Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

I'm no FDR fan but I think the hatred for the Japanese might have had something to do with the cowardly attack on PEARL HARBOR!!!

Which had what to do with the AMERICAN CITIZENS that villainous fuck FDR threw into concentration camps?
I'm no FDR fan but I think the hatred for the Japanese might have had something to do with the cowardly attack on PEARL HARBOR!!!

Which had what to do with the AMERICAN CITIZENS that villainous fuck FDR threw into concentration camps?
I wasn't defending FDR, stupid. Japs attacked us, Americans hated Japs as a result, Japanese Americans paid the price. I'm not saying it was right, I'm just stating the obvious, not surprising that you missed it. :eusa_whistle:
Wrong again.

Just follow the rule of law. It is just that simple.

What you need to do is evaluate the entirety of FDR's time as POTUS. For starters, his administration was overrun with commies, who took orders from FDR's BFF...Stalin. Extraordinary....that not one commie was rounded up and interned during the war, for the spying for the USSR.

Plus few Germans and Italians were rounded up and interned...

The press and the state DEMONIZED the Japanese with unbelievable racist hatred...making it easy for FDR to round them up. Anyone who spoke out about the injustice, was destroyed by the State. A real leader stands for the rule of law and justice...a scumbag does not.

To say nothing of FDR's deceitful efforts to set Japan up for the attack on Pearl. He knew about it before it happened and refused to warn the commanders, then scapegoated them. He then demanded unconditional surrender, resulting in huge death tolls for Japan and the USA. He ignored surrender overtures by Japan, which began as early as 1943.

When you look at the entire picture, it is most ugly for your beloved FDR.
I'm no FDR fan but I think the hatred for the Japanese might have had something to do with the cowardly attack on PEARL HARBOR!!! Yeah, the Germans were the enemy too but they didn't launch a sneak attack on us the way the nips did. But I do agree that FDR was a communist scumfuck (but not as bad as Obama).

Again we need to analyze the history BEFORE Pearl Harbor was attacked, to get the full picture...and the picture is damning for FDR.

You will get no dispute from me about the horrendous actions of the Japanese government and military during WWII and their aggression at Pearl Harbor. The crimes they committed might only be exceeded by Nazi Germany and Stalin's USSR.

It is well known that FDR refused to negotiate any trade deals with Japan, froze Japanese assets in the USA, when a Japanese leader tried in secret to come to some kind of mutual agreement, FDR exposed him in the press.

There is much more.

FDR did all he could to push Japan into attacking the USA. He knew the American people were adamantly against any involvement in WWII (after the debacle that was WWI)...so logically, he wanted to position Japan into attacking, so that American public opinion would flip and he would have his war....just as Lincoln, McKinley, and Wilson did before him.

Add to the mix, his complete subservience to Stalin...surrounded by Staliniist spies who were desperate for America to war with Germany...FDR provided much war material to Stalin at the detriment of the American war effort. Once war began with Japan, it was likely war with Japan's ally, Germany, would occur and did.

He knew Japan was to attack both Pearl and the Philippines before they occurred, but refused to warn both bases. He purposely had the western naval based moved from San Francisco to Pearl Harbor, where it was exposed to attacked. He fired the naval commander who refused to go along with the move to Pearl.

It goes on and on.........................................

Americans need to wake up to the fact that many of our past and current leaders are liars and criminals. Americans are a great people in a great nation, just terribly lead.
I'm no FDR fan but I think the hatred for the Japanese might have had something to do with the cowardly attack on PEARL HARBOR!!!

Which had what to do with the AMERICAN CITIZENS that villainous fuck FDR threw into concentration camps?
I wasn't defending FDR, stupid. Japs attacked us, Americans hated Japs as a result, Japanese Americans paid the price. I'm not saying it was right, I'm just stating the obvious, not surprising that you missed it.

The USS Reuben James was sunk by German U-boats before Pearl Harbor. All German Americans were not rounded up on the East Coast as a result. You know why. The childish thrill you get from typing "Japs" over and over is illustrative.
Which had what to do with the AMERICAN CITIZENS that villainous fuck FDR threw into concentration camps?
I wasn't defending FDR, stupid. Japs attacked us, Americans hated Japs as a result, Japanese Americans paid the price. I'm not saying it was right, I'm just stating the obvious, not surprising that you missed it.

The USS Reuben James was sunk by German U-boats before Pearl Harbor. All German Americans were not rounded up on the East Coast as a result. You know why. The childish thrill you get from typing "Japs" over and over is illustrative.

And the Japanese sank the USS Panay and no Japanese were rounded up. Might be a difference between sinking a gun boat and bombing Pearl Harbor.
Again the apologist attempts to justify the unjustifiable.

I'm not apologizing for Japan sinking the USS Panay, Japan apologized later.
Your theme song of the wrongs done to a people gets tiresome and whiny; it is not the only wrong ever done in history, and in comparison some people really have a gripe that make yours pretty insignificant.
What's tiresome are your clumsy attempts at rationalizing and apologizing because you are stuck on hero worship of a fucking scumbag, like you're some morally confused, historically ignorant teenage girl. Do you have a glossy poster of the 'dreamy' FDR on your wall, missy? You'll debase yourself to any degree to play the apologist for the worst villain ever to sully the office of President of the United States.


The symbol of the democratic party is now an "O", see any symbolic similarities.
I'm no FDR fan but I think the hatred for the Japanese might have had something to do with the cowardly attack on PEARL HARBOR!!!

Yes. I posted a link somewhere back there that has a great rundown on all the stuff going on at the time. They made it easy to dislike and be suspicious of them, especially when the attack on Pearl came along. If you have time you might find it informative; or maybe you're already familiar with it, I don't know.

Yeah, the Germans were the enemy too but they didn't launch a sneak attack on us the way the nips did.

We rounded up Germans and Italians as well; the difference was most of them that immigrated to the U.S. assimilated into the general culture, while the Issei and many Nisei didn't and purposely remained aloof; many never applied for citizenship or naturalization, either. They were also mostly fanatic supporters of Japan and the Emperor in the years leading up to Pearl, while most German and Italian Americans weren't supportive of Hitler or Mussolini.

But I do agree that FDR was a communist scumfuck (but not as bad as Obama).

What's tiresome are your clumsy attempts at rationalizing and apologizing because you are stuck on hero worship of a fucking scumbag, like you're some morally confused, historically ignorant teenage girl. Do you have a glossy poster of the 'dreamy' FDR on your wall, missy? You'll debase yourself to any degree to play the apologist for the worst villain ever to sully the office of President of the United States.

Why haven't you communicated this priceless evaluation to the 238 noted historians and presidential experts that recently rated FDR as America's best president, even above Lincoln. I'm sure all those historians that have rated FDR over the years would love to get receive your evidence to the contrary. Imagine their humiliation when they see what you send them. It's probably too late to let that entire generation that voted for FDR four times in on your opinion but please try. I hope you let us know their reactions and chagrin when they get your historical evidence.
What's tiresome are your clumsy attempts at rationalizing and apologizing because you are stuck on hero worship of a fucking scumbag, like you're some morally confused, historically ignorant teenage girl. Do you have a glossy poster of the 'dreamy' FDR on your wall, missy? You'll debase yourself to any degree to play the apologist for the worst villain ever to sully the office of President of the United States.

Why haven't you communicated this priceless evaluation to the 238 noted historians and presidential experts that recently rated FDR as America's best president, even above Lincoln. I'm sure all those historians that have rated FDR over the years would love to get receive your evidence to the contrary. Imagine their humiliation when they see what you send them. It's probably too late to let that entire generation that voted for FDR four times in on your opinion but please try. I hope you let us know their reactions and chagrin when they get your historical evidence.

Much like you have failed to accept the truth, statist historians will not accept it either. You are brainwashed by the state and don't know it.

If historians were to write the history of Big Ears, no doubt it would be favorable. Statists are everywhere and they are in total control of our universities. Not much different than during FDR's time.

FDR was Stalin's stooge. We know this now, but it was not know when the fool was alive. Could be BO is a Marxist stooge or an Islamic stooge...we will find out years from now, but the statists will always love him, just as the love FDR.
What's tiresome are your clumsy attempts at rationalizing and apologizing because you are stuck on hero worship of a fucking scumbag, like you're some morally confused, historically ignorant teenage girl. Do you have a glossy poster of the 'dreamy' FDR on your wall, missy? You'll debase yourself to any degree to play the apologist for the worst villain ever to sully the office of President of the United States.

Why haven't you communicated this priceless evaluation to the 238 noted historians and presidential experts that recently rated FDR as America's best president...

There you go again...

As soon as you run up against your inability to defend your position, you fall back on logical fallacy AGAIN.
We rounded up Germans and Italians as well; the difference was most of them that immigrated to the U.S. assimilated into the general culture, while the Issei and many Nisei didn't and purposely remained aloof; many never applied for citizenship or naturalization, either. They were also mostly fanatic supporters of Japan and the Emperor in the years leading up to Pearl, while most German and Italian Americans weren't supportive of Hitler or Mussolini.

And yet the only ACTUAL instances of espionage, treason, and sabotage came from Americans of German or Italian background (among others), and NOT from a single Japanese American. By way of contrast, Japanese Americans took it upon themselves to prove, with their actions and their lives, that they were as brave and loyal as any American ever was.

As for "supportive of Hitler or Mussolini," why don't you take the time to study a little American history, champ?
We rounded up Germans and Italians as well; the difference was most of them that immigrated to the U.S. assimilated into the general culture, while the Issei and many Nisei didn't and purposely remained aloof; many never applied for citizenship or naturalization, either. They were also mostly fanatic supporters of Japan and the Emperor in the years leading up to Pearl, while most German and Italian Americans weren't supportive of Hitler or Mussolini.

And yet the only ACTUAL instances of espionage, treason, and sabotage came from Americans of German or Italian background (among others), and NOT from a single Japanese American. By way of contrast, Japanese Americans took it upon themselves to prove, with their actions and their lives, that they were as brave and loyal as any American ever was.

As for "supportive of Hitler or Mussolini," why don't you take the time to study a little American history, champ?

In the request for military volunteers there was some variation in number the signup was 97 percent at Mindoka and 62% at Tule Lake. The first call for military volunteers it was hoped 3500 would volunteer for the military but only 1200 volunteered. Was Tule Lake a problem?
What's tiresome are your clumsy attempts at rationalizing and apologizing because you are stuck on hero worship of a fucking scumbag, like you're some morally confused, historically ignorant teenage girl. Do you have a glossy poster of the 'dreamy' FDR on your wall, missy? You'll debase yourself to any degree to play the apologist for the worst villain ever to sully the office of President of the United States.

Why haven't you communicated this priceless evaluation to the 238 noted historians and presidential experts that recently rated FDR as America's best president, even above Lincoln. I'm sure all those historians that have rated FDR over the years would love to get receive your evidence to the contrary. Imagine their humiliation when they see what you send them. It's probably too late to let that entire generation that voted for FDR four times in on your opinion but please try. I hope you let us know their reactions and chagrin when they get your historical evidence.
Link to poll with names of said 238 noted historians and presidential experts, please.
What's tiresome are your clumsy attempts at rationalizing and apologizing because you are stuck on hero worship of a fucking scumbag, like you're some morally confused, historically ignorant teenage girl. Do you have a glossy poster of the 'dreamy' FDR on your wall, missy? You'll debase yourself to any degree to play the apologist for the worst villain ever to sully the office of President of the United States.

Why haven't you communicated this priceless evaluation to the 238 noted historians and presidential experts that recently rated FDR as America's best president, even above Lincoln. I'm sure all those historians that have rated FDR over the years would love to get receive your evidence to the contrary. Imagine their humiliation when they see what you send them. It's probably too late to let that entire generation that voted for FDR four times in on your opinion but please try. I hope you let us know their reactions and chagrin when they get your historical evidence.
Link to poll with names of said 238 noted historians and presidential experts, please.

And we want to see their birthcertificates, too. Not copies. The originals. On paper.

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