Who "won" last night?....A Dem.'s perspective

He was pretty good but he's not crazy enough for the whacko cons on here.

but nobody cares what you think; nobody cares that left-wing idiots only find the most "progressive" of right-wing candidates acceptable
You go ahead and pick the most conservative candidate of the bunch and see how it turns out. I'm sure you'll still say they weren't conservative enough.
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

I agree. If he wins the nomination there is a good chance I'd vote for him. He has good federal experience and seems to be a great governor. He's like Walker but with policies that were successful and a high approval rating.
He was pretty good but he's not crazy enough for the whacko cons on here.

but nobody cares what you think; nobody cares that left-wing idiots only find the most "progressive" of right-wing candidates acceptable
You go ahead and pick the most conservative candidate of the bunch and see how it turns out. I'm sure you'll still say they weren't conservative enough.

i see your point about going to the extreme; alinsky's protege and Soros' meat puppet from chi-town havent worked out so well
A Dem's perspective?

is that something that is useful to anybody or anything other than to serve as a bad example?

Kind of like a Republican having a view on Hilary. Wait, they ALL have a view on Hilary, but you're not allowed to talk about Republicans. Freedom of speech and all of that.

all you nutjobs do is talk about Republicans; YOU wont even talk about hillary

you look stupid right about now

You know everything I talk about?

Someone clearly hasn't been looking at my posts.


what is this board about? Republicans

and if you look at the posts of virtually every other left-wing poster that is here on the regular, like you are, you will see they spend far more time talking about
republicans than about their own Democrat candidates
me? im on this board too; the one talking about Republicans

This board is about politics, not Republicans.

So, those left wing people who you see on here a lot on threads about Republicans, are ON HERE A LOT TALKING ABOUT REPUBLICANS. WOW, I wish I went to your school to come up with such arguments.

Could it just be that you talk about Republicans and therefore you see some non-Republicans talking about Republicans. Do you really think that means ALL people on the left ALWAYS talk about Republicans?
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

I kinda agree Kasich is a practiced politician....a deciever.

I absolutely agree on FOX's unprofessional treatment of Trump.....AND Paul......Paul got the least amount of air time and part of that was his replies to others which was not set into the questioning. It is obvious the establishment has it in for Paul...which shows he is probably the man to vote for.

As I read elsewhere Christie used 9/11 victims as props...

FOX also seems to be pushing Fiorina....I dont think she was all that much of a standout.....tho she did ok......and they seem to be downplaying how good Santorum did in the debate.
I thought Christie used an appeal to emotion to justify eroding privacy rights, which is illogical, and then using that bully pulpit made Rand, who had a sane and fair point, seem like an idiot..

Thats why debates are dog and pony shows. And Trump WAS unfairly attacked but DIDNT adequatly answer those attacks. His past is so deep that these things would only get worse, especially in a dirty Presedential campaign against an actual Democrat. Itll be a mud versus mud WWE extravaganza and really put the exclamation point on the dumbing down of our Country.

Trump, with his American Idol slash bully type appeal is winning over intelligence and sanity. All he has to keep saying is "its broken" and nobody probes him further and when they do, he artfully dodges or makes them feel stupid for questioning him.

Meanwhile, Hillary was kicking it with the Kardashians.......

She appears so presidential.

1. The topic is not Hillary. Have the gumption to address the topic instead of your usual desperate attempts to derail.
2. Have you forgotten that Duh Donald is a walking phony reality show?
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

Of course you like Kasich. He is a wuss.

And Christie? A lib ass sucker.

What makes Kasich a wuss?

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He talked about helping the people.
Kasich is the only Republican candidate I actually fear. He's actually likeable and doesn't spew far rightwing rhetoric.

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he is likeable and smart....with no backbone. Which is why the left likes him.
Can you cite some examples of him lacking a backbone? And I don't like him, per se, he's just likeable...for a Republican.

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Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

Of course you like Kasich. He is a wuss.

And Christie? A lib ass sucker.

What makes Kasich a wuss?

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He talked about helping the people.
Kasich is the only Republican candidate I actually fear. He's actually likeable and doesn't spew far rightwing rhetoric.

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Then you should not fear him. You should hope the Republicans nominate a sane, rational, reasonable person who is more worried about getting things done that appearing partisan. We should hope to two candidates in the fall of 16 who are both capable of being a President. Of the 17 the Republicans are choosing from, most would be disasters as President.
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

Of course you like Kasich. He is a wuss.

And Christie? A lib ass sucker.

What makes Kasich a wuss?

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He talked about helping the people.
Kasich is the only Republican candidate I actually fear. He's actually likeable and doesn't spew far rightwing rhetoric.

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Although he believes that far rightwing rhetoric.
Rand Paul's low swinging fruit / chldish comment about Christie hugging Obama made him look really small, too, to an independent anyhow.

Im sure to the had right it was like "oHhHh, get um!!"
I listen to a lot of talk radio, mostly left, but tune in to rightwing radio to see where they are at. Republicans, in general, have not nor will they forgive Christie for hugging Obama. I believe a recent Luntz panel on Hannity substantiated this as well. They have blood in their eyes over Chris Christie, he's not going anywhere.

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The fake FOX panel also liked Huckabee the best.

They were full of shit.
The Luntz panel on Hannity?

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Hand-picked imbeciles.

All from the Huckabee campaign obviously.
The hand-picked imbeciles are not a new phenomenon to Luntz nor Hannity. I, as well as many others, have been trying to get this through to you guys for years.

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I dont know why Frocksnooze lets Luntz act smart because he polls people. The guy's a total dufus. Imagine him trying to kick it on a date with an attractive female? Smfh....lol, me either.
He's a deceptive wordsmith. A tool of the Republican party.

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Man alive! Megyn Kelly sort of made an ass out of herself last evening. lol

She drew Trump out which was her intention
She didn't DRAW HIM OUT... she DISRESPECTED the REPUBLICAN FRONT RUNNER like a PETULANT LITTLE SKANK. Now her facebook page is being blown up with negative comments and people are UNliking her page. It was an ALL OUT ATTACK on Trump, period. There was nothing FAIR or PROFESSIONAL about it. It may as well have been MSNBC and Debbie blabber mouth Shultz.
So, repeating things that Trump actually said and asking him about what he said is an unfair attack?
Governor Kasich came off as the sanest, unifying and experienced voice offered by the GOP.

FOX's unprofessional and calculated bad treatment of Trump, will actually boost his standing among those conservatives who have had enough of professional politicians. (If Fox can't "own" a republican, the powerful network wants that individual out.)

Third, Christie's performance was better than expected.

(P.S. As someone else stated, Walker is as interesting as an old phone book.)

Of course you like Kasich. He is a wuss.

And Christie? A lib ass sucker.

What makes Kasich a wuss?

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He talked about helping the people.
Kasich is the only Republican candidate I actually fear. He's actually likeable and doesn't spew far rightwing rhetoric.

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Spoken like a true leftwing operative, hoping some republican will buy that bull shit. Kasich isn't even on the radar as far as getting the nomination, and never will be.

This was no "debate." It was an all out fox news attack on Trump while they played patty cake with Bush, and if they thought that would go unnoticed, then they're dumber than I thought they were. I lost the majority of what little respect I had left for fox news last night. They are establishment shills and hacks, and the bombastic gotcha questions they threw out in an all out effort to get candidates to fight with each other was a complete disgrace. Very little of what they asked was even worth a response. They virtually entirely neglected the most important issues facing this nation. What a bunch of pathetic assholes.
I'm so glad to see those sentiments. I truly hope most of the voting repp

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He was pretty good but he's not crazy enough for the whacko cons on here.

but nobody cares what you think; nobody cares that left-wing idiots only find the most "progressive" of right-wing candidates acceptable
You go ahead and pick the most conservative candidate of the bunch and see how it turns out. I'm sure you'll still say they weren't conservative enough.

i see your point about going to the extreme; alinsky's protege and Soros' meat puppet from chi-town havent worked out so well

Very telling that RWs have so little faith in their choices that they try to make it about the left.

And, that they a

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