Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

As for "supportive of Hitler or Mussolini," why don't you take the time to study a little American history, champ?

Well, obviously American history up to now is completely false or something, so shouldn't we all wait until you and Gipper come out with your comprehensive study and analysis of American history?

Can you give us a publication date on this? I'm sure the world is anxious for the enlightenment.
Why haven't you communicated this priceless evaluation to the 238 noted historians and presidential experts that recently rated FDR as America's best president, even above Lincoln. I'm sure all those historians that have rated FDR over the years would love to get receive your evidence to the contrary. Imagine their humiliation when they see what you send them. It's probably too late to let that entire generation that voted for FDR four times in on your opinion but please try. I hope you let us know their reactions and chagrin when they get your historical evidence.
Link to poll with names of said 238 noted historians and presidential experts, please.

And we want to see their birthcertificates, too. Not copies. The originals. On paper.

CrusaderFrank and Gipper will then inform us all of the Communist infiltration of all the birth certificate bureaus, and how that proves nothing.
Did you write those? I don't recall claiming there were no Americans who supported Hitler or Mussloni, or ever bringing up 'eugenics', but you're the expert, in your own mind at least.
Did you write those? I don't recall claiming there were no Americans who supported Hitler or Mussloni...

Go back and read your own posts if you're too stupid to recall what you said (and what it meant).
Did you write those? I don't recall claiming there were no Americans who supported Hitler or Mussloni...

Go back and read your own posts if you're too stupid to recall what you said (and what it meant).

Ok, I did, and of course you didn't, or you need glasses ?

When is your definitive history book coming out, again? I can't imagine that every university and textbook publisher on the planet hasn't been begging you for it and offering you and Gipper dept. chairs and the like. Another Commie plot, no doubt. Damn that FDR.
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Did you write those? I don't recall claiming there were no Americans who supported Hitler or Mussloni...

Go back and read your own posts if you're too stupid to recall what you said (and what it meant).

Ok, I did...

So now are you going to spin, and parse, and lie, or are you going to try and behave like a reasonable interlocutor? I think I can guess which it will be.
As I expected, now begins the dance... :rolleyes:

I cited your own post, moron. Ok, now comes the spin and parse and pretending...

Really? The post you claimed to have cited doesn't say anything about eugenics, or where I said there were no Germans or Americans who supported Hitler or Mussolini. It's pretty stupid to lie about such things on message boards, when the posts are there for everybody to see, but thankfully you don't mind lying anyway and proving you have zero credibility.

Thanks for playing.
As I expected, now begins the dance... :rolleyes:

I cited your own post, moron. Ok, now comes the spin and parse and pretending...

Really? The post you claimed to have cited doesn't say anything about eugenics, or where I said there were no Germans or Americans who supported Hitler or Mussolini. It's pretty stupid to lie about such things on message boards, when the posts are there for everybody to see, but thankfully you don't mind lying anyway and proving you have zero credibility.

Thanks for playing.

Your dancing sucks. Go get some self respect, you disingenuous douche.
If history is written by the victors, then why are Communists like Howard Zinn rewriting American history?

I would guess for the same reasons 'Libertarians' write their own American 'histories'; to make up nonsense political propaganda.

There is some money in writing history that meets left wing or right wing political beliefs. Those histories that simply recite facts with the various interpretations of those facts are usually textbooks and usually boring. Is that the trouble with history; unless it has a political bias it is boring, and worse for some, doesn't sell?
If history is written by the victors, then why are Communists like Howard Zinn rewriting American history?

I would guess for the same reasons 'Libertarians' write their own American 'histories'; to make up nonsense political propaganda.

There is some money in writing history that meets left wing or right wing political beliefs. Those histories that simply recite facts with the various interpretations of those facts are usually textbooks and usually boring. Is that the trouble with history; unless it has a political bias it is boring, and worse for some, doesn't sell?

Howard Zinn is used in nearly all American Schools, yet "A Peoples History" is a complete fabrication.

This isn't a matter of selling to your base on Amazon, this is outright fabrication as the basis of what we teach children - gross indoctrination. These are the types of things the Soviets did.
As I expected, now begins the dance... :rolleyes:

I cited your own post, moron. Ok, now comes the spin and parse and pretending...

Really? The post you claimed to have cited doesn't say anything about eugenics, or where I said there were no Germans or Americans who supported Hitler or Mussolini. It's pretty stupid to lie about such things on message boards, when the posts are there for everybody to see, but thankfully you don't mind lying anyway and proving you have zero credibility.

Thanks for playing.

Your dancing sucks. Go get some self respect, you disingenuous douche.

Cite those posts you allege exist any time.

We'll wait.
I would guess for the same reasons 'Libertarians' write their own American 'histories'; to make up nonsense political propaganda.

There is some money in writing history that meets left wing or right wing political beliefs. Those histories that simply recite facts with the various interpretations of those facts are usually textbooks and usually boring. Is that the trouble with history; unless it has a political bias it is boring, and worse for some, doesn't sell?

Howard Zinn is used in nearly all American Schools, yet "A Peoples History" is a complete fabrication.

This isn't a matter of selling to your base on Amazon, this is outright fabrication as the basis of what we teach children - gross indoctrination. These are the types of things the Soviets did.

Zinn was never used in my schools, and they aren't used in my local schools. I guess we're flukes. There is a copy of it at our local library, along with a few dozen others by various authors; it never seems to be checked out, though. Maybe that's because all the school students already have it for their textbooks.

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