Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

Many possibilities: Aldrich Ames, the Rosenbergs, or Benedict Arnold himself. My nominee is Harry Dexter White.

quote: 1. White was the real author of the Morgenthau plan to "turn Germany into a potato field," which when leaked, united non-Nazis with Nazis, stiffened resistance, and prolonged the war.
2. White used his position in the Treasury Department to develop a hostile U.S. policy toward Japan. The reason was to distract Japan from their plans to attack the Soviet Union and draw the U.S. into the war as an ally with the Soviet Union.
3. White was the author of an extreme ultimatum that Japan could not comply with in the days just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
4. White delayed financial support mandated by law to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Chinese government causing the triumph of Mao Tse-Tung's Communist Chinese government.
5. White was instrumental in handing over the Allied Military mark printing plates to the Soviets. This caused a $250,000,000 deficit in the occupational government budget paid out by the U.S. Treasury. This in effect amounted to the US taxpayer paying the salaries of Soviet occupation troops at a time when US/Soviet relations were deteriorating precisely because of the presence and behavior of Soviet occupation forces in Eastern Europe.


pretty much every president since herbert hoover fits that bill so take your pick of any of them.any one of them would be the right answer.carter and JFK being the two exceptions.cant say that I am democrat either cause as you noticed,i did not leave out LBJ,slick willie clinton or Obomination.
Zinn was never used in my schools, and they aren't used in my local schools. I guess we're flukes.

There is a copy of it at our local library, along with a few dozen others by various authors; it never seems to be checked out, though. Maybe that's because all the school students already have it for their textbooks.[/QUOTE]

Zinn's Marxist screed is used in over 1500 high schools nation wide.

Mitch Daniels Was Right | National Review Online

{“Objectivity is impossible,” Zinn once remarked, “and it is also undesirable. That is, if it were possible it would be undesirable, because if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should serve the progress of the human race; should serve justice in some way, then it requires that you make your selection on the basis of what you think will advance causes of humanity.”

History serving “a social aim” other than the preservation or interpretation of a historical record is precisely what we get in A People’s History of the United States. Howard Zinn’s 776 page tome, which after selling more than a million copies, has been recently re-released in a hardback edition.
- See more at: http://hnn.us/article/1493#sthash.4YsQ41c4.dpuf}
Zinn's Marxist screed is used in over 1500 high schools nation wide.

Mitch Daniels Was Right | National Review Online

{“Objectivity is impossible,” Zinn once remarked, “and it is also undesirable. That is, if it were possible it would be undesirable, because if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should serve the progress of the human race; should serve justice in some way, then it requires that you make your selection on the basis of what you think will advance causes of humanity.”

History serving “a social aim” other than the preservation or interpretation of a historical record is precisely what we get in A People’s History of the United States. Howard Zinn’s 776 page tome, which after selling more than a million copies, has been recently re-released in a hardback edition.
- See more at: http://hnn.us/article/1493#sthash.4YsQ41c4.dpuf}

There are around 18,000 or so high schools, so I guess you still have time to launch a crusade and book burning campaign or something.
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There are around 18,000 or so high schools, so I guess you still have time to launch a crusade or something.

Use of Zinn is concentrated on the Coasts and in Chicago - exactly where one would expect. But your implying that Zinn isn't a standard text was false.

IF you were to find that the Bible is used as the history text in 1500 American Public High Schools, would this bother you? Why or why not?
There is some money in writing history that meets left wing or right wing political beliefs. Those histories that simply recite facts with the various interpretations of those facts are usually textbooks and usually boring. Is that the trouble with history; unless it has a political bias it is boring, and worse for some, doesn't sell?

My current fave is the evangelical atheists who run around claiming this or that about the 'Founding Fathers', and end up citing Jefferson almost exclusively, or Thomas Paine, who wasn't a 'Founding Father'. Jefferson wasn't at the Constitutional Convention, in any case, he was in Europe at the time. I had thought there were more 'Founding Fathers', around 75 or so, but now I know there were only a couple, and they both apparently agreed that the word 'of' means 'from', and they hoped homosexuality and Islam would become more popular than Christianity.
Use of Zinn is concentrated on the Coasts and in Chicago - exactly where one would expect. But your implying that Zinn isn't a standard text was false.

What you said:

Howard Zinn is used in nearly all American Schools.
Did you and Unktare go to the same school?

IF you were to find that the Bible is used as the history text in 1500 American Public High Schools, would this bother you? Why or why not?
No, it wouldn't bother me at all. Why? I'm not terrified of Christians. Are you? Do they make scary faces at you and stuff?
Really? The post you claimed to have cited doesn't say anything about eugenics, or where I said there were no Germans or Americans who supported Hitler or Mussolini. It's pretty stupid to lie about such things on message boards, when the posts are there for everybody to see, but thankfully you don't mind lying anyway and proving you have zero credibility.

Thanks for playing.

Your dancing sucks. Go get some self respect, you disingenuous douche.

Cite those posts you allege exist any time.

We'll wait.

What you will do is continue to dance and avoid taking responsibility for your own words like the shameless punk you are.
Your dancing sucks. Go get some self respect, you disingenuous douche.

Cite those posts you allege exist any time.

We'll wait.

What you will do is continue to dance and avoid taking responsibility for your own words like the shameless punk you are.

I see you haven't found those posts of mine yet.

Do you think 'posting last' will mean you 'won' or something? Do you hope posting a lot of inane juvenile insults will magically make you less of a liar?
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It's easy to determine the worst school shooting in history or the worst serial killer. Just count the victims. How do you determine the "worst" traitor? Traditional history lists Ben Arnold as the most notorious traitor in US history but his treason didn't impact the Revolution that much. He was just a symbol. What does it take to be a notorious traitor? Aldrich Ames qualifies in the survey based on the number of deaths per dollar for his treachery. His treason might have impacted the duration of the "cold war" so he is up there on the list. News anchor Dan Rather tried to influence the future of the United States with obviously fake documents designed to undermine a presidential election. He did it for money and political ideology. He is on the list. The Rosenbergs gave US nuclear technology to the Russians for political ideology but Bill Clinton gave China ICBM technology for money.
Nothing worse than the traitor being our own president. Therefore, Obama is the worst, selling us out to our enemies and undermining our economy from within.

I see you haven't found those posts of mine yet.

You found them. You referred to them yourself. You know what you said, you know what it meant. You were proven to have made a ridiculously false statement and ever since you have been demonstrating your lack of character. You have no self respect.


The symbol of the democratic party is now an "O", see any symbolic similarities.

That was the war in which your father Prescott was indicted for trading with the enemy, wasn't it?
Nothing worse than the traitor being our own president. Therefore, Obama is the worst, selling us out to our enemies and undermining our economy from within.

every president since Hoover except for Jfk,has sold us out to the enemy and undermined our economy from within so you could make a case for any of them.


The symbol of the democratic party is now an "O", see any symbolic similarities.

That was the war in which your father Prescott was indicted for trading with the enemy, wasn't it?

as I said before,every president since Hoover with the exception of JFK,has a very strong case for the biggest traiter that ever lived.

Especially after 9/11, the Bush and Obama administration.
I've seen nothing offered that comes close to knocking that scum FDR from the top spot in the Hall of Shame.
If we can include groups of people as traitors, then IMHO it is the elite Left, who wishes and plans for the total destruction of the Constitution, individual liberty, rule of law and free market capitalism.

As a group, they are the most traitorous....and this includes their many duped followers.

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