Who'd a thunk it...?

Kat, the written record, facts and timelines mean nothing to libs and Dems, you know this and to prove it I think i'll start a thread on Florida 2000 and watch the lies flow in from these two...........oh man it would be beautiful!

Let me think on this for a day or two.

:laugh: OCA, I'm NOT going to get in the middle of a kerfuffle between you and Gump and Jillian. Nope, wouldn't be prudent. Oh my, 2000 FL. They wanted me to go and count chads during Thanksgiving! :shocked:
Shit Chump, I haven't been at the top of my game for about 6 months now and still my balls have the name of Grump written on them because you keep getting stuck on them when you try to get at my backside.

Come on now Chump, you should know better by now than to get into it with me, i'm a fatass timber rattler coiled up and ready to strike.

I'll out debate you or any lib for that matter stoned on percoset and on my death bed, you are strictly American Legion to my big show.

Hell yeah! I just read this again and I may just include this in all my posts from now on........my new siggy, its fuckiing brilliant!
:laugh: OCA, I'm NOT going to get in the middle of a kerfuffle between you and Gump and Jillian. Nope, wouldn't be prudent. Oh my, 2000 FL. They wanted me to go and count chads during Thanksgiving! :shocked:

Not asking youu to get in the middle, just thinking out loud.

Lol chads! Dems can't do anything right, they can't even punch a fucking hole out. Dems, the party of the lazy and underachiever. JFK is probably turning in his grave as we speak.
Not asking youu to get in the middle, just thinking out loud.

Lol chads! Dems can't do anything right, they can't even punch a fucking hole out. Dems, the party of the lazy and underachiever. JFK is probably turning in his grave as we speak.

I know, how hard to punch a ballot? :shocked: Anyways, in spite of the offer for airfare and hotel room, I decided being with family took precedence, the kids were still in high school or younger. So I passed. That was the longest fall and winter though, after all that work, the right guy did win.
Grump my 4 year old son thinks you are the coolest person on here because you don't use words, just smilies becauuse of a lack of debating skills and since he can't read all that well yet, he loves you!

Again smilies are not a viable substitute for poor debating skills.

I don't know what surprises me more, you think YOU can debate, or you found somebody to procreate with you. Miracles do happen...maybe there is a god!
Do you always ignore facts and testimony to further your twisted views? Facts that any prosecutor worth his salt could convict Bubba of conspiracy to commit murder in a cinch.........if he were anybody other than the antichrist ex-pres that he is.

So some idiot on a messageboard thinks he knows better than prosecuters....rrriiggghhhtttt...I guess it was such a gimme they tried him!! Oh, that's right, the didn't...
Will either of you two clowns take this on line by liine? I mean the people who died are still dead and they all had connections to Bubba.

Great link!....

He has been implicated in cocaine use by none other than his younger brother Roger Clinton, himself a convicted drug trafficker. In an Arkansas State Police surveillance audio tape, obtained by freelance journalist Scott Wheeler, Roger Clinton can be heard describing how he smuggled large amounts of cocaine through airports.

This is not just groundless speculation. In 1990 Sharlene Wilson, an informant for the Seventh Judicial drug task force in Arkansas, testified under oath that she had supplied Governor Bill Clinton with cocaine. Shortly thereafter the drug task force was closed down and Wilson herself was charged with drug violations. In 1992 she was sentenced to 31 years for selling half an ounce of marijuana and $100 worth of methamphetamine.

Just these two alone make me laugh. Pssstt...you ever hear of a term called hearsay?
I don't know what surprises me more, you think YOU can debate, or you found somebody to procreate with you. Miracles do happen...maybe there is a god!

Chump is this the best you can do? If it is your best bet is to stay out of it with me because up to now i'm burying you................intellectualy and flaming.
So some idiot on a messageboard thinks he knows better than prosecuters....rrriiggghhhtttt...I guess it was such a gimme they tried him!! Oh, that's right, the didn't...

William Jefferson Clinton, impeached............ LMFAO! You guys will never live that down, what a stain on the Dem party.
Great link!....

He has been implicated in cocaine use by none other than his younger brother Roger Clinton, himself a convicted drug trafficker. In an Arkansas State Police surveillance audio tape, obtained by freelance journalist Scott Wheeler, Roger Clinton can be heard describing how he smuggled large amounts of cocaine through airports.

This is not just groundless speculation. In 1990 Sharlene Wilson, an informant for the Seventh Judicial drug task force in Arkansas, testified under oath that she had supplied Governor Bill Clinton with cocaine. Shortly thereafter the drug task force was closed down and Wilson herself was charged with drug violations. In 1992 she was sentenced to 31 years for selling half an ounce of marijuana and $100 worth of methamphetamine.

Just these two alone make me laugh. Pssstt...you ever hear of a term called hearsay?

So it is your implication that they are lying? What about the 30 or so other links to Bill the butcher?
William Jefferson Clinton, impeached............ LMFAO! You guys will never live that down, what a stain on the Dem party.

What does that have to do with you trying to make out Clinton was a murderer. As for him being impeached 1) What was the result of it? 2) He deserved what he got. I am no defender of Clinton, the person...
So it is your implication that they are lying? What about the 30 or so other links to Bill the butcher?

No, I'm implying that I don't know. Thing is, neither do they or you. You're a neocon whiner so you'd believe Clinton was Jack the Ripper because of your hate for the man. Your friends are guessing at best. 30 people screaming that the Purple People Eater exists doesn't mean it exists, it's just 30 people screaming. So you're telling me that a special prosecuter who changed the goal posts over and over again, spent the best part of $70 million dollars on a blue dress, went after a president for what seemed like an eternity, and made Clinton the most investigated president in the history of the United States, had all this evidence of multiple murders in front of him, and let Clinton go? Hey if you believe that Oh Brilliant Debater/Flamer, I got some real estate in Atlantis to sell ya...beach front do?
No, I'm implying that I don't know. Thing is, neither do they or you. You're a neocon whiner so you'd believe Clinton was Jack the Ripper because of your hate for the man. Your friends are guessing at best. 30 people screaming that the Purple People Eater exists doesn't mean it exists, it's just 30 people screaming. So you're telling me that a special prosecuter who changed the goal posts over and over again, spent the best part of $70 million dollars on a blue dress, went after a president for what seemed like an eternity, and made Clinton the most investigated president in the history of the United States, had all this evidence of multiple murders in front of him, and let Clinton go? Hey if you believe that Oh Brilliant Debater/Flamer, I got some real estate in Atlantis to sell ya...beach front do?

$70,000,000...... not according to CNN.

Independent probes of Clinton Administration cost nearly $80 million

April 1, 1999
Web posted at: 11:32 a.m. EST (1632 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, April 1) -- Independent Counsel Ken Starr's office spent $6.2 million during the six months last year when wrapping up its case against President Bill Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky matter. With that additional spending, Starr's probe is about to become the most expensive independent counsel inquiry ever.

According to figures released by the General Accounting Office (GAO) Wednesday, Starr's spending increased more than 50 percent over the critical period of April to September, during which Lewinsky was deposed multiple times and Starr was finishing his referral to Congress.

The new expenditures push the cost of the independent counsel's 4 1/2-year inquiry of the president and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to $39.2 million. Starr was appointed to continue the investigation of the Clinton's Whitewater land deal. The probe was expanded in January 1998 to include the Lewinsky matter.

With that total, Starr is closing in on the record for spending by an independent counsel: The $47.4 million spent by Lawrence Walsh on the eight-year investigation of Reagan Administration officials involved in the Iran-contra affair.

Before Starr's appointment, a special counsel appointed by Attorney General Janet Reno had spent $6 million on a probe of Whitewater.

Besides Starr, five other independent counsels are currently conducting investigations. Four of those focus on the Clinton Administration. The combined costs of those four inquiries and the Starr probe now comes to $79.3 million.

The Independent Counsel Act does not require disclosures of specific expenditures. The GAO report said that the money spent by Starr's office generally went to salaries, travel, rent, supplies and private outside contractors, along with special services from the FBI, Internal Revenue Service and other agencies of the government.

A Starr spokesman said in response to the report: "The monumental effort required to conduct the investigation of Monica Lewinsky and others required an unusual commitment of resources."

However, the figures are likely to revive the debate over whether to renew the 21-year-old independent counsel statute when it expires June 30 or to let it die.

Critics of the statute have often cited the absence of financial constraints, which some contend leads to overzealous tactics being brought to bear on witnesses and defendants. Some former independent counsels have suggested time limits as a way to contain costs.

A four-year investigation of Henry Cisneros, former secretary of Housing and Urban Development, is scheduled to end in a trial of the former Clinton Administration official in July on charges related to statements he made about payments to a mistress.

Independent counsel David M. Barrett spent $1.4 million from April through September last year on the probe, which has cost $8.7 million so far.

A probe of former Agriculture secretary, Mike Espy, acquitted by a jury last year, cost $19.2 million.

Investigations of Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt and Labor Secretary Alexis Herman have cost less than $2 million, while a probe of the late commerce secretary Ronald Brown, a victim of a 1996 airplane crash, was terminated after expenditures of $3 million.
$70,000,000...... not according to CNN.

Independent probes of Clinton Administration cost nearly $80 million

April 1, 1999
Web posted at: 11:32 a.m. EST (1632 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, April 1) -- Independent Counsel Ken Starr's office spent $6.2 million during the six months last year when wrapping up its case against President Bill Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky matter. With that additional spending, Starr's probe is about to become the most expensive independent counsel inquiry ever.

According to figures released by the General Accounting Office (GAO) Wednesday, Starr's spending increased more than 50 percent over the critical period of April to September, during which Lewinsky was deposed multiple times and Starr was finishing his referral to Congress.

The new expenditures push the cost of the independent counsel's 4 1/2-year inquiry of the president and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to $39.2 million. Starr was appointed to continue the investigation of the Clinton's Whitewater land deal. The probe was expanded in January 1998 to include the Lewinsky matter.

With that total, Starr is closing in on the record for spending by an independent counsel: The $47.4 million spent by Lawrence Walsh on the eight-year investigation of Reagan Administration officials involved in the Iran-contra affair.

Before Starr's appointment, a special counsel appointed by Attorney General Janet Reno had spent $6 million on a probe of Whitewater.

Besides Starr, five other independent counsels are currently conducting investigations. Four of those focus on the Clinton Administration. The combined costs of those four inquiries and the Starr probe now comes to $79.3 million.

The Independent Counsel Act does not require disclosures of specific expenditures. The GAO report said that the money spent by Starr's office generally went to salaries, travel, rent, supplies and private outside contractors, along with special services from the FBI, Internal Revenue Service and other agencies of the government.

A Starr spokesman said in response to the report: "The monumental effort required to conduct the investigation of Monica Lewinsky and others required an unusual commitment of resources."

However, the figures are likely to revive the debate over whether to renew the 21-year-old independent counsel statute when it expires June 30 or to let it die.

Critics of the statute have often cited the absence of financial constraints, which some contend leads to overzealous tactics being brought to bear on witnesses and defendants. Some former independent counsels have suggested time limits as a way to contain costs.

A four-year investigation of Henry Cisneros, former secretary of Housing and Urban Development, is scheduled to end in a trial of the former Clinton Administration official in July on charges related to statements he made about payments to a mistress.

Independent counsel David M. Barrett spent $1.4 million from April through September last year on the probe, which has cost $8.7 million so far.

A probe of former Agriculture secretary, Mike Espy, acquitted by a jury last year, cost $19.2 million.

Investigations of Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt and Labor Secretary Alexis Herman have cost less than $2 million, while a probe of the late commerce secretary Ronald Brown, a victim of a 1996 airplane crash, was terminated after expenditures of $3 million.

47.4 million...BEFORE the cost of the impeachment, dearie... They spent all of about 6 million to investigate 9/11... Gee, I wonder which was of greater import to our country.

And again, they spent all that money and got nada but a blue dress, didn't they? RAFLMAO!

Now have you heard about them possibly holding others accountable for libel on the internet? Boy! Would Pres. Clinton have a field day! :whip3:
What does that have to do with you trying to make out Clinton was a murderer. As for him being impeached 1) What was the result of it? 2) He deserved what he got. I am no defender of Clinton, the person...

Look at the facts surrounding the accusations, if you are able to..............hell look at the Vince Foster "suicide", everybody knows him and Hillary were boning, face it everybody around Bubba dies one way or another, too much of a coincidence to be just a coincidence.
...they spent all that money and got nada but a blue dress, didn't they? RAFLMAO!

Keep laughing, jillian. Per, "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman - Monica Lewinsky", blue dress = baldfaced lie to the American people. Blue dress = perjury.

jillian said:
Now have you heard about them possibly holding others accountable for libel on the internet? Boy! Would Pres. Clinton have a field day! :whip3:

Do you have any specific info on this? I'm always interested in efforts to regulate (read: muzzle) the Internet. It's really the only chance for survival liberal socialism has. Free seech is killing them.
Keep laughing, jillian. Per, "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman - Monica Lewinsky", blue dress = baldfaced lie to the American people. Blue dress = perjury.

Oh... no one says he handled it right. But it sure didn't justify millions of dollars in our tax money just to carry out the vendetta of the right.

Do you have any specific info on this? I'm always interested in efforts to regulate (read: muzzle) the Internet. It's really the only chance for survival liberal socialism has. Free seech is killing them.

FWIW, I think people would still be free to say what they want about public figures and they're always going to be free to offer their opinions.

Liberalism and socialism are two different things, though. Let me help:

Liberalism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism

Socialism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism

Me? I'm a left of center capitalist. ;)

Good to see you, btw. Been a while.
47.4 million...BEFORE the cost of the impeachment, dearie... They spent all of about 6 million to investigate 9/11... Gee, I wonder which was of greater import to our country.

And again, they spent all that money and got nada but a blue dress, didn't they? RAFLMAO!

Now have you heard about them possibly holding others accountable for libel on the internet? Boy! Would Pres. Clinton have a field day! :whip3:

Gee Dreary, read much?

You are quoting the 47.4 million .........
The $47.4 million spent by Lawrence Walsh on the eight-year investigation of Reagan Administration officials involved in the Iran-contra affair.
That is the record for an investigation of a President Jil, just under the section I highlighted in red that stated the expenditure for Clinton was 39.2 million on a four and a half year investigation.

I guess that would explain why you are so far off on most of your points, you have a hard time with reading and comprehension, that's OK Grump obviously suffers from the same problem.

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