Who will be Hillary's running mate?

Bottom line may be this: Republicans will NOT see the inside of the oval office for a decade...In the next couple of decades, Texas will turn purple and eventually blue....and without Texas (and Florida), the GOP may never hold the executive branch unless they radically change from backing tea sippers. For this year, however, the senate will turn "blue", but the House will remain in GOP hands.
Actually, it got redder after the 2012 election. 2016 senate looking like 48-47 Rs with 5 tossups and 3 of those favor the Rs. 2018 will be a brutal year for dems as they are defending 23 seats in red states.
Talking about now and the future, podjo, not back when. The Dems could win up to 54 Senate seats and severely injure the House GOP majority if Trump is the candidate. He will hurt down ballot severely.

Nat is absolutely right about the bluing and purpling of America if the GOP does not change its strange.

I agree. The cons will lose more of their constituency as they become more liberal.
No, they would lose even more if they moved farther to the right.

Are you seriously claiming the GOP is right-wing?

Are you high?
No, it's FAR right wing.

I'm thinking Julian Castro. The guy is a family man and a brilliant speaker. Let's get him on the ticket and groom him for after Hillary.



Elizabeth Warren. She would certainly bring in the Bernie Sanders voters.

Anyone else?

I think she'll go with an Hispanic. Anyone related or considered to be another Comrade Sanders would be a 5 ton anchor around her neck, and they would use that against Hillary Clinton.

It's very important she and her VP pick stay in the middle, because there will be millions of Republicans that are going to be looking a lot at her to defeat Trump. You put up a socialist, (to far left) they'll swallow the bitter pill and vote for Trump.

I'm thinking Julian Castro. The guy is a family man and a brilliant speaker. Let's get him on the ticket and groom him for after Hillary.



Elizabeth Warren. She would certainly bring in the Bernie Sanders voters.

Anyone else?
Slick willy
Won't work. She looks old, nasty and tired next to him.

Is he showing her how to use a tech device in that pic?
Or who has the bigger balls.
Remember, she has been beating the crap out of the GOP for the last 30 years without even breaking a sweat.

The Hildabeast is finally going to be let free.

Can't wait.
Hillary has to be careful in who she picks

The Democrats have nobody in the wings ready for 2020/2024, her vice presidential pick will probably be the heir apparent when she leaves office
I still like Julian Castro

A little young and inexperienced but a quick learner
Hilly Billy is thinking along the lines of an all female ticket. In that case, it would have to be Huma.
Hilly Billy is thinking along the lines of an all female ticket. In that case, it would have to be Huma.

Hillary has nothing to gain from another woman in the ticket

She will pick a younger male from a swing state

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