Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

It is not a fallacy, son. SCOTUS determines constitutionality of a law. That is fact, not false.
For me it is a two way tie.

A) Joseph fucking McCarthy for his witch hunts ruined the lives of many Americans.

B) Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. for undermining the first amendment by upholding the conviction of a man who was jailed for handing out leaflets.

Can you name one person whose life was ruined by McCarthy?

Take your pick..

Hollywood blacklist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You might want to read the articles you link to once in a while.

"The first systematic Hollywood blacklist was instituted on November 25, 1947..."

Guess when Joe McCarthy made his first speech on Communist infiltration of the government?

Take a guess.

Joe McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Hollywood Blacklisting


His targets were in the White House and State Department

Last I checked it wasn't a crime to be a communist, even if they were actually communists. However I find it more likely that their real crime was pissing off McCarthy.

For Christ sake Pete Seeger? Charlie Chaplin?

You should get a fucking clue first. If you can't buy one, rent one for the day

McCarthy had NOTHING to do with Pete Seeger and Charlie Chaplin


I will assume you still labor under the intentional misinformation campaign on McCarthy that his HUAC started a Red Scare and got Zero Mostel Blacklisted. I too was guilty of accepting the lies at face value.

Start here

You are a retard? At times, yes, you are. You fail again, so you get all weepy. Tru dat. :lol:
I see Unko is going into the wacka wack rainman routine.

Take your pills, dude, and chill. Your among your betters. Behave, loony boy.
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Barack Hussein Obama, or is it Soetoro? He grew up as a Muslim in Indonesia and was indoctrinated into Communism by Frank Davis and Bill Ayers and his wife. He spent twenty years in a black liberation "church" where the irreverent Jeremiah Wright blamed America and "whities" for all the world's ills. He rewrote the Army manual to tell our soldiers to not criticize pedophilia or any other custom of Islam, as stated on Atlas Shrugs.
An appeal to legitimate authority is never logical fallacy.

Appeal to self authority is fallacious.
*facepalm* Im sorry but this really burnt out my patience.

I suspect you are being dishonest here.

There is no "legitimate" authority; whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. Short of declaring the governing bodies infallible there is no way you can make a logically sound argument by appealing to authority.
AngelGirl, or is it DevilGirl? She grew up a Westboro Cult Baptist in mid-America and was indoctrinated into racist and religious hatred for all of her young life. She is a followr of those "leaders" who blame multiculturalism and "uppitty" blacks for America's ills. She opposes all the American freedoms of conscience, belief, and right of choice. She would boink John Gault if he were real.

Barack Hussein Obama, or is it Soetoro? He grew up as a Muslim in Indonesia and was indoctrinated into Communism by Frank Davis and Bill Ayers and his wife. He spent twenty years in a black liberation "church" where the irreverent Jeremiah Wright blamed America and "whities" for all the world's ills. He rewrote the Army manual to tell our soldiers to not criticize pedophilia or any other custom of Islam, as stated on Atlas Shrugs.
I suspect you don't have a clue, PG. "An Appeal to Authority" means relying on someone else, especially when one has nothing else to argue.

We the People are subject to the Constitution and SCOTUS is the arbiter of what it means.

Take your insular and parochial anti-American hatred and stuff down your throat.

An appeal to legitimate authority is never logical fallacy.

Appeal to self authority is fallacious.
*facepalm* Im sorry but this really burnt out my patience.

I suspect you are being dishonest here.

There is no "legitimate" authority; whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. Short of declaring the governing bodies infallible there is no way you can make a logically sound argument by appealing to authority.
I suspect you don't have a clue, PG. "An Appeal to Authority" means relying on someone else, especially when one has nothing else to argue.

We the People are subject to the Constitution and SCOTUS is the arbiter of what it means.

Take your insular and parochial anti-American hatred and stuff down your throat.

An appeal to legitimate authority is never logical fallacy.

Appeal to self authority is fallacious.
*facepalm* Im sorry but this really burnt out my patience.

I suspect you are being dishonest here.

There is no "legitimate" authority; whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. Short of declaring the governing bodies infallible there is no way you can make a logically sound argument by appealing to authority.

Not accepting authoritative claims from the governing bodies as gospel= anti-american hate...
Please don't report me to HUAC. :lol:

Take your nationalistic romanticism and.... well get rid of it really. You can't very well shove it up your ass as your head already occupies that cavity.

You really dont have anything to argue, here. I asked for the constitutional basis for granting these authorities. You have provided nothing of the sort.

I know this is going to come as a shock to you but the government can be wrong Jake.
"Pretentious" is well applied to you because your dishonesty has little to offer. Your attitude is hateful to America. When SCOTUS opines, arguments are made to that authority. You just don't think well.

Those who have trouble with legitimate governmental authority granted by We the People are anti-American and deserve no respect for such thinking.

Refer to the SCOTUS opinions and Congressional legislation for Constitutional authority. That you do not like them is immaterial. You have nothing to argue here so continue to whine like a child.
I can just imagine Fakey there trying to talk about Philosophy and logic and, well anything really. :lol:

Btw, the answer to the OP is still FDR.
1)"Pretentious" is well applied to you because your dishonesty has little to offer. Your attitude is hateful to America. When SCOTUS opines, arguments are made to that authority. You just don't think well.

2)Those who have trouble with legitimate governmental authority granted by We the People are anti-American and deserve no respect for such thinking.

3)Refer to the SCOTUS opinions and Congressional legislation for Constitutional authority. That you do not like them is immaterial. You have nothing to argue here so continue to whine like a child.

1)So my claim that SCOTUS makes mistake is unamerican? You just really reduced any dissent of the American government as unamerican; this is a really fucking pathetic ad hominem.

2) All of this just to avoid backing up a claim? Whatever legal authority an individual may have is very much separate from from the facts of the matter.

Ability to enforce =/= legitimate, legal, ethical etc.

3) Not liking them? Really? Im not sure illegal warfare, assassinations of american citizens, and war crimes count as dislike. In fact they are very specific charges. Initially you denied that these thing transpired. When you were presented with evidence that they in fact do you moved the goal posts.

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