Whoa geeze! FBI informant in Obama-era Russian nuclear bribery cleared to testify before Congress

Who wants to bet he pleads the 5th ... or is found face down on the street with two in his brain pan in a reported 'robbery' where he is found wearing his watch while his untouched wallet remains in his back pocket? :p
The informant's lawyer was just on Hannity and she was so excited and laughing so hard I thought she was going to break into a Snoopy Dance. Then I switched to MSNBC and CNN and they both were interviewing people who were all talking about Trump's wrongdoings. Absolutely unbelievable. I think that the Secretary of State needs to revoke a bunch of passports of the Clinton/Obama gangs. Plus have all sharp objects taken from them. I foresee some of them leaving the country, some committing suicide and some committing murder. Boy, has the shit hit the fan this evening.
Who wants to bet he pleads the 5th ... or is found face down on the street with two in his brain pan in a reported 'robbery' where he is found wearing his watch while his untouched wallet remains in his back pocket? :p

I don't think the Clintons can afford to have any sudden suicides or robbery murders after today. One of the Congressional Committee member said awhile ago that a special Prosecutor should be appointed to re-open the Rich investigation. Lotsa stuff happening today and tonight.
The informant's lawyer was just on Hannity and she was so excited and laughing so hard I thought she was going to break into a Snoopy Dance. Then I switched to MSNBC and CNN and they both were interviewing people who were all talking about Trump's wrongdoings. Absolutely unbelievable. I think that the Secretary of State needs to revoke a bunch of passports of the Clinton/Obama gangs. Plus have all sharp objects taken from them. I foresee some of them leaving the country, some committing suicide and some committing murder. Boy, has the shit hit the fan this evening.

Interesting indeed to have the MSNBC and CNN are actually reporting this. To me that suggests they may be resigned to the fact that this isn't going away and better to be on the right side of history, rather than look so obviously skewed.

One thing is for sure, if Trump is the president who exposes abuses of certain parties and wannabe monarchies, his legacy will be secured. No one can take anything away from a leader who demands not just accountability to the voters who chose him, but also accountability to an equal and shared system of justice.

It would also represent one hell of a turn of events on some of the very issues the Democrats were screaming loudly about post election. It makes one wonder if the Russians weren't leaking a few things post election to turn this around on the Clinton Dynasty. Now THAT would be some 3D chess.
Mueller and hist team stuffed with twenty plus democrat donors needs to be fired and new special counsel appointed to investigate Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Comey, Brennan.

Just to make leftist heads explode, stuff the special counsel's team with all republican donors and expose it all in public hearings that everyone could see.

This U1 deal is just tip of the iceberg. There is much more of Hillary's connection with Russians that nobody is talking about yet, but it will come out soon.
What's big about this is that the informant was made to sign a confidentiality agreement. His lawyer is one of the best and one of my faves. Victoria Toensing. She rocks.

"The FBI has informed me that they are releasing my client from his NDA so that he can testify to Congress about his work uncovering the Russian nuclear bribery case and the efforts he witnessed by Moscow to gain influence with the Clintons in hopes of winning favorable uranium decisions from the Obama administration,” Toensing said.

“He is now able and willing to talk with the confessional committees seeking his testimony though I will be working with all parties to ensure his identity remains confidential to ensure his safety,” she added."

Ooooooooooooh I can't wait!

FBI informant in Obama-era Russian nuclear bribery cleared to testify before Congress
But will we ever hear anything of what he says...? If not... Those he testifys to may sweep it under the rug to protect their buddies...

I hope that we get to learn everything.
Benghazi, Benghanzi...........Benghazi..............................................Benghazi. LOL Same ol' shit, different day. And this will go just as far.
Hillary is being put to pasture by her own party and they are depending on the stupidity of the democrat voter to defend her.
Who wants to bet he pleads the 5th ... or is found face down on the street with two in his brain pan in a reported 'robbery' where he is found wearing his watch while his untouched wallet remains in his back pocket? :p

Oh no easyt65. He's desperate to testify. This is why Toensing asked for him to be released from confidentiality.

ETA: oh cripes I missed the joke. Sorries!
Who wants to bet he pleads the 5th ... or is found face down on the street with two in his brain pan in a reported 'robbery' where he is found wearing his watch while his untouched wallet remains in his back pocket? :p
obviously cnn would report that as a suicide
There are A LOT of sleepless nights in Washington and the surrounding areas.

99.9% of Washington KNEW Hillary Clinton would be president and the lid would be kept on all the deals, scams, bribery, blackmail by the new Clinton administration. Now there is no one, not even the elites of either party are able to keep this under control. They're desperate, many in both parties who have a president who doesn't play by the good ol' boy rules.

He may be crude at times, brusk, and "worst of all" holds nothing back but he's making progress.
The informant's lawyer was just on Hannity and she was so excited and laughing so hard I thought she was going to break into a Snoopy Dance. Then I switched to MSNBC and CNN and they both were interviewing people who were all talking about Trump's wrongdoings. Absolutely unbelievable. I think that the Secretary of State needs to revoke a bunch of passports of the Clinton/Obama gangs. Plus have all sharp objects taken from them. I foresee some of them leaving the country, some committing suicide and some committing murder. Boy, has the shit hit the fan this evening.

Victoria and her husband are two Beltway lawyers I love love love! That's hysterical that the Clinton media is heading into a full metal jacket meltdown. YAY!
Benghazi, Benghanzi...........Benghazi..............................................Benghazi. LOL Same ol' shit, different day. And this will go just as far.

Notice how these Trump Cult members rely on the [formerly] "fake news" sources for their new revelations?........ LOL
Ya and notice you on how a formerly reliable source is fake news :rolleyes:
I'll bet Trey Gowdy has a big ol' shit eatin' grin on his face a foot wide.
Progs should be happy that this guy will testify and we can get to the TRUTH and exonerate the Obama administration from ANYTHING unethical or illegal.

Right, Progs? You want the truth to come out so Obama and his scandal free administration are vindicated.

Obama and Hillary should testify before Congress to prove their innocence to the world. I'm sure Progs welcome the scrutiny, because Obama and Hillary are squeaky clean.

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