Who would you rather be in a foxhole with?

Who would you rather be in a foxhole with?

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Here's the scenario: It's war time. And you have a choice of sharing a foxhole with John McCain or Donald Trump. Who would YOU choose?
Trump. Mccain is dead
His obesity makes him a good shield

Can you imagine? Trump on one side and fat ass hillary on the other?

Hillary was not a choice, are you still dreaming about her. Stop please, she lost but she did win the pop vote.

You realize you literally just said you're dreaming of trump and his fat ass, nitwit. You people are so stupid. It's your racism

I have never dreamed of Trump like you occupy your mind with Clinton. You brought up Hillary and she is not even in the poll. She is in your mind.
I'd be afraid that McCain would surrender and collaborate with the enemy before I could find another foxhole. Personally I would rather share a foxhole with a real Vietnam era hero and Navy flier and former congressman, Randy "Duke" Cunningham than a dozen angry McCain PTSD cases. McCain let a fellow republican and Veteran Navy flier, Duke Cunningham, get railroaded into prison for essentially the same thing as he was guilty of.

That is a lie, he never collaborated with the enemy. You believe the propaganda.
By the way....how long does it take to bury people these days?....holy cow....its McCain all day long...you can tell he planned his funeral before he croaked...talk about pomp and circumstance....and Aretha is still being dragged around too...how about a little respect and bury her already.....
When it's dumps turn bet even Melania won't go people will spit on the casket as it goes by
By the way....how long does it take to bury people these days?....holy cow....its McCain all day long...you can tell he planned his funeral before he croaked...talk about pomp and circumstance....and Aretha is still being dragged around too...how about a little respect and bury her already.....
When it's dumps turn bet even Melania won't go people will spit on the casket as it goes by
'Who would you rather be in a foxhole with?...McCain or Trump'

Soo...I go through the entire thread, and nobody suggests 'Porn Star'.


Trump. Mccain is dead
His obesity makes him a good shield

Can you imagine? Trump on one side and fat ass hillary on the other?

Hillary was not a choice, are you still dreaming about her. Stop please, she lost but she did win the pop vote.

You realize you literally just said you're dreaming of trump and his fat ass, nitwit. You people are so stupid. It's your racism

I have never dreamed of Trump like you occupy your mind with Clinton. You brought up Hillary and she is not even in the poll. She is in your mind.

You're so stupid it's funny. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy, dumb bimbo. Sheesh. You keep proving my point

Penelope. :aug08_031:

You may now return to trump occupying your every thought
'Who would you rather be in a foxhole with?...McCain or Trump'

Soo...I go through the entire thread, and nobody suggests 'Porn Star'.

I put up some videos with some nice tits and ass in it............What I said I wanted there.............LOL
McCain would surrender and Trump would sell the foxhole and surrounding real estate a build a condo. I'll stick with Trump.
Trump. McCain would hide behind me and then throw me under the bus to save his own skin.
McCain would surrender and Trump would sell the foxhole and surrounding real estate a build a condo. I'll stick with Trump.
But Trump would sell you along with the foxhole he's nothing but a conman
The DOW is around 26,000 and the GDP is over 4% and unemployment is at a historic low in less than two years. What did we get in the first two years of Hussein besides a promise to "wean America off fossil fuel" and an idiotic "cash for clunkers" mess not to mention a non-stop international apology tour that everyone outside the U.S. laughed at? Hope and change? Give me a break. Who was the con-man again?
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McCain would surrender and Trump would sell the foxhole and surrounding real estate a build a condo. I'll stick with Trump.
But Trump would sell you along with the foxhole he's nothing but a conman
The DOW is around 26,000 and the GDP is over 4% and unemployment is at a historic low in less than two years. What did we get in the first two years of Hussein besides a promise to "wean America off fossil fuel" and an idiotic "cash for clunkers" mess not to mention a non-stop international apology tour that everyone outside the U.S. laughed at? . Who was the con-man again?
Whitey until you can be fair about the facts of Obama almost tripling the dow ,have 75 straight months of 6 digit employment and bringing unemployment ALL THE WAY to the high 4's please don't talk of this unethical garbage trump who is only riding on obamas back
McCain would surrender and Trump would sell the foxhole and surrounding real estate a build a condo. I'll stick with Trump.
But Trump would sell you along with the foxhole he's nothing but a conman
The DOW is around 26,000 and the GDP is over 4% and unemployment is at a historic low in less than two years. What did we get in the first two years of Hussein besides a promise to "wean America off fossil fuel" and an idiotic "cash for clunkers" mess not to mention a non-stop international apology tour that everyone outside the U.S. laughed at? . Who was the con-man again?
Whitey until you can be fair about the facts of Obama almost tripling the dow ,have 75 straight months of 6 digit employment and bringing unemployment ALL THE WAY to the high 4's please don't talk of this unethical garbage trump who is only riding on obamas back
Hussein had nowhere to go but up but he never cracked 3% GDP annually in eight freaking years and as a matter of fact he was the only president in modern history not to make an annual GDP of 3%. Granted the crazy left sets the bar pretty high for republican administrations but President Trump had to deal with two hurricanes and an attempted assassination of every republican congressman in his first year. All Barry had to do was pay off political supporters by bailing out failing solar companies.
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Here's the scenario: It's war time. And you have a choice of sharing a foxhole with John McCain or Donald Trump. Who would YOU choose?
--------------------------------------- i think that 'mcstain' surrendered to the enemy and Trump was never in the military Mustang .

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