Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

If you had read the constitution, you would understand that there are no federal elections. You have NEVER cast a "united states ballot," and they don't exist. All elections are held by the sovereign states. When you go cast your ballot for Obama, you will cast it in the state you live in, it has no meaning outside of your state.

So would California secede if an election in Texas doesn't go their way? That is utterly absurd. Elections are only state-wide, and it is the complete failure of our educational system that results in so many not grasping this.

I don’t know if this guy is liberal or conservative but on this subject he is totally correct on all points. We live in a federal republic with a system of duel sovereignty. All sovereignty in this country resides in the people and they delegate through the Constitution some sovereignty to the state and federal governments. Neither government is dominate over the other; they both serve the people in there own way, or at least they should.

They should, but do not.

Our system has been bastardized by the two political parties, corrupt government bureaucrats, along with largest corporations and banks...and the Federal Reserve.

The American people work for the American government. Not the other way around.
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I don't think technically you can call confederates traitors. They had a bona fide belief that the constitution allowed states to reform into separate alignments. And, they did not wish to align with other countries or bring down the US for other countries benefits.
HANDS DOWN= CLUELESS obama. He has done more damage to america than all our enemies.
You find something wrong with the truth?

Conveniently omitting the fact that he would have brought all of the troops home years ago so that they wouldn't have required funding isn't the "truth."
What bullshit. He lies like I breath

tapatalk post

So Ron Paul is not on the record as supporting ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan years ago and bringing all the troops from around the world back home?
Ron Paul. For sending our troops in to war and refusing to fund them,. They should jail the cock sucker.

No, the politicians who send American citizens into a war that is absolutely not necessary come closer to being a traitor.
in other words, people should be taught revisionist confederate insurrectionist history? or is it that you hate anyone who has more than a third grade education?

either way, don't think so.

but thanks anyway.

Jillian, it's clear that you have very little education, and zero intellectual curiosity.

But Lincoln did some things that those who have a better grasp of the law find questionable, such as suspending habeas corpus. Because you are a hack, with a 3rd grade education (at best) you imagine that means I am supporting the South. Except that Jefferson Davis suspended habeas corpus as well.

Lincoln was a scumbag who pissed on the Constitution - that is a matter of historical fact. It does not however alter the fact that Davis was also a scumbag with no regard for the Constitution. Due to your low intellect, you must take a side, you cannot grasp that both sides acted badly - VERY badly.

Those of us who are so better informed than you, Uncensored, realize firmly that you are tolerated only for the grins and chuckles your inane remarks bring.

You truly lighten up the Board with your third grade approach to life's little problems.

Lincoln was indeed within the Constitution to suspend HC. And your support for slavery and copperhead beliefs, if you had lived then, would have led to your being sent South.

To learn and think is not a sin. You should try it.
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Barack Obama, hands down. The ultimate enemy of the U.S. The enemy from within. The enemy at the gates. A foreigner who escaped scrutiny through political correctness and media complicity to become President and then set out to systematically dismantle the foundation of the greatest country in the history of the world and who is currently still selling us down the river.
No, the politicians who send American citizens into a war that is absolutely not necessary come closer to being a traitor.
"...come close..."?

You're being way to kind to a bunch people who are so cavalier with the lives of American troops, that they put our soldiers in harms way over bullshit lies.

In addition, spending over $4 trillion US taxpayer dollars and getting absolutely nothing in return, shows they didn't give a shit about this country, either.
No, the politicians who send American citizens into a war that is absolutely not necessary come closer to being a traitor.
"...come close..."?

You're being way to kind to a bunch people who are so cavalier with the lives of American troops, that they put our soldiers in harms way over bullshit lies.

In addition, spending over $4 trillion US taxpayer dollars and getting absolutely nothing in return, shows they didn't give a shit about this country, either.
OK, you were against the wars, but getting absolutely nothing is abjectly ultra-partisan and patently daft.

Saddam and the Taliban are out of power, an incredibly strategic area is far more stable and Iraq's petrol taps are open. Iraq hasn't attacked any of it's neighbors for over a decade and, last I heard, public stoning of women for adultery and has stopped and education for women has started in Kabul.
OK, you were against the wars, but getting absolutely nothing is abjectly ultra-partisan and patently daft.

Saddam and the Taliban are out of power, an incredibly strategic area is far more stable and Iraq's petrol taps are open. Iraq hasn't attacked any of it's neighbors for over a decade and, last I heard, public stoning of women for adultery and has stopped and education for women has started in Kabul.
How has that benefited average American's?

How is my life better because of that?

I don't give a shit, who's in power in other country's. It's none of my business!

However, if someone does attack us, then that is my business and I would support us going over there and fucking up their shit! But we were not attacked by Hussein and the Taliban and it is un-American launching wars of aggression.
OK, you were against the wars, but getting absolutely nothing is abjectly ultra-partisan and patently daft.

Saddam and the Taliban are out of power, an incredibly strategic area is far more stable and Iraq's petrol taps are open. Iraq hasn't attacked any of it's neighbors for over a decade and, last I heard, public stoning of women for adultery and has stopped and education for women has started in Kabul.
How has that benefited average American's?

How is my life better because of that?

I don't give a shit, who's in power in other country's. It's none of my business!

However, if someone does attack us, then that is my business and I would support us going over there and fucking up their shit! But we were not attacked by Hussein and the Taliban and it is un-American launching wars of aggression.
Two things, you don't dictate what is "un-American" and you're not paying $10 a gallon for gas. I guess you miss public stonings of women and gassing of Kurds

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