Who will win the US 2016 Presidential Election?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
or who do you think will win...?
It's waaaaay too early for polls.
However do not write like this:
"Some asshole. Both sides are bought. This country is on the slow path towards the death of a superpower. I am going to ride it out".
I could not pick a winner, but I am pretty sure not one of the far right TP candidates have a chance.
At the moment if I had to make a bet, I would bet that Walker wins the republican nomination and hillary wins the democrat nomination. If hillary keeps stumbling like she has been recently, then the republican nominee will have good chance of winning. If hillary can't do any better than her recent press conference to explain not using a dot gov email, the democrats might better find a better canidate to run on their ticket,
Stumbles and misspeak do hurt candidates.

Obama got through the last election generally unscathed (no, Rush, the MSM had nothing to do with it), and Romney made that 47% blunder. Be careful who is in attendance when speaking.
like i have already mentioned time to time. Walker/Rubio. and Chris Christie,new white house Chef.
Hillary wins in a landslide with around 57% of the NPV and sails easily to around 400 EV.

Thanks for playing.
I'd have to agree with those who said Walker.

Hillary, no way. It's amazing to me that a popular Dem hasn't stepped up to run against her.
I believe the man hater Hillary clinton will win. The republicans will once again make the mistake of assuming that the American people want a losertartian in the white house.
Bernie Sanders. That's who I want. I THINK John Kasich has a good chance IF he runs. Republican governor who is moderate from a swing state (Ohio) who has been re elected.
Hard to see how any Republican could win, being that the EC can't be gerrymandered.

Demographics. By 2016, the Obama 2012 states are a lock. North Carolina leans Democratic. Georgia and Arizona still lean Republican, but the GOP will have to invest a lot of effort to keep them.
I think Hillary will have trouble in the western blue states like Colorado and maybe Nevada. The democrats there are more the "new age" democrats who wanna legalize marijuana and such, and not the union-loving, older crowd types you find out east. By 2016 I think it's going to be really hard for a Republican to win Nevada though, so it's really just Colorado she needs to watch.

What's kinda interesting is that with the current electoral college the way it is the GOP needs to make inroads into blue-leaning states like New Hampshire, Nevada, Virginia, and Colorado, while the Democrats can win more or less on their own turf. They can get to 270 while losing all the red-leaning states like Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, and Missouri.

If Hillary wins in Florida the GOP is almost completely shut out from getting to 270 regardless of how other states go.

With the way voting trends play out as long as the Democrats can win in either Virginia or Colorado getting to 270 should be easy. Since Hillary is the inevitable nominee and she's likely to face trouble in Colorado, it would be in her best interests to secure Virginia. Since Virginia is huge in military spending and Clinton is a big war hawk it should be easy to win here, also she'll have her right hand man McAuliffe as governor of the state.
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but what if Hillary develops heart related ailments into her campaign? something to consider, remember, she's pushing 70 and under a lot of stress! Like Chris Christie !!
Hard to see how any Republican could win, being that the EC can't be gerrymandered.

Demographics. By 2016, the Obama 2012 states are a lock. North Carolina leans Democratic. Georgia and Arizona still lean Republican, but the GOP will have to invest a lot of effort to keep them.

The GOP will redouble their voter suppression and vote theft though.
Republicans need something bigger than a second e-mail account to beat Hillary with. Heck, I've forgotten how many e-mail accounts I have.

As far as Benghazi is concerned, the only people who care about that are people who would never vote for Hillary anyway.

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