Who "won" last night?....A Dem.'s perspective

So did I. I just voted three times. Once on this computer, once on my I-pad and once on my I phone. More importantly, you have absolutely no idea what the demographic makeup of those participating is or if it is even remotely representative of the likely Republican voter. I am a Democrat and I voted three times. I cannot vote in a Republican Primary so my three votes should not even be counted.

Why do you assume that Democrats who watched the debate and read Drudge are not part of the intended demographic?

Why do you assume that all Democrats cannot vote in Republican primaries?

Morons like you are so tiresome. You lie; you are too fucking stupid to understand basic economics; you can never respond substantively to anything anyone posts. She was, by any objective measure, a miserable failure the one time she held the position of chief executive. Do you have any knowledge of what happened at HP when she was there and after she left? No. She came prepared with one or two sentence zingers at Clinton and Obama and, for folks like you who are not capable of thinking in sentences too long to fit on a bumper sticker, that is "Presidential." The funny thing is she knows how silly and empty those remarks are but she also understands how incredibly stupid folks like you are and appeals to that utter stupidity.

yawn; you need a tissue i see; butthurt loser that you are. people that run cities and states tottering on the verge of insolvency should avoid even offering an opinion on basic economics you sad Progressive clown. i dont need to respend substantively to people who arent posting anything of substance, but only THINK they are. that is also you clown; more self-impressed and full of your own idiotic narrative than anything.
I don't run anything but my small business and it is doing just fine. As for states on the brink of ruin, are you referring to Kansas? Or, perhaps, Wisconsin? New Jersey? How is Wisconsin doing compared to its democratic run neighbor, Minnesota?

you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
NEW YORK STATE is offering companies a TEN YEAR break from corporate taxes if you move or expand there

you want examples of libs doing the opposite of what they supposedly stand for
you are just a clown

keep trying

it's FUNNY
You do realize that such tax holidays are a democratic idea, right?
Walker wasn't interesting.

So what ?

Obama was very interesting.

How's that working out for us ?
So did I. I just voted three times. Once on this computer, once on my I-pad and once on my I phone. More importantly, you have absolutely no idea what the demographic makeup of those participating is or if it is even remotely representative of the likely Republican voter. I am a Democrat and I voted three times. I cannot vote in a Republican Primary so my three votes should not even be counted.

Why do you assume that Democrats who watched the debate and read Drudge are not part of the intended demographic?

Why do you assume that all Democrats cannot vote in Republican primaries?

I know that democrats cannot vote in the Republican Primary in my state and and in 35 others. I am assuming nothing. The point, you dullard, is that you don't know the demographics of the respondents so, therefore, the poll is not scientifically valid.
yawn; you need a tissue i see; butthurt loser that you are. people that run cities and states tottering on the verge of insolvency should avoid even offering an opinion on basic economics you sad Progressive clown. i dont need to respend substantively to people who arent posting anything of substance, but only THINK they are. that is also you clown; more self-impressed and full of your own idiotic narrative than anything.
I don't run anything but my small business and it is doing just fine. As for states on the brink of ruin, are you referring to Kansas? Or, perhaps, Wisconsin? New Jersey? How is Wisconsin doing compared to its democratic run neighbor, Minnesota?

you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference
Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
yawn; you need a tissue i see; butthurt loser that you are. people that run cities and states tottering on the verge of insolvency should avoid even offering an opinion on basic economics you sad Progressive clown. i dont need to respend substantively to people who arent posting anything of substance, but only THINK they are. that is also you clown; more self-impressed and full of your own idiotic narrative than anything.
I don't run anything but my small business and it is doing just fine. As for states on the brink of ruin, are you referring to Kansas? Or, perhaps, Wisconsin? New Jersey? How is Wisconsin doing compared to its democratic run neighbor, Minnesota?

you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
And Kansas has a 9.5 billion shortfall in it pension fund; a shortfall that will be made greater by Brownback cutting the contributions the state needs to make to keep it funded and refusing to issue pension obligation bonds; precisely the kind of "kick the can down the road" policies that have placed many public pensions in trouble.
Kansas may not issue 1 billion in pension bonds despite legal authority Cjonline.com Mobile
yawn; you need a tissue i see; butthurt loser that you are. people that run cities and states tottering on the verge of insolvency should avoid even offering an opinion on basic economics you sad Progressive clown. i dont need to respend substantively to people who arent posting anything of substance, but only THINK they are. that is also you clown; more self-impressed and full of your own idiotic narrative than anything.
I don't run anything but my small business and it is doing just fine. As for states on the brink of ruin, are you referring to Kansas? Or, perhaps, Wisconsin? New Jersey? How is Wisconsin doing compared to its democratic run neighbor, Minnesota?

you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

who took the money and misappropriated it?

i cant hear you
In Kansas, the Governor did. Took pension monies to close his budget hole.
The state will reduce its contribution to KPERS, the state’s pension system, by $40.7 million by dropping the employer contribution rate to 9.5 percent from 12.1 percent.

That move won’t affect the pensions of current retirees. But it could mean that the state won’t be able to pay all it owes in pensions in the future. It has an unfunded pension liability of $7.4 billion, which was projected to go down to zero over 20 years.

Brownback had repeatedly highlighted during his re-election campaign the state’s efforts to shore up its pension system under his administration.

The pension cut, which does not require legislative approval, rankled the Senate’s top Democrat and one of its top Republicans.

“Brownback is unilaterally reneging on a compromise he touted,” said Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley, D-Topeka. He noted that public employees are still set to see their contributions to KPERS increase by 1 percentage point come January.

Senate Vice President Jeff King, R-Independence, a conservative who rarely sides with Hensley on policy issues, blasted the governor’s plan.

“Basically, I think that all 290,000 of the KPERS-eligible workers and retirees in the state should be deeply disappointed by the actions taken by Gov. Brownback,” said King, who chairs the joint committee on pensions and benefits. “Over the last four years, we’ve become a model for pension reform in Kansas ... and by raiding the KPERS fund today, Gov. Brownback’s threatening to undo all the hard-fought work we’ve done in the last few years.”

Ernie Claudel, vice chairman of the Kansas Coalition of Public Retirees, called the move astounding.

“It’s just starting the underfunding cycle all over again,” Claudel said. “Obviously, the employees can’t say, ‘well, because you guys aren’t keeping your promise we’re not going to keep ours.’ ... They don’t have that option.”

Read more here: Brownback moves money from highway fund cuts pension spending to deal with 279M budget shortfall The Wichita Eagle

yawn i love the way you desperate LWNJs serial post endless lines of nonsense and think it's relevant

your desperation shows with every long-winded screed!!!! ^^^^^

So did I. I just voted three times. Once on this computer, once on my I-pad and once on my I phone. More importantly, you have absolutely no idea what the demographic makeup of those participating is or if it is even remotely representative of the likely Republican voter. I am a Democrat and I voted three times. I cannot vote in a Republican Primary so my three votes should not even be counted.

Why do you assume that Democrats who watched the debate and read Drudge are not part of the intended demographic?

Why do you assume that all Democrats cannot vote in Republican primaries?

I know that democrats cannot vote in the Republican Primary in my state and and in 35 others. I am assuming nothing. The point, you dullard, is that you don't know the demographics of the respondents so, therefore, the poll is not scientifically valid.

They can if they are in safe blue states and register as republican right before the primary.

If he's still around by then, I'm voting Trump!
I don't run anything but my small business and it is doing just fine. As for states on the brink of ruin, are you referring to Kansas? Or, perhaps, Wisconsin? New Jersey? How is Wisconsin doing compared to its democratic run neighbor, Minnesota?

you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference
And Kansas has a 9.5 billion shortfall in it pension fund; a shortfall that will be made greater by Brownback cutting the contributions the state needs to make to keep it funded and refusing to issue pension obligation bonds; precisely the kind of "kick the can down the road" policies that have placed many public pensions in trouble.
Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
I don't run anything but my small business and it is doing just fine. As for states on the brink of ruin, are you referring to Kansas? Or, perhaps, Wisconsin? New Jersey? How is Wisconsin doing compared to its democratic run neighbor, Minnesota?

you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
Kasich would be a great choice, but he is going to have to settle for being a VP candidate, a serious one, along with Rubio.

Trump had no trouble trumping the Foxters.

Walker is as exciting as vanilla pudding but made no gaffes.

As long as Trump is around, Christie will get no traction.

Bush should have, and could have, done better.

Funny, Trump seems to be winning the debate from the morning Drudge poll.


You really believe internet polls?

Its like getting American Idol to select your president

That poll on Drudge has a far larger sample size (530,000 at the moment), dumbass, than the vast majority of polling these days, and it is from the GOP base, and not just generic public.

You really should try to get counseling for that fatty ganglia that has filled your skull.
Are you really suggesting that an internet poll is even remotely scientifically valid? And did you call the person who pointed out how objectively invalid such polls are dumb? You do not have even the most basic understanding of the science behind public opinion polling.

1. the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days. Their real value is based on how to get the results the hiring entity wants while still meeting the criteria fo a 'valid' sample. To meet this purpose huge data bases of demographic profiles of populations listed by zip code are maintained. This allows the pollsters, say who has been hired by a pro-life entity, to do their polling in zip codes that meet all the demographic sampling standards while still guaranteeing that they get the results they want that are most heavily weighted toward the desired outcomes they were hired to get.

2. This Drudge poll is a straw poll and meant to sample the readership for their responses to the debate based on the assumption that the Drudge readership is heavily GOP which is a fairly valid assumption, IMO. The overwhelming number of votes counted tends to create its own reliability by reducing the margin of error. In other words it can be reasonably be said that the results highly likely reflect the group of people who both read Drudge and watched the debates

the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days."


You are a fucking idiot. An internet poll on a right wing nut job website is utter bullshit.
I don't run anything but my small business and it is doing just fine. As for states on the brink of ruin, are you referring to Kansas? Or, perhaps, Wisconsin? New Jersey? How is Wisconsin doing compared to its democratic run neighbor, Minnesota?

you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference
Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
I don't run anything but my small business and it is doing just fine. As for states on the brink of ruin, are you referring to Kansas? Or, perhaps, Wisconsin? New Jersey? How is Wisconsin doing compared to its democratic run neighbor, Minnesota?

you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
And Kansas has a 9.5 billion shortfall in it pension fund; a shortfall that will be made greater by Brownback cutting the contributions the state needs to make to keep it funded and refusing to issue pension obligation bonds; precisely the kind of "kick the can down the road" policies that have placed many public pensions in trouble.
Kansas may not issue 1 billion in pension bonds despite legal authority Cjonline.com Mobile

a minute ago he said pension fund shortages and budgets werent comparable; now he's using that?
said people just trusted their employers? who were they? the current republican governor? i doubt that

what a clown
you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference
And Kansas has a 9.5 billion shortfall in it pension fund; a shortfall that will be made greater by Brownback cutting the contributions the state needs to make to keep it funded and refusing to issue pension obligation bonds; precisely the kind of "kick the can down the road" policies that have placed many public pensions in trouble.
Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
Funny, Trump seems to be winning the debate from the morning Drudge poll.


You really believe internet polls?

Its like getting American Idol to select your president

That poll on Drudge has a far larger sample size (530,000 at the moment), dumbass, than the vast majority of polling these days, and it is from the GOP base, and not just generic public.

You really should try to get counseling for that fatty ganglia that has filled your skull.
Are you really suggesting that an internet poll is even remotely scientifically valid? And did you call the person who pointed out how objectively invalid such polls are dumb? You do not have even the most basic understanding of the science behind public opinion polling.

1. the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days. Their real value is based on how to get the results the hiring entity wants while still meeting the criteria fo a 'valid' sample. To meet this purpose huge data bases of demographic profiles of populations listed by zip code are maintained. This allows the pollsters, say who has been hired by a pro-life entity, to do their polling in zip codes that meet all the demographic sampling standards while still guaranteeing that they get the results they want that are most heavily weighted toward the desired outcomes they were hired to get.

2. This Drudge poll is a straw poll and meant to sample the readership for their responses to the debate based on the assumption that the Drudge readership is heavily GOP which is a fairly valid assumption, IMO. The overwhelming number of votes counted tends to create its own reliability by reducing the margin of error. In other words it can be reasonably be said that the results highly likely reflect the group of people who both read Drudge and watched the debates

the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days."

View attachment 46727
You are a fucking idiot. An internet poll on a right wing nut job website is utter bullshit.


you see!! the more desperate he gets the longer his bullshit posts get!!
poor moron

now back to the thread topic; even IF the monitors here dont seem to care that a dozen or so desperate left-wing losers have Attention Deficit Disorder and go off on tangets

the American people won
I don't run anything but my small business and it is doing just fine. As for states on the brink of ruin, are you referring to Kansas? Or, perhaps, Wisconsin? New Jersey? How is Wisconsin doing compared to its democratic run neighbor, Minnesota?

you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

who took the money and misappropriated it?

i cant hear you
In Kansas, the Governor did. Took pension monies to close his budget hole.
The state will reduce its contribution to KPERS, the state’s pension system, by $40.7 million by dropping the employer contribution rate to 9.5 percent from 12.1 percent.

That move won’t affect the pensions of current retirees. But it could mean that the state won’t be able to pay all it owes in pensions in the future. It has an unfunded pension liability of $7.4 billion, which was projected to go down to zero over 20 years.

Brownback had repeatedly highlighted during his re-election campaign the state’s efforts to shore up its pension system under his administration.

The pension cut, which does not require legislative approval, rankled the Senate’s top Democrat and one of its top Republicans.

“Brownback is unilaterally reneging on a compromise he touted,” said Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley, D-Topeka. He noted that public employees are still set to see their contributions to KPERS increase by 1 percentage point come January.

Senate Vice President Jeff King, R-Independence, a conservative who rarely sides with Hensley on policy issues, blasted the governor’s plan.

“Basically, I think that all 290,000 of the KPERS-eligible workers and retirees in the state should be deeply disappointed by the actions taken by Gov. Brownback,” said King, who chairs the joint committee on pensions and benefits. “Over the last four years, we’ve become a model for pension reform in Kansas ... and by raiding the KPERS fund today, Gov. Brownback’s threatening to undo all the hard-fought work we’ve done in the last few years.”

Ernie Claudel, vice chairman of the Kansas Coalition of Public Retirees, called the move astounding.

“It’s just starting the underfunding cycle all over again,” Claudel said. “Obviously, the employees can’t say, ‘well, because you guys aren’t keeping your promise we’re not going to keep ours.’ ... They don’t have that option.”

Read more here: Brownback moves money from highway fund cuts pension spending to deal with 279M budget shortfall The Wichita Eagle

yawn i love the way you desperate LWNJs serial post endless lines of nonsense and think it's relevant

your desperation shows with every long-winded screed!!!! ^^^^^

So, posting the fact that Kansas has a pension shortfall of 9.5 billion is nonsense but your claim, unsubstantiated, that Chicago has one of 19.5 billion is not? And the fact that Brownback is doing precisely what will make that worse is nonsense?
So did I. I just voted three times. Once on this computer, once on my I-pad and once on my I phone. More importantly, you have absolutely no idea what the demographic makeup of those participating is or if it is even remotely representative of the likely Republican voter. I am a Democrat and I voted three times. I cannot vote in a Republican Primary so my three votes should not even be counted.

Why do you assume that Democrats who watched the debate and read Drudge are not part of the intended demographic?

Why do you assume that all Democrats cannot vote in Republican primaries?

I know that democrats cannot vote in the Republican Primary in my state and and in 35 others. I am assuming nothing. The point, you dullard, is that you don't know the demographics of the respondents so, therefore, the poll is not scientifically valid.

They can if they are in safe blue states and register as republican right before the primary.

If he's still around by then, I'm voting Trump!
Because you want him to be President or because you know that he would be an absolute gift to the democratic nominee?
you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

who took the money and misappropriated it?

i cant hear you
In Kansas, the Governor did. Took pension monies to close his budget hole.
The state will reduce its contribution to KPERS, the state’s pension system, by $40.7 million by dropping the employer contribution rate to 9.5 percent from 12.1 percent.

That move won’t affect the pensions of current retirees. But it could mean that the state won’t be able to pay all it owes in pensions in the future. It has an unfunded pension liability of $7.4 billion, which was projected to go down to zero over 20 years.

Brownback had repeatedly highlighted during his re-election campaign the state’s efforts to shore up its pension system under his administration.

The pension cut, which does not require legislative approval, rankled the Senate’s top Democrat and one of its top Republicans.

“Brownback is unilaterally reneging on a compromise he touted,” said Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley, D-Topeka. He noted that public employees are still set to see their contributions to KPERS increase by 1 percentage point come January.

Senate Vice President Jeff King, R-Independence, a conservative who rarely sides with Hensley on policy issues, blasted the governor’s plan.

“Basically, I think that all 290,000 of the KPERS-eligible workers and retirees in the state should be deeply disappointed by the actions taken by Gov. Brownback,” said King, who chairs the joint committee on pensions and benefits. “Over the last four years, we’ve become a model for pension reform in Kansas ... and by raiding the KPERS fund today, Gov. Brownback’s threatening to undo all the hard-fought work we’ve done in the last few years.”

Ernie Claudel, vice chairman of the Kansas Coalition of Public Retirees, called the move astounding.

“It’s just starting the underfunding cycle all over again,” Claudel said. “Obviously, the employees can’t say, ‘well, because you guys aren’t keeping your promise we’re not going to keep ours.’ ... They don’t have that option.”

Read more here: Brownback moves money from highway fund cuts pension spending to deal with 279M budget shortfall The Wichita Eagle

yawn i love the way you desperate LWNJs serial post endless lines of nonsense and think it's relevant

your desperation shows with every long-winded screed!!!! ^^^^^

So, posting the fact that Kansas has a pension shortfall of 9.5 billion is nonsense but your claim, unsubstantiated, that Chicago has one of 19.5 billion is not? And the fact that Brownback is doing precisely what will make that worse is nonsense?

it wouldnt have been nonsense TO ME; but YOU were the one crying these arent the same things. so even though TO YOU it is nonsense you still used it in your own post

you're seriously a joke

try again

you're just sad
So did I. I just voted three times. Once on this computer, once on my I-pad and once on my I phone. More importantly, you have absolutely no idea what the demographic makeup of those participating is or if it is even remotely representative of the likely Republican voter. I am a Democrat and I voted three times. I cannot vote in a Republican Primary so my three votes should not even be counted.

Why do you assume that Democrats who watched the debate and read Drudge are not part of the intended demographic?

Why do you assume that all Democrats cannot vote in Republican primaries?

I know that democrats cannot vote in the Republican Primary in my state and and in 35 others. I am assuming nothing. The point, you dullard, is that you don't know the demographics of the respondents so, therefore, the poll is not scientifically valid.

They can if they are in safe blue states and register as republican right before the primary.

If he's still around by then, I'm voting Trump!
Because you want him to be President or because you know that he would be an absolute gift to the democratic nominee?

yes loon; she's one or your ilk

very astute of you!! lol
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference
And Kansas has a 9.5 billion shortfall in it pension fund; a shortfall that will be made greater by Brownback cutting the contributions the state needs to make to keep it funded and refusing to issue pension obligation bonds; precisely the kind of "kick the can down the road" policies that have placed many public pensions in trouble.
Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
You really believe internet polls?

Its like getting American Idol to select your president

That poll on Drudge has a far larger sample size (530,000 at the moment), dumbass, than the vast majority of polling these days, and it is from the GOP base, and not just generic public.

You really should try to get counseling for that fatty ganglia that has filled your skull.
Are you really suggesting that an internet poll is even remotely scientifically valid? And did you call the person who pointed out how objectively invalid such polls are dumb? You do not have even the most basic understanding of the science behind public opinion polling.

1. the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days. Their real value is based on how to get the results the hiring entity wants while still meeting the criteria fo a 'valid' sample. To meet this purpose huge data bases of demographic profiles of populations listed by zip code are maintained. This allows the pollsters, say who has been hired by a pro-life entity, to do their polling in zip codes that meet all the demographic sampling standards while still guaranteeing that they get the results they want that are most heavily weighted toward the desired outcomes they were hired to get.

2. This Drudge poll is a straw poll and meant to sample the readership for their responses to the debate based on the assumption that the Drudge readership is heavily GOP which is a fairly valid assumption, IMO. The overwhelming number of votes counted tends to create its own reliability by reducing the margin of error. In other words it can be reasonably be said that the results highly likely reflect the group of people who both read Drudge and watched the debates

the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days."

View attachment 46727
You are a fucking idiot. An internet poll on a right wing nut job website is utter bullshit.


you see!! the more desperate he gets the longer his bullshit posts get!!
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference
And Kansas has a 9.5 billion shortfall in it pension fund; a shortfall that will be made greater by Brownback cutting the contributions the state needs to make to keep it funded and refusing to issue pension obligation bonds; precisely the kind of "kick the can down the road" policies that have placed many public pensions in trouble.
Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
You really believe internet polls?

Its like getting American Idol to select your president

That poll on Drudge has a far larger sample size (530,000 at the moment), dumbass, than the vast majority of polling these days, and it is from the GOP base, and not just generic public.

You really should try to get counseling for that fatty ganglia that has filled your skull.
Are you really suggesting that an internet poll is even remotely scientifically valid? And did you call the person who pointed out how objectively invalid such polls are dumb? You do not have even the most basic understanding of the science behind public opinion polling.

1. the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days. Their real value is based on how to get the results the hiring entity wants while still meeting the criteria fo a 'valid' sample. To meet this purpose huge data bases of demographic profiles of populations listed by zip code are maintained. This allows the pollsters, say who has been hired by a pro-life entity, to do their polling in zip codes that meet all the demographic sampling standards while still guaranteeing that they get the results they want that are most heavily weighted toward the desired outcomes they were hired to get.

2. This Drudge poll is a straw poll and meant to sample the readership for their responses to the debate based on the assumption that the Drudge readership is heavily GOP which is a fairly valid assumption, IMO. The overwhelming number of votes counted tends to create its own reliability by reducing the margin of error. In other words it can be reasonably be said that the results highly likely reflect the group of people who both read Drudge and watched the debates

the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days."

View attachment 46727
You are a fucking idiot. An internet poll on a right wing nut job website is utter bullshit.


you see!! the more desperate he gets the longer his bullshit posts get!!
It shows, you idiot, that most polls are accurate. In 2012, the actual results were within the margin of error of all but a few polling companies final poll results. Most accurately predicted the outcome. Fivethirtyeight accurately predicted the outcome in every state. They predicted the eventual electoral college vote exactly right.
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

who took the money and misappropriated it?

i cant hear you
In Kansas, the Governor did. Took pension monies to close his budget hole.
The state will reduce its contribution to KPERS, the state’s pension system, by $40.7 million by dropping the employer contribution rate to 9.5 percent from 12.1 percent.

That move won’t affect the pensions of current retirees. But it could mean that the state won’t be able to pay all it owes in pensions in the future. It has an unfunded pension liability of $7.4 billion, which was projected to go down to zero over 20 years.

Brownback had repeatedly highlighted during his re-election campaign the state’s efforts to shore up its pension system under his administration.

The pension cut, which does not require legislative approval, rankled the Senate’s top Democrat and one of its top Republicans.

“Brownback is unilaterally reneging on a compromise he touted,” said Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley, D-Topeka. He noted that public employees are still set to see their contributions to KPERS increase by 1 percentage point come January.

Senate Vice President Jeff King, R-Independence, a conservative who rarely sides with Hensley on policy issues, blasted the governor’s plan.

“Basically, I think that all 290,000 of the KPERS-eligible workers and retirees in the state should be deeply disappointed by the actions taken by Gov. Brownback,” said King, who chairs the joint committee on pensions and benefits. “Over the last four years, we’ve become a model for pension reform in Kansas ... and by raiding the KPERS fund today, Gov. Brownback’s threatening to undo all the hard-fought work we’ve done in the last few years.”

Ernie Claudel, vice chairman of the Kansas Coalition of Public Retirees, called the move astounding.

“It’s just starting the underfunding cycle all over again,” Claudel said. “Obviously, the employees can’t say, ‘well, because you guys aren’t keeping your promise we’re not going to keep ours.’ ... They don’t have that option.”

Read more here: Brownback moves money from highway fund cuts pension spending to deal with 279M budget shortfall The Wichita Eagle

yawn i love the way you desperate LWNJs serial post endless lines of nonsense and think it's relevant

your desperation shows with every long-winded screed!!!! ^^^^^

So, posting the fact that Kansas has a pension shortfall of 9.5 billion is nonsense but your claim, unsubstantiated, that Chicago has one of 19.5 billion is not? And the fact that Brownback is doing precisely what will make that worse is nonsense?

it wouldnt have been nonsense TO ME; but YOU were the one crying these arent the same things. so even though TO YOU it is nonsense you still used it in your own post

you're seriously a joke

try again

you're just sad
Pension obligations are not the same as yearly budgets. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand that? These pension shortfalls are the result of decades of poor management, in states and cities run by democrats and republicans at different times.
you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference
And Kansas has a 9.5 billion shortfall in it pension fund; a shortfall that will be made greater by Brownback cutting the contributions the state needs to make to keep it funded and refusing to issue pension obligation bonds; precisely the kind of "kick the can down the road" policies that have placed many public pensions in trouble.
Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
you are such a boring regurgitator of talking points

the Kansas budget shortfall is bout $200 million

one liberal CITY, obama's chicago, has a $19.5 BILLION dollar pension fund disaster on its hands

you're simply a clown
So, you do not know the difference between an annual budget and a pension fund? Why do you think public pension funds have been in trouble? Because the governments have not met their obligations to fund them. They took money that was owed to workers and used it for other things. If a private company did that with their employee pension funds they would be in prison. But you want to blame the victims of the mismanagement of these funds on those people who simply trusted their employer when they were told " you give us 35 years of your life; you go out on the streets and risk your life for us as a cop, a firefighter, a paramedic, and we will fund your pension."

the topic is financial mismanagement. you're a desperate clown stretching to find a difference

Maybe Paddy needs to sober up a bit?
Funny, Trump seems to be winning the debate from the morning Drudge poll.


You really believe internet polls?

Its like getting American Idol to select your president

That poll on Drudge has a far larger sample size (530,000 at the moment), dumbass, than the vast majority of polling these days, and it is from the GOP base, and not just generic public.

You really should try to get counseling for that fatty ganglia that has filled your skull.
Are you really suggesting that an internet poll is even remotely scientifically valid? And did you call the person who pointed out how objectively invalid such polls are dumb? You do not have even the most basic understanding of the science behind public opinion polling.

1. the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days. Their real value is based on how to get the results the hiring entity wants while still meeting the criteria fo a 'valid' sample. To meet this purpose huge data bases of demographic profiles of populations listed by zip code are maintained. This allows the pollsters, say who has been hired by a pro-life entity, to do their polling in zip codes that meet all the demographic sampling standards while still guaranteeing that they get the results they want that are most heavily weighted toward the desired outcomes they were hired to get.

2. This Drudge poll is a straw poll and meant to sample the readership for their responses to the debate based on the assumption that the Drudge readership is heavily GOP which is a fairly valid assumption, IMO. The overwhelming number of votes counted tends to create its own reliability by reducing the margin of error. In other words it can be reasonably be said that the results highly likely reflect the group of people who both read Drudge and watched the debates

the 'science' behind opinion polling is mostly bullshit these days."

View attachment 46727
You are a fucking idiot. An internet poll on a right wing nut job website is utter bullshit.

You own data shows Gallup blew it in three of the last four elections. It is obvious that you are the idiot, dumbass.

I am done with you. Go sober up.
So did I. I just voted three times. Once on this computer, once on my I-pad and once on my I phone. More importantly, you have absolutely no idea what the demographic makeup of those participating is or if it is even remotely representative of the likely Republican voter. I am a Democrat and I voted three times. I cannot vote in a Republican Primary so my three votes should not even be counted.

Why do you assume that Democrats who watched the debate and read Drudge are not part of the intended demographic?

Why do you assume that all Democrats cannot vote in Republican primaries?

I know that democrats cannot vote in the Republican Primary in my state and and in 35 others. I am assuming nothing. The point, you dullard, is that you don't know the demographics of the respondents so, therefore, the poll is not scientifically valid.

They can if they are in safe blue states and register as republican right before the primary.

If he's still around by then, I'm voting Trump!
Because you want him to be President or because you know that he would be an absolute gift to the democratic nominee?

yes loon; she's one or your ilk

very astute of you!! lol
By ilk you mean of the party that has won the popular vote in 6 of the last 7 Presidential elections? And in five of the last six congressional/senate elections?

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