Who "won" last night?....A Dem.'s perspective

So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference
And Kansas has a 9.5 billion shortfall in it pension fund; a shortfall that will be made greater by Brownback cutting the contributions the state needs to make to keep it funded and refusing to issue pension obligation bonds; precisely the kind of "kick the can down the road" policies that have placed many public pensions in trouble.
Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
You really believe internet polls?

Its like getting American Idol to select your president

That poll on Drudge has a far larger sample size (530,000 at the moment), dumbass, than the vast majority of polling these days, and it is from the GOP base, and not just generic public.

You really should try to get counseling for that fatty ganglia that has filled your skull.
Are you really suggesting that an internet poll is even remotely scientifically valid? And did you call the person who pointed out how objectively invalid such polls are dumb? You do not have even the most basic understanding of the science behind public opinion polling.

1. the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days. Their real value is based on how to get the results the hiring entity wants while still meeting the criteria fo a 'valid' sample. To meet this purpose huge data bases of demographic profiles of populations listed by zip code are maintained. This allows the pollsters, say who has been hired by a pro-life entity, to do their polling in zip codes that meet all the demographic sampling standards while still guaranteeing that they get the results they want that are most heavily weighted toward the desired outcomes they were hired to get.

2. This Drudge poll is a straw poll and meant to sample the readership for their responses to the debate based on the assumption that the Drudge readership is heavily GOP which is a fairly valid assumption, IMO. The overwhelming number of votes counted tends to create its own reliability by reducing the margin of error. In other words it can be reasonably be said that the results highly likely reflect the group of people who both read Drudge and watched the debates

the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days."

View attachment 46727
You are a fucking idiot. An internet poll on a right wing nut job website is utter bullshit.


you see!! the more desperate he gets the longer his bullshit posts get!!

Yeah, I am done wasting my time with that ass hole.

Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference
And Kansas has a 9.5 billion shortfall in it pension fund; a shortfall that will be made greater by Brownback cutting the contributions the state needs to make to keep it funded and refusing to issue pension obligation bonds; precisely the kind of "kick the can down the road" policies that have placed many public pensions in trouble.
Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
You really believe internet polls?

Its like getting American Idol to select your president

That poll on Drudge has a far larger sample size (530,000 at the moment), dumbass, than the vast majority of polling these days, and it is from the GOP base, and not just generic public.

You really should try to get counseling for that fatty ganglia that has filled your skull.
Are you really suggesting that an internet poll is even remotely scientifically valid? And did you call the person who pointed out how objectively invalid such polls are dumb? You do not have even the most basic understanding of the science behind public opinion polling.

1. the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days. Their real value is based on how to get the results the hiring entity wants while still meeting the criteria fo a 'valid' sample. To meet this purpose huge data bases of demographic profiles of populations listed by zip code are maintained. This allows the pollsters, say who has been hired by a pro-life entity, to do their polling in zip codes that meet all the demographic sampling standards while still guaranteeing that they get the results they want that are most heavily weighted toward the desired outcomes they were hired to get.

2. This Drudge poll is a straw poll and meant to sample the readership for their responses to the debate based on the assumption that the Drudge readership is heavily GOP which is a fairly valid assumption, IMO. The overwhelming number of votes counted tends to create its own reliability by reducing the margin of error. In other words it can be reasonably be said that the results highly likely reflect the group of people who both read Drudge and watched the debates

the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days."

View attachment 46727
You are a fucking idiot. An internet poll on a right wing nut job website is utter bullshit.

You own data shows Gallup blew it in three of the last four elections. It is obvious that you are the idiot, dumbass.

I am done with you. Go sober up.
Yes, Gallup was off outside of the margin of errors. The rest were not. They got it right. I hope your occupation does not involve anything by the simplest, menial tasks. Anything beyond that is simply not something your deficient intellect can handle.
the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference
And Kansas has a 9.5 billion shortfall in it pension fund; a shortfall that will be made greater by Brownback cutting the contributions the state needs to make to keep it funded and refusing to issue pension obligation bonds; precisely the kind of "kick the can down the road" policies that have placed many public pensions in trouble.
Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
That poll on Drudge has a far larger sample size (530,000 at the moment), dumbass, than the vast majority of polling these days, and it is from the GOP base, and not just generic public.

You really should try to get counseling for that fatty ganglia that has filled your skull.
Are you really suggesting that an internet poll is even remotely scientifically valid? And did you call the person who pointed out how objectively invalid such polls are dumb? You do not have even the most basic understanding of the science behind public opinion polling.

1. the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days. Their real value is based on how to get the results the hiring entity wants while still meeting the criteria fo a 'valid' sample. To meet this purpose huge data bases of demographic profiles of populations listed by zip code are maintained. This allows the pollsters, say who has been hired by a pro-life entity, to do their polling in zip codes that meet all the demographic sampling standards while still guaranteeing that they get the results they want that are most heavily weighted toward the desired outcomes they were hired to get.

2. This Drudge poll is a straw poll and meant to sample the readership for their responses to the debate based on the assumption that the Drudge readership is heavily GOP which is a fairly valid assumption, IMO. The overwhelming number of votes counted tends to create its own reliability by reducing the margin of error. In other words it can be reasonably be said that the results highly likely reflect the group of people who both read Drudge and watched the debates

the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days."

View attachment 46727
You are a fucking idiot. An internet poll on a right wing nut job website is utter bullshit.


you see!! the more desperate he gets the longer his bullshit posts get!!

Yeah, I am done wasting my time with that ass hole.

Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
Just like your typical right wing pusssy...get your head handed to you, pretend you did not and run away before it happens again.
Not too different from the Drudge Poll
Republican Debate Poll Who Won First Fox GOP Debate
The 10 leading Republican presidential candidates took the stage for their first debate Thursday night. Who do you think won?
John Kasich
(8041 Votes)

Jeb Bush
(4036 Votes)

Ben Carson
(9775 Votes)

Chris Christie
(2308 Votes)

Ted Cruz
(4477 Votes)

Mike Huckabee
(2478 Votes)

Rand Paul
(4478 Votes)

Marco Rubio
(9456 Votes)

Donald Trump
(41381 Votes)

Scott Walker
(1101 Votes)
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)
I love it when Republicans think guys like Walker or Cruz could ever be president.

Christie could have been president if he didn't prove to be a corrupt politician. To pay back a political opponent he shut down a bridge. If not for that, he had a really good shot at one day being the nominee maybe even winning. He speaks real well. Blunt and to the point and matter of fact.

Glad to see Bush, Rubio, Walker and Santorum not doing well. John Kasich doesn't scare me.
Who won last night? Hillary.

Ultimately, Hillary is just sitting back and taking notes

These Republican debates are where Republican candidates strut their true conservatism. They will move to center once they get the nomination

Their views on immigration, abortion, healthcare and the economy are being noted. They will come back to haunt Republicans
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

I kinda agree Kasich is a practiced politician....a deciever.

I absolutely agree on FOX's unprofessional treatment of Trump.....AND Paul......Paul got the least amount of air time and part of that was his replies to others which was not set into the questioning. It is obvious the establishment has it in for Paul...which shows he is probably the man to vote for.

As I read elsewhere Christie used 9/11 victims as props...

FOX also seems to be pushing Fiorina....I dont think she was all that much of a standout.....tho she did ok......and they seem to be downplaying how good Santorum did in the debate.
Santorum is an asshole. He's essentially the is the poster boy for liberals' Strawman arguments against Republicans.

BS Even Rachel Maddow likes Santorum. Hes I'd say one of 3 republicans that at least sound a bit concerned about the economic situation of average americans.
Not too different from the Drudge Poll
Republican Debate Poll Who Won First Fox GOP Debate
The 10 leading Republican presidential candidates took the stage for their first debate Thursday night. Who do you think won?
John Kasich
(8041 Votes)

Jeb Bush
(4036 Votes)

Ben Carson
(9775 Votes)

Chris Christie
(2308 Votes)

Ted Cruz
(4477 Votes)

Mike Huckabee
(2478 Votes)

Rand Paul
(4478 Votes)

Marco Rubio
(9456 Votes)

Donald Trump
(41381 Votes)

Scott Walker
(1101 Votes)

Yeah the Professional Politcal Class is losing their grip on reality and the minds of the American people.

I think must are just sick to death of the divisiveness, hypocrisy and lies of the Inside the Beltway Establishmment.

And they have no clue whats going on right under their noses.
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

I kinda agree Kasich is a practiced politician....a deciever.

I absolutely agree on FOX's unprofessional treatment of Trump.....AND Paul......Paul got the least amount of air time and part of that was his replies to others which was not set into the questioning. It is obvious the establishment has it in for Paul...which shows he is probably the man to vote for.

As I read elsewhere Christie used 9/11 victims as props...

FOX also seems to be pushing Fiorina....I dont think she was all that much of a standout.....tho she did ok......and they seem to be downplaying how good Santorum did in the debate.
Santorum is an asshole. He's essentially the is the poster boy for liberals' Strawman arguments against Republicans.

BS Even Rachel Maddow likes Santorum. Hes I'd say one of 3 republicans that at least sound a bit concerned about the economic situation of average americans.

I've never heard Rachel Maddow say anything remotely favorable towards Santorum. Santorum hates gays and has compared homosexuality to bestiality and incest
Man alive! Megyn Kelly sort of made an ass out of herself last evening. lol
Certainly not the first time, and definitely not the last time.

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I dont know why Frocksnooze lets Luntz act smart because he polls people. The guy's a total dufus. Imagine him trying to kick it on a date with an attractive female? Smfh....lol, me either.
And no one could EVER convince me that that "fat slob" doesn't STACK his so called panels.

Fuck him, and fuck faux news.
Been trying to tell you this for years, but you rightwing reactionaries chose to defend it.

Go figure.

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Man alive! Megyn Kelly sort of made an ass out of herself last evening. lol

She drew Trump out which was her intention
She didn't DRAW HIM OUT... she DISRESPECTED the REPUBLICAN FRONT RUNNER like a PETULANT LITTLE SKANK. Now her facebook page is being blown up with negative comments and people are UNliking her page. It was an ALL OUT ATTACK on Trump, period. There was nothing FAIR or PROFESSIONAL about it. It may as well have been MSNBC and Debbie blabber mouth Shultz.

What he said.

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Man alive! Megyn Kelly sort of made an ass out of herself last evening. lol

She drew Trump out which was her intention

No doubt. While doing so she came across as a shill for the establishment. To me, for what it is worth, I think Paul was the most compelling candidate on the stage.

I did not find Paul compelling at all. As the only libertarian on stage he had an opportunity to stand out. He let himself get drawn in to petty bickering with Christie and Trump
Paul is a joke. A bad one at that.

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A Dem's perspective?

is that something that is useful to anybody or anything other than to serve as a bad example?

Kind of like a Republican having a view on Hilary. Wait, they ALL have a view on Hilary, but you're not allowed to talk about Republicans. Freedom of speech and all of that.
The fool doesn't realize that he's damned by his own words.

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A Dem's perspective?

is that something that is useful to anybody or anything other than to serve as a bad example?

Kind of like a Republican having a view on Hilary. Wait, they ALL have a view on Hilary, but you're not allowed to talk about Republicans. Freedom of speech and all of that.
The fool doesn't realize that he's damned by his own words.

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if that was true i'd admit it loon. but you're on THIS BOARD talking about republicans

and I'M on this board talking about republicans. i'm not talking about hillary; but what's more notable is YOU ARENT EITHER, and neither are many of the other leftardz...................which was my point all along

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