Who will be the next Repub speaker?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Boehner quit, McCarthy is out, .....


Heres an idea: hows about just doing your jobs and governing through consensus instead of your tried & failed "governing through obstruction"?
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It really doesn't make any difference at all. Nothing the new speaker can do will make the TP happy. He will not repeal the ACA, they will not get the president to sign tax cuts, they will not solve a single problem with immigration, so at the end of the day whoever takes the job will be an automatic failure and punching dummy for the angry bedwetters on the right. The other problem the right has is now that they have solidly gerrymandered these people into positions of power, they can't primary them for someone more reasonable. They're stuck with the problem until someone unravels gerrymandering.
Unless they find someone that makes a majority of Republicans happy then the sane(ish) part of the GOP may have to work with Democrats to COMPROMISE because the wingnuts forced the RINOS to do so.
I say vote this plastic doll in...who will notice the difference....it doesn't have a brain, it doesn't talk, move or speak.....Perfect GOP house speaker!!
It really doesn't make any difference at all. Nothing the new speaker can do will make the TP happy. He will not repeal the ACA, they will not get the president to sign tax cuts, they will not solve a single problem with immigration, so at the end of the day whoever takes the job will be an automatic failure and punching dummy for the angry bedwetters on the right. The other problem the right has is now that they have solidly gerrymandered these people into positions of power, they can't primary them for someone more reasonable. They're stuck with the problem until someone unravels gerrymandering.

The big bump in the road is defunding PP. The chickenshits are all running away from that. There goes the women's vote for whoever takes that on. They are such shallow, stupid people, these GOPers.
Don't laugh. It started as a joke, but now it might become reality.

The next speaker of the House could well be Nancy Pelosi!!:eek:
It's too bad Putin doesn't meet the qualifications. The TP would go apeshit for him.
Don't laugh. It started as a joke, but now it might become reality.

The next speaker of the House could well be Nancy Pelosi!!:eek:

That would be fanfuckingtastic. But I don't think the GOP would let it happen and they get to control when the vote takes place.
If Paul Ryan cared so much about his wife and kids he wouldn't be trying to claw his way up the GOP ladder in the first place.

He would have deferred Romney's ticket in 2012, because the VP does just as much pandering for money as the Speaker.

He just doesn't want his chances for a POTUS run in 2020 to be stained by the current mess the GOP is in right now, plain n' simple.
These Republicans are nt politically savvy in the least.

With Boehner, the members could have went and campaigned against him and the Democrats.

Now, they are forced to pick a leader that will accomplish their goals, or come out of this looking like losers.
It really doesn't make any difference at all. Nothing the new speaker can do will make the TP happy. He will not repeal the ACA, they will not get the president to sign tax cuts, they will not solve a single problem with immigration, so at the end of the day whoever takes the job will be an automatic failure and punching dummy for the angry bedwetters on the right. The other problem the right has is now that they have solidly gerrymandered these people into positions of power, they can't primary them for someone more reasonable. They're stuck with the problem until someone unravels gerrymandering.
I'm sure it's going to be some a$$ progressive... Unfortunately.
Poach more Rinos

Embrace the suck
Some conservatives quietly campaign against Ryan for speaker

A video is circulating around Congress of the floor speech that Ryan gave supporting creation of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the emergency scheme that used public funds to shore up banks during the 2008 financial crisis and that is a bugaboo for many conservatives.

The title of the video on Youtube is "Paul Ryan BEGS Congress to Pass TARP (PATHETIC)."

They have also sent out reminders that Ryan authored the 2010 book "Young Guns" with former Representative Eric Cantor and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, two men considered part of the establishment wing of the party who have seen their political ambitions foiled by more radical conservatives.
Some conservatives quietly campaign against Ryan for speaker

A video is circulating around Congress of the floor speech that Ryan gave supporting creation of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the emergency scheme that used public funds to shore up banks during the 2008 financial crisis and that is a bugaboo for many conservatives.

The title of the video on Youtube is "Paul Ryan BEGS Congress to Pass TARP (PATHETIC)."

They have also sent out reminders that Ryan authored the 2010 book "Young Guns" with former Representative Eric Cantor and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, two men considered part of the establishment wing of the party who have seen their political ambitions foiled by more radical conservatives.
He's a Rino who needs poaching... Moderates need a good beat'n.

Embrace the suck
The Anti-Freedom Caucus is more interested in pursuing their extremist agenda than sound, responsible governance.
Sound, responsible governance in a federal government controlled by progressives... Impossible.

Hashtag career politicians are too stupid to breath

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