Who "won" last night?....A Dem.'s perspective

you morons are FUNNY!!!!
Fiorina was fired from HP because she did a bad job. She also hasn’t held a major corporate position since she was pushed out of the company in 2005. So,
Right. A failed CEO of a second tier tech company who has not had a job in ten years is "substantive". In 2010, when Republicans were winning everywhere, she got her ass handed to her in a ten point loss to Boxer. She will never get to debate Clinton because she will never get close to the Republican nomination

i love the crystal balls on these left-wing nutjobs!!

They are much more accurate than the crystal balls of the right-wing nutjobs. You guys really fucked up in 2012 with your predictions that Obama would lose to a ham sandwich despite all the data stating otherwise. In 2014 you didn't have anyone from the left saying the polls were wrong and all the other nonsense the right pulled in 2012. The left is much more grounded in reality when it comes to elections.

we predicted obama would fail leftard. unless the richest getting richer and the poorest getting poorer is your kind of "forward progress"??

you're a simpleton
You predicted he would LOSE, you fucking brain dead liar. He did not. He won. And he has been about as successful a President as this country has seen.

MY MY; such an angry LWNJ

Morons like you are so tiresome. You lie; you are too fucking stupid to understand basic economics; you can never respond substantively to anything anyone posts. She was, by any objective measure, a miserable failure the one time she held the position of chief executive. Do you have any knowledge of what happened at HP when she was there and after she left? No. She came prepared with one or two sentence zingers at Clinton and Obama and, for folks like you who are not capable of thinking in sentences too long to fit on a bumper sticker, that is "Presidential." The funny thing is she knows how silly and empty those remarks are but she also understands how incredibly stupid folks like you are and appeals to that utter stupidity.
As a progressive, you don't even know what the definition of sane is.

Ah, Foulwind chimes in...Do you know what the opposite of "progressive" is, nitwit???

the opposite of progressive is what progressives are in fact today. you are some of the very same idiots running around bragging about the DOW under obama, and calling record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"
the opposite of progressive is what progressives are in fact today. you are some of the very same idiots running around bragging about the DOW under obama, and calling record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

Right after you post, don't forget to thoroughly wash your hands and flush, moron.
you morons are FUNNY!!!!
i love the crystal balls on these left-wing nutjobs!!

They are much more accurate than the crystal balls of the right-wing nutjobs. You guys really fucked up in 2012 with your predictions that Obama would lose to a ham sandwich despite all the data stating otherwise. In 2014 you didn't have anyone from the left saying the polls were wrong and all the other nonsense the right pulled in 2012. The left is much more grounded in reality when it comes to elections.

we predicted obama would fail leftard. unless the richest getting richer and the poorest getting poorer is your kind of "forward progress"??

you're a simpleton
You predicted he would LOSE, you fucking brain dead liar. He did not. He won. And he has been about as successful a President as this country has seen.

MY MY; such an angry LWNJ

Morons like you are so tiresome. You lie; you are too fucking stupid to understand basic economics; you can never respond substantively to anything anyone posts. She was, by any objective measure, a miserable failure the one time she held the position of chief executive. Do you have any knowledge of what happened at HP when she was there and after she left? No. She came prepared with one or two sentence zingers at Clinton and Obama and, for folks like you who are not capable of thinking in sentences too long to fit on a bumper sticker, that is "Presidential." The funny thing is she knows how silly and empty those remarks are but she also understands how incredibly stupid folks like you are and appeals to that utter stupidity.

yawn; you need a tissue i see; butthurt loser that you are. people that run cities and states tottering on the verge of insolvency should avoid even offering an opinion on basic economics you sad Progressive clown. i dont need to respend substantively to people who arent posting anything of substance, but only THINK they are. that is also you clown; more self-impressed and full of your own idiotic narrative than anything.
if by any objective measure Carly Fiorina was a failure then we need the same litmus test for president shouldnt we dimwit?

SO, then what to make of people running around saying they are all about fixing income inequality, lifting the poor and middle class and healing racial divides who have done nothing but INCREASE INCOME INEQUALITY, MADE THE RICHEST RICHER AND THE POOREST POORER, both at a FASTER PACE than the other guys did, and DIVIDED A NATION with pandering Progressive douchebaggery?

the funny part about you left-wing losers is that somewhere in the back of your self-impressed minds you know the Left overeached AGAIN, and you are on the way out. thus the knashing of teeth......
the opposite of progressive is what progressives are in fact today. you are some of the very same idiots running around bragging about the DOW under obama, and calling record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

Right after you post, don't forget to thoroughly wash your hands and flush, moron.

i did flush; you're on your way to the treatment plant as we speak
Kasich would be a great choice, but he is going to have to settle for being a VP candidate, a serious one, along with Rubio.

Trump had no trouble trumping the Foxters.

Walker is as exciting as vanilla pudding but made no gaffes.

As long as Trump is around, Christie will get no traction.

Bush should have, and could have, done better.

Funny, Trump seems to be winning the debate from the morning Drudge poll.

Rand Paul's low swinging fruit / chldish comment about Christie hugging Obama made him look really small, too, to an independent anyhow.

Im sure to the had right it was like "oHhHh, get um!!"

No, most 'small government' conservatives were simply pleased that Christi showed itself to be the fascist we have long known he was.

That fascists in the Dimbocrat Party also like him confirms it all.
Kasich would be a great choice, but he is going to have to settle for being a VP candidate, a serious one, along with Rubio.

Trump had no trouble trumping the Foxters.

Walker is as exciting as vanilla pudding but made no gaffes.

As long as Trump is around, Christie will get no traction.

Bush should have, and could have, done better.

Funny, Trump seems to be winning the debate from the morning Drudge poll.


You really believe internet polls?

Its like getting American Idol to select your president
Kasich would be a great choice, but he is going to have to settle for being a VP candidate, a serious one, along with Rubio.

Trump had no trouble trumping the Foxters.

Walker is as exciting as vanilla pudding but made no gaffes.

As long as Trump is around, Christie will get no traction.

Bush should have, and could have, done better.

Funny, Trump seems to be winning the debate from the morning Drudge poll.


You really believe internet polls?

Its like getting American Idol to select your president

That poll on Drudge has a far larger sample size (530,000 at the moment), dumbass, than the vast majority of polling these days, and it is from the GOP base, and not just generic public.

You really should try to get counseling for that fatty ganglia that has filled your skull.
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

I kinda agree Kasich is a practiced politician....a deciever.

I absolutely agree on FOX's unprofessional treatment of Trump.....AND Paul......Paul got the least amount of air time and part of that was his replies to others which was not set into the questioning. It is obvious the establishment has it in for Paul...which shows he is probably the man to vote for.

As I read elsewhere Christie used 9/11 victims as props...

FOX also seems to be pushing Fiorina....I dont think she was all that much of a standout.....tho she did ok......and they seem to be downplaying how good Santorum did in the debate.
Santorum is an asshole. He's essentially the is the poster boy for liberals' Strawman arguments against Republicans.
What's with calling Fiorina by her first name?

Can anyone imagine any of the others being called by their first name?
doesn't matter what they call her. she won't be around long.
Sure she will. She is smart and will kick Hillary's ass in a debate.
Hillary will smack her to the ground. She's not fit to tie Hillary's shoes.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Dude.....put down the glue. It's frying your brain.

Besides.....Hillary can't reach her shoes.....much less tie em.
Kasich would be a great choice, but he is going to have to settle for being a VP candidate, a serious one, along with Rubio.

Trump had no trouble trumping the Foxters.

Walker is as exciting as vanilla pudding but made no gaffes.

As long as Trump is around, Christie will get no traction.

Bush should have, and could have, done better.

Funny, Trump seems to be winning the debate from the morning Drudge poll.


You really believe internet polls?

Its like getting American Idol to select your president

That poll on Drudge has a far larger sample size (530,000 at the moment), dumbass, than the vast majority of polling these days, and it is from the GOP base, and not just generic public.

You really should try to get counseling for that fatty ganglia that has filled your skull.

Does Drudge allow multiple voting?
hillary's candidacy is falling apart; she was always more talk than substance. fiorina will chew up hillary's thin-skinned self and spit out her worn-out bones

Fiorina can't even get a seat at the grown up table

said the leftard one day into the republican debates

Fiorina with all her millions could not even beat Barbara Boxer in California...she got stomped

How could she beat Hillary?

a republican had a hard time in cobalt-blue california???


what idiots libs are! always thinking they are saying something relevant, making fools of themselves most of the time

I know ... Right? Barbara Boxer? Really?
As a progressive, you don't even know what the definition of sane is.

Ah, Foulwind chimes in...Do you know what the opposite of "progressive" is, nitwit???

the opposite of progressive is what progressives are in fact today. you are some of the very same idiots running around bragging about the DOW under obama, and calling record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"
The record peaked as a result of the 2008 recession. The number is decreasing. If you want more people off food stamps then I am sure you support raising the minimum wage then, right?
is she running for governor?

is she arnold schwarzenegger?
No. She claims to be running for President and has the support of a whopping 1.4 % of the Republican electorate.

what year is it leftard? when is the election?
It is 2015. The election begins in about five months. If you did not know these things, why are you commenting?

because desperate leftardz are making a big deal out of nothing

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