Who will the democrats pick as Trump's next victim?


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Well, to begin with I would not be suprised if the democratic party splits.....the socialists on one side and the older fragged out liberal do-gooders on the other hand.

The oldsters have the party machinery to back them up.....and I see Bernie has pledged already to run as a democrat.

Too bad Cortez is toooooo young....I wonder who she will support?

As of now I do not see anyone that will be able to defeat The Donald....still on track to the Greatest President in modern times.
Like children throwing a tantrum and lashing out, since they can not find a thing on the man himself, they are trying to hurt anyone they can around him.

I think congress needs to change the rules.........allow anyone over 21 to be eligible to run for the Presidency....would it not be great to see Cortez Vs. The Donald....after all that is the controversy now....will America accept socialism or not?....just let her run and let the people choose Captialism or Socialism.....that would be a great contest.
Well there sure are a bunch wanting to run.

I don't see any of them beating Trump in 2020.

He'll have another four years to MAGA.
Well there sure are a bunch wanting to run.

I don't see any of them beating Trump in 2020.

He'll have another four years to MAGA.

No one on the horizon that can beat him......he is already polling over 50 per cent with all the media working against him.....can one imagine what his popularity would be if he had the media in his pocket like obama.

In all of his 8 yrs in office can anyone point out one single story in the media that was critical of Obama...I am talking about the msm.
Well there sure are a bunch wanting to run.

I don't see any of them beating Trump in 2020.

He'll have another four years to MAGA.

No one on the horizon that can beat him......he is already polling over 50 per cent with all the media working against him.....can one imagine what his popularity would be if he had the media in his pocket like obama.

In all of his 8 yrs in office can anyone point out one single story in the media that was critical of Obama...I am talking about the msm.

They were all in love with him.

Hell they sent 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin but none of them did any investigating into Barry at all.

They decided they would back him for President and you never read one bad thing about him once he became POTUS.
Well there sure are a bunch wanting to run.

I don't see any of them beating Trump in 2020.

He'll have another four years to MAGA.

No one on the horizon that can beat him......he is already polling over 50 per cent with all the media working against him.....can one imagine what his popularity would be if he had the media in his pocket like obama.

In all of his 8 yrs in office can anyone point out one single story in the media that was critical of Obama...I am talking about the msm.

They were all in love with him.

Hell they sent 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin but none of them did any investigating into Barry at all.

They decided they would back him for President and you never read one bad thing about him once he became POTUS.

Exactly.....they all fell in line like little robots....forgetting they were supposed to be journalists. Nothing but party hacks.
Well, to begin with I would not be suprised if the democratic party splits.....the socialists on one side and the older fragged out liberal do-gooders on the other hand.

The oldsters have the party machinery to back them up.....and I see Bernie has pledged already to run as a democrat.

Too bad Cortez is toooooo young....I wonder who she will support?

As of now I do not see anyone that will be able to defeat The Donald....still on track to the Greatest President in modern times.

Thank you for this eloquent demonstration of Cult of Personality.
Domini Domini and shit.
Well, to begin with I would not be suprised if the democratic party splits.....the socialists on one side and the older fragged out liberal do-gooders on the other hand.

The oldsters have the party machinery to back them up.....and I see Bernie has pledged already to run as a democrat.

Too bad Cortez is toooooo young....I wonder who she will support?

As of now I do not see anyone that will be able to defeat The Donald....still on track to the Greatest President in modern times.
This is a classic example of the "

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