Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

Many possibilities: Aldrich Ames, the Rosenbergs, or Benedict Arnold himself. My nominee is Harry Dexter White.

quote: 1. White was the real author of the Morgenthau plan to "turn Germany into a potato field," which when leaked, united non-Nazis with Nazis, stiffened resistance, and prolonged the war.
2. White used his position in the Treasury Department to develop a hostile U.S. policy toward Japan. The reason was to distract Japan from their plans to attack the Soviet Union and draw the U.S. into the war as an ally with the Soviet Union.
3. White was the author of an extreme ultimatum that Japan could not comply with in the days just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
4. White delayed financial support mandated by law to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Chinese government causing the triumph of Mao Tse-Tung's Communist Chinese government.
5. White was instrumental in handing over the Allied Military mark printing plates to the Soviets. This caused a $250,000,000 deficit in the occupational government budget paid out by the U.S. Treasury. This in effect amounted to the US taxpayer paying the salaries of Soviet occupation troops at a time when US/Soviet relations were deteriorating precisely because of the presence and behavior of Soviet occupation forces in Eastern Europe.

the worst traitor is still in office !!
If that was true then they shouldn't have attacked Fort Sumter

Lincoln should not have marched federal troops into contested grounds. Sumter is on Lincoln, regardless of one's position on the Civil War.

Didn't any of you read history? the whole reason Lincoln moved troops was cause Confederates were attacking Sumter. The south wanted war. They wanted to be able to spread slavery...er their economic stable to the new territories and the Union was standing in their way. Fact is Lincoln stayed with the USA where as the confederates didnt. They gave up any and all constitutional protecting when they threw their tantrum and seceded. It didnt work out how they thought.....They ignorantly thought the north needed them .....They were wrong. They started a war. They lost. In the process of holding the country together slaves were freed. Lincoln was a great republican. You dont have to agree with all he did but you cant argue with his success....You want to blame someone for the south living a shity life after that? Look to the democrats they still controlled it for decades after.
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Didn't any of you read history? the whole reason Lincoln moved troops was cause Confederates were attacking Sumter.

Why would the Confederates attack an abandoned fort?

Why would Lincoln send an army against one of the states for attacking an abandoned fort?

None of that is rational. Clearly Lincoln marched his army into the state, for the purpose of imposing the threat of violence on the state.

The fact is that U.S. Major Robert Anderson moved to control Charleston harbor and starve the Confederates. Buchanan did nothing to support the move, but Lincoln mobilized a major force. It was the federal troops who started the shooting war.

The south wanted war. They wanted to be able to spread slavery...er their economic stable to the new territories and the Union was standing in their way. Fact is Lincoln stayed with the USA where as the confederates didnt.

Again, your feelings about the South are irrelevant to the facts. I have no love for the Antebellum South, quite the opposite. Slavery was abhorrent and the feudal structure that left most whites in dire poverty was even worse.

However, this does not change the fact that Lincoln deliberately sparked the shooting war.

They gave up any and all constitutional protecting when they threw their tantrum and seceded.

They mistakenly thought they were a free people.

It didnt work out how they thought.....They ignorantly thought the north needed them .....They were wrong. They started a war. They lost. In the process of holding the country together slaves were freed.

If the North didn't need them, they wouldn't have fought a war to force them into a union they opposed.

Lincoln was a great republican. You dont have to agree with all he did but you cant argue with his success....You want to blame someone for the south living a shity life after that? Look to the democrats they still controlled it for decades after.

Lincoln was a thug who pissed all over the constitution.
Didn't any of you read history? the whole reason Lincoln moved troops was cause Confederates were attacking Sumter.

Why would the Confederates attack an abandoned fort?

Why would Lincoln send an army against one of the states for attacking an abandoned fort?

None of that is rational. Clearly Lincoln marched his army into the state, for the purpose of imposing the threat of violence on the state.

The fact is that U.S. Major Robert Anderson moved to control Charleston harbor and starve the Confederates. Buchanan did nothing to support the move, but Lincoln mobilized a major force. It was the federal troops who started the shooting war.

The south wanted war. They wanted to be able to spread slavery...er their economic stable to the new territories and the Union was standing in their way. Fact is Lincoln stayed with the USA where as the confederates didnt.

Again, your feelings about the South are irrelevant to the facts. I have no love for the Antebellum South, quite the opposite. Slavery was abhorrent and the feudal structure that left most whites in dire poverty was even worse.

However, this does not change the fact that Lincoln deliberately sparked the shooting war.

They mistakenly thought they were a free people.

It didnt work out how they thought.....They ignorantly thought the north needed them .....They were wrong. They started a war. They lost. In the process of holding the country together slaves were freed.

If the North didn't need them, they wouldn't have fought a war to force them into a union they opposed.

Lincoln was a great republican. You dont have to agree with all he did but you cant argue with his success....You want to blame someone for the south living a shity life after that? Look to the democrats they still controlled it for decades after.

Lincoln was a thug who pissed all over the constitution.

No he didnt. You guys are just going to have to face up to the fact that their secession had consequences and one of those was that they gave up all constitutional protection. They were not Americans. They were enemies of the USA. They started a war and they lost.
Didn't any of you read history? the whole reason Lincoln moved troops was cause Confederates were attacking Sumter.

Why would the Confederates attack an abandoned fort?

Why would Lincoln send an army against one of the states for attacking an abandoned fort?

None of that is rational. Clearly Lincoln marched his army into the state, for the purpose of imposing the threat of violence on the state.

The fact is that U.S. Major Robert Anderson moved to control Charleston harbor and starve the Confederates. Buchanan did nothing to support the move, but Lincoln mobilized a major force. It was the federal troops who started the shooting war.

The south wanted war. They wanted to be able to spread slavery...er their economic stable to the new territories and the Union was standing in their way. Fact is Lincoln stayed with the USA where as the confederates didnt.

Again, your feelings about the South are irrelevant to the facts. I have no love for the Antebellum South, quite the opposite. Slavery was abhorrent and the feudal structure that left most whites in dire poverty was even worse.

However, this does not change the fact that Lincoln deliberately sparked the shooting war.

They mistakenly thought they were a free people.

It didnt work out how they thought.....They ignorantly thought the north needed them .....They were wrong. They started a war. They lost. In the process of holding the country together slaves were freed.

If the North didn't need them, they wouldn't have fought a war to force them into a union they opposed.

Lincoln was a great republican. You dont have to agree with all he did but you cant argue with his success....You want to blame someone for the south living a shity life after that? Look to the democrats they still controlled it for decades after.

Lincoln was a thug who pissed all over the constitution.


So many Americans duped by the propaganda mills aka government schools. Sad. Very sad.

Most Americans believe that Abraham Lincoln "saved" the voluntary union of states that was created by the founding fathers, based on the principle that government’s just powers are derived from the consent of the governed by micromanaging the waging of total war on Americans who no longer consented to being governed by Washington, D.C., killing hundreds of thousands of them.

Lincoln committed treason by warring on fellow Americans merely to impose the will of the federal government...causing the deaths of 850,000 Americans and near total destruction of half the nation. Heinous...very heinous.
Even assuming that Davis was a traitor, how is the worst traitor in U.S. history a person that argued against secession while he was a U.S. Senator, and merely went along with his state?

He became president of the resulting organization of states that were in rebellion and seeked replace the existing federal compact. That to me is pretty much as treasonous as you can get, against the federal government at least.

He didn't seek to replace the existing federal compact, he, against his own instincts, merely wanted to opt out of it.

[tree-zuhn] Show IPA

the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.

a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.

the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

Treason | Define Treason at Dictionary.com
Didn't any of you read history? the whole reason Lincoln moved troops was cause Confederates were attacking Sumter.

Why would the Confederates attack an abandoned fort?

Why would Lincoln send an army against one of the states for attacking an abandoned fort?

None of that is rational. Clearly Lincoln marched his army into the state, for the purpose of imposing the threat of violence on the state.

The fact is that U.S. Major Robert Anderson moved to control Charleston harbor and starve the Confederates. Buchanan did nothing to support the move, but Lincoln mobilized a major force. It was the federal troops who started the shooting war.

Again, your feelings about the South are irrelevant to the facts. I have no love for the Antebellum South, quite the opposite. Slavery was abhorrent and the feudal structure that left most whites in dire poverty was even worse.

However, this does not change the fact that Lincoln deliberately sparked the shooting war.

They mistakenly thought they were a free people.

If the North didn't need them, they wouldn't have fought a war to force them into a union they opposed.

Lincoln was a great republican. You dont have to agree with all he did but you cant argue with his success....You want to blame someone for the south living a shity life after that? Look to the democrats they still controlled it for decades after.

Lincoln was a thug who pissed all over the constitution.


So many Americans duped by the propaganda mills aka government schools. Sad. Very sad.

Most Americans believe that Abraham Lincoln "saved" the voluntary union of states that was created by the founding fathers, based on the principle that government’s just powers are derived from the consent of the governed by micromanaging the waging of total war on Americans who no longer consented to being governed by Washington, D.C., killing hundreds of thousands of them.

Lincoln committed treason by warring on fellow Americans merely to impose the will of the federal government...causing the deaths of 850,000 Americans and near total destruction of half the nation. Heinous...very heinous.

in other words, people should be taught revisionist confederate insurrectionist history? or is it that you hate anyone who has more than a third grade education?

either way, don't think so.

but thanks anyway.
If that was true then they shouldn't have attacked Fort Sumter

Lincoln should not have marched federal troops into contested grounds. Sumter is on Lincoln, regardless of one's position on the Civil War.

Lincoln should have treated the confederate troops like the traitors they were. and then he should have let them go after kicking their butts and taking away their slaves... .you know, since the same gubmint haters are the states' rights nutters today.

after the war they tried posse comitatus
then they tried jim crow
then they tried keeping people from voting...

oh wait... that's what the nutters are doing now. oops.
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easy; left-wing nutjobs like Jillian that voted for "change" on the basis of color and far-left-wing policies alone
I'm surprised the Rosenbergs were left out.

they were mentioned. but they were hardly the worst. she probably wasn't even guilty.

and they certainly shouldn't have been put to death.

They threatened Julius that unless he named names Ethel would get the chair

The Government used Ethel as a hostage
They were the worst kind of traitors. Their guilt is not in question, only the value of the information they delivered.
they were mentioned. but they were hardly the worst. she probably wasn't even guilty.

and they certainly shouldn't have been put to death.

They threatened Julius that unless he named names Ethel would get the chair

The Government used Ethel as a hostage
They were the worst kind of traitors. Their guilt is not in question, only the value of the information they delivered.

They were Brooklyn Dodgers fans, and, yes, both were unquestionably guilty.
they were mentioned. but they were hardly the worst. she probably wasn't even guilty.

and they certainly shouldn't have been put to death.

They threatened Julius that unless he named names Ethel would get the chair

The Government used Ethel as a hostage
They were the worst kind of traitors. Their guilt is not in question, only the value of the information they delivered.

Yet those who actually had access to the Secrets and those who actually handed them to the Soviets only received 10-20 years
They threatened Julius that unless he named names Ethel would get the chair

The Government used Ethel as a hostage
They were the worst kind of traitors. Their guilt is not in question, only the value of the information they delivered.

Yet those who actually had access to the Secrets and those who actually handed them to the Soviets only received 10-20 years
Julius was originally recruited, the head of the ring and the conduit. Without his treason, nothing would have happened.

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