Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

For me it is a two way tie.

A) Joseph fucking McCarthy for his witch hunts ruined the lives of many Americans.

B) Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. for undermining the first amendment by upholding the conviction of a man who was jailed for handing out leaflets.

Can you name one person whose life was ruined by McCarthy?

Take your pick..

Hollywood blacklist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and the commies were defended by Reagan.
For me it is a two way tie.

A) Joseph fucking McCarthy for his witch hunts ruined the lives of many Americans.

B) Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. for undermining the first amendment by upholding the conviction of a man who was jailed for handing out leaflets.

Can you name one person whose life was ruined by McCarthy?

Take your pick..

Hollywood blacklist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doc, you have to be a freaking idiot to blame a republican senator for the alleged "blacklist". First of all it was the democrat majority in congress that established HUAC "house un-American activities committee" that held the hearings that resulted in the blacklisting. The federal government had no power to blacklist citizens. Hollywood thought it might loose a few bucks because of anti-communist rhetoric so they blacklisted their own people and (wouldn't you know it?) blamed it all on a republican. Treason? Your ignorance and hatred might be getting in the way of logic.
Can you name one person whose life was ruined by McCarthy?

Take your pick..

Hollywood blacklist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doc, you have to be a freaking idiot to blame a republican senator for the alleged "blacklist". First of all it was the democrat majority in congress that established HUAC "house un-American activities committee" that held the hearings that resulted in the blacklisting. The federal government had no power to blacklist citizens. Hollywood thought it might loose a few bucks because of anti-communist rhetoric so they blacklisted their own people and (wouldn't you know it?) blamed it all on a republican. Treason? Your ignorance and hatred might be getting in the way of logic.

He took the ball and ran with it. Simple. He went for the populist angle and thought he was the King Kahuna.

I don't care if Truman himself initially supported the HUAC.

McCain Feingold is down to McCain Feingold. Nobody cares or remembers who the other politicians involved were, they own it.

McCarthy owns the fallout from the HUAC...lock, stock and two smoking barrels. And you know what is even more interesting? At the time, he revelled in it - he GLADLY owned it. It is only revisionist righties who see it otherwise.

Same lot who think Lincoln and FDR were crap presidents. Load of horseshit...

Last I checked it wasn't a crime to be a communist, even if they were actually communists. However I find it more likely that their real crime was pissing off McCarthy.

For Christ sake Pete Seeger? Charlie Chaplin?

It wasn't a crime to be a baseball player or even a baseball player who allegedly used performance enhancing drugs but the democrat majority in the senate did the same thing to baseball players in 2010 as the democrat majority did to communists in 1950. The difference of course is in the media perception and the real threat to democracy by the communist party.
and the commies were defended by Reagan.

Last I checked it wasn't a crime to be a communist, even if they were actually communists. However I find it more likely that their real crime was pissing off McCarthy.

For Christ sake Pete Seeger? Charlie Chaplin?

It wasn't a crime to be a baseball player or even a baseball player who allegedly used performance enhancing drugs but the democrat majority in the senate did the same thing to baseball players in 2010 as the democrat majority did to communists in 1950. The difference of course is in the media perception and the real threat to democracy by the communist party.

You just seriously compared baseball to the red scare... Seriously think about what you just said.:eusa_eh:
The Congress and SCOTUS decide what is legal, not you, so if you don't like it, who cares. Simple: don't as an American act as a noncombatant enemy of the USA overseas, where our LEO cannot reach you but the military can.

Authorization of Force resolutions by Congress is Constitutional in terms of declarations.

Look it up.

Duck, dood! There's a drone over you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weren't you just saying this didn't

Fortunately I do not have to worry about drones I am white and in America.. Anything in the middle east seems to be fair game though women, children, other civilians, and american citizens.

As for the constitutionality of it... Just point me to the article where it permits the president to commit war crimes and assassinate citizens. I'm waiting.
Many of the Founders were progressive conservatives, for rightwing statist action in rebellion but not in government. Benedict Arnold was an opportunist, only committed to his own advancement through whatever means left or right would work for him.

Many possibilities: Aldrich Ames, the Rosenbergs, or Benedict Arnold himself. My nominee is Harry Dexter White.

quote: 1. White was the real author of the Morgenthau plan to "turn Germany into a potato field," which when leaked, united non-Nazis with Nazis, stiffened resistance, and prolonged the war.
2. White used his position in the Treasury Department to develop a hostile U.S. policy toward Japan. The reason was to distract Japan from their plans to attack the Soviet Union and draw the U.S. into the war as an ally with the Soviet Union.
3. White was the author of an extreme ultimatum that Japan could not comply with in the days just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
4. White delayed financial support mandated by law to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Chinese government causing the triumph of Mao Tse-Tung's Communist Chinese government.
5. White was instrumental in handing over the Allied Military mark printing plates to the Soviets. This caused a $250,000,000 deficit in the occupational government budget paid out by the U.S. Treasury. This in effect amounted to the US taxpayer paying the salaries of Soviet occupation troops at a time when US/Soviet relations were deteriorating precisely because of the presence and behavior of Soviet occupation forces in Eastern Europe.


Benedict Arnold was not a traitor....he just flip flopped....

He was conservative, not progressive like the founding fathers.
If the President authorizes such in time of war, bubs, per Constitution, it is legal.

Jake, you have an IQ of less than 40, but this is an astoundingly stupid claim even for you.

{Article [V.]

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. }

You stupid, stupid fuck.
We haven't declared war since WWII.

Even if we had, it would be irrelevant.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger;

Anwar al-Awlaki was not in service to the United States and thus not subject to military justice.

This was simple murder.
The Congress and SCOTUS decide what is legal, not you, so if you don't like it, who cares. Simple: don't as an American act as a noncombatant enemy of the USA overseas, where our LEO cannot reach you but the military can.

Authorization of Force resolutions by Congress is Constitutional in terms of declarations.

Look it up.

Duck, dood! There's a drone over you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weren't you just saying this didn't

Fortunately I do not have to worry about drones I am white and in America.. Anything in the middle east seems to be fair game though women, children, other civilians, and american citizens.

As for the constitutionality of it... Just point me to the article where it permits the president to commit war crimes and assassinate citizens. I'm waiting.

Appeal to authority. Congress and the scotus have been known to make mistakes and overstep the realm of their legal authority. So show me where the law gives them the ability to do these things.
We haven't declared war since WWII.

Even if we had, it would be irrelevant.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger;

Anwar al-Awlaki was not in service to the United States and thus not subject to military justice.

This was simple murder.

I dont disagree I was referencing the writ of habeas corpus which the president does have the right to suspend in times of war and rebellion.
An appeal to legitimate authority is never logical fallacy.

Appeal to self authority is fallacious.

The Congress and SCOTUS decide what is legal, not you, so if you don't like it, who cares. Simple: don't as an American act as a noncombatant enemy of the USA overseas, where our LEO cannot reach you but the military can.

Weren't you just saying this didn't

Fortunately I do not have to worry about drones I am white and in America.. Anything in the middle east seems to be fair game though women, children, other civilians, and american citizens.

As for the constitutionality of it... Just point me to the article where it permits the president to commit war crimes and assassinate citizens. I'm waiting.

Appeal to authority. Congress and the scotus have been known to make mistakes and overstep the realm of their legal authority. So show me where the law gives them the ability to do these things.[/QUOTE]
Don't even think of trying to indict President Bush for Iraq when congress had access to the same information and voted to authorize Troops for the mission. You could make a case that senate majority leader Harry Reid might have engaged in treasonous conduct when for some reason he felt compelled to impact the morale of the Troops and and the Country when he went on the air and said "the war in Iraq is lost" just before the Troop Surge.
Criminal negligence by the executive, on which the legislative depended, could be charged against Bush, but not treason.

Don't even think of trying to indict President Bush for Iraq when congress had access to the same information and voted to authorize Troops for the mission. You could make a case that senate majority leader Harry Reid might have engaged in treasonous conduct when for some reason he felt compelled to impact the morale of the Troops and and the Country when he went on the air and said "the war in Iraq is lost" just before the Troop Surge.

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