Another supporting fact of your moronism
You've got piss poor reading comprehension. Dude didn't say everybody is a carrier. He said everybody is CONSIDERED a carrier. That is absolutely true. The reason for universal lockdown policies is that even asymptomatic people can spread covid, which means that everybody has to be treated as a viral threat. Another way of saying that is that everybody has to be considered as someone who might right now be viral. And yet another way of saying that is that everybody has to be, and therefore is, considered a carrier of the virus, and therefore everybody has to lock down.

So the question is valid. If everybody has to be locked down anyway, why bother testing people who aren't symptomatic? So that you can proudly tell them that it's a good thing they stayed home, and that maybe they shouldn't have travelled out just to get tested for something that clearly isn't bothering them?
Jesus, what’s wrong with you people. Being cautious and treating everybody as POSSIBLE carriers is very different than the isolation/quarantine that KNOWN CARRIERS, would undertake. When somebody tests positive they can isolate to a higher degree as we have done during the shut down and contact tracing can be performed so people they were exposed to can be tested and isolate as well.

One is a safety precaution and the other is direct treatment/action
Nothing's wrong with me, I'm just pointing out that you obviously didn't understand what you were reading. Personally, if more testing means smarter, targeted lockdowns, I'm all for it. Given the level of nuance demonstrated by a lot of these governers thus far, I ain't exactly holding my breath, though. Your hypothetical arrangement strikes me as some overly optimistic apologetics, tbh.

Also, fuck contact tracing. I'm not sure what sort of mortality rate we'd have to deal with before I'd sign off on letting the people in power make it mandatory that we carry tracking devices at all times, but <1% sure AF ain't it, Chief. Maybe you want mommy and daddy government to keep you warm and cuddly and make the bad sniffles go away, but I'm not down to give up my privacy rights to ease your panic.
It's not panic in as much control disguised as for your own good.
There are certainly people in power using this for that end, but I wasn't convinced that I was actually arguing with one of them here on the forum. At the ground level, it's panic that's being exploited, so when you argue with random people who want the government to be tracking everybody's footsteps, you're more likely to be dealing with genuine panic than false benevolence.
All who voted yes are morons

We already assume everyone has the virus (lockdown/muzzle mandates). No need to test for it unless you are sick, right?
Why are you a moron? Because you don’t understand basic things even after they are explained to you. That’s why
Maybe you suck hyena taint when it comes to explaining things?

If everyone is considered a carrier of the virus (like they are now) the only reason to test is to assess proper treatment protocols for people who are actually symptomatic.

So, why don't you explain to me why my position is wrong, and fuck off with your insults.
Saying everybody is a carrier of the virus is something that you made up in your fantasyland. Not something that is real. Another supporting fact of your moronism
You've got piss poor reading comprehension. Dude didn't say everybody is a carrier. He said everybody is CONSIDERED a carrier. That is absolutely true. The reason for universal lockdown policies is that even asymptomatic people can spread covid, which means that everybody has to be treated as a viral threat. Another way of saying that is that everybody has to be considered as someone who might right now be viral. And yet another way of saying that is that everybody has to be, and therefore is, considered a carrier of the virus, and therefore everybody has to lock down.

So the question is valid. If everybody has to be locked down anyway, why bother testing people who aren't symptomatic? So that you can proudly tell them that it's a good thing they stayed home, and that maybe they shouldn't have travelled out just to get tested for something that clearly isn't bothering them?
Jesus, what’s wrong with you people. Being cautious and treating everybody as POSSIBLE carriers is very different than the isolation/quarantine that KNOWN CARRIERS, would undertake. When somebody tests positive they can isolate to a higher degree as we have done during the shut down and contact tracing can be performed so people they were exposed to can be tested and isolate as well.

One is a safety precaution and the other is direct treatment/action
Nothing's wrong with me, I'm just pointing out that you obviously didn't understand what you were reading. Personally, if more testing means smarter, targeted lockdowns, I'm all for it. Given the level of nuance demonstrated by a lot of these governers thus far, I ain't exactly holding my breath, though. Your hypothetical arrangement strikes me as some overly optimistic apologetics, tbh.

Also, fuck contact tracing. I'm not sure what sort of mortality rate we'd have to deal with before I'd sign off on letting the people in power make it mandatory that we carry tracking devices at all times, but <1% sure AF ain't it, Chief. Maybe you want mommy and daddy government to keep you warm and cuddly and make the bad sniffles go away, but I'm not down to give up my privacy rights to ease your panic.
It's not panic in as much control disguised as for your own good.
There are certainly people in power using this for that end, but I wasn't convinced that I was actually arguing with one of them here on the forum. At the ground level, it's panic that's being exploited, so when you argue with random people who want the government to be tracking everybody's footsteps, you're more likely to be dealing with genuine panic than false benevolence.
you're dealing with an overemotional ass-suck in this case. his and only his feelz are proper and if you don't feelz like he does you are ebil.

he's the oldest 3 year old i know.
All who voted yes are morons

We already assume everyone has the virus (lockdown/muzzle mandates). No need to test for it unless you are sick, right?
Why are you a moron? Because you don’t understand basic things even after they are explained to you. That’s why
Maybe you suck hyena taint when it comes to explaining things?

If everyone is considered a carrier of the virus (like they are now) the only reason to test is to assess proper treatment protocols for people who are actually symptomatic.

So, why don't you explain to me why my position is wrong, and fuck off with your insults.
Saying everybody is a carrier of the virus is something that you made up in your fantasyland. Not something that is real. Another supporting fact of your moronism
Ignoring what I ACTUALLY said is further supporting your dumbassary.

I said we already ACT like everyone is a carrier, dumbfuck. ACT.

Because we already take precautions by ACTING like everyone is a carrier, there is no need to test unless a treatment is needed.

Tell me how that is wrong, you idiot fucking piece of aardvark shit!!!
It’s wrong on many levels. We don’t act like everybody has it. Take a person who has tested positive. They are not going to act the same as somebody who doesn’t have it... the non carrier is going to social distance and wear a mask.... the carrier is going to self quarantine

Because of this difference it is important to test because when people are found to actually have it they can quarantine and not be out and about social distancing like everybody else.

the fact that I needed to explain that is embarrassing. How do you know understand this?
So if I don't test positive, no need to mask or social distance?
All who voted yes are morons

Have all the tests you want. Masks on the other hands......well they are like pot. It is breaking the law that is the most fun in refusing to wear one.
More proof you’re a moron. Thank you

I am a mask free moron, Jelly.
Not jelly... wearing a mask around people isnt a big deal, it’s not this crazy sacrifice that you drama queens make it out to be.

Then wear your mask and stay 6 feet away from me. 6 feet distance isn't as burdensome as your mask wearing drama queens make it out to be.
If everyone is considered a carrier of the virus (like they are now) the only reason to test is to assess proper treatment protocols for people who are actually symptomatic.
Everyone is NOT "considered a carrier"...they are considered a POSSIBLE carrier. There's a major difference.

And testing tells us where the virus is strong so we can allocate resources and isolate cases.
The fact that we are this far into this thing and still can't get enough tests done and in a timely manner is a failure of the Administration...a WILLFUL failure
Did you get tested? I did.

Have you?

Clinics are open and have been open in Florida.

Tell you what. Where do you live? I will GOOGLE to see where you can get tested.

Set an appointment, go get tested, and stop being such a hypocritical liar.

Go ahead tell us the city, county you live if you are not a liar.

Watch this.
WTF are you talking about?

If testing were offered to suggested to me so that tracing and reporting could be done...I'd be all for it. Otherwise it's a wasted test that could be better put to use elsewhere.

Were I exposed to someone who had the virus I would absolutely get tested. Again...otherwise it's a poor use of scarce resources
A good amount of the society can be a carrier of the virus without showing signs, so it is best to test everyone and get this virus under control.
Absolutely...unfortunately we still don't have enough tests...because the Administration hasn't made that a priority
So if I don't test positive, no need to mask or social distance?
Assuming the test is accurate (which is often not true when testing negative) you're good right up until you interact with someone who may have the virus...that's what...a minute and a half for people who don't take this seriously...
A good amount of the society can be a carrier of the virus without showing signs, so it is best to test everyone and get this virus under control.
Absolutely...unfortunately we still don't have enough tests...because the Administration hasn't made that a priority

America has actually performed more tests per capital than anyone. All kinds of people are being tested that weren't before
America has actually performed more tests per capital than anyone. All kinds of people are being tested that weren't before
Demonstrably false

All who voted yes are morons

We already assume everyone has the virus (lockdown/muzzle mandates). No need to test for it unless you are sick, right?
Why are you a moron? Because you don’t understand basic things even after they are explained to you. That’s why
Maybe you suck hyena taint when it comes to explaining things?

If everyone is considered a carrier of the virus (like they are now) the only reason to test is to assess proper treatment protocols for people who are actually symptomatic.

So, why don't you explain to me why my position is wrong, and fuck off with your insults.
Saying everybody is a carrier of the virus is something that you made up in your fantasyland. Not something that is real. Another supporting fact of your moronism
Ignoring what I ACTUALLY said is further supporting your dumbassary.

I said we already ACT like everyone is a carrier, dumbfuck. ACT.

Because we already take precautions by ACTING like everyone is a carrier, there is no need to test unless a treatment is needed.

Tell me how that is wrong, you idiot fucking piece of aardvark shit!!!
It’s wrong on many levels. We don’t act like everybody has it. Take a person who has tested positive. They are not going to act the same as somebody who doesn’t have it... the non carrier is going to social distance and wear a mask.... the carrier is going to self quarantine

Because of this difference it is important to test because when people are found to actually have it they can quarantine and not be out and about social distancing like everybody else.

the fact that I needed to explain that is embarrassing. How do you know understand this?
So if I don't test positive, no need to mask or social distance?
You still do t get it do you. It’s about respecting others. How do other people know you tested negative? Why is it so hard for you to act like you care about your neighbors. It’s not hard to wear a mask and social distance. If we all did that this virus would be squashed. It’s jerk offs like yourself that ignore all the safety guidelines that are spreading it and now look where we are. Bunch of stubborn idiots
All who voted yes are morons

Have all the tests you want. Masks on the other hands......well they are like pot. It is breaking the law that is the most fun in refusing to wear one.
More proof you’re a moron. Thank you

I am a mask free moron, Jelly.
Not jelly... wearing a mask around people isnt a big deal, it’s not this crazy sacrifice that you drama queens make it out to be.

Then wear your mask and stay 6 feet away from me. 6 feet distance isn't as burdensome as your mask wearing drama queens make it out to be.
So I guess the world revolves around you. I get it. You go ahead and be the selfish asshole that makes everybody else uncomfortable. You ego maniacs seem to like being in that position. It’s pathetic
Society already treats me as though I am infected. (mask mandates and social distancing)

I feel ZERO symptoms.

No need to test me until I feel sick and need a treatment, right?

But, you communist shit twinkle-toed butt fuckers want to test me so you can give me a false positive like you have been doing, to further cast a bullshit narrative.

NO TESTING PEOPLE WHO DO NOT FEEL SICK!!!! Let's head off the bullshit RIGHT NOW!!
Not right. Do you know what the word “asymptomatic” Means?

Know what asswhipe means. Keep going.
All who voted yes are morons

We already assume everyone has the virus (lockdown/muzzle mandates). No need to test for it unless you are sick, right?
Why are you a moron? Because you don’t understand basic things even after they are explained to you. That’s why
Maybe you suck hyena taint when it comes to explaining things?

If everyone is considered a carrier of the virus (like they are now) the only reason to test is to assess proper treatment protocols for people who are actually symptomatic.

So, why don't you explain to me why my position is wrong, and fuck off with your insults.
Saying everybody is a carrier of the virus is something that you made up in your fantasyland. Not something that is real. Another supporting fact of your moronism
Ignoring what I ACTUALLY said is further supporting your dumbassary.

I said we already ACT like everyone is a carrier, dumbfuck. ACT.

Because we already take precautions by ACTING like everyone is a carrier, there is no need to test unless a treatment is needed.

Tell me how that is wrong, you idiot fucking piece of aardvark shit!!!
It’s wrong on many levels. We don’t act like everybody has it. Take a person who has tested positive. They are not going to act the same as somebody who doesn’t have it... the non carrier is going to social distance and wear a mask.... the carrier is going to self quarantine

Because of this difference it is important to test because when people are found to actually have it they can quarantine and not be out and about social distancing like everybody else.

the fact that I needed to explain that is embarrassing. How do you know understand this?
So if I don't test positive, no need to mask or social distance?
You still do t get it do you. It’s about respecting others. How do other people know you tested negative? Why is it so hard for you to act like you care about your neighbors. It’s not hard to wear a mask and social distance. If we all did that this virus would be squashed. It’s jerk offs like yourself that ignore all the safety guidelines that are spreading it and now look where we are. Bunch of stubborn idiots
Respecting others isn't your strong point.
All who voted yes are morons

Have all the tests you want. Masks on the other hands......well they are like pot. It is breaking the law that is the most fun in refusing to wear one.
More proof you’re a moron. Thank you

I am a mask free moron, Jelly.
Not jelly... wearing a mask around people isnt a big deal, it’s not this crazy sacrifice that you drama queens make it out to be.

Then wear your mask and stay 6 feet away from me. 6 feet distance isn't as burdensome as your mask wearing drama queens make it out to be.
So I guess the world revolves around you. I get it. You go ahead and be the selfish asshole that makes everybody else uncomfortable. You ego maniacs seem to like being in that position. It’s pathetic
And you are not making people uncomfortable forcing your views on them.

Ba ha ha ha.
A month ago it took less than an afternoon to get covid results...today due to everyone being tested the wait time is 5 days...and that's a huge problem because people won't stay indoors for 5 days when they feel fine....
Sounds like we have some problems with our testing system. Should get immediate results. Need to fix that shit, right?
We have all the tests we need we don't have enough lab space...even after H1N1 Obama said we didn't need more labs built and staffed...but he nor any of us ever thought we would see a virus with so many asymptomatic infections...this is different than any virus we ever have seen before...

In other virus pandemics only people with symptoms were ever tested...so limiting the testing to sick people and folks that have come in contact with the virus and work related testing is wise at this time....at least until we get more labs up and running....so if you want to somehow place blame for this on the federal government it is misplaced blame......blame the virus for being so haphazard....and evil....blame China for creating this monster....
That’s actually a very thoughtful statement that I would agree with. Too bad that kind of messaging isn’t coming out of our White House. According to Trump, We are doing the best with testing.
Trump said tonight that if other nations including China tested as much as we do their infection numbers would be off the charts....and he is correct...daily infection counts are worthless with any infectious illness....its the death count that really matters...and the death rate with Covid in the USA is now lower than last years seasonal flu....

The infection rate game is a media ploy to make us look like failures and keep people frightened....you as a patriot should be very angry at that....I know I am because governors are locking back down again....for what?...so young people won't get sick?....we don't do this for the flu....

Even the CDC is backing off of their alarming recommendations on reopening schools.....

I saw a video of a Japanese elementary school as kids arrived in the morning and they had a whole thing set up to take the kids temp and sterilize their shoes and hands and book bags upon entering the school....what is wrong with our schools that they can't do the same?.....

We are too busy politicizing it...like testing threads on a message board seek to do....
Just goes to show that Trump is only looking at the politics of it and not actually trying to work on the problem. Yes of course the more you test the more results you get and that’s how you root out a disease. That how you slow the spread and ultimately decrease the numbers. But Trump doesn’t see that so his only spin is to point at the death rate and try and stop testing. Meanwhile our hospitals are overcrowding again. How do you explain that one?
Politics ya fuck, who said protesting was more important?

God damn you are fucked in the head.

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