who will christians discriminate against once gays have equal rights?

One day a year and you can't get over it. Poor Wicked.

Has he answered yet about how many gay pride parades he's been to? I'm trying to catch up after a busy day.

I did see his posts about women getting arrested for flashing during Mardi Gras. :lol::lol::lol: Maybe in the 50s they did. :lol::lol::lol:
Busy day doing what?.......Leering at the young girls on the playground down the street, Chester?:eusa_whistle:

Why would I attend a parade where a bunch of sick fucks like yourself prance around like a bunch of freaks, flashing yourselves in front of innocent lil' kids?

All the evidence I need to expose you sick fucks is all over the internet....No need to attend your sick parades......No way in hell would I EVER help legitimize your CHOSEN deviance, anymore than I would legitimize a Chester or rapist.

And, do you really think your fellow sick fucks help your cause by KNOWINGLY flashing lil' kids?

LMAO at the sheer stupidity of you people, and of those who defend your sick actions.
One day a year and you can't get over it. Poor Wicked.

Has he answered yet about how many gay pride parades he's been to? I'm trying to catch up after a busy day.

I did see his posts about women getting arrested for flashing during Mardi Gras. :lol::lol::lol: Maybe in the 50s they did. :lol::lol::lol:
Busy day doing what?.......Leering at the young girls on the playground down the street, Chester?:eusa_whistle:

Why would I attend a parade where a bunch of sick fucks like yourself prance around like a bunch of freaks, flashing yourselves in front of innocent lil' kids?

All the evidence I need to expose you sick fucks is all over the internet....No need to attend your sick parades......No way in hell would I EVER help legitimize your CHOSEN deviance, anymore than I would legitimize a Chester or rapist.

And, do you really think your fellow sick fucks help your cause by KNOWINGLY flashing lil' kids?

LMAO at the sheer stupidity of you people, and of those who defend your sick actions.

The parents knowingly expose their children to a sexual orientated parade by bringing them.

What happens at a gay pride parade is no less deviant then madi gras or carnival.... it is just that one is gay and one is not.
Has he answered yet about how many gay pride parades he's been to? I'm trying to catch up after a busy day.

I did see his posts about women getting arrested for flashing during Mardi Gras. :lol::lol::lol: Maybe in the 50s they did. :lol::lol::lol:
Busy day doing what?.......Leering at the young girls on the playground down the street, Chester?:eusa_whistle:

Why would I attend a parade where a bunch of sick fucks like yourself prance around like a bunch of freaks, flashing yourselves in front of innocent lil' kids?

All the evidence I need to expose you sick fucks is all over the internet....No need to attend your sick parades......No way in hell would I EVER help legitimize your CHOSEN deviance, anymore than I would legitimize a Chester or rapist.

And, do you really think your fellow sick fucks help your cause by KNOWINGLY flashing lil' kids?

LMAO at the sheer stupidity of you people, and of those who defend your sick actions.

The parents knowingly expose their children to a sexual orientated parade by bringing them.

What happens at a gay pride parade is no less deviant then madi gras or carnival.... it is just that one is gay and one is not.
So, you know first hand that those parents want their children exposed to cocks and tits?.....As ignorant as most liberals are, I seriously doubt they would want their lil' kids exposed to cocks and tits being shaken in their faces.

And, you're fully excusing the flashing of cocks and tits in kids faces, and not holding those who are doing it accountable for their actions......It's all the fault of the parents?

I love ya' dearly Syrenn, but there is no excuse, in any way shape or form for ANYBODY to EVER pull their cock out and shake it around lil' children under any circumstances.

And, in the Mardi Gras i've witnessed, never once did I see anybody whip out there cock and start shaking it in the faces of lil' kids. And if they did, you can bet the mob beat down would be severe.....In fact, after dark, you rarely see kids on the streets during Mardi Gras.
Busy day doing what?.......Leering at the young girls on the playground down the street, Chester?:eusa_whistle:

Why would I attend a parade where a bunch of sick fucks like yourself prance around like a bunch of freaks, flashing yourselves in front of innocent lil' kids?

All the evidence I need to expose you sick fucks is all over the internet....No need to attend your sick parades......No way in hell would I EVER help legitimize your CHOSEN deviance, anymore than I would legitimize a Chester or rapist.

And, do you really think your fellow sick fucks help your cause by KNOWINGLY flashing lil' kids?

LMAO at the sheer stupidity of you people, and of those who defend your sick actions.

The parents knowingly expose their children to a sexual orientated parade by bringing them.

What happens at a gay pride parade is no less deviant then madi gras or carnival.... it is just that one is gay and one is not.
So, you know first hand that those parents want their children exposed to cocks and tits?.....As ignorant as most liberals are, I seriously doubt they would want their lil' kids exposed to cocks and tits being shaken in their faces.

And, you're fully excusing the flashing of cocks and tits in kids faces, and not holding those who are doing it accountable for their actions......It's all the fault of the parents?

I love ya' dearly Syrenn, but there is no excuse, in any way shape or form for ANYBODY to EVER pull their cock out and shake it around lil' children under any circumstances.

And, in the Mardi Gras i've witnessed, never once did I see anybody whip out there cock and start shaking it in the faces of lil' kids. And if they did, you can bet the mob beat down would be severe.....In fact, after dark, you rarely see kids on the streets during Mardi Gras.

Do i say it is alright for some to knowingly flash kids just to flash them? No i dont...so lets be clear about that.

I am also pretty damn sure that the ones doing the flashing don't think its alright either in the context of just flashing kids to flash kids.

What i AM saying...is if you dont want your children exposed to gays or flashing of any dangly bits... dont take them to an event where it will most likely happen. Dont take them to a sexually oriented event.

And by the way... how do you know that the parents of the kids you see in the video object at all or have any problem with their kids seeing what they are seeing?

I say... if parents bring their children to a sexually oriented parade...the problem is with the parent... not the parade. You have never been to a parade..and yet you "know" it could happen. You understand it is gay people and that flashing could happen. You say yourself that you would not take YOUR children to an event like that. Nor would I.

The Bay to Breakers is a marathon... it is in the daylight...it is on public streets...it is a "family" event.. and yet... you have naked people running... tits flashing..and dicks hanging out.... asses hanging out... I would condem Bay to Breakers more then the gay parade...as the BtB IS a family event... not a sexually oriented one.

The gay pride parade...is all about sex....and sexuality...and reveling in it. If you don't want your children exposed... don't take them.
One day a year and you can't get over it. Poor Wicked.

Has he answered yet about how many gay pride parades he's been to? I'm trying to catch up after a busy day.

I did see his posts about women getting arrested for flashing during Mardi Gras. :lol::lol::lol: Maybe in the 50s they did. :lol::lol::lol:
Busy day doing what?.......

running my REAL business.
Leering at the young girls on the playground down the street, Chester?:eusa_whistle:
Oh, this isn't about your daily habits, Lester.
Why would I attend a parade where a bunch of sick fucks like yourself prance around like a bunch of freaks, flashing yourselves in front of innocent lil' kids?

So....you never have even BEEN to a Gay Pride parade. :lol::lol::lol:

All the evidence I need to expose you sick fucks is all over the internet....No need to attend your sick parades......No way in hell would I EVER help legitimize your CHOSEN deviance, anymore than I would legitimize a Chester or rapist.

Of course if it's on the internet, it's all true! :lol::lol::lol:

And, do you really think your fellow sick fucks help your cause by KNOWINGLY flashing lil' kids?

Again, enough about your daily routine.

LMAO at the sheer stupidity of you people, and of those who defend your sick actions.

This from a fine upstanding child...er....loving hetero who pontificates on and on about gay pride parades while never having been to one and believes everything he sees on the Internet.

And a coward to boot.

What a great day this has been! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
NAMBLA types & Pediphiles sound like likely candidates

Enough about Wicked Lester. He's having a bad day. Being a coward isn't what it's cracked up to be, apparently.
Me, having a bad day?.......:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'm just enjoying you stalking me all over the board, because you know an exposure is coming down the pike, ON MY TIME!

I'm sensing a lil' nervousness comin' from ya', Chester.

Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc PEOOOOOOOOPLE....time is ticking awaaaaaaay!:eusa_whistle:
and gay parents take their kids to gay parades.

Yes, it's a problem.

If the parents, gay or not, see no problem with taking their children to a gay parade.... its none of our business.

Last edited:
NAMBLA types & Pediphiles sound like likely candidates

Enough about Wicked Lester. He's having a bad day. Being a coward isn't what it's cracked up to be, apparently.
Me, having a bad day?.......:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'm just enjoying you stalking me all over the board, because you know an exposure is coming down the pike, ON MY TIME!

I'm sensing a lil' nervousness comin' from ya', Chester.

Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc PEOOOOOOOOPLE....time is ticking awaaaaaaay!:eusa_whistle:

Meltdown imminent. Definitely an excellent day. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Enough about Wicked Lester. He's having a bad day. Being a coward isn't what it's cracked up to be, apparently.
Me, having a bad day?.......:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'm just enjoying you stalking me all over the board, because you know an exposure is coming down the pike, ON MY TIME!

I'm sensing a lil' nervousness comin' from ya', Chester.

Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc PEOOOOOOOOPLE....time is ticking awaaaaaaay!:eusa_whistle:

Meltdown imminent. Definitely an excellent day. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
What meltdown?

Btw, ya' been scopin' out any other boards you can go play on IN THE FUTURE.......Ya' might want to consider it, MOM!:lol:
Jester, when were you at Mardi Gras? How old are you? I went many times in the early 70s until the mid80s.
You must be very old if you were there when they went through the narrow streets of the city's old French quarter. 1972 was the last year they had it there and they moved it. Friend of mine broke his hand there! They moved it onto the wider Canal Street after that. NO parade takes place in the old quarter after 1972. The cops went on strike in 1979 and we saw Guard units on the streets then. NO one was bothered at all except those committing CRIMES. That was the best year ever as NO ONE was arrested for flashing, etc. We saw folks smoking twistys out in the open, not for that but the Guard let them do it. There were no problems at all. Best Mardi Gras ever.
Half naked women is a tradition at Mardi Gras since 1700. Now we have the moral police imposing their will in New Orleans. Granted, I did see many out of control revelers there but a little nudity has always been accepted there. Throw in the alcohol and it does get wild.
But who cares. Same with a stupid gay parade.
Hurts no one. Don't like it? No. I don't go and do not care.
The gay pride parade...is all about sex....and sexuality...and reveling in it. If you don't want your children exposed... don't take them.

There simply shouldn't be ANY Children there, Assuming what you are saying is Typical of Gay Pride Parades...

Give it some Thought. :thup:



And where do i say it is an appropriate event for children?

I said...it is a sexually oriented parade. It is a GAY event.

If children are there..... its 100% on the parents. Their choice.. their children....their decision on what is and is not acceptable for THEIR children to see and experiance. Give THAT some thought.
The gay pride parade...is all about sex....and sexuality...and reveling in it. If you don't want your children exposed... don't take them.

There simply shouldn't be ANY Children there, Assuming what you are saying is Typical of Gay Pride Parades...

Give it some Thought. :thup:



And where do i say it is an appropriate event for children?

I said...it is a sexually oriented parade. It is a GAY event.

If children are there..... its 100% on the parents. Their choice.. their children....their decision on what is and is not acceptable for THEIR children to see and experiance. Give THAT some thought.

I have... Social Services would probably take a Kid from a Home that was being Exposed to that outside of a "Gay Pride Parade"...

Go ahead and say that you don't Think Children should be at Gay Pride Parades...

Your Dance is Concerning...


There simply shouldn't be ANY Children there, Assuming what you are saying is Typical of Gay Pride Parades...

Give it some Thought. :thup:



And where do i say it is an appropriate event for children?

I said...it is a sexually oriented parade. It is a GAY event.

If children are there..... its 100% on the parents. Their choice.. their children....their decision on what is and is not acceptable for THEIR children to see and experiance. Give THAT some thought.

I have... Social Services would probably take a Kid from a Home that was being Exposed to that outside of a "Gay Pride Parade"...

Go ahead and say that you don't Think Children should be at Gay Pride Parades...

Your Dance is Concerning...



I will say it slowly mal


the problem is not the parade.
And where do i say it is an appropriate event for children?

I said...it is a sexually oriented parade. It is a GAY event.

If children are there..... its 100% on the parents. Their choice.. their children....their decision on what is and is not acceptable for THEIR children to see and experiance. Give THAT some thought.

I have... Social Services would probably take a Kid from a Home that was being Exposed to that outside of a "Gay Pride Parade"...

Go ahead and say that you don't Think Children should be at Gay Pride Parades...

Your Dance is Concerning...



I will say it slowly mal


the problem is not the parade.

Except the parents who do that are typically parade participants.

So we're back to square one.

I still don't get the purpose of a sex parade. But to each his own. If the city allows it, that's their problem.

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