who will christians discriminate against once gays have equal rights?

If you want to march as a NAMBLA member then have at it.
But beware of baseball bat to the head.

It wasn't that long ago that NAMBLA was Directely Associated with a Leading Gay/Lesbian Group...

In Fact, it was in 1994 that those Ties were Severed because the ILGA got caught with the Boy Bottom Touchers and were kicked out of the World Conference on Disease and Population.

Prior 1994 NAMBLA was a Regular at Gay Pride Parades around the Country.

True Story. :thup:

The Homosexual Leadership at the Time realized that with Mass Media, their Agenda would be Destroyed by their Decades long Association with the Boy Bottom Touchers.

Also a True Story. :thup:

Their Sympathies are still there, and there are a Concerning number in Academia that are Sympathetic to Pedophilia and have Written about it.

I'll post one such Article that slipped through the Cracks... So to Speak. :lol:



Ditto this ,b4uact &ACLU & GLAADD & other far left Gay Rights groups want special Rghts & Protections & understanding for the "Alternative Lifestyle " of the Pro Masculine Minor attracted people ...

I don't know what the FUCK you just said, little kid, but you're special man, you reached out, and you touch a Brother's heart...


It wasn't that long ago that NAMBLA was Directely Associated with a Leading Gay/Lesbian Group...

In Fact, it was in 1994 that those Ties were Severed because the ILGA got caught with the Boy Bottom Touchers and were kicked out of the World Conference on Disease and Population.

Prior 1994 NAMBLA was a Regular at Gay Pride Parades around the Country.

True Story. :thup:

The Homosexual Leadership at the Time realized that with Mass Media, their Agenda would be Destroyed by their Decades long Association with the Boy Bottom Touchers.

Also a True Story. :thup:

Their Sympathies are still there, and there are a Concerning number in Academia that are Sympathetic to Pedophilia and have Written about it.

I'll post one such Article that slipped through the Cracks... So to Speak. :lol:



Ditto this ,b4uact &ACLU & GLAADD & other far left Gay Rights groups want special Rghts & Protections & understanding for the "Alternative Lifestyle " of the Pro Masculine Minor attracted people ...

I don't know what the FUCK you just said, little kid, but you're special man, you reached out, and you touch a Brother's heart...



I'm a 51 year old Granfather who voted for Prop H8te & has issues with the Gay Pedo Mafia , I'm using levity on a serious subject ( The Far Left being pedo friendly )
But remember, there IS NO SLIPPERY SLOPE when it comes to eradicating family values and replacing them with debauchery.

None... And no Connection in Academia from Homosexuality to Pedophilia...

Liberals in Academia are CLEARLY 100% Against Pedophilia. :thup:



I don't make decisions like that for other peoples children. Again.... it is their children to decide if they take them. If the parent does not approve of such...don't take them. Rather simple.

"Children" is relative term. A good deal of adults cant handle it either.

Why the Evasions?...

How about this prepubecent boy dressed in Drag at one of Seattles "Mainstream" Gay Pride Parades...


That too young?...




Ask HIS parents. That is MY opinion.

and how do you know its a boy?

Anything you can do to Evade...

Be Courageous and have a Personal Opinion about it.

I have to Assume since you won't say you are Against it, then you are for it.


But remember, there IS NO SLIPPERY SLOPE when it comes to eradicating family values and replacing them with debauchery.

None... And no Connection in Academia from Homosexuality to Pedophilia...

Liberals in Academia are CLEARLY 100% Against Pedophilia. :thup:



Far Left in Academia are behind Understanding & special considerations & protections for NAMBLA & THEIR ILK
But remember, there IS NO SLIPPERY SLOPE when it comes to eradicating family values and replacing them with debauchery.

None... And no Connection in Academia from Homosexuality to Pedophilia...

Liberals in Academia are CLEARLY 100% Against Pedophilia. :thup:



Far Left in Academia are behind Understanding & special considerations & protections for NAMBLA & THEIR ILK

Far Left now... It was the Far Left in the 70's that Argued that Homosexuality, even though there was TONS of Psychological Evidence showing it to be a Mental Disorder, finally won out and the APA changed their Stance on the Defiance of one's Natural Design.

Lots of Homosexuals went into Careers where they could Influence the Masses the Most...

Pyschology was one of those Places. :thup:


Why the Evasions?...

How about this prepubecent boy dressed in Drag at one of Seattles "Mainstream" Gay Pride Parades...


That too young?...




Ask HIS parents. That is MY opinion.

and how do you know its a boy?

Anything you can do to Evade...

Be Courageous and have a Personal Opinion about it.

I have to Assume since you won't say you are Against it, then you are for it.



How many times do i have to say it, in how many different ways. I do not have a problem with the parade..

I HAVE a problem with PARENTS who bring THEIR children to an ADULT SEXUALLY ORIENTED parade.

And dont change the subject.... how do you know that is a boy in the pic?

Ask HIS parents. That is MY opinion.

and how do you know its a boy?

Anything you can do to Evade...

Be Courageous and have a Personal Opinion about it.

I have to Assume since you won't say you are Against it, then you are for it.



How many times do i have to say it, in how many different ways. I do not have a problem with the parade..

I HAVE a problem with PARENTS who bring THEIR children to an ADULT SEXUALLY ORIENTED parade.

And dont change the subject.... how do you know that is a boy in the pic?

Not gonna say it....not gonna say it.....:eusa_silenced:

Ask HIS parents. That is MY opinion.

and how do you know its a boy?

Anything you can do to Evade...

Be Courageous and have a Personal Opinion about it.

I have to Assume since you won't say you are Against it, then you are for it.



How many times do i have to say it, in how many different ways. I do not have a problem with the parade..

I HAVE a problem with PARENTS who bring THEIR children to an ADULT SEXUALLY ORIENTED parade.

And dont change the subject.... how do you know that is a boy in the pic?

I wasn't Asking if you had a Problem with the Parade, Syrenn...

And I don't "know" it's a boy in the Pic, I wasn't there...

But there was Controversy at the time about the Pic and it was written about and the Child was Identified as a "boy in drag" and if that was something that was Appropriate or even Criminal.

So Children should NOT be at Gay Pride Parades in your Opinion, Correct?

Got it.


Anything you can do to Evade...

Be Courageous and have a Personal Opinion about it.

I have to Assume since you won't say you are Against it, then you are for it.



How many times do i have to say it, in how many different ways. I do not have a problem with the parade..

I HAVE a problem with PARENTS who bring THEIR children to an ADULT SEXUALLY ORIENTED parade.

And dont change the subject.... how do you know that is a boy in the pic?

I wasn't Asking if you had a Problem with the Parade, Syrenn...

And I don't "know" it's a boy in the Pic, I wasn't there...

But there was Controversy at the time about the Pic and it was written about and the Child was Identified as a "boy in drag" and if that was something that was Appropriate or even Criminal.

So Children should NOT be at Gay Pride Parades in your Opinion, Correct?

Got it.



NOOO.... you posted the pic asking if was alright to put a "little boy" in drag. How do you know its a boy in drag? Are you 100% sure its not a little girl in a ballet costume? It looks like a set up propaganda poster for the homophobic....

are you brain dead mal? How many times do i have to say it.

If you as a parent want to take your child to an adult sexual oriented parade.... have at it. If not... don't go.
None... And no Connection in Academia from Homosexuality to Pedophilia...

Liberals in Academia are CLEARLY 100% Against Pedophilia. :thup:



Far Left in Academia are behind Understanding & special considerations & protections for NAMBLA & THEIR ILK

Far Left now... It was the Far Left in the 70's that Argued that Homosexuality, even though there was TONS of Psychological Evidence showing it to be a Mental Disorder, finally won out and the APA changed their Stance on the Defiance of one's Natural Design.

Lots of Homosexuals went into Careers where they could Influence the Masses the Most...

Pyschology was one of those Places. :thup:



Cigarettes were thought to be safe to smoke in the 40's and 50's too, but today we know they cause lung cancer.

What about neuroscience? Actual doctors who study these things their whole career have proven that gays and lesbians are NEUROLOGICALLY DIFFERENT than straights.

The brains of gay men and women look like those found in heterosexual people of the opposite sex, research suggests.

The Swedish study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, compared the size of the brain's halves in 90 adults.

Gay men and heterosexual women had halves of a similar size, while the right side was bigger in lesbian women and heterosexual men.

A UK scientist said this was evidence sexual orientation was set in the womb.

BBC NEWS | Health | Scans see 'gay brain differences'
Anything you can do to Evade...

Be Courageous and have a Personal Opinion about it.

I have to Assume since you won't say you are Against it, then you are for it.



How many times do i have to say it, in how many different ways. I do not have a problem with the parade..

I HAVE a problem with PARENTS who bring THEIR children to an ADULT SEXUALLY ORIENTED parade.

And dont change the subject.... how do you know that is a boy in the pic?

Not gonna say it....not gonna say it.....:eusa_silenced:

^That Dishonest Piece of Shit Dumptruck also known as Bodecea was around for the Debate back then, and Knows full well that it was a Boy around the Controversy, and also was FULLY SUPPORTIVE of Dressing little Boys in Drag @ Gay Pride Parades just like that one.

True Story! :thup:


Far Left in Academia are behind Understanding & special considerations & protections for NAMBLA & THEIR ILK

Far Left now... It was the Far Left in the 70's that Argued that Homosexuality, even though there was TONS of Psychological Evidence showing it to be a Mental Disorder, finally won out and the APA changed their Stance on the Defiance of one's Natural Design.

Lots of Homosexuals went into Careers where they could Influence the Masses the Most...

Pyschology was one of those Places. :thup:



Cigarettes were thought to be safe to smoke in the 40's and 50's too, but today we know they cause lung cancer.

What about neuroscience? Actual doctors who study these things their whole career have proven that gays and lesbians are NEUROLOGICALLY DIFFERENT than straights.

The brains of gay men and women look like those found in heterosexual people of the opposite sex, research suggests.

The Swedish study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, compared the size of the brain's halves in 90 adults.

Gay men and heterosexual women had halves of a similar size, while the right side was bigger in lesbian women and heterosexual men.

A UK scientist said this was evidence sexual orientation was set in the womb.

BBC NEWS | Health | Scans see 'gay brain differences'

Bad Wiring or Abuse is what Causes someone to Defy their Naural Design and Equipment...

Your point?


Far Left now... It was the Far Left in the 70's that Argued that Homosexuality, even though there was TONS of Psychological Evidence showing it to be a Mental Disorder, finally won out and the APA changed their Stance on the Defiance of one's Natural Design.

Lots of Homosexuals went into Careers where they could Influence the Masses the Most...

Pyschology was one of those Places. :thup:



Cigarettes were thought to be safe to smoke in the 40's and 50's too, but today we know they cause lung cancer.

What about neuroscience? Actual doctors who study these things their whole career have proven that gays and lesbians are NEUROLOGICALLY DIFFERENT than straights.

The brains of gay men and women look like those found in heterosexual people of the opposite sex, research suggests.

The Swedish study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, compared the size of the brain's halves in 90 adults.

Gay men and heterosexual women had halves of a similar size, while the right side was bigger in lesbian women and heterosexual men.

A UK scientist said this was evidence sexual orientation was set in the womb.

BBC NEWS | Health | Scans see 'gay brain differences'

Bad Wiring or Abuse is what Causes someone to Defy their Naural Design and Equipment...

Your point?



"Bad wiring"? Does this mean that with your rabid anti-gay stance, if it's "bad wiring", are you also in favor of bigotry against those with birth defects? Your sexual identity is already formed when you're born, and it happens to about 10 percent of the population at large.

As far as "abuse" being another prime cause of gayness? Well, considering what the horror show called my childhood (ever been beat with a bullwhip on your 7th birthday by a 40 year old man?), I should be as gay as they come (if your theory held water), but I'm not. I was also adopted as well as lived in various foster homes, and I was also orphaned at 8.

What else you got asshole?
Cigarettes were thought to be safe to smoke in the 40's and 50's too, but today we know they cause lung cancer.

What about neuroscience? Actual doctors who study these things their whole career have proven that gays and lesbians are NEUROLOGICALLY DIFFERENT than straights.

BBC NEWS | Health | Scans see 'gay brain differences'

Bad Wiring or Abuse is what Causes someone to Defy their Naural Design and Equipment...

Your point?



"Bad wiring"? Does this mean that with your rabid anti-gay stance, if it's "bad wiring", are you also in favor of bigotry against those with birth defects? Your sexual identity is already formed when you're born, and it happens to about 10 percent of the population at large.

As far as "abuse" being another prime cause of gayness? Well, considering what the horror show called my childhood (ever been beat with a bullwhip on your 7th birthday by a 40 year old man?), I should be as gay as they come (if your theory held water), but I'm not. I was also adopted as well as lived in various foster homes, and I was also orphaned at 8.

What else you got asshole?

I am pro-Civil Union... I am not for Persecuting Homosexuals or Outlawing Deviancy...

Talk to a Muslim about that, skippy!


Anything you can do to Evade...

Be Courageous and have a Personal Opinion about it.

I have to Assume since you won't say you are Against it, then you are for it.



How many times do i have to say it, in how many different ways. I do not have a problem with the parade..

I HAVE a problem with PARENTS who bring THEIR children to an ADULT SEXUALLY ORIENTED parade.

And dont change the subject.... how do you know that is a boy in the pic?

Not gonna say it....not gonna say it.....:eusa_silenced:
Get your skanky ass back over to that Hoffa thread, bitch.

You owe reb thirty days.......It's time for you to go bye bye, Chester......PAY UP!

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