who would support a return to a constitutionly sound government?


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009
meaning, at least,:

- phasing out SS and medicare asap
- ending the iraq war and closing our bases around the world except in afgh until we leave there
- leaving the UN
- ending the federal reserve
- stopping all foreign aid
- stopping all trade embargos such as cuba
- ending the income tax
meaning, at least,:

- phasing out SS and medicare asap
- ending the iraq war and closing our bases around the world except in afgh until we leave there
- leaving the UN
- ending the federal reserve
- stopping all foreign aid
- stopping all trade embargos such as cuba
- ending the income tax

That would all certainly be a good start, but I'd say leave Afghanistan immediately as well.
Most libertarians, a few conservative Repubs, and damn near no voters.
meaning, at least,:

- phasing out SS and medicare asap
- ending the iraq war and closing our bases around the world except in afgh until we leave there
- leaving the UN
- ending the federal reserve
- stopping all foreign aid
- stopping all trade embargos such as cuba
- ending the income tax

That would all certainly be a good start, but I'd say leave Afghanistan immediately as well.

i think afgh, or at least the actions in pakistan now, would certainly fall under defense
meaning, at least,:

- phasing out SS and medicare asap
- ending the iraq war and closing our bases around the world except in afgh until we leave there
- leaving the UN
- ending the federal reserve
- stopping all foreign aid
- stopping all trade embargos such as cuba
- ending the income tax

That would all certainly be a good start, but I'd say leave Afghanistan immediately as well.

also you can add to the list if you want
- Repeal the Patriot Act
- Abolish the Dept. of Homeland Security
- Abolish the IRS
- Abolish the Dept. of Education
- Repeal the recent health care debacle
- Abolish the DEA

Just some more off the top of my head.
None of these things are unconstitutional

- phasing out SS and medicare asap Nope, too many Americans depend on it
- ending the iraq war and closing our bases around the world except in afgh until we leave there Agree
- leaving the UN It is still a viable forum for international relations
- ending the federal reserve It has worked since 1913
- stopping all foreign aid Part of "carrot and stick" diplomacy
- stopping all trade embargos such as cuba Agree
- ending the income tax We have nothing to replace it with. Until we come up with something more equitable, it is still the best available means to collect revenue
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are you trolling or what?

phasing out SS and medicare asap Nope, too many Americans depend on it

just because people want it doesn't make it constitutional. It is theft from the government.

- leaving the UN It is still a viable forum for international relations

where in the const can we join other groups that then have power over our nation?

- ending the federal reserve It has worked since 1913

what was the value of the dollar then vs now? what allowed for the mass printing of money that led to the debacle of the last year? what has placed the value of our dollar into a prviate, international organization?

- stopping all foreign aid Part of "carrot and stick" diplomacy

doesn't make it constitutional

- ending the income tax We have nothing to replace it with. Until we come up with something more equitable, it is still the best available means to collect revenue

so you put an unconstitutional law into practice because nothing better is known? how does that make any sense?
are you trolling or what?

phasing out SS and medicare asap Nope, too many Americans depend on it

just because people want it doesn't make it constitutional. It is theft from the government.

- leaving the UN It is still a viable forum for international relations

where in the const can we join other groups that then have power over our nation?

what was the value of the dollar then vs now? what allowed for the mass printing of money that led to the debacle of the last year? what has placed the value of our dollar into a prviate, international organization?

- stopping all foreign aid Part of "carrot and stick" diplomacy

doesn't make it constitutional

- ending the income tax We have nothing to replace it with. Until we come up with something more equitable, it is still the best available means to collect revenue

so you put an unconstitutional law into practice because nothing better is known? how does that make any sense?

Every one of the things you claim are unconstitutional are well within the framework of our Constitution ans have stood the test of time.

The way to establish unconstitutionality is to file a lawsuit and have our courts (who were given the Constitutional role of deciding these things) decide

Federal Reserve, Income tax. Social Security and medicare have all withstood numerous constitutional challenges

Just because you post something on a message board is not grounds under our Constitution
I would add that in ending SS and Medicare, those of us who paid in but haven't gotten anything, get all our money back
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None of these things are unconstitutional

- phasing out SS and medicare asap Nope, too many Americans depend on it
- ending the iraq war and closing our bases around the world except in afgh until we leave there Agree
- leaving the UN It is still a viable forum for international relations
- ending the federal reserve It has worked since 1913
- stopping all foreign aid Part of "carrot and stick" diplomacy
- stopping all trade embargos such as cuba Agree
- ending the income tax We have nothing to replace it with. Until we come up with something more equitable, it is still the best available means to collect revenue

Wrong. The Constitution does not give the power to mandate healthcare at the Federal level, nor is healthcare a Right granted in the Constitution. It IS unconstitutional for the Federal government to usurp the powers given to the states.

Same goes for social security and medicare.
None of these things are unconstitutional

- phasing out SS and medicare asap Nope, too many Americans depend on it
- ending the iraq war and closing our bases around the world except in afgh until we leave there Agree
- leaving the UN It is still a viable forum for international relations
- ending the federal reserve It has worked since 1913
- stopping all foreign aid Part of "carrot and stick" diplomacy
- stopping all trade embargos such as cuba Agree
- ending the income tax We have nothing to replace it with. Until we come up with something more equitable, it is still the best available means to collect revenue

Wrong. The Constitution does not give the power to mandate healthcare at the Federal level, nor is healthcare a Right granted in the Constitution. It IS unconstitutional for the Federal government to usurp the powers given to the states.

Same goes for social security and medicare.

History says it does

Social Security, Medicare, Income taxes all have withstood numerous challenges and so will healthcare.

Under the Supremacy clause, the Federal Government has powers to regulate the states. That one has also been challenged numerous times
Since many States have filed suit we will surely see if THIS SC upholds the constitutionality of SS, Meidcare, Welfare and Medicaid and the new HC bill.

I, for one, hope they are all found unconstitutional and the Govt has to give back every dime that we the people have put into these bs entitlements.

These entitlements along with war spending are breaking this country. Would be nice to see them abolished and our troops coming home.
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Since many States have filed suit we will surely see if THIS SC upholds the constitutionality of SS, Meidcare, Welfare and Medicaid and the new HC bill.

I, for one, hope they are all found unconstitutional and the Govt has to give back every dime that we the people have put into these bs entitlements.

These entitlements along with war spending are breaking this country. Would be nice to see them abolished and our troops coming home.

Do you think the Government has the money you contributed in some secret account with your name on it? The money you contribute already went to someone receiving SS or Medicare.

So what you are saying is that you would willingly walk away from ever receiving Social Security
I would certainly support a return to constitutionally sound government. I would also add a restoration of the Senate being an arm of the State legislatures as the Constitution intended. Without the check of the States in place, we easily lose Federalism.

Also, I'd point out the ending government foreign aid doesnt end foreign aid because countless charitable organizations give far more than the government ever has and far more efficiently as well.
meaning, at least,:

- phasing out SS and medicare asap
- ending the iraq war and closing our bases around the world except in afgh until we leave there
- leaving the UN
- ending the federal reserve
- stopping all foreign aid
- stopping all trade embargos such as cuba
- ending the income tax
While I am no fan of the United Nations, having a treaty with that organization is not a Constitutional violation. The Constitution gives our government the right and power to treat with other nations and organizations.

The rest I can support. Though, if the US decided to leave the UN, I'd not shed a tear or lose any sleep.
Since many States have filed suit we will surely see if THIS SC upholds the constitutionality of SS, Meidcare, Welfare and Medicaid and the new HC bill.

I, for one, hope they are all found unconstitutional and the Govt has to give back every dime that we the people have put into these bs entitlements.

These entitlements along with war spending are breaking this country. Would be nice to see them abolished and our troops coming home.

Do you think the Government has the money you contributed in some secret account with your name on it? The money you contribute already went to someone receiving SS or Medicare.

So what you are saying is that you would willingly walk away from ever receiving Social Security

If we can find the money to feed and medicate people all over the world. Respond to every disaster with billions, rebuild countries with bilions Fight wars all over the world, send people into space and spend what we spend for bs. I think we could find the money to refund those who have payed in and haven't recieved.

What do you think???
meaning, at least,:

- phasing out SS and medicare asap
- ending the iraq war and closing our bases around the world except in afgh until we leave there
- leaving the UN
- ending the federal reserve
- stopping all foreign aid
- stopping all trade embargos such as cuba
- ending the income tax
Where do I sign?
meaning, at least,:

- phasing out SS and medicare asap
- ending the iraq war and closing our bases around the world except in afgh until we leave there
- leaving the UN
- ending the federal reserve
- stopping all foreign aid
- stopping all trade embargos such as cuba
- ending the income tax

none of those things is a constitutional issue....

try again.

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