Who'd a thunk it...?

That's because your comments lacked merit. As I said, anybody who even mentions Clinton conspiracy theories isn't playing with a full deck IMO. As for thinking how sharp I am, you make it easy....like shelling peas in fact....:thup:

<edit> BTW, I'm disappointed. I clicked on your name and it said you were replying to my statement. 10 minutes later you were still doing it, and all I get is the above? Boy oh boy......

The Clinton conspiracy stuff is a joke. Kenny Starr was so far up the Clinton's butt and found nothing but a blue dress.

It was interesting, though, that one of the first things the Repubs did when they came into office was repeal the Special Counsel Law. Guess they were scared that what goes around comes around. LOL!

But I am looking forward to the Dems having Subpoena power (hopefully). Will make for an interesting couple of years.

I might also note that it's truly interesting that Dick Cheney hired one of Clinton's "impeachment" attorneys to represent him in regard to the Valerie Plame civil suit. Gee...wonder what he'll say under oath. :food1:
I might also note that it's truly interesting that Dick Cheney hired one of Clinton's "impeachment" attorneys to represent him in regard to the Valerie Plame civil suit. Gee...wonder what he'll say under oath. :food1:

If you know anything that actually supports Wilson's claims, feel free to add it to the thread you libs conveniently had nothing to say: http://www.usmessageboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33683&highlight=wilson

Otherwise, I'm pretty sure all Cheney has to say under oath is the truth:that Joe Wilson was full of shit.
If you know anything that actually supports Wilson's claims, feel free to add it to the thread you libs conveniently had nothing to say: http://www.usmessageboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33683&highlight=wilson

Otherwise, I'm pretty sure all Cheney has to say under oath is the truth:that Joe Wilson was full of shit.

That's because the thread was boring at the time and now. The questions "raised" were skewed and just about the opposite of the actual questions raised by Novak's disclosures, which did indeed sound to anyone actually listening to what his statements were and not the radical right's restatement of it as if no one ever should have let Rove off the hook and that it came down from above.

So there ya go. You're another one who really needs to learn to go to the actual source rather than to the white house propagandists like Fox, Drudge and Washington Times. ;)
It's sure comforting to know, that the Dems are looking forward to win their power back, only so they can tie up our government with investigations, and trying to find a way to impeach the President.....

WHEN we have terrorist knocking on our door to do us harm......

It's sure comforting to know, that the Dems are looking forward to win their power back, only so they can tie up our government with investigations, and trying to find a way to impeach the President.....

WHEN we have terrorist knocking on our door to do us harm......


Interesting you should raise that issue. Your guy isn't doing anything about the "terrorists knocking on our door". Tom Keane (you do remember Tom Keane, right... you know, a normal Republican... a REAL conservative instead of a radical calling himself a conservative... but I digress, anyway...) Gov. Keane was talking about how your admin hasn't implemented the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. Must be too bi-partisan for your guy... that or there just isn't enough blood and guts to suit the PNAC boys.
Interesting you should raise that issue. Your guy isn't doing anything about the "terrorists knocking on our door". Tom Keane (you do remember Tom Keane, right... you know, a normal Republican... a REAL conservative instead of a radical calling himself a conservative... but I digress, anyway...) Gov. Keane was talking about how your admin hasn't implemented the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. Must be too bi-partisan for your guy... that or there just isn't enough blood and guts to suit the PNAC boys.

Oh, you mean the "bi-partisan" commision which the Democrats put Jamie Gorelick on? The same Jamie Gorelick that was Clinton's Deputy attorney general who implemented the policies that put a wedge between law enforcement and intelligence agencies. And it was those policies that were blammed for allowing 9/11 to happen, yet Gorelick never had to answer for them because the Dems put her on the commision itself.
The same "bi-partisan" commision with Democratic co-chairman Lee Hamilton, who lied about the US government knowledge prior to 9/11 about surveillance of Mohammed Atta?
Yup, dems sure know the meaning of "bi-partisan" don't they?
Yup, dems sure know the meaning of "bi-partisan" don't they?

And you do? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Now try addressing the real issue instead of spewing... if your guy is so tough on terror, why hasn't he implemented the 9/11 Commission recommendations?
Plus anybody who believes in conspiracy theories around Clinton and people who died is just DYING not to be taken seriously...:sausage:

And why is that exactly Chump? The stories and theories are well documented, you are biased in your opinion perhaps?
And you do? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Now try addressing the real issue instead of spewing... if your guy is so tough on terror, why hasn't he implemented the 9/11 Commission recommendations?

You mean all of them? Some have been implemented, others lack funding. Some were disregarded.
Not even on your best day.....

Since when did the word "exceptional" become a synonym for "pathetic", Stoolie?

Shit Chump, I haven't been at the top of my game for about 6 months now and still my balls have the name of Grump written on them because you keep getting stuck on them when you try to get at my backside.

Come on now Chump, you should know better by now than to get into it with me, i'm a fatass timber rattler coiled up and ready to strike.

I'll out debate you or any lib for that matter stoned on percoset and on my death bed, you are strictly American Legion to my big show.
Shit Chump, I haven't been at the top of my game for about 6 months now and still my balls have the name of Grump written on them because you keep getting stuck on them when you try to get at my backside.

Come on now Chump, you should know better by now than to get into it with me, i'm a fatass timber rattler coiled up and ready to strike.

I'll out debate you or any lib for that matter stoned on percoset and on my death bed, you are strictly American Legion to my big show.

Prejudices? Vous? I'm shocked I tell ya... just shocked!

And whatcha gonna do if you don't get it? Ban me.... or have Darin do it for you? :smoke:

And if what I said was "private" it isn't any of your business now, is it.

Besides, aren't the rules that we don't take on "mods" publicly. Seems the rules should go both ways, sugar.

No, I wouldn't ban ya, just embarass ya in any number of ways which you can't fathom just yet.

Well the private thing would seem to be the logical thing, that is......with anybody else but meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, i'm a dirty rotten bastard and if you dig the whole 5 feet i'll dig it 6, if you will go into the mud but not into the pile of shit to come out on top ii'll positively roll in the shit, I never lose.

Maybe the rules go both ways, maybe they don't........don't go behind my back again.
The Clinton conspiracy stuff is a joke. Kenny Starr was so far up the Clinton's butt and found nothing but a blue dress.

It was interesting, though, that one of the first things the Repubs did when they came into office was repeal the Special Counsel Law. Guess they were scared that what goes around comes around. LOL!

But I am looking forward to the Dems having Subpoena power (hopefully). Will make for an interesting couple of years.

I might also note that it's truly interesting that Dick Cheney hired one of Clinton's "impeachment" attorneys to represent him in regard to the Valerie Plame civil suit. Gee...wonder what he'll say under oath. :food1:

Bill Clinton was only the 2nd American president to be impeached by the HOR in American history, that will forever be a part of recorded history.

Now please factually explain how the factual tieins of Clinton to murder in Arkansas and D.C. are hogwash, I don't give a fuck about your pissant opinions but please refute the factual claims from the article I posted earlier in this thread.
And you do? :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Now try addressing the real issue instead of spewing... if your guy is so tough on terror, why hasn't he implemented the 9/11 Commission recommendations?

Because the 9/11 commission was nothing more than a political witchhunt by a group of political hacks who didn't know shit about terrorism. Bush is 100% correct to tell them to pound sand.

I suppose you are going to tell me that Clinton was tougher on terrorism than Bush, lool he had Bin Laden offered 3 times and Clinton being the illiterate redneck he is turned him down on fucking technicalities each time, in my estimation you can lay 9/11 right at his feet.
See those bolded words, Stoolie? That's all they are..

Do you always ignore facts and testimony to further your twisted views? Facts that any prosecutor worth his salt could convict Bubba of conspiracy to commit murder in a cinch.........if he were anybody other than the antichrist ex-pres that he is.

Grump my 4 year old son thinks you are the coolest person on here because you don't use words, just smilies becauuse of a lack of debating skills and since he can't read all that well yet, he loves you!

Again smilies are not a viable substitute for poor debating skills.
The Clinton conspiracy stuff is a joke. Kenny Starr was so far up the Clinton's butt and found nothing but a blue dress.

It was interesting, though, that one of the first things the Repubs did when they came into office was repeal the Special Counsel Law. Guess they were scared that what goes around comes around. LOL!

But I am looking forward to the Dems having Subpoena power (hopefully). Will make for an interesting couple of years.

I might also note that it's truly interesting that Dick Cheney hired one of Clinton's "impeachment" attorneys to represent him in regard to the Valerie Plame civil suit. Gee...wonder what he'll say under oath. :food1:

Jillian, I'm certainly NOT going to get in the middle of a kerfuffle between you and Gump and OCA. Nope, wouldn't be prudent. But for the record, the Republicans were always against the Special Counsel rules. It was the Dems that were for it, until Clinton.
Jillian, I'm certainly NOT going to get in the middle of a kerfuffle between you and Gump and OCA. Nope, wouldn't be prudent. But for the record, the Republicans were always against the Special Counsel rules. It was the Dems that were for it, until Clinton.

Kat, the written record, facts and timelines mean nothing to libs and Dems, you know this and to prove it I think i'll start a thread on Florida 2000 and watch the lies flow in from these two...........oh man it would be beautiful!

Let me think on this for a day or two.

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