Who "won" last night?....A Dem.'s perspective

I listen to a lot of talk radio, mostly left, but tune in to rightwing radio to see where they are at. Republicans, in general, have not nor will they forgive Christie for hugging Obama. I believe a recent Luntz panel on Hannity substantiated this as well. They have blood in their eyes over Chris Christie, he's not going anywhere.

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The fake FOX panel also liked Huckabee the best.

They were full of shit.
The Luntz panel on Hannity?

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Hand-picked imbeciles.

All from the Huckabee campaign obviously.
The hand-picked imbeciles are not a new phenomenon to Luntz nor Hannity. I, as well as many others, have been trying to get this through to you guys for years.

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Maybe if you paid attention instead of putting people in your little partisan "boxes" you would know I don't even like Hannity.
What's with calling Fiorina by her first name?

Can anyone imagine any of the others being called by their first name?
doesn't matter what they call her. she won't be around long.
Sure she will. She is smart and will kick Hillary's ass in a debate.
Hillary will smack her to the ground. She's not fit to tie Hillary's shoes.

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Hardly. Hillary is afraid to talk to the suck ass media. There is no way she could take on Fiorina and win.
He was pretty good but he's not crazy enough for the whacko cons on here.

but nobody cares what you think; nobody cares that left-wing idiots only find the most "progressive" of right-wing candidates acceptable
You go ahead and pick the most conservative candidate of the bunch and see how it turns out. I'm sure you'll still say they weren't conservative enough.

i see your point about going to the extreme; alinsky's protege and Soros' meat puppet from chi-town havent worked out so well

Very telling that RWs have so little faith in their choices that they try to make it about the left.

And, that they a


projection. nobody is making it about the Left; regardless of the fact that you idiots cant even seem to get yourselves to talk about your own candidates. i personally think every single one of the people on that stage, and even come candidates not on it; is more qualified than the current president we have, and any of the Democrats running
He was pretty good but he's not crazy enough for the whacko cons on here.

but nobody cares what you think; nobody cares that left-wing idiots only find the most "progressive" of right-wing candidates acceptable
You go ahead and pick the most conservative candidate of the bunch and see how it turns out. I'm sure you'll still say they weren't conservative enough.

i see your point about going to the extreme; alinsky's protege and Soros' meat puppet from chi-town havent worked out so well

Very telling that RWs have so little faith in their choices that they try to make it about the left.

And, that they a


projection. nobody is making it about the Left; regardless of the fact that you idiots cant even seem to get yourselves to talk about your own candidates. i personally think every single one of the people on that stage, and even come candidates not on it; is more qualified than the current president we have, and any of the Democrats running

... he said, thus making it about the left.

hillary's candidacy is falling apart; she was always more talk than substance. fiorina will chew up hillary's thin-skinned self and spit out her worn-out bones
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

Of course you like Kasich. He is a wuss.

And Christie? A lib ass sucker.

What makes Kasich a wuss?

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He talked about helping the people.
Kasich is the only Republican candidate I actually fear. He's actually likeable and doesn't spew far rightwing rhetoric.

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Spoken like a true leftwing operative, hoping some republican will buy that bull shit. Kasich isn't even on the radar as far as getting the nomination, and never will be.

This was no "debate." It was an all out fox news attack on Trump while they played patty cake with Bush, and if they thought that would go unnoticed, then they're dumber than I thought they were. I lost the majority of what little respect I had left for fox news last night. They are establishment shills and hacks, and the bombastic gotcha questions they threw out in an all out effort to get candidates to fight with each other was a complete disgrace. Very little of what they asked was even worth a response. They virtually entirely neglected the most important issues facing this nation. What a bunch of pathetic assholes.
I'm so glad to see you share those sentiments. I truly hope that the rest of the voting Republican party shares those sentiments as well and choose the most rightwing candidate they can against Hillary. Hopefully T-Rump himself.

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but nobody cares what you think; nobody cares that left-wing idiots only find the most "progressive" of right-wing candidates acceptable
You go ahead and pick the most conservative candidate of the bunch and see how it turns out. I'm sure you'll still say they weren't conservative enough.

i see your point about going to the extreme; alinsky's protege and Soros' meat puppet from chi-town havent worked out so well

Very telling that RWs have so little faith in their choices that they try to make it about the left.

And, that they a


projection. nobody is making it about the Left; regardless of the fact that you idiots cant even seem to get yourselves to talk about your own candidates. i personally think every single one of the people on that stage, and even come candidates not on it; is more qualified than the current president we have, and any of the Democrats running

... he said, thus making it about the left.


he said; thus convincing himself his point was validated, like every other boring, predictable left-wing idiot does
hillary's candidacy is falling apart; she was always more talk than substance. fiorina will chew up hillary's thin-skinned self and spit out her worn-out bones

Fiorina can't even get a seat at the grown up table
From what I'm reading, it sounds like the two biggest winners were Trump (who held his own, which is probably enough) and Fiorina (who also isn't a politician, definitely a plus).

I wonder which of the ten is knocked out of the next debate by Carly.

Fiorina was fired from HP because she did a bad job. She also hasn’t held a major corporate position since she was pushed out of the company in 2005. So,
hillary's candidacy is falling apart; she was always more talk than substance. fiorina will chew up hillary's thin-skinned self and spit out her worn-out bones
Right. A failed CEO of a second tier tech company who has not had a job in ten years is "substantive". In 2010, when Republicans were winning everywhere, she got her ass handed to her in a ten point loss to Boxer. She will never get to debate Clinton because she will never get close to the Republican nomination
Carson distinguished himself.

i :lmao: when Ben Carson said this:

“I’m the only one to separate Siamese twins,” he said to laughter and applause from the audience. “The only one to operate on babies while they were still in the mother’s womb, the only one to take out half of a brain – although you would think if you go to Washington someone had beaten me to it.”

i really like man..., BUT.., very sadly, he will never become president this time around.
Why not?

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From what I'm reading, it sounds like the two biggest winners were Trump (who held his own, which is probably enough) and Fiorina (who also isn't a politician, definitely a plus).

I wonder which of the ten is knocked out of the next debate by Carly.

Fiorina was fired from HP because she did a bad job. She also hasn’t held a major corporate position since she was pushed out of the company in 2005. So,
hillary's candidacy is falling apart; she was always more talk than substance. fiorina will chew up hillary's thin-skinned self and spit out her worn-out bones
Right. A failed CEO of a second tier tech company who has not had a job in ten years is "substantive". In 2010, when Republicans were winning everywhere, she got her ass handed to her in a ten point loss to Boxer. She will never get to debate Clinton because she will never get close to the Republican nomination

i love the crystal balls on these left-wing nutjobs!!

You almost gotta laugh. Instead of watching the debates, the clown faces on the forum recommended getting drunk. That's fine but you missed perhaps the best political debate in history. The consensus among the "experts" seems to be that Trump held his own, Dr. Carson had the best one liner and Bush seemed rather rusty. All in all every republican looked pretty good.
hillary's candidacy is falling apart; she was always more talk than substance. fiorina will chew up hillary's thin-skinned self and spit out her worn-out bones

Fiorina can't even get a seat at the grown up table

said the leftard one day into the republican debates

Fiorina with all her millions could not even beat Barbara Boxer in California...she got stomped

How could she beat Hillary?

a republican had a hard time in cobalt-blue california???


what idiots libs are! always thinking they are saying something relevant, making fools of themselves most of the time
From what I'm reading, it sounds like the two biggest winners were Trump (who held his own, which is probably enough) and Fiorina (who also isn't a politician, definitely a plus).

I wonder which of the ten is knocked out of the next debate by Carly.

Fiorina was fired from HP because she did a bad job. She also hasn’t held a major corporate position since she was pushed out of the company in 2005. So,
hillary's candidacy is falling apart; she was always more talk than substance. fiorina will chew up hillary's thin-skinned self and spit out her worn-out bones
Right. A failed CEO of a second tier tech company who has not had a job in ten years is "substantive". In 2010, when Republicans were winning everywhere, she got her ass handed to her in a ten point loss to Boxer. She will never get to debate Clinton because she will never get close to the Republican nomination

seriously jackwagon. what outside of grades and academia was obama ever a success at?
From what I'm reading, it sounds like the two biggest winners were Trump (who held his own, which is probably enough) and Fiorina (who also isn't a politician, definitely a plus).

I wonder which of the ten is knocked out of the next debate by Carly.

Fiorina was fired from HP because she did a bad job. She also hasn’t held a major corporate position since she was pushed out of the company in 2005. So,
hillary's candidacy is falling apart; she was always more talk than substance. fiorina will chew up hillary's thin-skinned self and spit out her worn-out bones
Right. A failed CEO of a second tier tech company who has not had a job in ten years is "substantive". In 2010, when Republicans were winning everywhere, she got her ass handed to her in a ten point loss to Boxer. She will never get to debate Clinton because she will never get close to the Republican nomination

i love the crystal balls on these left-wing nutjobs!!

They are much more accurate than the crystal balls of the right-wing nutjobs. You guys really fucked up in 2012 with your predictions that Obama would lose to a ham sandwich despite all the data stating otherwise. In 2014 you didn't have anyone from the left saying the polls were wrong and all the other nonsense the right pulled in 2012. The left is much more grounded in reality when it comes to elections.
Trump reminds me of another candidate who ran for office as a Washington outsider, who was not part of the political system.

His name was Carter.
hillary's candidacy is falling apart; she was always more talk than substance. fiorina will chew up hillary's thin-skinned self and spit out her worn-out bones

Fiorina can't even get a seat at the grown up table

said the leftard one day into the republican debates

During Fiorina's time as CEO, HP's revenue doubled due to mergers with Compaq and other companies, and the rate of patent filings increased. However, the company reportedly underperformed by a number of metrics: there were no gains in HP's net income despite a 70% gain in net income of the S&P 500 over this period;] the company's debt rose from ~4.25 billion USD to ~6.75 billion USD;[55] and stock price fell by 50%, exceeding declines in the S&P 500 Information Technology Sector index and the NASDAQ.In contrast, stock prices for IBM and Dell fell 27.5% and 3% respectively, during this time period.
A week after the meeting, the confidential plan was leaked to the Wall Street Journal.[60] Less than a month later, the board brought back Tom Perkins and forced Fiorina to resign as chair and chief executive officer of the company.[61] The company's stock jumped on news of her departure, adding almost three billion dollars to the value of HP in a single day. Many employees celebrated her resignation

Since her forced resignation, CBS News,[70] USA Today[71] and Portfolio.com[78] have ranked Fiorina as one of the worst American (or tech) CEOs of all time. In 2008, InfoWorld grouped her with a list of products and ideas as flops, declaring her tenure as CEO of HP to be the sixth worst tech flop of all-time and characterizing her as the "anti-Steve Jobs" for reversing the goodwill of American engineers and alienating existing customers.[79] According to an opinion piece by Robin Abcarian in the LA Times, Fiorina "upended HP’s famously collegial culture, killed off its beloved profit-sharing program and hung her own portrait between those of the company’s two sainted founders" before "flam[ing] out in spectacular fashion".[80] Katie Benner of Bloomberg View described Fiorina's leadership at HP as a "train wreck" and a "disaster".[81]

Yale business management scholar Jeffrey Sonnenfeld has labelled Fiorina as “the worst CEO" for “destroying half the wealth of her investors and yet still earn[ing] almost $100 million in total payments for this destructive reign of terror.” [55] He later said about Fiorina being chosen to assist with the McCain presidential campaign: "You couldn't pick a worse, non-imprisoned CEO to be your standard-bearer.
hillary's candidacy is falling apart; she was always more talk than substance. fiorina will chew up hillary's thin-skinned self and spit out her worn-out bones

Fiorina can't even get a seat at the grown up table

said the leftard one day into the republican debates

Fiorina with all her millions could not even beat Barbara Boxer in California...she got stomped

How could she beat Hillary?

a republican had a hard time in cobalt-blue california???


what idiots libs are! always thinking they are saying something relevant, making fools of themselves most of the time

You realize we are talking about Barbara Boxer don't you? The same Boxer who is openly mocked by conservatives and she lost by ten points

Arnold Scwartzenegger managed to win two elections in California and you think Carly can beat Hillary?

Get her to the grownup table first before you give in to more of your delusions

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