who was best president of usa ?

who was best president of usa ?

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Votes: 15 41.7%
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • jfk

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • barak obama

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters
n'tSince a liberal can never be happy, they must constantly berate US when we are at peace with ourselves. Notice how he says " I've Got mine, fuck you?" At one time everyone was able to help themselves and be happy, but once that chicken in the pot started, people became less self sufficient and more dependent on government. Today, those same shmoe's hate US because we can be happy with what he have(by earning it) while those who just sit in their basements, smoking pot and bitching about life, and want US punished. They even hate life , which is why they kill 33,000 born and unborn babies, they hate their own parents from bringing them into their sorry lives, and they hate themselves, since public education taught them they aren't worth shit. Must suck to be a liberal.
That vision you have of everyone being happy and being able to take care of themselves never existed.
Spoken like a true liberal. Did your mother piss in your cheerio's to make you so angry? It couldn't be your father, since he divorced your mother when you were young.
You sound like the angry one sir. Some anonymous person on a message board challenged one of your opinions and you answered with an attempt to insult and disparage. Something is wrong with you.

You're a Liberal. EVERYTHING wrong with that.
Very intellectual. We can see you were paying attention in the 4th grade.

Since you're a Liberal, we can see you operate on the level of a 4th grader. I want it, government do it for me.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.
What were the welfare programs FDR handed out and was responsible for? Are you talking about the relief programs where he made folks work on public works projects like building public works projects that are still being used today?

Certain elements of Social Security included things considered social welfare.
Well, some folks look at Social Security as having elements of welfare, but it seems to me that the folks who complain about today's type of welfare also are proponents of people having to work for their government assistance. They are then the first to complain about FDR's New Deal programs. Those New Deal "welfare" programs required people to work for their "welfare". The successes of those programs are indisputable by virtue of the fact that so many of the results are still being used and benefitting the nation 75 or 80 years later.

No one is complaining about the New Deal work programs. You made that up to try to spin the argument in your favor. Most of us, if we couldn't get welfare eliminated completely, would love to see work being a requirement for assistance.

Now, they do nothing but demand it then demand more when it's not enough to them.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.
What were the welfare programs FDR handed out and was responsible for? Are you talking about the relief programs where he made folks work on public works projects like building public works projects that are still being used today?

Certain elements of Social Security included things considered social welfare.
Well, some folks look at Social Security as having elements of welfare, but it seems to me that the folks who complain about today's type of welfare also are proponents of people having to work for their government assistance. They are then the first to complain about FDR's New Deal programs. Those New Deal "welfare" programs required people to work for their "welfare". The successes of those programs are indisputable by virtue of the fact that so many of the results are still being used and benefitting the nation 75 or 80 years later.

It's not a matter of looking at it that way, it IS that way.

There are elements of SS from FDR that don't require someone to work for their welfare. It's handed to them for nothing.
Which elements are those?
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.
What were the welfare programs FDR handed out and was responsible for? Are you talking about the relief programs where he made folks work on public works projects like building public works projects that are still being used today?

Certain elements of Social Security included things considered social welfare.
Well, some folks look at Social Security as having elements of welfare, but it seems to me that the folks who complain about today's type of welfare also are proponents of people having to work for their government assistance. They are then the first to complain about FDR's New Deal programs. Those New Deal "welfare" programs required people to work for their "welfare". The successes of those programs are indisputable by virtue of the fact that so many of the results are still being used and benefitting the nation 75 or 80 years later.

No one is complaining about the New Deal work programs. You made that up to try to spin the argument in your favor. Most of us, if we couldn't get welfare eliminated completely, would love to see work being a requirement for assistance.
No, someone else brought up FDR welfare programs and I was pointing out the New Deal programs were vastly different from the welfare programs of today. There really is not a comparison. In fact, if FDR type programs were used today they would be supported by conservatives. Make people work for welfare and assistance.
That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.
What were the welfare programs FDR handed out and was responsible for? Are you talking about the relief programs where he made folks work on public works projects like building public works projects that are still being used today?

Certain elements of Social Security included things considered social welfare.
Well, some folks look at Social Security as having elements of welfare, but it seems to me that the folks who complain about today's type of welfare also are proponents of people having to work for their government assistance. They are then the first to complain about FDR's New Deal programs. Those New Deal "welfare" programs required people to work for their "welfare". The successes of those programs are indisputable by virtue of the fact that so many of the results are still being used and benefitting the nation 75 or 80 years later.

No one is complaining about the New Deal work programs. You made that up to try to spin the argument in your favor. Most of us, if we couldn't get welfare eliminated completely, would love to see work being a requirement for assistance.
No, someone else brought up FDR welfare programs and I was pointing out the New Deal programs were vastly different from the welfare programs of today. There really is not a comparison. In fact, if FDR type programs were used today they would be supported by conservatives. Make people work for welfare and assistance.

Many elements of FDR's programs were welfare based. Some required work. That's called a job.
That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.
What were the welfare programs FDR handed out and was responsible for? Are you talking about the relief programs where he made folks work on public works projects like building public works projects that are still being used today?

Certain elements of Social Security included things considered social welfare.
Well, some folks look at Social Security as having elements of welfare, but it seems to me that the folks who complain about today's type of welfare also are proponents of people having to work for their government assistance. They are then the first to complain about FDR's New Deal programs. Those New Deal "welfare" programs required people to work for their "welfare". The successes of those programs are indisputable by virtue of the fact that so many of the results are still being used and benefitting the nation 75 or 80 years later.

It's not a matter of looking at it that way, it IS that way.

There are elements of SS from FDR that don't require someone to work for their welfare. It's handed to them for nothing.
Which elements are those?

Unemployment and aid to dependent children. Forerunners of today's handout mentality.
Agreed. FDR wasn't the first Progressive, but he was the first successful one. Gave us the total mess we are in today.

WW2 was won with FDR as president. The policies he put forth for the average worker, including social security, built the middle class in America, which reagan and all other presidents after him, have tried to destroy.

Garbage. He's responsible for the welfare state and our crushing debt.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.

It is not the workers who have become wealthy in the last 30 years. Their standard of living has declined.

FDR provided a way to take care of those who need it. Corporate policies and wages have made sure that more people need it

Let's get specific and NOT generalizations, myths, memes,etc. that people like you depend on...i..e 30sec sound bites, headlines since you don't seem to read to quickly!
"Standard of living" declined last 30 years???
Let's see 30 years ago I was 42 years old. Just started to use internet at my employer. Didn't have a cell phone.
In 2013...https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/2013comp-internet.pdf
Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 10.35.20 AM.png

83% of the 115 million households have a computer and 74% internet access.

Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 10.38.43 AM.png

Think of it! in 30 years 90% of Americans can get in touch directly with anyone in the world at anytime!

So once again... FACTs shoot down hyperbole!
Mobile Technology Fact Sheet

I really don't understand why with the Internet so easy and fast to use idiots still come up with these kind of UNSUBSTANTIATED statements!

"workers who have become wealthy in the last 30 years. Their standard of living has declined."

What I wouldn't have given 30 years ago to have this "declined" standard of living!!!
For me, that would be Grover Cleveland, the veto president! In his first term alone, he vetoed 414 bills, mostly big business subsidies exchanged for political "favors". That was more that twice as many vetoes as all preceding presidents before him combined.
30 years ago while our standard of living was starting to decline as some idiots on this board contend... NO ONE in any class would consider buying anything like these
things!!! Think of it! almost $600 for a pair of tennis shoes!
Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 10.51.54 AM.png
Many citizens rate the presidents although few can even name all of them or know what they did or didn't do, so we rate them according to our politics.
In 1948 the best historians in the nation were asked to rate the presidents and since that time it has become a tradition and an honor for an historian to be asked to rate. Their ratings since 1948 can be found on the internet. The latest rating was based on 20 characteristics that a president might use in his executive role. This rating was by Siena College asking 238 of the top historians in America to rate presidents on each characteristic. Might check not only that rating but the previous ratings. Conservative and liberal historians have also been asked to rate presidents along with liberal and conservative newspapers etc.
So how was Millard Fillmore rated?
That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.
What were the welfare programs FDR handed out and was responsible for? Are you talking about the relief programs where he made folks work on public works projects like building public works projects that are still being used today?

Like FDR said......People don't eat in the long run
You are wrong once again, before FDR came in, people ate through charitable agencies, but since a liberal saw this as a voting opportunity, when you enslave people by taking care of them(sorta like a pet, which you can abuse) then they are obliged to vote for those same people. I no longer shake my head in disbelief as I know why liberals think the way they do. I am going to post the reason once again, which they will ignore and whine and cry some more.

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

Charitable agencies? Are you shitting me?

Charity works great when the economy is strong and people look out for the poor family down the street

But when the whole town is poor....who contributes to your charities? What happens when 25% of the population needs to be fed?

FDR had to step in and help the people. His programs did that.
Of course when the government was taking 90% of your income, today around 39% it is very hard after paying for high fuel, food and other necessities, to give to Charity, which is exactly why the liberals in government have put the pressure on the rest of US. I wouldn't shit you, because you are my favorite turd.:eusa_wall: The only reason why a whole town is poor means that a liberal is in charge and overspent the tax payer money for union votes. When 25% of the population starts to go hungry, they move to a more conservative area where people are willing to share their good fortune, not steal from one person to give to another. ROFL - maybe next time you might want to bring some intelligence to the conversation. :night:
Only mega millionaires paid 90%
Today they have an effective rate of around 17%

No wonder you don't think we can afford welfare
WW2 was won with FDR as president. The policies he put forth for the average worker, including social security, built the middle class in America, which reagan and all other presidents after him, have tried to destroy.

Garbage. He's responsible for the welfare state and our crushing debt.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.

It is not the workers who have become wealthy in the last 30 years. Their standard of living has declined.

FDR provided a way to take care of those who need it. Corporate policies and wages have made sure that more people need it

Let's get specific and NOT generalizations, myths, memes,etc. that people like you depend on...i..e 30sec sound bites, headlines since you don't seem to read to quickly!
"Standard of living" declined last 30 years???
Let's see 30 years ago I was 42 years old. Just started to use internet at my employer. Didn't have a cell phone.
In 2013...https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/2013comp-internet.pdf
View attachment 60681

83% of the 115 million households have a computer and 74% internet access.

View attachment 60682

Think of it! in 30 years 90% of Americans can get in touch directly with anyone in the world at anytime!

So once again... FACTs shoot down hyperbole!
Mobile Technology Fact Sheet

I really don't understand why with the Internet so easy and fast to use idiots still come up with these kind of UNSUBSTANTIATED statements!

"workers who have become wealthy in the last 30 years. Their standard of living has declined."

What I wouldn't have given 30 years ago to have this "declined" standard of living!!!
You rate standard of living on toys
Cell phone, Internet, computer

Compare to homes, healthcare, a college education for their kids
What were the welfare programs FDR handed out and was responsible for? Are you talking about the relief programs where he made folks work on public works projects like building public works projects that are still being used today?

Like FDR said......People don't eat in the long run
You are wrong once again, before FDR came in, people ate through charitable agencies, but since a liberal saw this as a voting opportunity, when you enslave people by taking care of them(sorta like a pet, which you can abuse) then they are obliged to vote for those same people. I no longer shake my head in disbelief as I know why liberals think the way they do. I am going to post the reason once again, which they will ignore and whine and cry some more.

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

Charitable agencies? Are you shitting me?

Charity works great when the economy is strong and people look out for the poor family down the street

But when the whole town is poor....who contributes to your charities? What happens when 25% of the population needs to be fed?

FDR had to step in and help the people. His programs did that.
Of course when the government was taking 90% of your income, today around 39% it is very hard after paying for high fuel, food and other necessities, to give to Charity, which is exactly why the liberals in government have put the pressure on the rest of US. I wouldn't shit you, because you are my favorite turd.:eusa_wall: The only reason why a whole town is poor means that a liberal is in charge and overspent the tax payer money for union votes. When 25% of the population starts to go hungry, they move to a more conservative area where people are willing to share their good fortune, not steal from one person to give to another. ROFL - maybe next time you might want to bring some intelligence to the conversation. :night:
Only mega millionaires paid 90%
Today they have an effective rate of around 17%

No wonder you don't think we can afford welfare
Where did you get your FACT of mega millionaires having tax rate of 17%?
Provide a link and data proving the average rate is 17%.

The richest 1% pay an effective federal income tax rate of 24.7% in 2014;
someone making an average of $75,000 is paying a 19.7% rate.
Fact Sheet: Taxing Wealthy Americans | Americans for Tax Fairness
PLUS it is even higher for the "richest" in that the dividends that they pay taxes come from profits of their investment that have paid FEDERAL taxes before distributing as dividends. In other words they are "double taxed".

If the company decides to pay out dividends, the earnings are taxed twice by the government because of the transfer of the money from the company to the shareholders. The first taxation occurs at the company's year-end when it must pay taxes on its earnings. The second taxation occurs when the shareholders receive the dividends, which come from the company's after-tax earnings. The shareholders pay taxes first as owners of a company that brings in earnings and then again as individuals, who must pay income taxes on their own personal dividend earnings.
What is the double taxation of dividends? | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/03/102203.asp#ixzz3xzqJq4CY
I really am ashamed of some people on this board. They simple spout some inane statement "mega-millionaires tax at 17%" without providing any substantiation for the
statement! Why is it so hard to look it up on Google?
I did and found out the 1%ers pay an average of 24.7%. At 17% that is almost 50% blown out of proportion!
Please those of you that engage your fingers before engaging your head... THINK!!!
Or maybe you'll be like this poor idiot that put this up:
Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 1.28.05 PM.png
Garbage. He's responsible for the welfare state and our crushing debt.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.

It is not the workers who have become wealthy in the last 30 years. Their standard of living has declined.

FDR provided a way to take care of those who need it. Corporate policies and wages have made sure that more people need it

Let's get specific and NOT generalizations, myths, memes,etc. that people like you depend on...i..e 30sec sound bites, headlines since you don't seem to read to quickly!
"Standard of living" declined last 30 years???
Let's see 30 years ago I was 42 years old. Just started to use internet at my employer. Didn't have a cell phone.
In 2013...https://www.census.gov/history/pdf/2013comp-internet.pdf
View attachment 60681

83% of the 115 million households have a computer and 74% internet access.

View attachment 60682

Think of it! in 30 years 90% of Americans can get in touch directly with anyone in the world at anytime!

So once again... FACTs shoot down hyperbole!
Mobile Technology Fact Sheet

I really don't understand why with the Internet so easy and fast to use idiots still come up with these kind of UNSUBSTANTIATED statements!

"workers who have become wealthy in the last 30 years. Their standard of living has declined."

What I wouldn't have given 30 years ago to have this "declined" standard of living!!!
You rate standard of living on toys
Cell phone, Internet, computer

Compare to homes, healthcare, a college education for their kids


Take your boss' cell phone away. Take your kid's phone. YOU live without your cell phone!
YOU couldn't be on this forum without the internet and you'd probably be in your parents' basement making shadow puppets.
You have it wrong. It's I earned mine, quit demanding you have yours handed to you and earn it.

Are you equating Social Security with social welfare programs? You'd be a fool if you did.

Uh, they both serve the same basic function- keeping people from starving because some rich person can't make money off of them.

Now, before you go whining "but I paid into that". the thing is, most people on assistance are only on it for a couple of years before they get jobs if they don't have jobs already. So they are also "paying into it".

If you live past 72, you will get everything you paid into SS back. After that, it's all welfare, baby. But it's MIDDLE CLASS WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE, to that make it okay to you, Cleetus.
Once again you are showing how stupid you are. It was liberal/progressive Hoover that

You think Hoover was a liberal? You are some kind of retard, aren't you?

How come Republicans become "Liberals" when they fail miserably? Which is pretty much all of them except Reagan, who was shitting his pants absentmindedly before his fuckups came home too roost.

The difference between a liberal and a conservative. Liberals would give a fish to a starving man so then that man must come back the next day begging for more. That is liberal compassion.

Except you guys never look at the reason WHY the man can't come up with his own fish. Maybe a big corporation dragged the lake and harvested all the fish. Maybe some rich person has bought the lake and won't let anyone fish there anymore. Maybe he's too old to fish effectively anymore. Maybe he's a child and can't really fish on his own. Maybe he wants to eat something besides fish.

Fun fact, if you ate nothing BUT fish, you'd soon have serious health problems because you aren't getting a balanced diet.

So let's take the rest of you retarded comparison and have fun with it.

Conservatives would rather teach that starving man to fish so that man could be reliant on himself and not have to go begging for more. That is conservatism.

Really? THen why do Conservatives try to slash Public Education at every opportunity? It would seem that if you were going to get the skills to "fish" - i.e. earn a living doing a worthwhile job that pays money, the place you would gain those skills- reading, math, etc - would be a school.

The problem is not that people don't know how to Fish. As I pointed out to Conservatard-IQ65 before, we have Airline Pilots selling their blood plasma for money!

Capt. Sullenberger: Stop Cutting Pilot Pay Or Next Plane Will Crash In River

We have Adjunct Professors on FOOD STAMPS.

Professors on food stamps: The shocking true story of academia in 2014

Since we know the Airlines and Colleges are making plenty of money, it's not like they can't afford to pay these people who are key to their operations decently. They just refuse to.

WHich bringing us back to Herbert Hoover, there is the one thing he said that made sense.

"The Problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... They're too damned greedy!"
Since a liberal can never be happy, they must constantly berate US when we are at peace with ourselves. Notice how he says " I've Got mine, fuck you?" At one time everyone was able to help themselves and be happy, but once that chicken in the pot started, people became less self sufficient and more dependent on government.

What time was that at? Hey, guy, there was GRINDING POVERTY when your boy Coolidge was president. we had whole classes of people - black, immigrants - regulated to Second Class Citizenship, and a Ku Klux Klan active in the 1920's to keep them that way. Life was actually pretty fucked up in the 1920's for most people.

Incidentally, you need to look up the source of a "Chicken in every pot". It was Hoover's campaign slogan right before his policies of letting the rich do whatever the fuck they wanted threw the world economy into the ditch.
I'm only interested in truth.
And the truth is FDR had our military so weak Japan and Germany felt it was a good idea to declare war on us.

And where did they ever say that, or was there a document that specified that.

Japan declared war on us because we were economically strangling them. We were hardly "weak", because we had the ability to impose sanctions and make them stick. The fact is, we had a larger navy than Japan, which is why they launched a sneak attack. You don't sneak attack someone who is weaker, you sneak attack someone who is stronger and hope he doesn't kick your ass. If you made it out of mom's basement once in a while you'd know this.

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