who was best president of usa ?

who was best president of usa ?

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Votes: 15 41.7%
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • jfk

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • barak obama

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters
We had wobble legs promising everyone everything and creating the mindset that it's the government's job to take care of you if something bad happens in your life. Freeloaders like that kind of thing and will vote for it.

What's the alternative your side offers? "I've got mine, fuck you?"

Except your guys can't say that openly, because no one would vote for that.

Which is why your side quietly supports middle class entitlements like Medicare and Social Security and Unemployment while denouncing "Welfare Queens". (When in fact, those middle class benefit make up far more of what government spends.)

Then to totally distract stupid people like you from noticing your good paying job is going to China or being replaced by a machine, they talk about guns or abortions or gays or the War on Christmas to play on your racial, religious or sexual fears.

NOw, since you have been totally conditioned not to notice this, please proceed with an angry rant about how you will shoot anyone who tries to take your guns.
Since a liberal can never be happy, they must constantly berate US when we are at peace with ourselves. Notice how he says " I've Got mine, fuck you?" At one time everyone was able to help themselves and be happy, but once that chicken in the pot started, people became less self sufficient and more dependent on government. Today, those same shmoe's hate US because we can be happy with what he have(by earning it) while those who just sit in their basements, smoking pot and bitching about life, and want US punished. They even hate life , which is why they kill 33,000 born and unborn babies, they hate their own parents from bringing them into their sorry lives, and they hate themselves, since public education taught them they aren't worth shit. Must suck to be a liberal.
Abraham Lincoln

Franklin D. Roosevelt


barak obama
None of the above, The best was Calvin Coolidge, silent Cal got the country out of a sharp, deep recession and into the roaring twenties, first President to come out for civil rights for African-Americans, granted citizenship to Native Americans and was wise enough to stay the hell out of the way of the lives of American Citizens and keep us out of foreign conflicts.

Well need another President like him. :)
Because of him, the Roaring 20s was roaring. He was a true conservative and had such a limited government that it infuriated the liberals. Public education wont even come close to teaching children about this great president, for they(NFTA and NEA) wouldn't want American Citizens to be self reliant.
Calvin Coolidge: Best President Ever
Calvin Coolidge: Best President Ever
Liberals will disagree but then this article explains why.

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
Understand this, and you know why liberals do what they do.

View attachment 60659

Coolidge led us to the great Depression and dumped the whole thing on poor Hoover....finally left it to FDR to fix

Prosperity is just around the corner my ass
FDR was the best!

Reagan was the one that destroyed our middle class and flooded our country with the third world. He sucked.

I bet all those Japanese-American CITIZENS he interned during WW II don't think so.

You've destroyed yourself son by thinking the government should do for you what you're too damn lazy to do for yourself. FDR created that mindset and freeloaders like you ran with it.

Agreed. FDR wasn't the first Progressive, but he was the first successful one. Gave us the total mess we are in today.

WW2 was won with FDR as president. The policies he put forth for the average worker, including social security, built the middle class in America, which reagan and all other presidents after him, have tried to destroy.

Garbage. He's responsible for the welfare state and our crushing debt.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas
We had wobble legs promising everyone everything and creating the mindset that it's the government's job to take care of you if something bad happens in your life. Freeloaders like that kind of thing and will vote for it.

What's the alternative your side offers? "I've got mine, fuck you?"

Except your guys can't say that openly, because no one would vote for that.

Which is why your side quietly supports middle class entitlements like Medicare and Social Security and Unemployment while denouncing "Welfare Queens". (When in fact, those middle class benefit make up far more of what government spends.)

Then to totally distract stupid people like you from noticing your good paying job is going to China or being replaced by a machine, they talk about guns or abortions or gays or the War on Christmas to play on your racial, religious or sexual fears.

NOw, since you have been totally conditioned not to notice this, please proceed with an angry rant about how you will shoot anyone who tries to take your guns.
Since a liberal can never be happy, they must constantly berate US when we are at peace with ourselves. Notice how he says " I've Got mine, fuck you?" At one time everyone was able to help themselves and be happy, but once that chicken in the pot started, people became less self sufficient and more dependent on government. Today, those same shmoe's hate US because we can be happy with what he have(by earning it) while those who just sit in their basements, smoking pot and bitching about life, and want US punished. They even hate life , which is why they kill 33,000 born and unborn babies, they hate their own parents from bringing them into their sorry lives, and they hate themselves, since public education taught them they aren't worth shit. Must suck to be a liberal.
That vision you have of everyone being happy and being able to take care of themselves never existed.
Germany and Japan felt their best option was to declare war on America. And countries only attack weaker nations. Weaker thanks to FDR.

Round n round ya go.....

Are you some kind of retard where you think repeating the same thing over and over again after it has been debunked by people who know better is a good strategy.

Is your helmet adjusted properly when you hit your head against the wall, Corky?

I'm only interested in truth.
And the truth is FDR had our military so weak Japan and Germany felt it was a good idea to declare war on us.
Your God FDR was far from a great leader making all of the right decisions. If you want we can get into how he dragged out the depression, his putting Americans in concentration camps, his sending Jews fleeing Hitler back to Germany, etc etc.
Abraham Lincoln

Franklin D. Roosevelt


barak obama
None of the above, The best was Calvin Coolidge, silent Cal got the country out of a sharp, deep recession and into the roaring twenties, first President to come out for civil rights for African-Americans, granted citizenship to Native Americans and was wise enough to stay the hell out of the way of the lives of American Citizens and keep us out of foreign conflicts.

Well need another President like him. :)
Because of him, the Roaring 20s was roaring. He was a true conservative and had such a limited government that it infuriated the liberals. Public education wont even come close to teaching children about this great president, for they(NFTA and NEA) wouldn't want American Citizens to be self reliant.
Calvin Coolidge: Best President Ever
Calvin Coolidge: Best President Ever
Liberals will disagree but then this article explains why.

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
Understand this, and you know why liberals do what they do.

View attachment 60659

Coolidge led us to the great Depression and dumped the whole thing on poor Hoover....finally left it to FDR to fix

Prosperity is just around the corner my ass
One thing you liberals are persistent with , and that is to change History. Herbert Hoover on the Great Depression and New Deal, 1931–1933 | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
.” Since the crash, Hoover had worked ceaselessly trying to fix the economy. He founded government agencies, encouraged labor harmony, supported local aid for public works, fostered cooperation between government and business in order to stabilize prices, and struggled to balance the budget.
Instead of allowing the economy to correct itself, he started putting in policies that exacerbated the recovery, anyone seen what the last 7 years are like? And it just got worse, with FDR and only WWII and the killing of many poor US males, made a small dent on the Great Depression. If you want misery allow a liberal to take charge, it happens all the time. Free market capitalism, not Cronie Capitalism, works for the world, it brings up everyone, while liberalism brings everyone down except the liberal elites.

We had wobble legs promising everyone everything and creating the mindset that it's the government's job to take care of you if something bad happens in your life. Freeloaders like that kind of thing and will vote for it.

What's the alternative your side offers? "I've got mine, fuck you?"

Except your guys can't say that openly, because no one would vote for that.

Which is why your side quietly supports middle class entitlements like Medicare and Social Security and Unemployment while denouncing "Welfare Queens". (When in fact, those middle class benefit make up far more of what government spends.)

Then to totally distract stupid people like you from noticing your good paying job is going to China or being replaced by a machine, they talk about guns or abortions or gays or the War on Christmas to play on your racial, religious or sexual fears.

NOw, since you have been totally conditioned not to notice this, please proceed with an angry rant about how you will shoot anyone who tries to take your guns.
Since a liberal can never be happy, they must constantly berate US when we are at peace with ourselves. Notice how he says " I've Got mine, fuck you?" At one time everyone was able to help themselves and be happy, but once that chicken in the pot started, people became less self sufficient and more dependent on government. Today, those same shmoe's hate US because we can be happy with what he have(by earning it) while those who just sit in their basements, smoking pot and bitching about life, and want US punished. They even hate life , which is why they kill 33,000 born and unborn babies, they hate their own parents from bringing them into their sorry lives, and they hate themselves, since public education taught them they aren't worth shit. Must suck to be a liberal.
That vision you have of everyone being happy and being able to take care of themselves never existed.
Spoken like a true liberal. Did your mother piss in your cheerio's to make you so angry? It couldn't be your father, since he divorced your mother when you were young.
Because of him, the Roaring 20s was roaring. He was a true conservative and had such a limited government that it infuriated the liberals. Public education wont even come close to teaching children about this great president, for they(NFTA and NEA) wouldn't want American Citizens to be self reliant.
Calvin Coolidge: Best President Ever

Because he was an awful president, who didn't pay attention to how the crooks on Wall Street were about to run the economy over the cliff. SO his unregulated banks essentially lost everyone's money and caused a world-wide Depression.

There's a reason there are no Aircraft Carriers or anything of note named after Calvin Coolidge.

Or why after the economy crashed under Hoover (who was left holding the bag), the GOP didn't get back into the White HOuse for 20 years and even then, only after Ike admitted, "Yeah, Coolidge and Hoover really fucked it up, let's not do that again."

ON that segue, the best GOP President of the last century was - Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was the one who recognized that there was things government should do, while ratcheting back some of the places it overextended itself during WWII and Korea.

But you'll never see a Republican embracing Eisenhower. They'll embrace this imaginary version of Ronald Reagan who was a confused old man yelling at a wall.
Speaking of crooks on Wall Street and Presidents.
List of Goldman Sachs employees in the White House
We had wobble legs promising everyone everything and creating the mindset that it's the government's job to take care of you if something bad happens in your life. Freeloaders like that kind of thing and will vote for it.

What's the alternative your side offers? "I've got mine, fuck you?"

Except your guys can't say that openly, because no one would vote for that.

Which is why your side quietly supports middle class entitlements like Medicare and Social Security and Unemployment while denouncing "Welfare Queens". (When in fact, those middle class benefit make up far more of what government spends.)

Then to totally distract stupid people like you from noticing your good paying job is going to China or being replaced by a machine, they talk about guns or abortions or gays or the War on Christmas to play on your racial, religious or sexual fears.

NOw, since you have been totally conditioned not to notice this, please proceed with an angry rant about how you will shoot anyone who tries to take your guns.
The difference between a liberal and a conservative
Liberals would give a fish to a starving man so then that man must come back the next day begging for more. That is liberal compassion.
Conservatives would rather teach that starving man to fish so that man could be reliant on himself and not have to go begging for more. That is conservatism.
Have you notice under the 7 years of Obamanomics , Obamavilles popping up everywhere?

View attachment 60666

Interesting point

But what happens when there are no more fish in the pond? That is what has happened in many of our urban areas. You can fish all day but there are still no jobs to be had.

In that case, we need the government to step in, provide fish, restock the pond or assist people in learning new skills or moving to an area with more fish.

That is the purpose of a modern government
Abraham Lincoln

Franklin D. Roosevelt


barak obama
None of the above, The best was Calvin Coolidge, silent Cal got the country out of a sharp, deep recession and into the roaring twenties, first President to come out for civil rights for African-Americans, granted citizenship to Native Americans and was wise enough to stay the hell out of the way of the lives of American Citizens and keep us out of foreign conflicts.

Well need another President like him. :)
Because of him, the Roaring 20s was roaring. He was a true conservative and had such a limited government that it infuriated the liberals. Public education wont even come close to teaching children about this great president, for they(NFTA and NEA) wouldn't want American Citizens to be self reliant.
Calvin Coolidge: Best President Ever
Calvin Coolidge: Best President Ever
Liberals will disagree but then this article explains why.

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
Understand this, and you know why liberals do what they do.

View attachment 60659

Coolidge led us to the great Depression and dumped the whole thing on poor Hoover....finally left it to FDR to fix

Prosperity is just around the corner my ass
One thing you liberals are persistent with , and that is to change History. Herbert Hoover on the Great Depression and New Deal, 1931–1933 | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
.” Since the crash, Hoover had worked ceaselessly trying to fix the economy. He founded government agencies, encouraged labor harmony, supported local aid for public works, fostered cooperation between government and business in order to stabilize prices, and struggled to balance the budget.
Instead of allowing the economy to correct itself, he started putting in policies that exacerbated the recovery, anyone seen what the last 7 years are like? And it just got worse, with FDR and only WWII and the killing of many poor US males, made a small dent on the Great Depression. If you want misery allow a liberal to take charge, it happens all the time. Free market capitalism, not Cronie Capitalism, works for the world, it brings up everyone, while liberalism brings everyone down except the liberal elites.

Interesting point

Just allow the economy to correct itself. In the long run, you will be better off

But as FDR said.......People don't eat in the long run
FDR was the best!

Reagan was the one that destroyed our middle class and flooded our country with the third world. He sucked.

I bet all those Japanese-American CITIZENS he interned during WW II don't think so.

You've destroyed yourself son by thinking the government should do for you what you're too damn lazy to do for yourself. FDR created that mindset and freeloaders like you ran with it.

Agreed. FDR wasn't the first Progressive, but he was the first successful one. Gave us the total mess we are in today.

WW2 was won with FDR as president. The policies he put forth for the average worker, including social security, built the middle class in America, which reagan and all other presidents after him, have tried to destroy.

Garbage. He's responsible for the welfare state and our crushing debt.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.
I bet all those Japanese-American CITIZENS he interned during WW II don't think so.

You've destroyed yourself son by thinking the government should do for you what you're too damn lazy to do for yourself. FDR created that mindset and freeloaders like you ran with it.

Agreed. FDR wasn't the first Progressive, but he was the first successful one. Gave us the total mess we are in today.

WW2 was won with FDR as president. The policies he put forth for the average worker, including social security, built the middle class in America, which reagan and all other presidents after him, have tried to destroy.

Garbage. He's responsible for the welfare state and our crushing debt.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.

It is not the workers who have become wealthy in the last 30 years. Their standard of living has declined.

FDR provided a way to take care of those who need it. Corporate policies and wages have made sure that more people need it
Agreed. FDR wasn't the first Progressive, but he was the first successful one. Gave us the total mess we are in today.

WW2 was won with FDR as president. The policies he put forth for the average worker, including social security, built the middle class in America, which reagan and all other presidents after him, have tried to destroy.

Garbage. He's responsible for the welfare state and our crushing debt.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.

It is not the workers who have become wealthy in the last 30 years. Their standard of living has declined.

FDR provided a way to take care of those who need it. Corporate policies and wages have made sure that more people need it

Again more left wing lies. No surprises there.
We had wobble legs promising everyone everything and creating the mindset that it's the government's job to take care of you if something bad happens in your life. Freeloaders like that kind of thing and will vote for it.

What's the alternative your side offers? "I've got mine, fuck you?"

Except your guys can't say that openly, because no one would vote for that.

Which is why your side quietly supports middle class entitlements like Medicare and Social Security and Unemployment while denouncing "Welfare Queens". (When in fact, those middle class benefit make up far more of what government spends.)

Then to totally distract stupid people like you from noticing your good paying job is going to China or being replaced by a machine, they talk about guns or abortions or gays or the War on Christmas to play on your racial, religious or sexual fears.

NOw, since you have been totally conditioned not to notice this, please proceed with an angry rant about how you will shoot anyone who tries to take your guns.
The difference between a liberal and a conservative
Liberals would give a fish to a starving man so then that man must come back the next day begging for more. That is liberal compassion.
Conservatives would rather teach that starving man to fish so that man could be reliant on himself and not have to go begging for more. That is conservatism.
Have you notice under the 7 years of Obamanomics , Obamavilles popping up everywhere?

View attachment 60666

Interesting point

But what happens when there are no more fish in the pond? That is what has happened in many of our urban areas. You can fish all day but there are still no jobs to be had.

In that case, we need the government to step in, provide fish, restock the pond or assist people in learning new skills or moving to an area with more fish.

That is the purpose of a modern government
Do you know why there is no fish in the pond in cities. Because liberals took over the cities, overpromised FREE stuff, while taxing those who worked, and soon those fishermen moved away to suburbia. Take a look at the Motor City Detroit, the most prosperous city after WWII. Unions public and private worked hand in hand with the liberal political hacks, and after 60 years, no more fish. The only ones left were those too poor to move away, but hey, everyone there in Detroit were equal. Equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

We had wobble legs promising everyone everything and creating the mindset that it's the government's job to take care of you if something bad happens in your life. Freeloaders like that kind of thing and will vote for it.

What's the alternative your side offers? "I've got mine, fuck you?"

Except your guys can't say that openly, because no one would vote for that.

Which is why your side quietly supports middle class entitlements like Medicare and Social Security and Unemployment while denouncing "Welfare Queens". (When in fact, those middle class benefit make up far more of what government spends.)

Then to totally distract stupid people like you from noticing your good paying job is going to China or being replaced by a machine, they talk about guns or abortions or gays or the War on Christmas to play on your racial, religious or sexual fears.

NOw, since you have been totally conditioned not to notice this, please proceed with an angry rant about how you will shoot anyone who tries to take your guns.
Since a liberal can never be happy, they must constantly berate US when we are at peace with ourselves. Notice how he says " I've Got mine, fuck you?" At one time everyone was able to help themselves and be happy, but once that chicken in the pot started, people became less self sufficient and more dependent on government. Today, those same shmoe's hate US because we can be happy with what he have(by earning it) while those who just sit in their basements, smoking pot and bitching about life, and want US punished. They even hate life , which is why they kill 33,000 born and unborn babies, they hate their own parents from bringing them into their sorry lives, and they hate themselves, since public education taught them they aren't worth shit. Must suck to be a liberal.
That vision you have of everyone being happy and being able to take care of themselves never existed.
Spoken like a true liberal. Did your mother piss in your cheerio's to make you so angry? It couldn't be your father, since he divorced your mother when you were young.
You sound like the angry one sir. Some anonymous person on a message board challenged one of your opinions and you answered with an attempt to insult and disparage. Something is wrong with you.
We had wobble legs promising everyone everything and creating the mindset that it's the government's job to take care of you if something bad happens in your life. Freeloaders like that kind of thing and will vote for it.

What's the alternative your side offers? "I've got mine, fuck you?"

Except your guys can't say that openly, because no one would vote for that.

Which is why your side quietly supports middle class entitlements like Medicare and Social Security and Unemployment while denouncing "Welfare Queens". (When in fact, those middle class benefit make up far more of what government spends.)

Then to totally distract stupid people like you from noticing your good paying job is going to China or being replaced by a machine, they talk about guns or abortions or gays or the War on Christmas to play on your racial, religious or sexual fears.

NOw, since you have been totally conditioned not to notice this, please proceed with an angry rant about how you will shoot anyone who tries to take your guns.
The difference between a liberal and a conservative
Liberals would give a fish to a starving man so then that man must come back the next day begging for more. That is liberal compassion.
Conservatives would rather teach that starving man to fish so that man could be reliant on himself and not have to go begging for more. That is conservatism.
Have you notice under the 7 years of Obamanomics , Obamavilles popping up everywhere?

View attachment 60666

Interesting point

But what happens when there are no more fish in the pond? That is what has happened in many of our urban areas. You can fish all day but there are still no jobs to be had.

In that case, we need the government to step in, provide fish, restock the pond or assist people in learning new skills or moving to an area with more fish.

That is the purpose of a modern government
Do you know why there is no fish in the pond in cities. Because liberals took over the cities, overpromised FREE stuff, while taxing those who worked, and soon those fishermen moved away to suburbia. Take a look at the Motor City Detroit, the most prosperous city after WWII. Unions public and private worked hand in hand with the liberal political hacks, and after 60 years, no more fish. The only ones left were those too poor to move away, but hey, everyone there in Detroit were equal. Equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberalism in a nutshell.

View attachment 60669

Actually it was corporate America who used up our cities and moved on to greener pastures

Union workers were not getting rich in Detroit. They lived in the same houses and same neighborhoods they had lived in for generations

It was the corporate executives that were getting rich, not the workers
It was their decisions that doomed the auto industry...not the workers who only wanted to maintain their standard of living
It is a shame you libtards didn't go watch the Youtube post I put up about Margaret Thatcher, a woman, a Prime Minister, a strong leader for Free Markets. Oh yeah, she and Ronald Reagan helped defeat the Communists of East Germany and the USSR, which would make her EVIL. For you libtards, it is better to bring everyone down(Cat 1), so that way everyone is equal, than helping others make something of themselves(Cat 2), and not have to rely on the government. For since you libs fall into Cat 1, you cant compete in the realm of ideas, so must resort to other means to balance the playing field. Tax everyone, demean everyone, uneducated everyone. The Video is a typical liberal voter.

We had wobble legs promising everyone everything and creating the mindset that it's the government's job to take care of you if something bad happens in your life. Freeloaders like that kind of thing and will vote for it.

What's the alternative your side offers? "I've got mine, fuck you?"

Except your guys can't say that openly, because no one would vote for that.

Which is why your side quietly supports middle class entitlements like Medicare and Social Security and Unemployment while denouncing "Welfare Queens". (When in fact, those middle class benefit make up far more of what government spends.)

Then to totally distract stupid people like you from noticing your good paying job is going to China or being replaced by a machine, they talk about guns or abortions or gays or the War on Christmas to play on your racial, religious or sexual fears.

NOw, since you have been totally conditioned not to notice this, please proceed with an angry rant about how you will shoot anyone who tries to take your guns.
Since a liberal can never be happy, they must constantly berate US when we are at peace with ourselves. Notice how he says " I've Got mine, fuck you?" At one time everyone was able to help themselves and be happy, but once that chicken in the pot started, people became less self sufficient and more dependent on government. Today, those same shmoe's hate US because we can be happy with what he have(by earning it) while those who just sit in their basements, smoking pot and bitching about life, and want US punished. They even hate life , which is why they kill 33,000 born and unborn babies, they hate their own parents from bringing them into their sorry lives, and they hate themselves, since public education taught them they aren't worth shit. Must suck to be a liberal.
That vision you have of everyone being happy and being able to take care of themselves never existed.
Spoken like a true liberal. Did your mother piss in your cheerio's to make you so angry? It couldn't be your father, since he divorced your mother when you were young.
You sound like the angry one sir. Some anonymous person on a message board challenged one of your opinions and you answered with an attempt to insult and disparage. Something is wrong with you.
Not at all, I just play right along with your liberal Rules for Radicals, when I start using them against you , you show FAUX indignation about it. When in a War, don't bring a pea shooter , bring in the big guns. Why are you ranting and raving? Are you angry?
I bet all those Japanese-American CITIZENS he interned during WW II don't think so.

You've destroyed yourself son by thinking the government should do for you what you're too damn lazy to do for yourself. FDR created that mindset and freeloaders like you ran with it.

Agreed. FDR wasn't the first Progressive, but he was the first successful one. Gave us the total mess we are in today.

WW2 was won with FDR as president. The policies he put forth for the average worker, including social security, built the middle class in America, which reagan and all other presidents after him, have tried to destroy.

Garbage. He's responsible for the welfare state and our crushing debt.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.
What were the welfare programs FDR handed out and was responsible for? Are you talking about the relief programs where he made folks work on public works projects like building public works projects that are still being used today?
Agreed. FDR wasn't the first Progressive, but he was the first successful one. Gave us the total mess we are in today.

WW2 was won with FDR as president. The policies he put forth for the average worker, including social security, built the middle class in America, which reagan and all other presidents after him, have tried to destroy.

Garbage. He's responsible for the welfare state and our crushing debt.
FDR is not responsible for our welfare state

That honor goes to our capitalists who shut down manufacturing and sent it overseas

That was the fault of the unions.
FDR gave us the welfare state.
What were the welfare programs FDR handed out and was responsible for? Are you talking about the relief programs where he made folks work on public works projects like building public works projects that are still being used today?

Like FDR said......People don't eat in the long run

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