Who Was the Greatest President?

Washington - for the simple fact that he willingly walked away from politics and back into private life.

He was a figure of few words, but when spoken, were to the point of the matter, and often striking the needed tone.

Lincoln is often rated higher than Washington, but that has more to do with the politically-correct leanings of academics who surround Lincoln with the slave issue - and indirectly hinder Washington with the same issue. Lincoln was a solid president at a time of great challenge, whose tragic death elevated him to greater heights (See: JFK)

The American 20th Century was most dominated by two presidents - FDR, and Ronald Reagan. FDR altered the trajectory of not only his political party, but also American's socio-economic platform. But unlike Washington, FDR was a man of great political ambition - if he could have been named king for life, he might very well have taken it. Their is a darkness to FDR - similar to that of Wilson, that surrounds him. This darkness was lessened greatly by the great challenges of his time - and again, his physical ailments make him that much more popular by liberal academics. Agree or disagree with him though, FDR remains among the most influential of all presidents.

As for Reagan, he shared FDR's outward sunny optimism - but unlike FDR, this optimism extended to the core of Reagan the man as well. Reagan did much to stem the onward push of FDR-like Big Government policy, if not so much in actual governmental change, then that of the American concience. Reagan was able to, in his own uniquely affable way, make the term liberal a word of scorn and rebuke - something that remains today - if to a somewhat lesser degree. And Reagan too was determined to defeat the great Soviet empire that initiated from the rubble of the FDR WWII era - and unlike those presidents before him, Reagan succeeded. He is the last great American president, and with each passing year, his status deservedly continues to rise among that most exclusive of political clubs...
Ronald Reagan on the Republican side & JFK on the Democrat side. The reason why I mention them both in the same sentence? They both thought alike. They both knew how to handle a slagging economy. They both believed in trickle down economics--they both used it--& it worked for both of them. They both were hawks on foreign policy.
Your African American no? I can't believe anyone would say that about Lincoln!

That would be like an African American insulting Fredrick Douglas or MLK!

Lincoln was an unabashed racist, and thought blacks were incapable of self-governance.

Better read some more, Dude. He had changed quite a bit over the decades from the unbashedly poor racist white man to a thoughtful individual by his death. The issue of race and voting rights had him pondering right up to the moment JWB pumped a round into his head with an unregistered firearm.

Lincoln was an unabashed racist, and thought blacks were incapable of self-governance.

And yet he still managed to do more for African American slaves than any other person of his time.
"Free" to be sharecroppers.

And he really didn't free anyone....The 14th Amendment pretty much made us all co-equal slaves to the District of Criminals, rather than freeing anyone.

Dude, that is completely inaccurate statement. Sharecropping, as we understand it, began occuring in the late 1870s after the failure of Reconstruction in the South. By 1900, 75% of blacks and 50% of whites in the South were sharecroppers in the hands of the lenders, banks, and the wealthy. You can look this up in any freshman history textbook for college.
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Barrack Obama he has done so much for our contry let me list a few accomplishments
need I list more?
I forgot earning a Noble prize for all these accomplishments!!!!!
I made a mistake spelled country wrong, but he still has accomplished NOTHING!!!! Before and during presidency!!!!
Teddy Roosevelt

Ok, I'm a noob, are you really a rightwinger or is that a farcical username?

I'd say Washington without a doubt was our best president so far. For the last century I'd say Eisenhower.

What did Washington accomplish as President that exceeds the accomplishments of Lincoln, FDR or Teddy Roosevelt? or Ike for that matter
Lincoln. He held the nation together, and defined it's nature after the Civil War.

As soon as I saw the topic of the thread, my thought was, "Hands down, Lincoln." Rock solid clarity of thought and determination in the face of unremitting and insulting small minded resistance of every variety from inept military commanders to a rabidly attacking press to an actual invading army to personal tradgedy and probable clinical depression.

"If you can keep your head..."
Teddy Roosevelt

Ok, I'm a noob, are you really a rightwinger or is that a farcical username?

I'd say Washington without a doubt was our best president so far. For the last century I'd say Eisenhower.

What did Washington accomplish as President that exceeds the accomplishments of Lincoln, FDR or Teddy Roosevelt? or Ike for that matter

He refused the Crown when it was offered. With that one act, he changed the course of the world forever.
Ok, I'm a noob, are you really a rightwinger or is that a farcical username?

I'd say Washington without a doubt was our best president so far. For the last century I'd say Eisenhower.

What did Washington accomplish as President that exceeds the accomplishments of Lincoln, FDR or Teddy Roosevelt? or Ike for that matter

He refused the Crown when it was offered. With that one act, he changed the course of the world forever.

Happened before he was President, as did most of Washingtons accomplishments
Greatest President: Garfield or Harrison
Greatest man to ever hold the office of President: Washington

Worst of the worst: Lincoln, F. Roosevelt, Carter, Truman in no particular order. Hopefully joined soon by Mr. Obama.
Teddy Roosevelt

Ok, I'm a noob, are you really a rightwinger or is that a farcical username?

I'd say Washington without a doubt was our best president so far. For the last century I'd say Eisenhower.

What did Washington accomplish as President that exceeds the accomplishments of Lincoln, FDR or Teddy Roosevelt? or Ike for that matter

He was the single unifying figure for almost the entire revolution and until 1797. The way we give presidents credit for everything these days, it could be rightly said that he created the country, safeguarded all its principles, and established precedent for how the country should be governed. America was created as Washington saw fit.
Greatest of my lifetime - Reagan. Sad the GOP has gone with losers like Bushes and McCain since. Worst no doubt was Jimmy Carter. Had to spend 30 years undoing a lot of the damage he caused.
He didn't free the slaves cause he loved them so much, he did it because he was a free-soiler (a racist ideology that advocated removing all blacks, free or slave, outside the United States), and he only wrote the Emancipation Proclomation to further his cause for war.
Do you think the first freed slaves gave a SHIT! NOPE! What he did took courage and bravery! So what you said is very illogical in its own right!

And your right, the war was unpopular, because he micromanaged the killing of southern civilians. He even signed an order making every woman in New Orleans a prostitute so the invading northern armies could legally rape them.
You have proof of that? Benefit of the doubt gone! I am really not believing any more that you are African American, a blind and ignorant leftist, but definitely a redneck whiteboy!

The war was about States Rights and Economics, not slavery.
Blah blah blah you sound like Kevin Kennedy. There are many many issues surrounding the civil war (which I won't get into here), but the main one was slavery! Its a fact accept it!
Let me guess who you supported in the last election = RON PAUL!

BTW, the 14th ammendment was passed after he had died, over the Veto of his successer... Johnson. I actually blame Northern policy for the institutionalization of segregation in the south, which had originated in the Northern States.
HENCE the reason I said big reason FOR IT not creating it!

Are you serious! Jim Crow laws popped up in the South! Segregation was by far worse in the south. The KKK orginated in the South and the racial tension and violence was the worst in the South!

I highly recoment Thomas DiLorenzo's "The Real Lincoln" and "Lincoln Unmasked". Great informative books.
If that is where you got your warped views from, then NO THANK YOU I won't waste my time!

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