Who Will Come To My Party?

@Mods...please make it a priority to attract better trolls...this current batch is totally unimaginative and lackluster in delivery and enthusiasm...with the exception of Tommy Tainant, who's "I reported my neighbors for breaking lockdown" troll was a masterpiece.
Suppose if your into reporting your neighbor's - well after all its a very fascist thing to do!
Come and join the Orchestra!

Our objective is to bring change by targeting Congressmen, Senators, Members of Parliament etc with thousands of e-mails on key issues.

If you have moderate to left wing views, make it count by grouping together and effect change through political pressure.
Whatcha got to eat? And drink?
Hmm fat Republican's and write wingers should make a nice barbecue!

Ha ha ha!
And you will kill people. Its pre written.

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