Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

Two things, you don't dictate what is "un-American" and you're not paying $10 a gallon for gas. I guess you miss public stonings of women and gassing of Kurds
I know exactly what an American is and what it is not.

This is a country that was founded (and based) on the rule of law.

Being an American, means you support the rule of law.

Being un-American, means you don't.

Deliberately violating the Supreme Law of the Land (the Constitution), is un-American.

Attacking country's that did not attack you first, is not only illegal, but is immoral.

And doing the same thing Nazi Germany did, is not American.
That scumbag FDR still takes the traitorous cake.

Woodrow Wilson by a nose...

Nah, his concentration camps were nothing like the scale and indiscriminate racism of FDR's.

Boy that's a toughie...Wilson or FDR....two scumbags of enormous proportions.

Both ignored the Constitution...thought it was no better than TP. FDR probably is the worst due to over 3 terms of damage (and yet amazingly many Americans admire the fool...ah the wonders of statist propaganda). Both got us into world wars and FDR prolonged the suffering of the Great Depression for a decade (just as Big Ears is prolonging the Great Recession today)...but Wilson gave us the Federal Reserve, which has to be one of the most traitorous actions ever done.
Woodrow Wilson by a nose...

Nah, his concentration camps were nothing like the scale and indiscriminate racism of FDR's.

Boy that's a toughie...Wilson or FDR....two scumbags of enormous proportions.

Both ignored the Constitution...thought it was no better than TP. FDR probably is the worst due to over 3 terms of damage (and yet amazingly many Americans admire the fool...ah the wonders of statist propaganda). Both got us into world wars and FDR prolonged the suffering of the Great Depression for a decade (just as Big Ears is prolonging the Great Recession today)...but Wilson gave us the Federal Reserve, which has to be one of the most traitorous actions ever done.

Too bad historians don't have your sources to judge presidents. Since 1948 the noted American historians have been judging presidents and they have always rated FDR in the top three and Wilson from fourth to eighth best president.
Might check out the history of the Federal Reserve, it can be traced back to J. P Morgan and later Senator Nelson Aldrich. A good source is the study by Robert Craig.
Since 1948 the noted American historians have been judging presidents and they have always rated FDR in the top three and Wilson from fourth to eighth best president. .

Illogical boy is back to wave his little fallacy around.
Since 1948 the noted American historians have been judging presidents and they have always rated FDR in the top three and Wilson from fourth to eighth best president. .

Illogical boy is back to wave his little fallacy around.

Always happy when posters give me a chance to use historians when discussing presidents. It seems so much more appropriate using historians to validate one's history than poster's opinions.
Since 1948 the noted American historians have been judging presidents and they have always rated FDR in the top three and Wilson from fourth to eighth best president. .

Illogical boy is back to wave his little fallacy around.

Always happy when posters give me a chance to use historians when discussing presidents.

You mean you're always happy to fall back on logical fallacy instead of trying something tricky like thinking or defending a position.
Illogical boy is back to wave his little fallacy around.

Always happy when posters give me a chance to use historians when discussing presidents.

You mean you're always happy to fall back on logical fallacy instead of trying something tricky like thinking or defending a position.

The historians do a good job of defending my evaluation of FDR's place in history, and so far you haven't seemed to have changed my or their evaluations. Might try the Fala dog story, or the FDR was a dictator thing or your favorite, the concentration camp. I don't think the birther thing was ever used, might try that, it got some traction with Obama. The thing is, this was all done, and more, when FDR was president and people still voted for FDR four times, so unless you have something new it's pretty much old hat. In short, it's history.
That scumbag FDR still takes the traitorous cake.

Why? Because he put your grandmother in a camp?

I don't know why that is supposed to be some sort of 'crime', since less than half of the Japanese here were American citizens, and they were avid supporters of the Japanese invasions of the rest of Asia and the mass atrocities those vermin committed, and routinely raised and sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to 'support their troops'. It was hardly unreasonable to quarantine them, and there was no time to spend years sorting them all out after they declared war on us.
That scumbag FDR still takes the traitorous cake.

Why? Because he put your grandmother in a camp?

I wonder if anyone realizes that the prejudice towards the Japanese was enormous even before Pearl Harbor, but as a result of the 442nd heroism that prejudice was wiped out hopefully forever after WWII. Had it not been for that whole war thing, concentration camps 442nd and all, how long would it have taken for America to replace its feeling toward those of Japanese heritage?
That scumbag FDR still takes the traitorous cake.

Why? Because he put your grandmother in a camp?

Before the war the prejudice toward those of Japanese heritage was enormous especially on the west coast. Because of the war, the 442nd and maybe even the guilt of the camps, that prejudice seemed to have decreased enormously by the end of the war. In a way that reduction of prejudice might be attributed to one prejudiced individual, General DeWitt.

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