Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

1)"Pretentious" is well applied to you because your dishonesty has little to offer. Your attitude is hateful to America. When SCOTUS opines, arguments are made to that authority. You just don't think well.

2)Those who have trouble with legitimate governmental authority granted by We the People are anti-American and deserve no respect for such thinking.

3)Refer to the SCOTUS opinions and Congressional legislation for Constitutional authority. That you do not like them is immaterial. You have nothing to argue here so continue to whine like a child.

1)So my claim that SCOTUS makes mistake is unamerican? You just really reduced any dissent of the American government as unamerican; this is a really fucking pathetic ad hominem.

2) All of this just to avoid backing up a claim? Whatever legal authority an individual may have is very much separate from from the facts of the matter.

Ability to enforce =/= legitimate, legal, ethical etc.

3) Not liking them? Really? Im not sure illegal warfare, assassinations of american citizens, and war crimes count as dislike. In fact they are very specific charges. Initially you denied that these thing transpired. When you were presented with evidence that they in fact do you moved the goal posts.

(1) You did far more than that, you unAmerican scum.

(2) You try to make legitimate constitutional authority illegitimate by building a straw man. In fact, obozo, We the People give the authority to the government to make laws and to the courts to interpret those laws. You fail.

(3) We understand you are unhappy. Better get to work with your legislators.
I suspect you don't have a clue, PG. "An Appeal to Authority" means relying on someone else, especially when one has nothing else to argue.

Actually, that isn't what it means, stupid.

Appeal to Authority.

Assertion: Plumbs are orange
Challenge: No, most plumbs are purple
Fallacy: Dr. Smith is a prominent horticulturalist.

So what we have stupid, is support of a claim not by logic or fact, but merely based on the implied authority of a third party.

Do you grasp this, stupid?

We the People are subject to the Constitution and SCOTUS is the arbiter of what it means.

BUT THE OPINION which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional, and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action, but for the legislature and executive also, in their spheres, would make the judiciary a despotic branch. — Thomas Jefferson: Letter to Mrs. John Adams, Nov. 1804

(I realize that you confine your reading to the works of Stalin and Pol Pot.)

Take your insular and parochial anti-American hatred and stuff down your throat.

Go fuck yourself, Jakematters.

If we want your opinion, we'll log on to ThinkProgress.
Uncensored, when you are done pleasuring your male customers, quit your ineffectual whining here.

Try working your magic on the male legislators to the far right.,
1)"Pretentious" is well applied to you because your dishonesty has little to offer. Your attitude is hateful to America. When SCOTUS opines, arguments are made to that authority. You just don't think well.

2)Those who have trouble with legitimate governmental authority granted by We the People are anti-American and deserve no respect for such thinking.

3)Refer to the SCOTUS opinions and Congressional legislation for Constitutional authority. That you do not like them is immaterial. You have nothing to argue here so continue to whine like a child.

1)So my claim that SCOTUS makes mistake is unamerican? You just really reduced any dissent of the American government as unamerican; this is a really fucking pathetic ad hominem.

2) All of this just to avoid backing up a claim? Whatever legal authority an individual may have is very much separate from from the facts of the matter.

Ability to enforce =/= legitimate, legal, ethical etc.

3) Not liking them? Really? Im not sure illegal warfare, assassinations of american citizens, and war crimes count as dislike. In fact they are very specific charges. Initially you denied that these thing transpired. When you were presented with evidence that they in fact do you moved the goal posts.

(1) You did far more than that, you unAmerican scum.

(2) You try to make legitimate constitutional authority illegitimate by building a straw man. In fact, obozo, We the People give the authority to the government to make laws and to the courts to interpret those laws. You fail.

(3) We understand you are unhappy. Better get to work with your legislators.

1) What was done? Jake remind me, I have a hard time remembering when someone digs up a month old conversation to start name calling.

2) Appealing to authority is logically fallacious. The SCOTUS and legislators can be wrong.

3) It has nothing to do with being happy or otherwise. If you wish to address the criticisms made with arguments instead of appeal to authority let me know.
Knee-jerk history---yes teacher I know it was Benedict Arnold. Funny how the union based pop-culture history stays with us. The subject is so big that you have to limit the scenario to certain times in history. The next thing you have to do is qualify the word "worst". Does it indicate the guy we love to hate or does it indicate the impact the treason had on the future of the Country. Most people don't consider Oswald a traitor simply because he is lost in the manufactured conspiracy regarding the Kennedy assassination.
1)So my claim that SCOTUS makes mistake is unamerican? You just really reduced any dissent of the American government as unamerican; this is a really fucking pathetic ad hominem.

2) All of this just to avoid backing up a claim? Whatever legal authority an individual may have is very much separate from from the facts of the matter.

Ability to enforce =/= legitimate, legal, ethical etc.

3) Not liking them? Really? Im not sure illegal warfare, assassinations of american citizens, and war crimes count as dislike. In fact they are very specific charges. Initially you denied that these thing transpired. When you were presented with evidence that they in fact do you moved the goal posts.

(1) You did far more than that, you unAmerican scum.

(2) You try to make legitimate constitutional authority illegitimate by building a straw man. In fact, obozo, We the People give the authority to the government to make laws and to the courts to interpret those laws. You fail.

(3) We understand you are unhappy. Better get to work with your legislators.

1) What was done? Jake remind me, I have a hard time remembering when someone digs up a month old conversation to start name calling.

2) Appealing to authority is logically fallacious. The SCOTUS and legislators can be wrong.

3) It has nothing to do with being happy or otherwise. If you wish to address the criticisms made with arguments instead of appeal to authority let me know.

You have made no logical claims. You are unhappy. Who cares? Don't play coy: you got what you started. SCOTUS is the authority in all matters constitutional, so it is the authority, not a fallacy (I have heard this idiotic argument asserted elsewhere: how fucking stupid). Try telling the cop who pulls you over he is not the authority.
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(1) You did far more than that, you unAmerican scum.

(2) You try to make legitimate constitutional authority illegitimate by building a straw man. In fact, obozo, We the People give the authority to the government to make laws and to the courts to interpret those laws. You fail.

(3) We understand you are unhappy. Better get to work with your legislators.

1) What was done? Jake remind me, I have a hard time remembering when someone digs up a month old conversation to start name calling.

2) Appealing to authority is logically fallacious. The SCOTUS and legislators can be wrong.

3) It has nothing to do with being happy or otherwise. If you wish to address the criticisms made with arguments instead of appeal to authority let me know.

You have made no logical claims. You are unhappy. Who cares? Don't play coy: you got what you started. SCOTUS is the authority in all matters constitutional, so it is the authority, not a fallacy (I have heard this idiotic argument asserted elsewhere: how fucking stupid). Try telling the cop who pulls you over he is not the authority.

I never claimed the SCOTUS wasnt an authority. When someone tells you appealing to authority is a logical fallacy they are stating that simply having authority doesn't make them right.

So to be very clear as you clearly didn't get the a MONTH ago or you wouldnt be beating up on the strawman. I did not say the SCOTUS wasnt an authority nor did I claim they were an illegitimate authority. I stated they were fallible and that "SCOTUS said so" is not a cogent argument.
He became president of the resulting organization of states that were in rebellion and seeked replace the existing federal compact. That to me is pretty much as treasonous as you can get, against the federal government at least.

He didn't seek to replace the existing federal compact, he, against his own instincts, merely wanted to opt out of it.

What do you call the confederate constitution? He was still the president of said insurrection, which was put down. No matter what other traitors have done, he's the only one who was presdient of a competing federal style government that occupied the same areas the existing federal level government claimed as thier own.

It wasn't an insurrection until Lincoln made it one. There was no desire on the part of the South to go to war, but there was a willingness to assert their right to leave a union they felt no longer held their best interests.
He didn't seek to replace the existing federal compact, he, against his own instincts, merely wanted to opt out of it.

What do you call the confederate constitution? He was still the president of said insurrection, which was put down. No matter what other traitors have done, he's the only one who was presdient of a competing federal style government that occupied the same areas the existing federal level government claimed as thier own.

It wasn't an insurrection until Lincoln made it one. There was no desire on the part of the South to go to war, but there was a willingness to assert their right to leave a union they felt no longer held their best interests.
If that was true then they shouldn't have attacked Fort Sumter

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