Who'd a' Guessed???

I guess when you pants are on fire, and Hell is breaking loose here on Earth, and you try to crawl in to some hole to get away from it all and can't you'll find out, won't you?

You'll take the 666 chip and damn your soul just for a bag of doughnuts, won't you?
I see, is that why you speak with such homersexual fantasy passion?
I see, is that why you speak with such homersexual fantasy passion?
I speak in reality comrade poopy pants.

When did you first realize that you were a DemNazi following Hitler's blueprint for Fascism?

Which book do your prefer? Mein Kampf or Rules for Radicals both written by devout and insane Satanists?
I doubt that since he relies on many to make him welathy and to keep him wealthy and where elese will they get their masses for a fuedal capitalist society of the future?
once you terminate the population, you don't need all the money. Derp
Here's a bulletin......the masks don't work.

They're simply more mandate-play from the totalitarians.

"Little Evidence Supports Use of Cloth Masks to Limit Spread of Coronavirus: Analysis

Cloth masks are of little use against COVID-19, according to a recently published analysis.

Federal health authorities and a slew of jurisdictions require or...." blah blah blah (thank you, Greta).

View attachment 564400

I hope I didn't upset the sheep.

Did they reach a claim of a billion died from the scamdemic yet????????
I learned that fact months and months ago by listening to the hated Fox News. Over the last few years I have learned Fox News is far more accurate than the liberal media which is just the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.

Fox News also told me that hydroxychloroquine & azithromycin works to help COVID-19 patients if sued early enough. I wonder how many people died needlessly because Trump recommended the use of these drugs and the liberal media refused to believe him?

Once again it seems Trump was right.

Here's a bulletin......the masks don't work.

They're simply more mandate-play from the totalitarians.

"Little Evidence Supports Use of Cloth Masks to Limit Spread of Coronavirus: Analysis

Cloth masks are of little use against COVID-19, according to a recently published analysis.

Federal health authorities and a slew of jurisdictions require or...." blah blah blah (thank you, Greta).

View attachment 564400

I hope I didn't upset the sheep.

Did they reach a claim of a billion died from the scamdemic yet????????

I'm to the point now where I openly laugh at people wearing masks in public, especially outdoors.
I'm to the point now where I openly laugh at people wearing masks in public, especially outdoors.
I especially laugh at people who walk into a restaurant with a mask and then take it off, like it mattered if they had it on when they walked in.
I'm to the point now where I openly laugh at people wearing masks in public, especially outdoors.
It all points to one thing....depopulation.

View attachment 637267

And environmentalist wackos hate mankind.

Environmentalists view mankind as a virus, a disease that must be eradicated.

In 2011, Ehrlich’s wife wrote a piece in the LATimes, comparing humanity to cancer: “Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society.”

Gee….I’ll bet these folks would be in favor of a President who favored infanticide.
Homo sapiens' initial mistake remains: failure to find the origin and resolve the lab-nature problem.

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