Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

And that logical fallacy is...?

I have explained it to you at least half a dozen times already. If you really are too stupid to retain the information then STFU and go back to chewing your cud.

Well it must have been important to you to bring it up a half dozen times, but I won't coax you.

You are just trying - again - to be a disingenuous douche to avoid the fact that you've got nothing but a logical fallacy upon which to rest your case. You are apparently too stupid to even try to think about it for yourself.
I have explained it to you at least half a dozen times already. If you really are too stupid to retain the information then STFU and go back to chewing your cud.

Well it must have been important to you to bring it up a half dozen times, but I won't coax you.

You are just trying - again - to be a disingenuous douche to avoid the fact that you've got nothing but a logical fallacy upon which to rest your case. You are apparently too stupid to even try to think about it for yourself.

Hundreds of America's best historians over a time span of almost seventy years have devoted their time and knowledge to rating the presidents, and fortunately they agree with me. Now you want me to disagree with the historians and myself; now that would truly be stupid.
Well it must have been important to you to bring it up a half dozen times, but I won't coax you.

You are just trying - again - to be a disingenuous douche to avoid the fact that you've got nothing but a logical fallacy upon which to rest your case. You are apparently too stupid to even try to think about it for yourself.

Hundreds of America's best historians ....

There he goes again. :rolleyes: Now the approach is to try and defend a logical fallacy rather than thinking for himself. Pathetic.
You are just trying - again - to be a disingenuous douche to avoid the fact that you've got nothing but a logical fallacy upon which to rest your case. You are apparently too stupid to even try to think about it for yourself.

Hundreds of America's best historians ....

There he goes again. :rolleyes: Now the approach is to try and defend a logical fallacy rather than thinking for himself. Pathetic.

Is that your only defense, a logical fallacy? Is the logical fallacy that I used Argument by Authority or hundreds of noted historians as evidence that FDR was rated as America's best president by noted historians? Who better to rate the presidents than historians and experts on presidents? I didn't use Hedy Lamar or Eli Manning but historians, there were 238 historians in the last poll to be exact.
And the best you can come up with is the relocation centers and logical fallacy? I'm sure most historians know of the relocation episode and a number of things that happened during FDR,s four elections and presidential terms but they still rated FDR as America's best president. Must hurt, eh?
I think betrayal begins within the home. Those who cheat on their spouse and hold public office are the worst kind. It invariably carries over into their public service careers and turns it into disservice, obfuscation, and discredit. Cheating on the spouse is only an indicator. It is not an indictment.


I'm not terribly fond of Aaron Burr. After he killed Alexander Hamilton in an illegal duel while he was Jefferson's Vice President, he hopped from one get-rich-quick failed schema to another before leaving America for 5 years, almost friendless.

Edit: I just read his bio. Before his wife died, he fathered 2 children with the family maid. :rolleyes:
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FDR should have known the above right after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor instead of waiting to see how things went. Another mistake FDR made was listening to the Sixth
Corps commander, DeWitt that warned of sabotage and wanted the exclusion. I mean presidents that listen to their generals after an air attack that almost destroyed their fleet should be less concerned about the nation's safety and more concerned about how they will be criticized later.
Many wrongs were committed in WWII and that was one, learn to live with it, as many others have. You survived, I survived millions did not. Stiff upper lip and all that.

Yeah...since FDR was a king or dictator, he could do whatever he wanted....Right?

Do you fail to see how his actions against Japanese Americans was entirely unconstitutional, to say nothing of immoral and tyrannical?

And since when did FDR listen to his commanders? He fired those who refused to go along with moving our naval base to Pearl Harbor, thus exposing it to foreign attack...as he hoped....then he refused to inform the commanders at Pearl of the coming attack, which he knew was forth coming...and then scapegoated them ruining their careers.

What a great POTUS FDR was.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Boy, Congress should have investigated the Pearl Harbor attack, think of the anti-FDR things they could have found if only they had run a Congressional investigation.
As for moving the fleet to Pearl Harbor I always read that it was the State Department that wanted that move not FDR. But who sent the carriers to sea before the attack? Didn't the Court say the DeWitt evacuation was constitutional?
This is a repeat of stuff that has been done over and over, anything new?

Do you really think an investigation by the State of the State, was going to expose FDR's deceitfulness and corruption? The State always protects the State first and foremost.

And FDR pushed for the move to Pearl and he fired the commander who refused to go along with the move.

Here is a good article for you. It cites several books on the subject, that you would be wise to obtain.
The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com

Yeah...nothing new here...just ignore the truth and accept lies...and the corruption by the state goes round and round...Funny...sounds just like what the establishment is saying today to protect Obama.
Yeah...since FDR was a king or dictator, he could do whatever he wanted....Right?

Do you fail to see how his actions against Japanese Americans was entirely unconstitutional, to say nothing of immoral and tyrannical?

And since when did FDR listen to his commanders? He fired those who refused to go along with moving our naval base to Pearl Harbor, thus exposing it to foreign attack...as he hoped....then he refused to inform the commanders at Pearl of the coming attack, which he knew was forth coming...and then scapegoated them ruining their careers.

What a great POTUS FDR was.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Boy, Congress should have investigated the Pearl Harbor attack, think of the anti-FDR things they could have found if only they had run a Congressional investigation.
As for moving the fleet to Pearl Harbor I always read that it was the State Department that wanted that move not FDR. But who sent the carriers to sea before the attack? Didn't the Court say the DeWitt evacuation was constitutional?
This is a repeat of stuff that has been done over and over, anything new?

Do you really think an investigation by the State of the State, was going to expose FDR's deceitfulness and corruption? The State always protects the State first and foremost.

And FDR pushed for the move to Pearl and he fired the commander who refused to go along with the move.

Here is a good article for you. It cites several books on the subject, that you would be wise to obtain.
The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com

Yeah...nothing new here...just ignore the truth and accept lies...and the corruption by the state goes round and round...Funny...sounds just like what the establishment is saying today to protect Obama.

So when Ike was elected with his Republican Congress certainly the Republicans made a total investigation of Pearl Harbor and what did they find?
Boy, Congress should have investigated the Pearl Harbor attack, think of the anti-FDR things they could have found if only they had run a Congressional investigation.
As for moving the fleet to Pearl Harbor I always read that it was the State Department that wanted that move not FDR. But who sent the carriers to sea before the attack? Didn't the Court say the DeWitt evacuation was constitutional?
This is a repeat of stuff that has been done over and over, anything new?

Do you really think an investigation by the State of the State, was going to expose FDR's deceitfulness and corruption? The State always protects the State first and foremost.

And FDR pushed for the move to Pearl and he fired the commander who refused to go along with the move.

Here is a good article for you. It cites several books on the subject, that you would be wise to obtain.
The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com

Yeah...nothing new here...just ignore the truth and accept lies...and the corruption by the state goes round and round...Funny...sounds just like what the establishment is saying today to protect Obama.

So when Ike was elected with his Republican Congress certainly the Republicans made a total investigation of Pearl Harbor and what did they find?

You are under the mistaken belief that statist Rs would actually seek the truth. Further proof you are not living in reality.
Do you really think an investigation by the State of the State, was going to expose FDR's deceitfulness and corruption? The State always protects the State first and foremost.

And FDR pushed for the move to Pearl and he fired the commander who refused to go along with the move.

Here is a good article for you. It cites several books on the subject, that you would be wise to obtain.
The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com

Yeah...nothing new here...just ignore the truth and accept lies...and the corruption by the state goes round and round...Funny...sounds just like what the establishment is saying today to protect Obama.

So when Ike was elected with his Republican Congress certainly the Republicans made a total investigation of Pearl Harbor and what did they find?

You are under the mistaken belief that statist Rs would actually seek the truth. Further proof you are not living in reality.

So it sounds like the only place Americans can get the truth is on these boards, right? Geez I want to live in reality like you, what's reality like?
So when Ike was elected with his Republican Congress certainly the Republicans made a total investigation of Pearl Harbor and what did they find?

You are under the mistaken belief that statist Rs would actually seek the truth. Further proof you are not living in reality.

So it sounds like the only place Americans can get the truth is on these boards, right? Geez I want to live in reality like you, what's reality like?

You expose yourself as a fool with posts like this one.

If you bothered to educate yourself on the subject, you would know many experts and historians have exposed FDR for the tyrannical fool and lying cheat he was.

But you continue to wallow in your ignorance.
So it sounds like the only place Americans can get the truth is on these boards, right? Geez I want to live in reality like you, what's reality like?

Oh come on; he has a point. Having your air bases bombed in surprise attacks, u boats sinking your ships, and having war declared on you was nothing to get alarmed about. Thinking otherwise is just knee jerk reactionary Commie hysteria. We had plenty of time to hold a couple of decades of sensitivity training and diversity appreciation seminars, while waiting for Ron Paul to grow up and lecture us on how isolationism is the best policy n stuff, and hold years of public discussions on books selected from the John Birch Society's approved reading lists. I just can't believe you can't understand that such things are best left to the free market to handle.
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Not one Japanese-American was ever convicted of treason, espionage, or sabotage during WWII, unlike German and Italian Americans.

Well, that's because they were relocated and quarantined, idiot. The rest of your post is just the usual psycho revisionist nonsense, so I'll leave you to your group gropes with the other lunatics.
Not one Japanese-American was ever convicted of treason, espionage, or sabotage during WWII, unlike German and Italian Americans.

Well, that's because they were relocated and quarantined, idiot.

By that reasoning, all American citizens should be thrown into concentration camps and crime will be eliminated. What a stroke of genius! Are you really this fucking stupid?

I would ask you why, if it was such a great idea, that every AMERICAN CITIZEN or legal resident of German or Italian descent wasn't rounded up on the East Coast and thrown into concentration camps. After all, a number of them actually did turn out to be traitors (unlike the Japanese Americans who, by contrast, went on to serve in the most decorated unit in US military history fighting for the very country that FDR had hijacked). Relatively few German and Italian Americans got the FDR treatment. I would ask you, but your little pea brain might explode trying to think of a justification.

Mistakes were made on both sides during this event.

The real culprit of this episode was America's racial prejudice and fear. Fear was used to inflame the prejudice and too many in America responded. The question today could someone again use fear and prejudice to create another event like this? You bet.
Mistakes were made on both sides during this event.

The real culprit of this episode was America's racial prejudice and fear. Fear was used to inflame the prejudice and too many in America responded. The question today could someone again use fear and prejudice to create another event like this? You bet.
FDR emulated Hitler.

tapatalk post
Mistakes were made on both sides during this event.

The real culprit of this episode was America's racial prejudice and fear. Fear was used to inflame the prejudice and too many in America responded. The question today could someone again use fear and prejudice to create another event like this? You bet.

It happens with regularity.

Obama is an expert at it and his foolish followers buy his BS every time.
Mistakes were made on both sides during this event.

The real culprit of this episode was America's racial prejudice and fear. Fear was used to inflame the prejudice and too many in America responded. The question today could someone again use fear and prejudice to create another event like this? You bet.
FDR emulated Hitler.

Do you mean Hitler let prisoners out of his camps to go to college, he let the prisoners strike, let the prisoners take him to court, let prisoners leave the camp if they moved to a different area?
I didn't know that, what a guy.
By the way those students that left the American camps to attend college, could not attend Princeton, MIT or some other colleges because the colleges would not accept them. I mean they were, well you know.
I think he meant the part where Hitler deprived a certain class of people - based on ethnicity - of their property and liberty, removed them from their homes, and kept them in camps behind barbed wire with armed guard towers, making it clear they would be shot and killed if they attempted to leave. You know, concentration camps.

I think that's the part he meant.

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