Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

Back to pleasuring your male customers, UncensoredFluffer, EunuchExtremist.

Eunuch Extremest, the Balless Fluffer, himself the UncensoredFluffer shows his lack of manhood yet again.

I'm sure that somewhere in your sterno huffing, paint chip munching, MadDog glugging mush of a mind, that made sense and was truly witty, Jakematters... :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Jefferson Davis.

Even assuming that Davis was a traitor, how is the worst traitor in U.S. history a person that argued against secession while he was a U.S. Senator, and merely went along with his state?

His state forced him to be the chief executive of the Confederate States of America?


The COnfederates were lucky the U.S. had already seceded from British. If they had tried to secede from Britain and failed everyone of their leaders would have been drawn and quartered in public.

The federal government never went after Davis or Lee or the surviving Confederates. As a matter of fact the government named a few military bases after Confederates. You lock-step radical lefties might base your hatred on 19th century concepts but you need to know that it limits your intellectual comprehension.
The feds held Davis in prison for two years before finally letting him go.

One Confederate prison camp commander was excuted for atrocities.

whitehall, the limited intellectual comprehension is demonstrated here by you.
The feds held Davis in prison for two years before finally letting him go.

One Confederate prison camp commander was excuted for atrocities.

whitehall, the limited intellectual comprehension is demonstrated here by you.

You made my case jake. Lack of intellectual comprehension is your problem. The federal government released Davis and later on Confederate general Robert E Lee became the distinguished dean of Washington College renamed later to Washington and Lee. W & L is still a major law school.
Who was the worst traitor in U.S. History?

A traitor to his country is one who works against all other people in the country for an amount of money or social prestige.

That said, a patriot to his country is one who works for all other people in the country for a higher cause: their good.

The worst traitor is the one whose deeds result in a no-win outcome for the majority of the people in the country.

And the best patriot is the one whose deeds result in a win-win for the people in the country.

I'm not sure who will take the blame for being the worst traitor in U. S. History a thousand years from today.

It could be the voter gets that distinction.
Drop the emotion and the nagging 19th century baggage and consider the real impact on America. Oswald has to be #1.
You said there were no punishments. I showed you were wrong. You wrote, "The federal government never went after Davis or Lee or the surviving Confederates."

Yes, I made my case and you fail. :lol:

Really, don't speak in absolutes. That's bigreb nonsense.

The feds held Davis in prison for two years before finally letting him go.

One Confederate prison camp commander was excuted for atrocities.

whitehall, the limited intellectual comprehension is demonstrated here by you.

You made my case jake. Lack of intellectual comprehension is your problem. The federal government released Davis and later on Confederate general Robert E Lee became the distinguished dean of Washington College renamed later to Washington and Lee. W & L is still a major law school.
You said there were no punishments. I showed you were wrong. You wrote, "The federal government never went after Davis or Lee or the surviving Confederates."

Yes, I made my case and you fail. :lol:

Really, don't speak in absolutes. That's bigreb nonsense.

The feds held Davis in prison for two years before finally letting him go.

One Confederate prison camp commander was excuted for atrocities.

whitehall, the limited intellectual comprehension is demonstrated here by you.

You made my case jake. Lack of intellectual comprehension is your problem. The federal government released Davis and later on Confederate general Robert E Lee became the distinguished dean of Washington College renamed later to Washington and Lee. W & L is still a major law school.

Do yourself a favor and don't pursue a career in law Jake. Holding Davis is not the same as a conviction. The wild claims of treason that the uninformed left wants to dwell on did not happen after the Civil War. Let it go and let go of your hatred and consider 20th century traitors.
Yes, incarcerating people in prison for two years and executing others are punishments.

Are you this juvenile that you can't admit the absolutism of your statement led you into a corner?

You said there were no punishments. I showed you were wrong. You wrote, "The federal government never went after Davis or Lee or the surviving Confederates."

Yes, I made my case and you fail. :lol:

Really, don't speak in absolutes. That's bigreb nonsense.

You made my case jake. Lack of intellectual comprehension is your problem. The federal government released Davis and later on Confederate general Robert E Lee became the distinguished dean of Washington College renamed later to Washington and Lee. W & L is still a major law school.

Do yourself a favor and don't pursue a career in law Jake. Holding Davis is not the same as a conviction. The wild claims of treason that the uninformed left wants to dwell on did not happen after the Civil War. Let it go and let go of your hatred and consider 20th century traitors.
Who was the worst traitor in U.S. History?

A traitor to his country is one who works against all other people in the country for an amount of money or social prestige.

That said, a patriot to his country is one who works for all other people in the country for a higher cause: their good.

The worst traitor is the one whose deeds result in a no-win outcome for the majority of the people in the country.

And the best patriot is the one whose deeds result in a win-win for the people in the country.

I'm not sure who will take the blame for being the worst traitor in U. S. History a thousand years from today.

It could be the voter gets that distinction.

In a thousand years, I wonder how much detail will be remembered about the United States? "There once was a nation founded on self-rule, it collapsed in the early 21st century."
Drop the emotion and the nagging 19th century baggage and consider the real impact on America. Oswald has to be #1.

I understand the emotionalism, but Oswald had nowhere near the impact that the Rosenbergs or even Walker had on the nation. Oswald may have pulled the nation together, due to the outrage over assassinating a president.

The only thing worse than assassinating a president would be if sitting president ordered the murder of a U.S. citizen, without arrest, trial, or tribunal.
Fortunately, Uncensored, we have no record that such has happened. Yet.
For me it is a two way tie.

A) Joseph fucking McCarthy for his witch hunts ruined the lives of many Americans.

B) Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. for undermining the first amendment by upholding the conviction of a man who was jailed for handing out leaflets.
The American South that supported the Civil War.

They all should have been sold as slaves to the Turks to work in the mines.
For me it is a two way tie.

A) Joseph fucking McCarthy for his witch hunts ruined the lives of many Americans.

B) Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. for undermining the first amendment by upholding the conviction of a man who was jailed for handing out leaflets.

And yet Macarthy was right so what witch hunt was there?
For me it is a two way tie.

A) Joseph fucking McCarthy for his witch hunts ruined the lives of many Americans.

B) Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. for undermining the first amendment by upholding the conviction of a man who was jailed for handing out leaflets.

Can you name one person whose life was ruined by McCarthy?

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