Who Will Stand Up for the Christians?

Make them a refuge----show a little compassion. Kick some Arabs out.

You really are a waste of time, Donald. Mr. Duck apparently is really not interested in the plight of these Christians or any of the other people who are being affected, but only is interested in dragging in Israel. That was his main purpose in even responding to the article.

I thought the article was good and covered what is happening, and we can see why the Pope is very worried at this time..
Make them a refuge----show a little compassion. Kick some Arabs out.

You really are a waste of time, Donald. Mr. Duck apparently is really not interested in the plight of these Christians or any of the other people who are being affected, but only is interested in dragging in Israel. That was his main purpose in even responding to the article.

I thought the article was good and covered what is happening, and we can see why the Pope is very worried at this time..

Absolutely not----I'm simply curious why an ally of ours is unable to help them ? It's because they are Christians isn't it ?
Make them a refuge----show a little compassion. Kick some Arabs out.

You really are a waste of time, Donald. Mr. Duck apparently is really not interested in the plight of these Christians or any of the other people who are being affected, but only is interested in dragging in Israel. That was his main purpose in even responding to the article.

I thought the article was good and covered what is happening, and we can see why the Pope is very worried at this time..

Absolutely not----I'm simply curious why an ally of ours is unable to help them ? It's because they are Christians isn't it ?

I think you are being dishonest here. Why did you not comment on what is happening to the Christians in the countries Mr. Lauder brings up. You were not curious; you just wanted to drag in israel. If you are so interested in Israel and the Christians, why are the Christians treated much better there than the Christians who are in Muslim countries. Even a Christian Bishop is trying to get more Christians to join the IDF. Do you think the BIshop would ask his parishioners to join the Sudanese Army?

Let's just say that Mr. Duck is not really interested in the plight of the Christians or he would have been posting articles all along written by those who know what is happening to the Christians, such as writers like Raymond Ibrahim. I think the viewers can figure out Mr. Donald Duck for himself and why he felt he had to respond to a well-written article as he did.
Not being an anti-semite, I wouldn't know. I didn't realize Gaza had the IDF so pinned down.

Didn't they have to call in the Reserves at one time because of what your friends were doing? God only knows what your friends will come up with next. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Donald Duck ever showing any sympathy or compassion for those innocent people being killed in Iraq or Syria. He seems to want to drag in Israel and that is the extent of it. All those news stories about what was happening to people in Iraq recently -- people forcing to convert, women throwing their children off the mountain so that they escape being captured and raped by the ISIS, etc. -- and all Donald Duck can think of is Israel.

Who is this "they" they you keep referring too ?

The Israelis, of course, and they don't know what your friends will think of next in trying to destroy the state. Now can you tell us why you haven't shown any sympathy for what is happening to the people in Iraq and Syria. Is it because you are not interested since you can't blame what is happening there on the Israelis?

You are under great delusions to think Israel or Jews give a rats ass about Christians

I think you are under the delusion that some Christian did you wrong, guno. I suggest a psychiatrist to help you with whatever problems you have. You must have made over a thousand posts showing your hatred for Christians. evem when Jews speak up for what is happening to them. I don't think you are that dense not to realize that Mr. Lauder, the author of the article, is a big supporter of Israel, but as a decent human being he worries about others.. Meanwhile, in America there are millions and millions of Christians who stand up for Israel, and it appears that you don't even appreciate their help. In fact. guno, I will share with you what a Evangelical sent to many of us on his mailing list (a list which contains both Christians and Jews). He said it was told by a Jewish tour guide who was speaking at a church in America.

One day, as the Israeli PM was sitting in his office, an aide breathlessly arrived and said, "Mr. Prime Minister, the Messiah is here; the Messiah is here.!"

"Well, where is he? And what does he look like?" asked the PM.

"To the east, past the golden gate and the Kidron, up on the Mount of Olives!" replied the aide, still panting. "I'm told he's wearing a beard, a tallit (prayer shawl), and a kipah (yarmulke) He's just standing there by his lonesome."

"So what do we do?" the Prime Minister asked. "What's the protocol? Do we go there or does he come here?"

"I'll go there," replied the aide.

"Okay, get yourself a cab," the PM said.

So the PM's aide got a cab and off he went to the Mount.

When he got there, sure enough, there was the Messiah -- standing there alone, dressed as described.

The PM's aide got out of the cab, and said, "Welcome to Eretz Yisrael, King Messiah. I have just one question: Is this your first or your second visit here?"
How about a little help from Israel ? It's right next door to them.

Israel is busy with hamas in gaza. Basic supplies and medical treatment Israel gives.
nuclear plants, rocket launch or russian missile, that threatens Israel, can be taken out. Israel does not need to be involved directly in solving syria's or Iraq's problems
Israel bombed one Syrian convoy already. A convoy from the same army that's fighting ISIS. Apparently it can do more than one thing at a time.
So what-----can't Israel do something that helps it's ally instead of only doing things that helps Israel ?

can't you put your personal hatreds on the back burner and
come up with a reasonable suggestion? Israel cannot
enter Syria now----nor allow masses of your beloved terrorist
pigs into the country intermingled with what appear to be refugees. To what "ALLY" do you refer?
You really need to cease with the idea that terrorists are my friends. I'm asking Israel to kill them. Or even just lay off Syria while THEY try to kill them.
So what-----can't Israel do something that helps it's ally instead of only doing things that helps Israel ?

Unfortunately Israel has not official ally in Syria, though the FSA does want to make peace and give up a claim on Golan is they come to power.
Right now Israel is helping refugees on the border and dropping supplies a bit deeper to other camps.
Israel does not want to have "boots on the ground" or be drawn into a two front war.
I was thinking it was still an ally of the US. It still has the airplanes we sent them doesn't it ?

Israel entering the battle would be problematic. It would turn the focus to an Islam vs Israel, and the middle east does not need that right now.
For now, Israel will continue with humanitarian medical treatment and supplies to those refugees near the border.
US does not want Israel to take action in Syria, Iran, Iraq or Lebanon. Like Desert Storm, it is better for Israel to stand down.
There should be demonstrations all over, not only in the West but also in the Muslim world in general in support of the Christians. These Christians have been persecuted and murdered and there seems to be no end to this. The comments should also be read as well as the article.

Who Will Stand Up for the Christians?

WHY is the world silent while Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East and Africa? In Europe and in the United States, we have witnessed demonstrations over the tragic deaths of Palestinians who have been used as human shields by Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls Gaza. The United Nations has held inquiries and focuses its anger on Israel for defending itself against that same terrorist organization. But the barbarous slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Christians is met with relative indifference.

The Middle East and parts of central Africa are losing entire Christian communities that have lived in peace for centuries. The terrorist group Boko Haram has kidnapped and killed hundreds of Christians this year — ravaging the predominantly Christian town of Gwoza, in Borno State in northeastern Nigeria, two weeks ago. Half a million Christian Arabs have been driven out of Syria during the three-plus years of civil war there. Christians have been persecuted and killed in countries from Lebanon to Sudan.

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Here's what bothers me. Why is the author only concerned with Christians? Boko Haram has also murdered many non-Christians..including Muslims who aren't in lock-step with their ideology. Basically, in all the places mentioned, it's persecution against ALL other religious beliefs except the one followed by the persecutors. But you wouldn't know that from the article.
There should be demonstrations all over, not only in the West but also in the Muslim world in general in support of the Christians. These Christians have been persecuted and murdered and there seems to be no end to this. The comments should also be read as well as the article.

Who Will Stand Up for the Christians?

WHY is the world silent while Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East and Africa? In Europe and in the United States, we have witnessed demonstrations over the tragic deaths of Palestinians who have been used as human shields by Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls Gaza. The United Nations has held inquiries and focuses its anger on Israel for defending itself against that same terrorist organization. But the barbarous slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Christians is met with relative indifference.

The Middle East and parts of central Africa are losing entire Christian communities that have lived in peace for centuries. The terrorist group Boko Haram has kidnapped and killed hundreds of Christians this year — ravaging the predominantly Christian town of Gwoza, in Borno State in northeastern Nigeria, two weeks ago. Half a million Christian Arabs have been driven out of Syria during the three-plus years of civil war there. Christians have been persecuted and killed in countries from Lebanon to Sudan.

Continue reading at:


Here's what bothers me. Why is the author only concerned with Christians? Boko Haram has also murdered many non-Christians..including Muslims who aren't in lock-step with their ideology. Basically, in all the places mentioned, it's persecution against ALL other religious beliefs except the one followed by the persecutors. But you wouldn't know that from the article.

There are a lot of articles on the net, but there is not much voice like for the Yazidi. Christians oppressed under Islam might be killed off or converted but Christianity as a faith is not endangered.
There should be demonstrations all over, not only in the West but also in the Muslim world in general in support of the Christians. These Christians have been persecuted and murdered and there seems to be no end to this. The comments should also be read as well as the article.

Who Will Stand Up for the Christians?

WHY is the world silent while Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East and Africa? In Europe and in the United States, we have witnessed demonstrations over the tragic deaths of Palestinians who have been used as human shields by Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls Gaza. The United Nations has held inquiries and focuses its anger on Israel for defending itself against that same terrorist organization. But the barbarous slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Christians is met with relative indifference.

The Middle East and parts of central Africa are losing entire Christian communities that have lived in peace for centuries. The terrorist group Boko Haram has kidnapped and killed hundreds of Christians this year — ravaging the predominantly Christian town of Gwoza, in Borno State in northeastern Nigeria, two weeks ago. Half a million Christian Arabs have been driven out of Syria during the three-plus years of civil war there. Christians have been persecuted and killed in countries from Lebanon to Sudan.

Continue reading at:


Here's what bothers me. Why is the author only concerned with Christians? Boko Haram has also murdered many non-Christians..including Muslims who aren't in lock-step with their ideology. Basically, in all the places mentioned, it's persecution against ALL other religious beliefs except the one followed by the persecutors. But you wouldn't know that from the article.

I think most people do have an idea that the BOKO people
are into killing anyone against their particular brand of
"faith" --------expecially since -----or so it is written here and
there that "BOKO HARAM"-----means western style education is forbidden Christians seem to be the ones
in their SPECIFIC way right now
There should be demonstrations all over, not only in the West but also in the Muslim world in general in support of the Christians. These Christians have been persecuted and murdered and there seems to be no end to this. The comments should also be read as well as the article.

Who Will Stand Up for the Christians?

WHY is the world silent while Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East and Africa? In Europe and in the United States, we have witnessed demonstrations over the tragic deaths of Palestinians who have been used as human shields by Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls Gaza. The United Nations has held inquiries and focuses its anger on Israel for defending itself against that same terrorist organization. But the barbarous slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Christians is met with relative indifference.

The Middle East and parts of central Africa are losing entire Christian communities that have lived in peace for centuries. The terrorist group Boko Haram has kidnapped and killed hundreds of Christians this year — ravaging the predominantly Christian town of Gwoza, in Borno State in northeastern Nigeria, two weeks ago. Half a million Christian Arabs have been driven out of Syria during the three-plus years of civil war there. Christians have been persecuted and killed in countries from Lebanon to Sudan.

Continue reading at:


Here's what bothers me. Why is the author only concerned with Christians? Boko Haram has also murdered many non-Christians..including Muslims who aren't in lock-step with their ideology. Basically, in all the places mentioned, it's persecution against ALL other religious beliefs except the one followed by the persecutors. But you wouldn't know that from the article.

I think most people do have an idea that the BOKO people
are into killing anyone against their particular brand of
"faith" --------expecially since -----or so it is written here and
there that "BOKO HARAM"-----means western style education is forbidden Christians seem to be the ones
in their SPECIFIC way right now
Perhaps. But the fact remains that going only off of the OP article...ONLY Christians are being targeted by Boko Haram.
Make them a refuge----show a little compassion. Kick some Arabs out.

You really are a waste of time, Donald. Mr. Duck apparently is really not interested in the plight of these Christians or any of the other people who are being affected, but only is interested in dragging in Israel. That was his main purpose in even responding to the article.

I thought the article was good and covered what is happening, and we can see why the Pope is very worried at this time..

Bush takes a tongue-lashing from the Pope over Iraq
Bush takes a tongue-lashing from the Pope over Iraq | World news | The Guardian

How the Iraq War Became a War on Christians | The American Conservative

Bush and the GOP were warned by the Pope all the way back in 2003.
I was thinking it was still an ally of the US. It still has the airplanes we sent them doesn't it ?

Israel entering the battle would be problematic. It would turn the focus to an Islam vs Israel, and the middle east does not need that right now.
For now, Israel will continue with humanitarian medical treatment and supplies to those refugees near the border.
US does not want Israel to take action in Syria, Iran, Iraq or Lebanon. Like Desert Storm, it is better for Israel to stand down.

Odd how that always happens---Israel stays out of it because it might cause problems. Now there is a hell of an ally if I ever saw one.

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