Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

in other words, people should be taught revisionist confederate insurrectionist history? or is it that you hate anyone who has more than a third grade education?

either way, don't think so.

but thanks anyway.

Jillian, it's clear that you have very little education, and zero intellectual curiosity.

But Lincoln did some things that those who have a better grasp of the law find questionable, such as suspending habeas corpus. Because you are a hack, with a 3rd grade education (at best) you imagine that means I am supporting the South. Except that Jefferson Davis suspended habeas corpus as well.

Lincoln was a scumbag who pissed on the Constitution - that is a matter of historical fact. It does not however alter the fact that Davis was also a scumbag with no regard for the Constitution. Due to your low intellect, you must take a side, you cannot grasp that both sides acted badly - VERY badly.
in other words, people should be taught revisionist confederate insurrectionist history? or is it that you hate anyone who has more than a third grade education?

either way, don't think so.

but thanks anyway.

Jillian, it's clear that you have very little education, and zero intellectual curiosity.

But Lincoln did some things that those who have a better grasp of the law find questionable, such as suspending habeas corpus. Because you are a hack, with a 3rd grade education (at best) you imagine that means I am supporting the South. Except that Jefferson Davis suspended habeas corpus as well.

Lincoln was a scumbag who pissed on the Constitution - that is a matter of historical fact. It does not however alter the fact that Davis was also a scumbag with no regard for the Constitution. Due to your low intellect, you must take a side, you cannot grasp that both sides acted badly - VERY badly.

Agreed on all points, except Jillian's education or lack there of.

It is not that Jillian is uneducated, it is she/he/it has been indoctrinated by the State. Millions of Americans believe the same thing and the facts do not change them.

I guess one could conclude that the state's indoctrination of the Lincoln Myth has been extraordinarily successful.

Sad. Very sad.
in other words, people should be taught revisionist confederate insurrectionist history? or is it that you hate anyone who has more than a third grade education?

either way, don't think so.

but thanks anyway.

Jillian, it's clear that you have very little education, and zero intellectual curiosity.

But Lincoln did some things that those who have a better grasp of the law find questionable, such as suspending habeas corpus. Because you are a hack, with a 3rd grade education (at best) you imagine that means I am supporting the South. Except that Jefferson Davis suspended habeas corpus as well.

Lincoln was a scumbag who pissed on the Constitution - that is a matter of historical fact. It does not however alter the fact that Davis was also a scumbag with no regard for the Constitution. Due to your low intellect, you must take a side, you cannot grasp that both sides acted badly - VERY badly.

Agreed on all points, except Jillian's education or lack there of.

It is not that Jillian is uneducated, it is she/he/it has been indoctrinated by the State. Millions of Americans believe the same thing and the facts do not change them.

I guess one could conclude that the state's indoctrination of the Lincoln Myth has been extraordinarily successful.

Sad. Very sad.

Jillian claims to be a lawyer, but it's clear she never learned critical thinking skills. She has at best a high school education. IMO
Jillian, it's clear that you have very little education, and zero intellectual curiosity.

But Lincoln did some things that those who have a better grasp of the law find questionable, such as suspending habeas corpus. Because you are a hack, with a 3rd grade education (at best) you imagine that means I am supporting the South. Except that Jefferson Davis suspended habeas corpus as well.

Lincoln was a scumbag who pissed on the Constitution - that is a matter of historical fact. It does not however alter the fact that Davis was also a scumbag with no regard for the Constitution. Due to your low intellect, you must take a side, you cannot grasp that both sides acted badly - VERY badly.

Agreed on all points, except Jillian's education or lack there of.

It is not that Jillian is uneducated, it is she/he/it has been indoctrinated by the State. Millions of Americans believe the same thing and the facts do not change them.

I guess one could conclude that the state's indoctrination of the Lincoln Myth has been extraordinarily successful.

Sad. Very sad.

Jillian claims to be a lawyer, but it's clear she never learned critical thinking skills. She has at best a high school education. IMO

She could be highly educated...hell she could have a PhD and still believe the Lincoln Myth. Millions of educated Americans believe the myth. So, education does not determine whether one is capable of seeing the truth. One must be able to think logically and critically.

Jillian, like so many Lincoln Cultists, fails to see the truth and condemns those who do as a neo-Confederate who loves slavery. Yeah I know it is most childish and ignorant, but the truth is difficult for some to accept, so they lash out like a two year old.
Arnold has to be #1. He tried to walk Washington into a trap. From what I read Arnold's wife was real bitch and the guy was dumb in love with her.I would add Lyndon Baines Johnson to the list. His handling of Vietnam war was scandalous. Then he quits with men on the field of battle.Another dirt bag was agent Hansen of the FBI.#1 political traitor was Bill Clinton. Elected with huge support from union households-life long Democrats going back to FDR-then he signs NAFTA and millions of union members lost their jobs.
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BTW Jefferson Davis was not a traitor. The issue of states rights was very legitimate in his day. There was no "THE" United States of America until 1865. It was always "THESE" United States of America.
Jillian, it's clear that you have very little education, and zero intellectual curiosity.

But Lincoln did some things that those who have a better grasp of the law find questionable, such as suspending habeas corpus. Because you are a hack, with a 3rd grade education (at best) you imagine that means I am supporting the South. Except that Jefferson Davis suspended habeas corpus as well.

Lincoln was a scumbag who pissed on the Constitution - that is a matter of historical fact. It does not however alter the fact that Davis was also a scumbag with no regard for the Constitution. Due to your low intellect, you must take a side, you cannot grasp that both sides acted badly - VERY badly.

Agreed on all points, except Jillian's education or lack there of.

It is not that Jillian is uneducated, it is she/he/it has been indoctrinated by the State. Millions of Americans believe the same thing and the facts do not change them.

I guess one could conclude that the state's indoctrination of the Lincoln Myth has been extraordinarily successful.

Sad. Very sad.

Jillian claims to be a lawyer, but it's clear she never learned critical thinking skills. She has at best a high school education. IMO

poor deluded loon. you wish.
Jillian, it's clear that you have very little education, and zero intellectual curiosity.

But Lincoln did some things that those who have a better grasp of the law find questionable, such as suspending habeas corpus. Because you are a hack, with a 3rd grade education (at best) you imagine that means I am supporting the South. Except that Jefferson Davis suspended habeas corpus as well.

Lincoln was a scumbag who pissed on the Constitution - that is a matter of historical fact. It does not however alter the fact that Davis was also a scumbag with no regard for the Constitution. Due to your low intellect, you must take a side, you cannot grasp that both sides acted badly - VERY badly.

Agreed on all points, except Jillian's education or lack there of.

It is not that Jillian is uneducated, it is she/he/it has been indoctrinated by the State. Millions of Americans believe the same thing and the facts do not change them.

I guess one could conclude that the state's indoctrination of the Lincoln Myth has been extraordinarily successful.

Sad. Very sad.

Jillian claims to be a lawyer, but it's clear she never learned critical thinking skills. She has at best a high school education. IMO

BTW Jefferson Davis was not a traitor. The issue of states rights was very legitimate in his day. There was no "THE" United States of America until 1865. It was always "THESE" United States of America.

he was a traitor...as were the other secessionists.
When he's right, he's right.
Agreed on all points, except Jillian's education or lack there of.

It is not that Jillian is uneducated, it is she/he/it has been indoctrinated by the State. Millions of Americans believe the same thing and the facts do not change them.

I guess one could conclude that the state's indoctrination of the Lincoln Myth has been extraordinarily successful.

Sad. Very sad.

Jillian claims to be a lawyer, but it's clear she never learned critical thinking skills. She has at best a high school education. IMO

She could be highly educated...hell she could have a PhD and still believe the Lincoln Myth. Millions of educated Americans believe the myth. So, education does not determine whether one is capable of seeing the truth. One must be able to think logically and critically.

Jillian, like so many Lincoln Cultists, fails to see the truth and condemns those who do as a neo-Confederate who loves slavery. Yeah I know it is most childish and ignorant, but the truth is difficult for some to accept, so they lash out like a two year old.

you are correct about education. uncensored is just an idiot who thinks anyone who isn't drunk on rightwingnut kool aid isn't very smart. he might know otherwise, but it's his usual rant. I know that there are people who disagree with me who are very smart. he just isn't one of them.

as for it being a myth... I think you're engaging in revisionist history. I understand you're doing that because you have a particular belief. it isn't one that is historically accurate. did Lincoln do things i'd disagree with today? probably. but not nearly as much as i'd have disagreed with owning another human being.

but I do think a large part of what is wrong with this country dates back to those days and to the anger still festering in the states' rights crowd.

to me... to take the whole states' rights position is contrary to the reason the constitution was enacted in lieu of the articles of confederation. if it was supposed to be some loose affiliation with a weak centralized government, we'd have stayed the way we were.

and, mostly, to me the states rights crowd is as violently angry as they appear to be is they are still resentful about the south losing its slaves, the federal government forcing desegregation and the law of the land not allowing theocratic laws to burden our populations.

so nothing has really changed that much since 1865
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A large part of whats wrong with this country dates back to LBJ's election in 1964.
poor deluded loon. you wish.

Even in this, you reveal a lack of critical thinking...

Why would I "wish?" You appear to me to be poorly educated, though you claim otherwise. Your general writing skills are at best at the 7th grade level. Couple this with your general ignorance on most subject, and your rabid partisanship; let's just say your claims are a bit suspect.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Edward Snowden, then there was that queen that sold out the US ARMY, had the nerve to request a sex change after his/her crimes and then request the US tax payer had to pay for it. Bradley Manning. Are you kidding?
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poor deluded loon. you wish.

Even in this, you reveal a lack of critical thinking...

Why would I "wish?" You appear to me to be poorly educated, though you claim otherwise. Your general writing skills are at best at the 7th grade level. Couple this with your general ignorance on most subject, and your rabid partisanship; let's just say your claims are a bit suspect.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Like is said......

And anyone who isn't brain dead knows i'm far from poorly educated.

The fact that you are subliterate probably causes you to think that way.

As for partisanship.... it's you and your friends who are rabid. but then again, normal people know this. so I can't expect that you would :lmao:

Go rant some more.
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Like is said......

And anyone who isn't brain dead knows i'm far from poorly educated.

The fact that you are subliterate probably causes you to think that way.

As for partisanship.... :lmao:

Go rant some more.

You write poorly; you have no sense at all regarding basic grammar. You claim to be a lawyer, yet display utterly no understanding of the basic principles of law. I am not a lawyer, but I am an MBA and have had quite a few law classes, part of the process. Even with my limited knowledge of the law, most of what you post is painfully ignorant. I contrast this with Saul Goodman (C_Clayton_Jones - had to check for pink), who though I disagree with as strongly with as I do you, does demonstrate knowledge of legal procedures and can only conclude your claims are a farce..
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A large part of whats wrong with this country dates back to LBJ's election in 1964.

yes, that terrible civil rights act that made racists so unhappy.




Your hero....Sorry but he was still a racist just like JFK was.

If you had read the constitution, you would understand that there are no federal elections. You have NEVER cast a "united states ballot," and they don't exist. All elections are held by the sovereign states. When you go cast your ballot for Obama, you will cast it in the state you live in, it has no meaning outside of your state.

So would California secede if an election in Texas doesn't go their way? That is utterly absurd. Elections are only state-wide, and it is the complete failure of our educational system that results in so many not grasping this.

I don’t know if this guy is liberal or conservative but on this subject he is totally correct on all points. We live in a federal republic with a system of duel sovereignty. All sovereignty in this country resides in the people and they delegate through the Constitution some sovereignty to the state and federal governments. Neither government is dominate over the other; they both serve the people in there own way, or at least they should.
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